Danmachi: Reborn with EMIYA’s Powers

Chapter 33: Beast

At the entrance of the academy’s library.

It was midday, and many students roamed about the halls of learning, but a passing figure caught the attention of many.

Looks of admiration, looks of curiosity, looks of respect, looks of envy, and to an unfortunate few… looks of fear.

‘I didn't encounter any face-slapping event, so why are there people afraid of me?’

Bell confusedly thought to himself as he registered his entrance in the library’s records. He was once again finished with his lectures and was about to have a long study session.

‘Well. It's not like I have no idea whatsoever. I could feel the presence of some of Freya’s guards tracking me, so my face-slapping adversaries have probably been tortured for daring to look my way… I'm not responsible for the actions my yandere admirer performs… right?’

Bell guiltily thought as he didn't want to imagine the possible horrors the loyal children of Freya would inflict on people who would threaten the enjoyment of their goddess… that enjoyment being himself.

‘Even if Freya wasn't involved, I would've most likely discretely handled them myself. So in this respect, I sort of condone it?’

Bell almost began to ponder on the ethics of having a yandere, but he quickly moved on from that train of thought as he began to enter an elevator for the deeper sectors of the library. 

An area that was filled with more useful books and tomes for Bell to learn from for his personal improvement.

‘“It's hard to believe that it's been five months…”

Five months have passed since Bell made his presence known in the academy for passing the rank exam after only being enrolled for a month.

The days passed like a blur for him, with very little interesting happening.

He would study, eat bread with Mardoll, study, train a bit to recover his body and study… lots and lots of studying.

It was to the point that Bell’s current learning process dwarfed what it was a few months prior.


Bell yawned as he remembered the tiring hours of working late at the night.

He had spent most of his time studying subjects to round out his general pool of knowledge and to move up the ranks of the academy to access more restricted areas of the library.

‘Last week I ranked up to a Class five student. Out of the six ranks of the academy, I'm in the highest position I can possibly obtain.’

The academy was divided into six ranks. Bell stopped moving up upon attaining class five because moving any higher would require having to join the academy as a staff.

‘Why are the teachers assigned a ‘student rank’? It's because every person in a school is learning, even teachers… as my professors would constantly tell me after class.’

Class five was the highest Bell was willing to go, but it wasn't as if there were drawbacks to staying at his current position. 

Because the sector of the library reserved for his status was enough for what he needed.

‘Advanced theories and explanations of the nature of mind, and the enchantment processes that blacksmiths utilize, even some references regarding item creation and old magic.’

Bell eagerly listed the subjects that were now available to him in his mind. The anticipation in his tone was quite evident.


The elevator chimed as it arrived at its destination.

An empty collection of books now lay before Bell’s eyes.

There was hardly anyone present. 

The library of the academy was quite somber enough in the first few sectors, but the ambiance given by the fifth sector was on a whole other level. 

“Time to get to work.”

Bell hyped himself up as he stepped out of the elevator.

He no longer needed to attend his classes or fulfill any other responsibilities. It was now only going to be him and the books he will read.

Setting down his bag at the table, he began arranging the stuff needed for his study session.

Journals upon journals. Numerous quills and bottles of ink. And most important to Bell.

“Coffee…the blackest coffee I was able to procure here in Altena.”

It was normally prohibited for students to bring food and drinks inside the library, but at Bell’s current rank, the academy trusted that no incidents would over happen with them.

“I was never one for the taste of coffee, especially black. But after all that intense studying… I can understand why everyone is drawn to it.”

Bell had been indoctrinated into the black coffee club.

“Let's first start with some theories on Mind energy. That should serve as a proper basis for all the other topics…”

Bell began to move into the deep long line of shelves.

Fading into the somber shadow of books, Bell would now become a gremlin of the library.



By the sea of Altena. The docking area of the numerous ships entering and leaving the nation, “The Scholar’s Port”.

It is an area bustling with trade due to the influx of travelers. 

Brick-and-mortar stores of every kind, alongside a menagerie of stalls.

But in the bustling area that was the port. By a relatively unused spot of tables, Mardoll sighed in sadness.

“...𝘴𝘪𝘨𝘩… Why must you be so hard working Odr?... I can simply give you everything you want and need…”

Mardoll couldn't help but be saddened at the news Bell had given her just the day prior. That news was his decision to spend a large amount of time secluded inside the academy’s library research.

The two of them regularly ate various kinds of baked goods whenever he finished his classes in the academy.

The pair talked endlessly about any topic that came to their minds. No matter the area, no matter the context, Bell and Mardoll would never seem to run out of ways to connect with one another.

“But I suppose only such a hardworking mortal could be fated to me. I would only be able to take it if I were able to service his tired body after a hard day’s work…”

Mardoll began to pervertedly fantasize about their possible married life together. But her bliss was soon cut off by the appearance of her familia’s executives.

“Lady Freya. We have been unsuccessful at being able to surveil Bell Cranel once he began entering the lower sectors of the academy library. There are simply too many defenses for it to be feasible.”

Mardoll, now Freya, began to narrow her eyes in disappointment.

“How competent of you Athena. Outside of that familia of Loki, and the captain of Poseidon’s group, you truly are my greatest threat…”

Freya was considering possibly pressuring Athena and her familia into allowing her access to the deeper sectors but the memories of Bell began to flash through her mind. Their numerous conversations as they enjoy each other's company, as the sun set in a golden hue into the horizon of the blue sea.


‘Bell has always put himself into immense danger, even going so far as to nearly cripple himself to adhere to his beliefs.’

Freya’s personality shifted slightly. The persona she built for herself for numerous centuries began to take a step back. The innocent girl who only wished for love began to slowly take the stage.

‘So tired… so pained… but his smile remains as gleeful as ever.’

Freya began to think if she would be able to do such a thing. If any of her peers would readily offer their futures and lives for the sake of a stranger they barely knew.


Freya remembered a conversation she had with the goddess she most despised in her entire existence. The goddess who presided over the most sacred vow, the vow of matrimony, Hera.

‘How pitiful you are Freya. You speak of the desire to find your cage-breaker, your Odr. Yet you remain a servant to mine and Zeus’ goals. Pray tell, how does it feel to be so pathetic?’

Hera said as she looked down at Freya. Freya could only contain her anger at the haughtiness of the goddess in front of her.

She wanted to shout out how her army of level sevens, eights, and a level nine captain chained her to Orario. How would she be able to escape the grasp of the two most powerful familias of all time?

