Danmachi: Reborn with EMIYA’s Powers

Chapter 34: Beast Hunter 1

Bell and the demi-spirit beasts stared down at each other from across their current locations. 


The demi-spirits growled lowly as their muscles tensed to begin chasing down the prey within their sight. Bell's magic circuits readied themselves to manifest at a moment's notice, his reality marble honing the swords within its landscape with violent intent. 

"I have to be honest… it's been quite a while since I've participated in a fight. I'm a bit rusty after studying most of the time…"

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"But I haven't just been sitting on my ass for the past half a year. Though I'm rusty, I'm confident I can hunt you all down more easily than before!"

Despite his period of resting and recovery, Bell felt he was the strongest he had ever been. The reason for that was simple… he could now make more use of the latent potential of UBW.


The demi-spirits recognized Bell's increase in blood lust and immediately charged at him. Numerous beasts hunting him down from all directions.

Had this been the past, Bell would've required the use of a 『Sword Barrel』or an appropriately strategized series of evasions but it was no longer necessary now.


Bell's magic circuits burned with energy as the projection in his mind took form into reality.

The Bestival demi-spirits threatened to rend him down to the bone. But in an instant-


-they were all felled.

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All around Bell, the disintegrating corpses of the demi-spirits lay on the ground.

"As expected… I did find the fact that so many demi-spirits spawn from a single jewel fetus weird, so they sacrificed individual strength for raw numbers."

Bell concluded his findings about the beast. He estimated that they ranged from a high level two to a low level three in strength.


But as Bell pondered on his thoughts, the weapon which coldly dispatched his enemies began to swing around him. Searching for new prey to sink itself into.

A series of chains extended from his back and began swaying as if the metal were organic. At the end of the chain was a blade that was similar in structure to Bell's regular chained blades. As if it were altered to function akin to a stinger than a sword.

The weapon swayed smoothly and without hindrance. Releasing a faint sound as it did. As if it were the cry of a beast in hunting.

"I got the idea from the mobile armor and Barbatos Lupus Rex from Iron-Blooded Orphans. Having an auto-tracking projection eases the time it takes for me to manually control it."

Utilizing a series of blacksmith enchantments that he layered on top of one another. A feat that would be hard to reproduce without Bell's UBW.

"It would be better if I gained the 『Mystery』development ability, but this alone would do… I can think about that once I enter a familia."

"It worries me that 『Nega-Messiah』exists but it seems to only slightly lower parameters. Not enough of a deterrent for me to gain falna in the future."

As Bell began to conclude his future plans, unknown to him, UBW began to rejoice.

For now, it could begin to show its true potential… the infinite creation of mystic swords which countered even the endless treasury of the King of Heroes.



But before Bell could continue to think to himself, the sounds of the beast demi-spirits roared all across Altena.

"... No rest for the wicked it seems"


Bell projected another weapon beside his tail-like sword.

In his left hand was the nameless bow he projected before. Improved with his increased knowledge of metallurgy. Now being composed of a Mythril alloy with small hints of Adamantium.

But projected onto his right was a weapon Bell had never used before this moment.

A black-edged sword that radiated a faint red glow.

The sword which slew an accursed giant and constantly sought out blood like a wild beast.

『Hrunting: Hound of the Red Plains』

"My usual melee fighting style won't cut it for this situation. There are simply too many enemies across too large a coverage…"

So Bell would simply fight in a way where distance wouldn't matter to him.

Shoot down every single enemy in sight with his reinforced eyesight. Whilst running around to gain a better vantage on every area. Using his tracking sword to dispatch any enemies along the way.

"Since I'm hunting down many monsters as opposed to a single enemy, Hrunting would be the better choice instead of something like Caladbolg…"

Bell took the sword in his hand and stabbed it deep into the few remaining demi-spirits. The dark blood it produced stained the sword as the blade began to glow violently red.

"Hound of the red plains, a name given to the sword for its unique trait. Once it tastes the blood of a target… it will never stop until its presence is no more."