‘Me and Zeus’ familias are experiencing a golden age. Our current line-up is the strongest it has been in our thousand-year history. Do you believe this to be the sole reason you cannot set forth for your beloved?...’

In a rare instance, the goddess who ruled over Orario like a tyrannical queen began to give advice to the goddess she most pitied. For being the beauty toyed vehemently with even among the messed up standards of the gods.

‘A vow of love isn't to be taken lightly. Once made, you must pursue it to the end of the earth, little Freya. Even if it means sacrificing all else… even if it means you lower yourself to standards once thought unimaginable… pursue it like its the only sustenance you need.’

Hera’s eyes began to glow with a feverish look. Obsession… deep… deep obsession.

‘That bastard Zeus stole my heart for his own centuries ago, and yet my love for him hasn't diminished since. I hate his horniness, I detest his debaucher, but I love him all the same.’

Freya quietly listened to the goddess’ words. About her view of love as she presided over the authority of marriage.

‘Marriage is built upon tolerance. Tolerance of your partner’s habits. Tolerance of your partner’s misdeeds. It is very tiring… oh so tiring…’

Hera’s voice began to be filled with poison as she began recalling all the numerous attempts her love had made to sneak into the goddess’ bath in Orario… how she wished for him to only look at her body alone.

‘But in exchange for putting up with their flaws, the gift of endless happiness awaits you.’

But Hera soon showed a faint smile. Reminiscing the confession the god of lightning had made in the divine orchards of Heaven.

It was nothing more than him confessing his attraction to her bountiful body’s features. But the image of the blushing god as he struggled to confess… it was clear to Hera that the pervert could only use such lewd language to compose his love into voice.

‘Trust. Trust in your partner, pitiful Freya. Trust in the belief that your Odr is waiting for you just as much as you are to them. Trust in their genuineness no matter the signs and premonitions that might say otherwise…’

Hera soon began to walk away. She had grown bored of counseling the goddess in front of her. But not without tying up her lesson together.

‘Remember what made you fall for them, tolerate their flaws and trust in them no matter what. Those things will stoke your love further and further until no chains can bind you to unite with them in a passionate romance.’

Hera said as an aura of obsession gleamed from her eyes.


The goddess of matrimony soon left the room they were in. Freya standing silent.


But her mind had been the most active it had ever been. 

‘Odr… Odr… Odr… Odr. Odr. Odr. Odr Odr-’

Hera’s struck a chord deep within her soul.

She had always thought that if she waited around long enough, her Odr would meet her. But she was looking at it all wrong.

‘I should be the one to look for my Odr… find them… track them… until we can be one.’

A similar but fainter glow began to emanate within Freya’s eyes as well.

From a goddess to a goddess.

From a yandere to a yandere.


Freya finished reminiscing on the moment that built the basis of her current love.

‘It's hard to say, but Im thankful to Hera for showing me the proper path of love… to trust Bell…’

Going against the instincts she cultivated for so long, Freya ordered her executives.

“Stop all operations to infiltrate the library. It's only right that I trust my Odr when I cannot see him.”

The executive couldn't believe what they were hearing.

They were all used to developing their skills in order to effectively stalk whoever took the interest of their goddess… but for her to willingly let her person of admiration beyond the reaches of her control? It left them shocked.

“... Will you simply stand around there? Or will you get back to the other matters our familia has to handle?”

The executives immediately returned from their stupor. Apologizing vehemently before reporting on the happenings of Orario.

Freya simply began to hand out orders on instinct. She had long since learned how to run her familia without spending much processing power in her mind.

‘I wonder… Odr had suggested a new kind of bread called a pretzel… would it make him happy if I gave it to him when he comes back?~’




Bell bemoaned his suffering as he lay on the floor surrounded by numerous books.

“It was a mistake… choosing to hole myself in here… I don't even remember what the sun looks like…”

Bell had spent a month in complete isolation. Focusing solely on his studies.

The academy provided a service for sustenance and daily upkeep for its higher-ranked students. 

Unable to make their scholars not just hole up in the library in passionate pursuit of their research, Athena simply decided to acquiesce to their desires, but provide the bare necessities so that they don't exit the library smelling like a waste dump, or die of starvation or dehydration.

“I thought it would be fun to act like those researchers in the books I read. Hiding away for extended periods of time and coming out with a breakthrough… but it just hurts…”

Bell became disillusioned with the idea in his mind. Sustaining himself with the bare minimum rations to keep his mind working, and only knowing the lanterns as his only source of light. It was as if he became a caveman.

“I didn't even make that much progress on this thing…”

In his hands was a journal that was the center of his focus aside from learning the various books he got his hands on.

A project he had been wanting to undertake for some time now. An explanation of how his powers from fate were able to be translated into the world of Danmachi. 

『Magecraft and Magic Circuit Theory』

‘I thought I didn't need to go that much into it given that my powers are now powered through Mind. I thought that alone would be enough… but delving into it further, I can now more easily visualize my abilities and limitations…’

Magecraft. A form of self-hypnosis practiced by practitioners in the modern era where mystery was fading, the source of all supernatural phenomena.

Built upon the foundations of the planet Gaia as a medium through which to invoke their spells, magi induce themselves in a state of hypnosis in order to manipulate the prana which cultivates inside their body into an energy named Od.

‘Magecraft is very limited in its capabilities due to the fact that it is essentially humanity making to most of the leftover scraps after Artoria ushered in the age of humanity and closed the age of mysteries… but there are exceptions to this rule…’

Origin and element. The subconscious path a person’s ability will take and the concepts they can manipulate respectively.

‘An individual’s origin can allow them to surpass the standards of what was considered normal… Shirou’s origin and element being sword allowed him to create a reality marble that heeded his desires… even Kiritsugu’s origin could be held somewhat responsible for helping Shirou push himself so far…’

There was also the existence through which such acts were made possible in the first place. Magic circuits.

‘False nerves that allowed one to manipulate the prana inside and outside their bodies to perform magecraft. Their number and quality determine their capabilities and are predetermined upon birth.’

Magecraft, a practice built upon using the planet as a medium to perform their spells.

Origin and element, the determining factors that would decide an individual’s path of growth.

Magic circuits, the nerves through which humans are able to tread upon the world of the supernatural.

‘There are much more things to consider in a world as dense as fate, but those are the main three things I should concern myself with given my abilities.’

Bell then began to remember the process through which magic was invoked in the world of Danmachi.

‘In short… it's a basic form of magic seen in most other fantasy stories.’

Utilizing energy called Mind that is cultivated inside one’s body. Releasing it through their intentions, and allowing the invisible energy to take form via the chant given by the user.