Hrunting, when used as an arrow, had the unique trait of becoming a target-seeking arrow. And in the case of having to deal with numerous identical enemies…

"It's the best mob-control weapon outside of an explosive projection… something I can't afford right now because of the collateral damage…"

Bell didn't want to decimate the beautiful nation of Altena to cinders, so he had to be careful not to wreck too much in the process of his hunting.

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Bell turned his head to the source of the immense roar.


Bell could feel his heart sink as he looked upon the beast. It wasn't something he couldn't handle… but he feared how many more of its kind existed out there.

"Nidhogg in Sword Oratoria was a dragon of the same species as the Black Dragon found in the dungeon… and there are numerous smaller Behemoth-like monsters in the desert of death ash… I should probably look into recruiting an ally who is good with boats if the trend is similar…"

After considering naming his future ship "Argo" in a potential hunt for smaller leviathans, Bell turned around to start dealing with the demi-spirits.

 He didn't worry much about the monster.

"I should focus on wiping out the demi-spirits so that the other forces aren't hindered by 『Nega-Messiah』... if I can finish doing that before they kill the leviathan…"

The reason for his non-worry was simple. It was because the might of the invincible Altenian navy and the Freya familia were honing in on the monster at that moment.

"The only thing that could make me begin to worry with those forces is maybe an abnormal deep floor monster Rex or the demi-spirit Delphyne… but even then… Ottar would make it overkill."

Bell knew that Ottar once soloed a monster Rex known as Udaeus on a whim. Which eventually gave the adventurer his current pair of swords. 

Knowing that such a feat wasn't the true extent of his powers, it wasn't a matter of, if the Leviathan could be defeated, bit how long it would take before then.

"Evilus's attack was designed well with the goal of eliminating Athena and Freya. But they severely underestimated their capabilities… this isn't taking into account Odysseus' abilities…"

Whilst wondering if the familia captain possessed a Gundam similar to his fate counterpart. Bell began to run straight into a nearby horde of demi-spirits.






The ordering shouts of a navy captain. The deafening explosions of cannons. 

The maelstrom of Altena’s navy began to descend on the Leviathan in full force.

Emptying all of their capabilities to fell the sea serpent as soon as possible.

"Magicians! Continue chanting your spells while the auxiliary squad continues to fill the magic cannons for another volley! Guards are to defend the magicians from invading monsters!"

The captain of the navy's flagship continued to give numerous commands to the soldiers aboard.

Dealing damage to the leviathan with its weaponry.

Keeping in mind the formation so as to avoid being struck by the monster.

Dispatching any sea monsters that invade the deck.

All the while adapting to the constant changes of battle.

It was hectic. It was chaotic. But the navy continued to work efficiently and with discipline despite the great pressure on their backs.

Numerous lives hanged on the outcome of their performance, but they continued to remain calm and determined.

They didn't gain their title as the world's strongest navy out of sheer luck.

"Lady Athena! Our volleys have been determined to have an effect on the Leviathan and are facing no issues in continuing the assault"

"Captain Odysseus is still chanting the manifestation of his magic with the assistance of governess Penelope!"

A member of the Athena familia reported the current status to the goddess. But Athena's brow continued to remain tense. 

The situation was going well, but it was undeniable that they were still in a state of emergency.

"What is the ETA by Penelope for Odysseus to finish chanting his magic? And what of our ground forces and the evacuation of the citizens?"

Hearing the goddess' queries, the soldier spoke out.

"Governess Penelope says around five minutes Lady Athena… as for our ground forces and the evacuation…"

The soldier hesitated before he spoke about the second matter. It was obvious to Athena what it meant. Her beauty was stressed under the sadness and anger she felt.

'I never heard of a demi-spirit before, but I am more than aware of Evilus and that bastard Angra Mainyu… if it's his doings, though I know not of the specifics, I know full well that it will bring disaster if left unchecked.'

Athena cursed the god of evil in her heart who always hid himself in a veil of darkness.

'You were always quiet and reserved in Tenkai, but now that you can directly affect beings you can control with your strength… only then do you find it in yourself to act out…'

The goddess despised the god with immense hatred. Athena held a small authority over justice, so she could never accept an existence like Angra Mainyu no matter how hard she tried.

'Those beasts… demi-spirits… their roars somehow affect the connection I have with the children of my familia… is it a debuff? A curse? It doesn't matter.'