‘Release the energy. Imagine the product. Mold it into shape via a chant or intent.’

The magic academy delved into it much more than that, but that was the gist of the system that Bell devised.

‘So how does my ability translate into the world of Danmachi? It's quite interesting…’

The first would be how magecraft is handled. Fundamentally, they were incompatible.

Magecraft was built upon the remnants of mystery, but in the world of Danmachi where monsters and gods roamed the land like it was normal, there was an increase in the amount of magical energy to make use of.

‘My abilities don't seem to be limited by mystery. So even if I showed it to a bunch of people, its effects won't weaken a single bit.’

‘There's also the change from using the planet as a medium to call upon the fuel for my spells. It seems to be coming from a source that is part planet and part divine intervention… but no source from the library was able to describe it much in detail for it to be useful for me.’

The second would be Origin and Element. Bell was able to determine that the system had a similar counterpart in Danmachi, though it was less explored than in Fate.

‘Individuals have a natural leaning towards a certain element through which they can manipulate. Ais with wind. Mikoto with gravity. Even some more unique ones like Asfi with magic item creation as an element.’

Bell confirmed this after referencing numerous books that mentioned a mysterious predisposition towards the attainment of certain spells.

‘But elements seem to be much more fast and loose compared to fate… the existence of falna reinforcing the experience someone gains in a certain situation influences their development and abilities heavily.’

‘Like how Ais who is the daughter of Aria, mainly focused towards the element of wind, but suddenly developed an ability centered around the element of vengeance.’

Bell began to feel a headache begin to set in as he was still confused about how Origins and Elements worked in Danamchi, but he was sure of one thing.

‘My main origin and elements now lean heavily towards sword… so even if I somehow find a grimoire that will teach me firebolt, my attacks won't be as potent as the original Bell’s whose element centered around lightning and fire due to his past as Argonaut.’

‘Unless I somehow gain a skill related to fire and burning that will influence my development…’

Lastly was the existence of Bell’s magic circuits. They weren't some new form of magical energy manipulation.

‘They're simply another form of mind invocation. Like how a pot serves the same purpose but can take on numerous shapes. Some are more geared towards specific purposes than others.’

An individual’s mind doesn't have any shape by birth but soon takes on a certain form for easier use after much training.

Riviera’s mind energy resembled that of a faucet, given her 『Chant Connection』ability that allowed her to invoke numerous forms of her three main magic spells depending on the amount of energy she provides alongside the length of her chant.

Lefiya’s mind energy resembled that of a ring. Connecting the experiences of all the elves she met into a rounded circle that allowed her to draw upon their experiences. The results of her magic 『Elf Ring』

‘Then there are more explainable forms of Mind energy like Mikoto’s resembling a black hole. Ais’ resembling the flowing wind…’

With this conclusion and relationship in mind, Bell’s Mind took the form of magic circuits not only because of his still unexplained relation to Shirou Emiya…

‘But because it is systematic and efficient… my abilities with UBW are based upon the fast execution of weapon tracing. Analyzing a structure in a form that is generalized between every construct. Capable of being utilized in a macro and micro sense whenever necessary.’

Bell got the basic foundations of his skills complete. Now it was time for him to build up from the ground floor.

‘The relationship of a reality marble with the world. Why do my projections seem to disappear after a while? So much more…’

So much work left for Bell to do, but too tired to work even more.

‘... It's alright if I sleep here, right? It's not like I'm going to encounter someone in this deep sector of the library…’

Bell was the only current class-five student present in the academy, so he was confident that he would be by himself on this floor for a long time.

He didn't encounter any other person in the last month, so he was convinced of it.

‘Alright then… just a short nap…’



“Thank the heavens Bell Cranel didn't die…”

Athena said to herself as she looked upon the sleeping Bell resting on a pile of books and papers.

The goddess was afraid when the professors and staff at the academy didn't report any sightings of the student over the past month.

Athena knew fully well that there were overzealous researchers who worked themselves to death in the depths of the library, and so she took it upon herself to find him.

“If Freya ever learned that her Odr died in my academy… it would be the end of Altena.”

Athena thought about the burning rubbles that would become of her familia and home. It wasn't a scene she liked very much.

“Still… it seems you really are Freya’s fated one o’ mortal child. Six months and you've reached the top of my academy. Not everyone is so talented to accomplish such a feat… it makes me feel a little jealous that you couldn't become part of my own familia.”

Athena approached Bell and began to observe him after dropping her legs. The goddess of knowledge naturally valued those who were gifted with intelligence and seeing the youth in front of her eyes be so naturally inclined to the world of learning. It was a no-brainer that the goddess wanted him for herself.

Not that she realized he was cheating with was essentially copying and pasting information from books into his mind using his tracing ability.

“We’ve been observing him over the past month, and he’s truly an impressive individual with everything happening around him.”

Athena recalled the information they gained by tailing Bell over the past few months.

In addition to his high intellect, the goddess learned that he was adept in martial combat as well by observing how he would train his body regularly at high intensity before walking to the academy.

“There's also the fact we learned that he was constantly guarded by hidden members of the Freya familia… and Freya’s new identity in Altena.”

Mardoll. A girl who ran a bakery alongside her parents by the scholar’s port in Altena.

But in actuality, the goddess merely added herself to an already existing bakery and assumed it for her own. 

Fabricating her backstory and family within the records of her government.

“Because of Freya, we were able to patch some loopholes and security risks in our bureaucracy but it's cold comfort knowing she was so easily able to weasel herself into the nation.”

Had Athena and her familia not noticed the small peculiarities noted whenever Bell ate alongside Mardoll, Freya’s identity in all likelihood would never have come to light. 

“...𝘴𝘪𝘨𝘩… blessed and all the while unfortunate at the same time… it's like your the fairy tale Argonaut reborn…”

Athena could only pity the young mortal who was walking a dangerous tightrope that was Freya. But she had a feeling that the boy in front of her would succeed where all the others failed.

“... Speaking of succeeding… what exactly has Bell Cranel been studying?”

Athena said as she took a cursory glance at the papers that were spread about Bell’s sleeping body. She recognized them all as reliable sources that were often referenced and cited by previous researchers of the academy.

“He has good taste in reference material… but what is his topic?”

Athena’s eyes then drew closer to a journal placed beside Bell’s body. Though she was a well-mannered goddess, her curiosity for knowledge superseded her desires for etiquette and presentability.

Picking up the journal carefully, Athena began to read the title.

“『Magecraft and Magic Circuit Theory』... that's an interesting way to describe magic… and magic circuits… like those of a magic sword? Bell Cranel has no relation to any master smiths or to Rakia and the Crozzos… a newfound interest perhaps?”

Athena’s interest was piqued by the journal in her hands.

Though she felt guilty for looking upon the work of a fellow academic without their permission… feeling a sense of wonder behind the pages she held in her hand. Athena decided to simply apologize and make it up to the student when he awoke.

“The professors said he was rather amicable… still… I’ll simply apologize profusely if it angers him.”

Athena simply couldn't contain her lust for knowledge.

Taking a seat at a nearby table, she eagerly began to read the postulates Bell formed regarding a new nature of magic.

Alongside the journal she got from Bell, she began to read with just as much enthusiasm two other journals he wrote.

『Intricacies of Blacksmith Enchantments』

『Theoretical Magic Item Proposal: Hrunting & Caladbolg』



‘Ugh…how long did I sleep?...’

Bell groggily opened his eyes as he awoke from his slumber.

Though he was supposedly resting, Bell felt his body was heavier than before.

The fatigue he accumulated throughout his research couldn't simply be taken away from a single nap.

‘I really need a massage… I wonder if there are massage parlors in Altena…’

There certainly were. But not the type he was looking for. 

‘Anyways…back to work?-’

Bell attempted to stand up from his makeshift bed of papers and books, but stopped once he saw the scene in front of him.

A girl with creamy white hair and fair skin took up his vision.

She wore conservative clothes that spoke to her true nature, her slight mannerisms radiating an aura of refinement and class.

But most important to Bell was the fact she was reading. Reading his journals with an interest that was conveyed to him clearly.

‘I never knew someone could read books so eagerly… is that what I looked like in my past life?’

Bell thought if he shared similarities with the girl in front of him, but he pushed those thoughts aside.

He was more concerned about how there was a person aside from him on this floor. One that was reading his work without permission.

‘I'm not that angry about it but I should investigate it nonetheless.’

Before he could take another step, however, the girl immediately turned away from her raptured reading and faced Bell.


‘Why do I feel deja vu setting in right now?’

Bell was confused at first, but immediately recognized the feeling he was having. He was going to get involved with yet another girl.

‘I mean… she’s beautiful… but I want at least one guy friend… at least…’

Before Bell could finish his quip, the girl immediately leaped off of her seat and quickly approached him.


Bell was slightly taken aback by the sudden intrusion by the white-haired beauty, but the girl spoke before he could recover from the surprise to speak.

“Allow me to become your partner!”

The girl loudly declared. Her face appeared calm and collected, but the tone of her voice and the look of expectation in her eyes betrayed her expression.

“Funding. Resources. As well as my assistance in formulating and writing the postulates of your theory… please allow me to become a collaborator of the 『Magecraft and Magic Circuit Theory』!!”

The girl began to reinforce her proposition before it could be questioned. It was as if she knew how these types of situations would go.

“Wait, first. Who-”

Bell tried speaking once again, but the girl caught him off. Immediately recognizing the question he was going to ask her.

“Athena. Head of the Athena familia, and ruler of Altena. A pleasure to make your acquaintance!”


Bell was thrown into a loop once more.


He couldn't take it anymore. He was certain of it now. There was some force out there that was forcing him to have all these important meetings without his knowledge.


Bell tried regaining his bearings, but the academic soul that was cultivated within him for the last six months immediately began to analyze the goddess’ offer in regard to his research. Instead of the more sane questions of how she got here? Why she was reading his journals? And much more.

‘Athena should be the ruler of Altena. So it would stand to reason that with her assistance to enter the last sector of the academy’s library, and if she has a hidden personal collection of books… it will all help with my research immensely.’

‘In addition to that. Having the literal goddess of knowledge and wisdom collaborate with me to flesh out my ideas… it would only be beneficial…’

Athena immediately recognized the emotions in Bell’s eyes. Her smile widened as she did.

“I don't plan on recruiting you into my familia. Nor do I plan on asking to take credit for the research. I simply wish for this endeavor to be successful!”

Athena nailed another piece to her proposal. If Bell refused, she would simply continue to give more and more. The only desire in her mind was to complete the research the mortal child in front of her had started.

She wanted to take the ideas he formulated to the utmost limit. 

Athena wanted to do so badly. She had to.

‘Athena doesn't know if I'm in a familia or not? She must've read the student profile about me. I did cause quite a scene in the academy…’

Bell reasoned as to how the goddess knew such information about him. Not realizing she was the second party alongside Freya that constantly tracked him during his stay in Altena.


Resigning himself to his fate once more, Bell accepted the proposal put forth by Athena.

“... I guess I’ll be looking forward to working with you, Lady Athena.”

Bell spoke with a tired voice. Stemming from his currently exhausted state and the fact he has been put through so many situations just like this.

“I'm looking forward to it too!”

Athena happily replied and began to lead Bell by the hand. But not before turning around to make an addendum to her actions.

“We’ll be working in my personal office, but I would just like to mention to not take this as some sort of invitation for sex, alright?”

Athena spoke carefully. She rarely had visitors in her personal office outside of the executive of her familia. So she didn't want to cause any potential misunderstandings with Bell in the future.

In large part due to the fact, she tended to throw away her manners when immersed in study, and because she didn't want him to develop any feelings.

She didn't want to go to war with Freya due to his hormones acting wild.

“... Lady Athena, I don't appreciate being accused of sexual deviancy.”

Bell could understand where the goddess was coming from, but he felt offended regardless.

Sensing the tone of Bell. Athena began to comment on her reasonings.

“I do apologize. But you must understand that I've met my fair share of shut-in researchers. Virgins and repressed. They would often take lecherous stares at my body. I figured you would be the same.”


‘Did she essentially just call me a loner virgin?’

Bell stood silently in shock. He was always the one making snide comments and teases at others, but Athena was the first person who so easily circumvented his skills entirely.


Athena saw the hints of shock and embarrassment in Bell’s expression and snapped him out of it.

“Get your head in the game, partner. These journals aren't going to fill themselves you know?”

Broken out of his stupor by Athena, Bell awkwardly began to regain his bearings as he walked beside the goddess.

Their partnership was born abruptly, lasting long, and bearing ripe fruit.

Such was how another six months flew by for the vigilante.



“Bell…Hand me that reference book over there”

Athena groggily called out to her research partner.

Her eyes were tired, and though she didn't need them, she wore a pair of glasses. Something that allowed her to get into the perfect mental state for research.