Athena quickly shut off her inquisitiveness to focus on the more important matter at hand.

That being the lives of her children and of her citizens.

"We need more reinforcements on land… find the location of the goddess Freya and her familia! Make contact then immediately request for-"

But before Athena could finish giving out her orders, the person she wished to speak to appeared before her.

"I am more than willing to assist in your endeavors Athena."


The guards and Athena quickly moved to the source of the cold but sultry voice. 

Freya walked out of the shadows of the interior of the flagship alongside Ottar and a few of her executives.


Athena was slightly taken aback by the expression held by the goddess in front of her. She knew Freya as a goddess who did as she wanted… but the divinity she felt radiating off of her body… Athena knew she was no longer messing around.

"... Conditions for assistance?"

Athena knew better than to accept assistance without detailing the compensation, but Freya cut her off quickly from that line of thought.

"None will be needed. This is a personal dispute of mine. I simply wish to form an alliance for the sake of efficiency."

Freya spoke with absolute scorn as she looked upon the serpent and the wild beasts by the land.

Athena couldn't detect any falsehood. There were no drawbacks to allying with the Freya familia… she was simply confused about what incited the ire of the goddess.

'Freya wouldn't act unless…something precious to her was hurt…Bell!-'

Athena immediately connected the dots. Bell Cranel. Only should something happen to the boy Freya loved so much would she be driven to such anger… Athena thought about what could have possibly happened to the boy who filled her days with so much joy.

Days and nights spent together in mutual pursuit of knowledge. 

Bell happily accepted her into his research, something most students would keep to themselves at all costs.

Bell easily got along with her and was patient in teaching the goddess the basics of his research. So that she would be able to assist him in its furthering.

Bell was so kind and gentle towards the goddess. 

Where most students would be scared stiff in the presence of her divinity, Bell simply looked upon her as just another person. As a fellow academic… a partner.


The light in Athena's eyes began to fade as scenes of what could've possibly happened to him flashed in her mind.

The mortal boy covered in burns, scars, and deep injuries. 

Blood dripped down the body of someone who was nothing but the kindest to her.

'If Bell… got hurt… if he…'

Gods spend eternity in repetitive boredom. Seeing years pass by as if they were mere seconds.

In the endless cycle of the divine… should they ever come across something or someone that breaks the dullness that stained their lives… should anything happen to the single drop of color in their existence.


The world shall know the retribution of the divine for daring to sully that which they treasure most.

The cold goddess met the freezing gaze of her fellow kin. 

"Goddess Freya… it would be my pleasure to ally with you to fell this horrid monstrosity…"

Athena will never forgive the one who hurt the only partner who walked alongside her lonely path.

"... I'm happy we can share the same sentiments, goddess Athena."

Freya knew why Athena’s nature changed so quickly… but she didn't concern herself with the fact another divinity approached her Odr. She simply tunnel-visioned herself into the writing serpent who so arrogantly roared in their presence.

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'... how pitiful… loudly declaring oneself so proudly… in the presence of an existence their strength cannot even compare to…'

Freya began to curse endlessly at the serpent, at the beasts, and at the foolish heretic of Evilus.

'I was so close… Bell and I were so close… knee deep in passion… he was confessing his love… and I was about to do the same…'

Freya, in her anger, began to misremember the details of her conversation with Bell prior. But it didn't matter to her.

'You intruded in my love with my precious Odr… for that… death is barely enough as recompense YOU WRETCHED REPTILE!-'

Freya's familia continued to stand silently as her rage soared. Eventually, the goddess spoke to relay her orders.

"Gulliver brothers, you are to assist in the extermination of the beasts on the mainland and in the evacuation of the citizens. I grant you permission to bring our entire retinue, save the remaining executives"

"As you wish, Lady Freya!"

The brothers then immediately leaped off of the ship to go begin coordinating their forces on land.

The rest of the executives eagerly awaited their goddess' orders for them.

"The rest of you… sear the fear of god into that monster."

Hearing the curt order of their goddess, the rest of the familia readied themselves for combat.

Their goddess wished to impose reverence of the divine onto the monster… and it shall be done with extreme prejudice.