“Hm? Oh, sure…”

Bell slowly reacted to the request of the goddess. Even more tired than the goddess given the fact he was a mortal with an imperfect body.

“Here, Athena… the reference book…”


Bell called out to the goddess informally, which didn't bring out a reaction from her. The long time the two of them had shared working together naturally brought their relationship with one another to a level that resembled close friends.

Athena grew to respect Bell more and more as he further explained to her the ideas he had. Ideas the goddess didn't even begin to consider.

She saw him as an equal in academics, if not greater for the fact that he pushed a boundary on a realm of knowledge she didn't even think was possible.

Bell meanwhile grew to trust and equally respect the goddess. Her competence and intelligence endeared themselves in Bell’s mind.

“You two… I get you're both obsessed with studying, but isn't this a bit much?”

A voice called out to them both. The tone that was carried with it expressed the individual’s long-lasting concern over the boy and goddess who messily laid about in the dumpster of papers, chalkboards, and books.

“Oh, Telemachus. Good morning… or is it Goodnight?... I don't remember.”

The goddess greeted her familia’s vice-captain. But was unaware of the current time of day. Busying herself all night with Bell.

“It's noon Lady Athena. Exactly twenty-four hours since you to have locked yourselves inside for the umpteenth time. Mother Penelope wanted me to call you for some administration stuff.”

Telemachus began to approach Athena, but she simply ran to Bell. Hiding behind him with her arms holding his body without hesitation.

“I and Bell are almost at a breakthrough! Altena isn't so weak that it would crumble because I missed one meeting!”

Athena’s attachment to Bell and their collaborative research had now surmounted her attachment to running Altena as efficiently as possible.

She had lived millions of years in search of new knowledge to learn. Now that it was right in front of her, nothing mattered more to the goddess than having Bell by her side as they worked together in serene silence.

“Lady Athena… you're acting like a child right now…”

Telemachus could hardly believe the change in behavior in his goddess. 

The vice-captain then turned to Bell who simply stood there silently. He no longer minded the intimate way the goddess was treating him right now. Simply thinking about how to solve the current predicament he was facing in the research.

“Bell, my best friend, would you mind trapping my goddess long enough for me to catch her? As a form of repayment for the favor you asked of me last time.”

Telemachus smiled toward Bell. To any other person, they might've fallen for his effeminate looks, but Bell had long since grown a resistance to the femboy. Knowing him to be as crass as any other man, and having a certain meat stick in between his legs.

“Last time? I just asked you for some coffee beans. I hardly think asking for some coffee beans is equivalent to handing over a goddess…”

Bell replied with coldness, something that made Telemachus begin to fake being hurt.

“Bell! I can't believe this! Were we not friends?! Pals before gals?!-”

Telemachus collapsed onto the floor with his hand covering his mouth. He began to cry fake tears as he acted out his melancholy.

“...𝘴𝘪𝘨𝘩… you can stop trying to re-enact a drama Tel. I’ll help you…”

Bell and Telemachus naturally grew close as he worked with Athena. With Telemachus being the goddess’ bodyguard whenever Odysseus was busy, the two similarly aged boys talked often and became good friends.

A relationship Telemachus appreciated greatly, due to the fact that Bell somehow wasn't weirded out by his looks nor he suddenly come out as gay and confessed to him. 

‘Not that I have problems with people who swing that way… it's just that they mostly want me to be the bottom.’

Telemachus wasn't keen on being on the receiving end of that affection. So he was really glad Bell was in his life.

“I knew you would pull through my comrade! Mi amigo! MY BROTHER!-”

“Ok, I get it, so stop. Your shouting is ringing in my ears”

Bell tiredly pushed away Telemachus who was trying to hug him.

“Bell… how could you…”

The tired vigilante then turned to the goddess who was hiding behind his back. The look of betrayal in her eyes was evident.

‘So Freya is a yandere, Artemis is a crying mess, and Athena is clingy… I should really start considering starting a therapy center for gods and goddesses.’

Considering a career change from being a hero to a psychiatrist, Bell answered Athena’s look of betrayal with something that would convince her.

“If you go with Tel, I’ll brew you my special tea.”


Athena immediately perked up at the offer Bell propose and quickly accepted.

“Fine, but only after I take my time enjoying it.”

Bell turned his head to Telemachus in order to see if it was ok with him. The vice-captain awkwardly accepted. He didn't know how to feel about his resolute goddess being bribed with tea.

“Sit down on the couch Athena. I’ll have it ready in a bit.”

“Alright. Thanks, Bell!”

Situating herself on the couch, the goddess continued to lightly work on the research as Bell headed to the attached kitchen in her office, employing the culinary skills he inherited from Emiya to prepare the tea.

As Bell did, he recalled Eina who would similarly enjoy his tea in the same way as Athena. Him reading books as she handled the paperwork. Sipping tea he brewed all the while.

‘I wonder how she’s doing… I hope she isn't too stressed with work.’

Bell smiled lightly as he recalled his adviser’s face. It wouldn't be long before he could reunite with the worrying half-elf.

“Here’s your tea, Athena.”

Bell came back into the main room of the office with a kettle of tea and a few cups.

Pouring a cup for Athena and handing it over to him, Athena beckoned for Bell to join by her side with a light tap of her hand.

“Come here Bell, there's some stuff I found about what you wrote regarding origins. Regarding this citation…”

Sitting by Athena’s side, the two began to discuss once more about their shared research.

No longer minding their proximity and the intimate nature of their current position.

‘Lady Athena acting so close to a man… I thought it was impossible.’

Telemachus quietly thought to himself as Bell and Athena entered into their own little world once more.

Smiling at how his friend had made his goddess the happiest she had been in all the time he had known her, the vice-captain quietly made his way out of the office.

“I guess I’ll just wait for them to finish up by the hallway.”

Unknown to the goddess’ bodyguard, another goddess watched with narrow eyes at how Bell and Athena were interacting. Unable to make a move due to how happy her beloved was, but irritated at their proximity.

“Ottar… in a hypothetical war with Altena… how quickly can we raze it?”

Ottar who was beside Freya awkwardly commented as the captain of the familia rather than a supporter of his goddess.

“It's not an action I would recommend, Lady Freya. Altena is at the center of numerous industries around the world and especially Orario. The guild and Lord Ouranos might take action should conflict escalate between our groups…”

Ottar wasn't scared of having to make combat with the Athena familia. He was rather interested in combatting their captain, Odysseus. But he didn't wish for another darkness to engulf the world.

The darkness he experienced as an orphaned child and the darkness when the Zeus and Hera familias dissolved.