"As you wish, Lady Freya."

Allan was the first to act upon Freya's orders. Tensing his legs immensely before leaping into a blinding sprint. 

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Allen continued to jump from ship to ship in order to gain a foothold, increasing his speed each time he did.

"Tch- why does it have to be in the water."

Allen bemoaned the fact that his enemy was aquatic. Had he been on the ground he could have more effectively fulfilled Freya's orders. 

But as it stood, Ottar was the best chance their familia had at significantly harming the creature. 

Unable to attain his goddess' heart for himself, he at least wanted to become the most dedicated servant she employed, but Ottar had an unshaken hold as the holder of that position.

"Damn Leviathan… I'll just vent my frustrations on your annoying ass!"

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Allen continued to jump across the numerous ships of the navy. Causing them to shake under the weight of his leaps.

Allen had no magic to his name, but he had his speed and his spear.

He would run down all the foes that stood in his and his goddess' way.

The chariot of the goddess Freya who would never heel in the face of any setback. Earning him the alias…

『Vana Freya』

Allen began to turn into a barely visible blur.

It wasn't the fastest speed he could attain for his attack, an attack that even Ottar feared, but it would do for now.

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Allen changed direction as he directed leaped toward the Leviathan after accruing enough momentum.

The force of his last leap rocked the ship heavily. Nearly toppling over. 

Gripping onto his spear tightly, Allen began to perform his technique which was the accumulation of all his skills as an adventurer.

『Grallineze Fromel』


In an instant, Allen's Visage passed through the Leviathan. 

The vision of most of the Altenian navy barely followed the movements of the adventurer.

A loud boom was heard as the cat person broke through the sound barrier for a moment.

In the path of his spear, a deep wound appeared on the Leviathan. A flurry of blood and its broken-off scales began to fly through the air.


Before the Leviathan could scream in pain, a follow-up attack was being made.

Following behind slower than the speeding Allen was the dark elf Hogni. 

Being a meek person, he trembled at the sight of the perturbed vice-captain but quickly focused on the task at hand as he chanted his magic. 

A unique magic that didn't have any flashy or arcane effects. But a simple spell that induced a state of self-hypnosis in the dark elf. 

A form of self-suggestion that turned his personality from shy, reserved, and fearful of confrontation… to a ruthless warrior that lived only for the thrill of battle.


In a moment, the atmosphere around Hogni changed in an instant. 

Flipping off the hood he usually wore to hide away. His face came into full view. A sadistic grin that no one would fault for associating with a monster.


Hogni who once trembled under the gaze of Allen immediately began to cuss at him heavily. Doing so as he began rushing towards the leviathan like a wild beast. 

Jumping strongly off of a nearby ship and climbing on the writhing serpent using his strength, Hogni eventually made his way to the wound caused by Allen. 

His target in sight, Hogni then invoked his super short chant magic. Fire engulfed his arms before concentrating on his palm.

Feeling his mind taking the form of the immense explosion that was about to cause unimaginable pain for the monster, Hogni began to laugh maniacally as he called out his spell.


𝘽 𝙊 𝙊 𝙈 !!!

Hogni's body was immediately thrown into the air as a result of his magic. But before he could fall into the water, he was caught by Allen who looked at him with disdain.


Hogni's 『Dainsleif』slowly began to lose effect as the dark elf returned to his original meek self.

Seeing his vice-captain's hate-filled gaze and fully remembering his actions under the effects of his spell, Hogni's heart fell as he began to imagine what was to come next.

"Allen… you understand I didn’t mean anything I said when I use my magic… right?"

Hogni began to shiver, to which Allen replied without looking at him. His facial expression remained a neutral scowl all throughout.

"When we get back to Folkvangr, you and I are going to be training partners for a week."

Realizing the true intentions behind his words, Hogni simply resigned himself to his fate. 

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As the cat person and dark elf chatted, the Leviathan began to scream in immense pain as it began to chase down Allen and Hogni who were rushing straight to the Altenian navy's flagship.

"Lady Athena… why is the Freya familia leading an enraged leviathan charging straight towards us?"

The captain of the flagship began to worry as he couldn't seem to understand the strategy of the world's strongest familia.


Athena simply continued to remain silent. The captain took this as a sign to simply trust in the Freya familia… but in actuality, Athena was considering strategies to inflict as much pain as possible on the Leviathan. Believing Bell to be injured by the monster.

As Athena and the ship's captain remained silent on one side of the deck, Ottar and Hedin walked together towards the bow of the ship. 

Ottar lifted a sword from the pair he had on his back. His muscles tensed to an unbelievable extent. The aura he exuded befitted his undisputed alias of 『King』

"I will only be able to enchant you for less than a second. Any more and I will be rendered useless for the battle. I'm sure one-third of a second will suffice?"

Hedin said as he faced Ottar. The elf planned on enchanting his captain with his lightning buff magic.

However, due to the immense effects of the buff, it nearly causes the elf to enter mind-zero.

With his electric magic being an immense boon in combating the Leviathan, Hedin needed to conserve his mind as much as he could. But it was only by enchanting Ottar with his magic could the familia achieve the orders of their goddess down to the letter…

To instill the fear of gods in the beast.

Hearing the question posed by his comrade, Ottar simply replied without much of a fuss.

"It's more than enough."

Nodding at the confirmation of the beast-man. Hedin began to chant his magic as Allen and Hogni continued to lure the Leviathan to the ship.

At the same time… Ottar as well began to chant his own magic. The magic he used to slay the monster Rex Udaues in a single blow.

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Allena, carrying Hogni, deftly landed on the ship. The leviathan roared as it continued to chase after the image of two mortals who had inflicted such pain upon it. 

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Thunder and lightning began to manifest in the sky as Hogni chanted his magic. His mind slowly took form as the chant neared completion.

A brilliant golden light began to envelop Ottar's sword as he molded his mind with his intent. Images of the Zeus familia he sought to overcome as a youth… the sight of Zald took over his mind.

The only father figure the Boaz had known, and the person he aspired to overtake

The heat of the crowds as bards told how he slew the Behemoth in a single blow…

The heat of the flames as he engulfed Orario in crisis. Wanting to help grow the next generation of adventurers…

The heat of his blood on his hands as he slew the tired adventurer…

The smile Zald wore as he realized Ottar leveled up with his defeat…

The heat in the beast man's heart as he rejoiced and mourned the fulfillment of his dream.

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The leviathan's jaws threatened to swallow the ship as its huge figure loomed over its prey.

『Laurus Hildr』

Hedin finished his chant and called upon his magic. 


A lightning bolt fell upon Ottar in an instant. His figure changed in response to the enchantment buff of Hedin. 

Ottar's body began to flicker as electricity coursed through every part of his body. His sword increased in length into a massive greatsword.

But it only appeared in an instant before it began to fade in less than a second. A result of Hedin limiting his enchantment by a large margin to not immediately enter mind-zero.

It was less than a second… but as Ottar said… it was more than enough for his sword to reach.

『Hildis Vini』



The sky… the leviathan… was now flying helplessly high in the sky.


The Altenian navy could only watch in awe as the Freya familia brought absurdity to reality by throwing the great serpent completely out of the wager and into the sky.

Fear. That was the only thing coursing through the mind of the leviathan.

Light. Golden light. That was the only thing it saw before it began to feel a sense of wind and weightlessness.

"Is this to your satisfaction, Lady Freya?"

Ottar asked as he knelt alongside the other executives towards the goddess.

Freya, who was receiving the reverence of the individual who made such an absurd sight possible, simply continued to watch with a neutral expression upon the scene.

"It has satisfied me, my children… but it is far from enough… it still has the will to retaliate. Until it begs for the release of death, it will not be enough. Do you all understand?"

Hearing Freya's words, the executives all heeded her command.

"As you wish, Lady Freya!"


The Altenian navy could only remain silent as they heard the insane order their goddess gave. Unknown to them, however, their own goddess Athena was thinking along a similar chain of thought to Freya.

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The leviathan began to fall quickly from the sky. Its collision with the water was nearing fruition.

Athena immediately recognized the threat posed by the Leviathan's crash. The forming of immense waves would hit the port immensely.