“... What should I do about these feelings of mine then, Ottar?”

Freya asked Ottar. She had been feeling conflicted emotionally as of late. Wanting to reach out to her Odr, but knowing that it wasn't the appropriate time.

Every time she connected with a person she thought to be her Odr, they would always die prematurely, as if it was fate punishing the goddess for pursuing her happiness.

Leading to her current strategy with Bell to watch over his development until he was strong enough to fight against whatever force made all the others fail.

“I believe you should simply make the most out of your contact with Bell Cranel under your disguise, Lady Freya.”

Ottar replied. He would usually come to scorn anyone who may have saddened his goddess, but he wasn't so blind as to not see the situation as it is.

‘Lady Freya is too scared to fail with Bell Cranel… 𝘴𝘪𝘨𝘩…’

The beast-man could only sigh at the complicated situations the divine had.

Wishing for his goddess not to dawdle too much on her sadness, he reminded her of something that would take her mind off of things.

“Lady Freya, must you not prepare soon for lunch? Bell Cranel will be meeting you once again today for pretzels.”

Hearing her child’s attempt to take her mind away from her conflicted emotions, the goddess lightly smiled as she acquiesced.

“... It would seem so… thank you for reminding me, Ottar.”

“You're most welcome, my goddess.”



“How do you like it, Bell?”

Mardoll happily asked Bell as he ate the pretzels with vigor. 

Bell badly needed a lot of sugar after every research session he had with Athena, so he greatly appreciated the snack.

“They're great Mardoll. You really are my life support right now. I can always look forward to your family’s baked goods whenever I'm tired.”

Mardoll laughed lightly as Bell expressed his appreciation.

“You pay every time and you're a joy to talk with, so it isn't anything much to thank for Bell.”

The girl spoke with a light smile, but Bell remained quiet as he watched her expression. He had gotten a keen understanding of Freya.

The six months he spent with Syr and the six months he spent with Mardoll. It would be impossible for Bell to not pick up on a few things after interacting with the disguised goddess for so long.

‘Is she jealous of Athena?... I guess I’ll have to lower her obsession again…’

Bell readied himself as he was preparing to begin another round of appeasing Freya without revealing too much about himself.

It was the method he learned to keep his obsessed admirer in check before he could deal with her problems for good.

“But it is Mardoll. Having someone you can rely on whenever is extremely comforting. Even rare on most occasions. I actually had a friend that was my support before I began my travels… someone I appreciated greatly.’

Mardoll, hearing the sincerity of Bell’s words began to have her interest piqued. She was wondering if there was another opponent she would have to keep track of. 

But she was thrown into a loop after what Bell said.

“Syr Flova. One of the closest people I was with back when I was staying at Orario.”


Mardoll immediately shook upon hearing the name given by Bell.

Syr Flova, the other alter-ego Freya used in Orario. 

Recovering from her shock in order to not arouse any suspicion, Mardoll began to very curiously inquire what Bell thought about her.

“Syr Flova? What do you think about that girl? She must be pretty important to you if you remember her after all this time.”

Freya tried her best to keep the anticipation away from her voice, but tiny bits of it leaked through her expression. Facing away from Bell as she looked into the ocean, her red cheeks apparent.

‘You really are too adorable Freya… if only you could just let go of your obsession…’

Bell thought to himself before replying back.

“She really is important to me. She’s one of the first few people that helped me settle into Orario when I moved from the village.”

Mardoll began to focus her attention on her ears. Every word Bell spoke uplifted her heart even more.

“She's very kind. A girl who can get along with anyone if she tried. But she can be a bit mischievous at times. Something I appreciated a lot. It's really cute how she’s always thinking of ways to mess with me and other people.”

“She's very beautiful as well. I get a lot of stares for being so close to her… not that I blame them. Any man would be lucky to be so close with a girl like Syr.”

Freya’s heart began to burn and tighten. The goddess was knee-deep with experience when it came to navigating the world of passion and romance… but this… was too much for even her.

‘Bell… it's too unfair… you go around picking up beautiful women who simply cling to you… but you are able to relieve my heart with a single word… it's just unfair…’

Freya lamented her situation. Too afraid to approach carelessly. Too jealous to leave alone. Too in love to simply ignore. 

“O-Oh, do you happen to like this Syr girl? You seem to like her very much, do you not?”

Mardoll immediately went for the kill. She would've liked to continue enjoying the fluttering sensations Bell’s compliments gave her, but she could no longer take the anticipation. 

She needed to know badly.

“... Syr?...”

Bell began to act as if he was blushing. Becoming flustered. Freya was too caught up in the sight to notice the subtle flaws in his acting.

“It would be nice…but I don't believe myself ready for it yet.”

A non-committal answer. One that didn't lean towards any specific goal, but to Freya… it was as good as yes.


Mardoll’s face began to redden brightly. Her heart was beating the fastest it had ever beaten. A fluttering in her stomach ceased to no end. She was falling deeper in love.

‘No… no more… any more… and I…’

Freya’s will to stay away from Bell was beginning to falter under the immense blows of Bell’s reactions.

The boy was making the most use of his youthful appearance to deliver a critical blow to Freya. 

“Though I do like Syr a lot… I also like you just as much Mardoll. You're just as pretty as she is.”

Bell said with an innocent smile that was characteristic of who he was. The same smile the Bell he read about would use to make every girl fall for him.


Mardoll was now quiet. She no longer thought about Athena. She no longer cared about the stuff she didn't know regarding Artemis. She no longer cared about anything else.

‘...uh oh…I think I may have pushed her a bit too far-’

Bell began to worry that he might've egged on the goddess a bit too much. 

He lost himself in the fun of playing around and he regrettably put the final nail in the coffin that was Freya’s affection for him.

‘Bell likes Syr… and he likes Mardoll just as much? Isn't that basically a confession? He’s asking me to take him, right?’

Freya’s mind began to dangerously reach assumptions about Bell. Assumptions that didn't logically make sense, but the goddess no longer cared about facts or logic.

Her Odr was in front of her. Pure and enticing as he can be. Egging her to take him for herself. With such delicious prey in her reach…

𝘭 𝘪 𝘤 𝘬

Licking her tongue across her lips like a starving beast. Freya was ready to sink her fangs into the supple skin of the boy in front of her.


But before she could, and before Bell could enact his plan to escape. A shadow figure intruded upon them both.

Appearing before them instantly. Like a demon manifested.


The figure was decrepit, with a black robe covering its deathly pale body.

“So this is where you were… greatest of the Vanir deities…”

The figure’s voice sent a chill down Bell and Mardoll. It was the most unnatural and unnerving sound either of them had ever heard.

It was an abomination… as if it wasn't allowed to even exist in the first place…

“You and Athena… the biggest thorn on our sides… together in the same place at once? It appears the gods still bless a group of supposed heretics like us… ha… haha… HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!-”

The figure began to maniacally laugh as it moved its body, the robe covering them eventually showing their true form.

Deformed. Anorexic. Pale beyond comprehension. Immensely scarred. 

Bell couldn't even begin to imagine what kind of torture would lead someone to become such.


A jewel was brought forth from the figure’s hands. 

A clear transparent sphere with a fetus at its center.

A dark four-legged beast that appeared to be slumbering… but then suddenly… it awoke from its slumber.


Bell grabbed Mardol and immediately began to run away. His instincts were screaming at him to escape.

In the shadows, upon seeing Bell take their goddess away from the scene, the Freya familia began to charge at the figure who claimed to be part of Evilus.

Allen Fromel leading the charge alongside Hogni and Hedin.

But they were too late to reach the enemy because the jewel fetus cried out loudly to the world. Announcing its birth.



A great magical explosion engulfed the area Bell and Mardoll were eating in.

But the birth of the demi-spirit wasn't the only concern unleashed to eliminate Freya and Athena.

𝙍 𝙊 𝙊 𝙊 𝙊 𝘼 𝘼 𝘼 𝘼 𝙍 𝙍 𝙍 𝙍 !!!

𝙎 𝙋 𝙇 𝘼 𝙎 𝙃   𝙎 𝙋 𝙇 𝘼 𝙎 𝙃   𝙎 𝙋 𝙇 𝘼 𝙎 𝙃

In response to the cry of the demi-spirit, another monster made its presence known.

A large slithering serpent arose from beneath the water. Striking through a galleon ship that impeded its path. Splitting the large vessel easily with its immense strength.

Bell who barely avoided the blast of the explosion, widened his eyes as he looked upon the beast.

“No… its not possible… didn’t Zeus…”

Bell tried to deny what he saw, but he remembered a piece of lore from the Danmachi mobile game.

An explanation for the appearance of one of its raid bosses. The Behemoth. 

『Behemoth. Leviathan. Black Dragon. The three great calamities that drowned the world in fear』

『Three great monsters that escaped the dungeon in the olden times long forgotten to the annals of history』

『Biding their time. Ruling over their territories with tyranny. The three monsters grew to immense strength and size. Becoming the worldly fears carved into the consciousness of every mortal』

『But special they were not. They were simply monsters of regular reproducible species of the dungeon. A lucky few that lived and survived long enough to evolve into what they are today… meaning…』



『They weren't the only ones of their kind to survive to the modern day』

𝙍 𝙊 𝙊 𝙊 𝙊 𝘼 𝘼 𝘼 𝘼 𝙍 𝙍 𝙍 𝙍 !!!

Bell sank into fear at the realization he came to,


Bell didn't think it was going to be applied. A mechanic of the Danmachi mobile game that allowed the player to fight against numerous Behemoths for currency and materials.

‘The story of that game mode where we farmed those beasts endlessly…THAT'S CANON IN THIS WORLD?!’

Though Bell was struck with fear, he didn't forget what he was. He was a hero. He couldn't simply wallow in despair while the situation got worse.



Mardoll complied as she strengthened her grip on Bell’s body.


Bell’s body began to light up with his magic circuits. He wasn't completely recovered, but with his increased understanding of the mechanics of his abilities, he was able to perform at an equal level before he was injured.

Bell began to leap across building after building.

Kicking off of walls and ledges with immense force and speed.

Eventually, he landed on an area he learned to be the designated evacuation site in cases of emergencies.

A few families and citizens were already gathering themselves in the area, and this would be where Bell would drop off Mardoll.

“You stay here Mardoll. I’ll go back to help others evacuate. Whatever you do, stay here until help arrives!”

Bell issued orders to Mardoll quickly before he began to leap back into the fray, but the girl grabbed onto his hand tightly.

“Mardoll! This isn't… the time?...”

Bell turned around to accost the girl. There were too many lives on the line at the moment. But once he did, he was met with the girl trembling and hyperventilating.

“I'm sorry… I'm sorry… I'm sorry…”


Bell could understand immediately what was happening… the supposed curse that took place whenever Freya got too close to a person she considered her Odr.

His gaze softened for a moment, but he didn't have the time to console the goddess,

So he simply would sear himself in front of her. Letting his face block away her fears.

Taking her face into his hands, Bell gazed directly not at Mardoll but at Freya.

“There are people who need help out there… and someone has to help them.”

“It's 𝙢𝙮 desire to help them… understand?”

Hearing Bell’s words, Freya quietly took a few seconds to process them before meekly nodding.

Seeing the reaction from Freya, Bell smiled like nothing was wrong.

“All right. I’ll see you in a bit then Mardoll!”


Bell then quickly left the area with immense force. Leaving the goddess by her lonesome, but she would soon be accompanied by the rest of her familia.

“Lady Freya! Are you all right?”

Ottar said as he knelt on the ground, alongside the rest of the familia that followed him.

“Status report, Ottar”

Freya coldly called out to her familia’s captain. She was now devoid of emotion.

“A leviathan-like monster appeared by the harbor. It doesn't seem to possess as much strength as the fallen great beast in Melen, but merely a weakened version of it. Our scouts estimate it at level seven, eight if underwater.”

“Allen, Hogni, and Hedin, alongside their squads were injured in the first blast. They're currently being treated by Heith. Monsters of unknown origin nor classification have been roaming around the source of the explosion… they are quite concerning…”

 Ottar quickly explained the current situation, and Freya asked for more clarification.

“What of the Athena familia?”

“The guards have immediately begun making first contact with the sudden threats. The maelstrom navy is slowly mobilizing, headed by Captain Odysseus, Vice-captain Telemachus, and governess Penelope. Goddess Athena appears to be alongside them all.”


Freya began to quietly ponder. Too many times she has had those she admired taken away from her unjustly. As if the world deemed it to not be true.

If Bell, the closest person to become her Odr, were to be taken away from her…


Freya began to be covered in a divine aura that tittered on the manifestation of her arcanum.

The goddess who quietly looked on high would not stand for this.

The goddess began to manifest her long-forgotten authority over war.

“All members of the Freya familia… all restrictions have hereby wavered… run wild… run free… until the putrid sight of our enemies is wiped from view…”

Freya turned towards her familia with a click of her heel. Her disguise wavered. Her long white hair fluttered with her divinity. Her silver eyes narrowed in rage.

“I will not accept anything less than complete decimation… do I make myself clear?”

A chilling cold ran down every member of the Freya familia. 

Their goddess’ anger was immense, but it was honed and controlled, making it even more fearful.

But this was the moment all of their training was leading up to. They all gripped their weapons tightly. Their muscles strengthen. Their mind stirring.

Ottar smiled with a beastly expression as he heeded Freya’s command alongside his comrades in a thunderous chorus.

“As you command! Lady Freya!”



『Trace on』

Bell projected his armor and weapons for the first time in a while. 

His body immediately became covered in dark gray as his chained swords manifested. He was now the Gray Ghost once more. 

In the distance, he saw a squad of Altenian guards struggling against a monster hidden in smoke.

‘I can reach them.’


Bell immediately began speeding up in order to assist them, but in a moment, a foreign feeling struck the area, stopping him in his tracks. 



The guards that were somehow holding on suddenly weakened for a moment. Unable to adapt to the change, their squad was soon slaughtered by the beasts.

Swiftly and with precision, the monsters didn't even allow their prey to scream in pain. 



Bell and the monsters now stared warily at each other from a distance.

The sight of the now-dead Altenian guards in their mouths angered Bell immensely, but he could simply lash out at them.

There was something different… something concerning that Bell wasn't realizing yet.

‘Those must be demi-spirits, given that they were manifested out of a jewel fetus… but how come their numbers are so many? Usually, only one is spawned with a swarm or regular monsters as their followers… but each one… is emitting the same aura as the other…’

Bell worried about the implication that he would have to deal with a unique demi-spirit that was numerous in number.

That wasn't even taking into account the leviathan wrecking havoc on the harbor.

But Bell’s attention was solely captured on the bestial demi-spirits in front of him.

‘It's like… we’re antithetical to each other… once met… we cannot leave with the other being alive… as if we’re meant and designed to oppose one another…’

Bell’s body began to scream at him with immense hatred for what was in front of him. A feeling he recalled from his fight with Goliath, but he was now in complete control of his body. 

He was no longer a doll of Alaya or the counterforce to freely manipulate.

‘It's related to Alaya and Gaia’s feud… I know demi-spirits are special children of the greater demi-spirit at the bottom of the dungeon… but I feel… a greater hatred beyond what I felt from the Goliath…’

Bell began to recall the sight of the Altenian guards.

By all measures, they should have been able to hold their ground… but for a moment… as the beast screamed… they faltered.

As if being sapped of strength.

‘Their falna… it was becoming affected!’

Bell’s worst fear came to reality.

The reason he didn't immediately obtain Falna. The fear that the dungeon might have some way to interfere with the blessing.

But that wasn't the only fear he was having. It was the implications of such an ability… in a world where Danmachi and Fate intertwined.

‘There's only one skill that can have such effects… and only one being allowed to possess it.’

『「Grand: Station of the Crown」reacts upon meeting antithetical existence』


The black beasts growled lowly as they began to circle Bell.

Resembling a wolf but with barely visible horns and bones covering its entire body. The appearance of a headless nude woman morphed into its chest like a bastardized fusion gone wrong.

The sight was a paganistic nightmare.

『Searching for causality of activation… causality confirmed… antithetical existence identified』


『Faint traces have been confirmed… the presence of absolute opposition』

『Development of「Beast’s Crown: Creature of Loving Demise」confirmed within the antithetical existences』


Bell’s body tensed. It was the worst situation he could come up with, but not one he didn't entirely expect.

He now understood why his body was screaming at him to act.

『Classification designated lower than mature beast due to incomplete manifestation of 「Beast’s Crown: Creature of Loving Demise」』


『Classification designated lower than juvenile beast due to incomplete lesser manifestation of 「Beast’s Crown: Creature of Loving Demise」』


『Classification designated lower than beast candidate due to incomplete lowest manifestation of 「Beast’s Crown: Creature of Loving Demise」』


『Designation complete. Identity secured. Target is an auxiliary existence tied to a beast』


『Subordinate of Beast VI/G「Wild Hunt: Parade of the Forsaken Gods」』



As the beasts roared, the voice inside Bell’s head confirmed the theory he had for a falna breaking skill. A Nega skill of the beasts. One shared by the numerous calamities foretold in revelation.


『Nega Messiah: Downfall of Savior』

As the horde of beasts roared throughout Altena. 

The falna of the numerous adventurers of various familias began to weaken in strength. Their parameters lessening, and their connection to their gods and goddesses faltering.

『「Grand: Station of the Crown」requests bearer to avert demise』

‘So long as those beasts exist, the falna of the adventurers will be weakened…’

𝙍 𝙊 𝙊 𝙊 𝙊 𝘼 𝘼 𝘼 𝘼 𝙍 𝙍 𝙍 𝙍 !!!

The leviathan roared in chorus with the beasts/demi-spirits.

‘So long as they're weakened. They can neither deal with the beasts nor the leviathan…’


Bell’s body began to heat up as his magic circuits readied themselves for use.


‘I’m the only one who can consistently fight with these beasts… I don't have falna… so their skill doesn't affect me…’

Bell temporarily unmanifested his mask…he wished to stare long and deeply into the existence which he can never co-exist with.

“Now that we have met, only one of us is leaving here alive…”


Bell spoke to the beast, and the beast replied understanding. Understanding that one cannot exist with the other. 

“If you don't mind. I have to ponder on the fact that I’m a grand servant after this, so you will, unfortunately, have to die.”


The two forces were now going to meet. The heat of battle nearly boiling over.








Thank you for reading this chapter.

I have now revealed the villains of this fanfic besides Enyo and the dungeon. Another faction within Evilus, led by the Zoroastrian god of evil, Angra Mainyu.

I had a lot of fun writing this chapter. I initially planned for another chapter of just Bell and Athena interacting, but I feared some of u might be getting bored, so I rushed straight ahead to the fight.

It will be a while until the next chapter will be released, so I apologize for leaving you all on a cliffhanger HAHAHA.

Other news, I released another chapter for my other fanfic 𝘿𝙭𝘿: 𝙍𝙚𝙗𝙤𝙧𝙣 𝙖𝙨 𝙂𝙚𝙣𝙨𝙝𝙞𝙧𝙤𝙪 𝙎𝙖𝙟𝙞, so check that out if the premise interests you.

I will now be falling back to sleep as I want to rest.

Thank you again for reading this chapter, I hope you look forward to the next one, and may you have a nice day!


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