The goddess began to act in order to circumvent such a scenario… and to personally vent her anger against the snake.

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Just before the Leviathan crashed into the water. At the last moment… Athena invoked the summoning of her divine construct. Tangentially linked to her existence like Artemis and her arrow. The greatest shield among the heavens.

『Aegis: Divine Body Boundary Field』

Athena's hair began to flutter as a golden white light began to emit from her hands.

Upon the site where the Leviathan was about to crash, a giant white aegis shield manifested upon the ground, inflicting pain onto the Leviathan for crashing into the solid unbreaking ground.

The energy of its fall has nowhere to go but to inflict internal damage on the monster.

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The leviathan cried out to the sky in agony as it pathetically sank into the ocean. Athena demanifested her divine shield once it fulfilled its purpose. 

"... not bad"

Freya commented as she saw what Athena had done, to which Athena simply nodded.

The Altenian navy, growing tired of being shocked back to back, thought that this fight would soon draw to a close. But Athena drew their attention with a loud command.

"All ships are to not become complacent! Full vigilance is to be maintained! This battle is far from over!"


The soldiers couldn't believe what their goddess was saying. They saw the monster they feared be toyed around like a ragdoll, what was there to fear?

Ottar, noticing those looks on a group of nearby soldiers, decided to enlighten them with his own words.

"What we were able to achieve was due simply to having the advantage of the monster looking down on us and not knowing our capability… even then, it was nothing more than to showcase our capabilities and to have the beast focus its attention solely on us and not on the mainland.”

“There's a reason why the Leviathan is so feared. Why it garnered the alias as the overlord of the seas…"

The soldiers were shocked that Ottar was talking to them, but were immediately confused why he was taking so much caution to a monster he slapped into the sky… but they would soon learn why.


Huge waves burst forth from the water as the Leviathan emerged from beneath the waves. The scene shown shocked the common soldiers.


The numerous injuries inflicted upon the Leviathan began to heal at an absurdly fast rate as it was covered in seawater. 

A buildup of mind began to accumulate within its body as numerous pores began to open up.

Before long… the Leviathan roared out.

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Powerful bursts of water began to shoot out from the numerous pores of its body, targeting the numerous ships of the navy. 

A huge beam was fired from its gaping maw as well. The larger beam of immense water targeted the flagship where the goddesses resided.


The crew of the ship were stunned at the sight of the beam of water… the majesty of the magic radiated an aura of certain death… but Athena stepped forward when all of them were shocked stiff. 

Her gait was natural, she wasn't shocked to see the serpent live. Simply calling upon her divine construct once more.

『Aegis: Divine Body Boundary Field』

Numerous white shields manifested where every beam shot by the Leviathan was targeted. Each one repelling the monster's attack. 



Athena spoke a bit in pain as she continued to resist the continued strike of the Leviathan.

Similar to Artemis, Athena wasn't meant to use her divine construct herself. 

But it wasn't prophesied for a fated lover. It was simply the mechanisms of Athena's divine construct working against her.

The shield's strength would grow proportional to the user's emotional resolve and strength. So for the goddess who lacked strength with her restricted mortal body, she could only maintain the shield with her mental fortitude. A feat that tired her immensely.

'Hold on… just… a bit more…'

Athena gritted as she continued to hold on. But luckily for the goddess, her help finally pulled through

『Troia Hippos… Obliteration Mode』

A mechanical voice called out from the sky. The sound of it relieving the goddess along with the worries of the Altenian navy. The voice was one they could always rely on, one of a figure who confidently led the Altenian forces to the glory and prosperity they enjoy today.

"Took you long enough…Odysseus."

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The sound of thrusters began to ring throughout the area. A giant white mechanical suit of armor began to descend slowly in front of the flagship.

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The Troia Hippos shot out a beam of concentrated Mind energy toward the blast of the Leviathan. Taking over the confrontation with the monster from Athena's Aegis.

The clash of the two beams began making intense sparks of energy crackle as the two forces collide violently and without rest.

『Increasing mind output… maximum potency achieved.』

The Troia Hippos began to match the beam of the Leviathan in intensity, eventually forming an explosion as the beams confronted each other, bringing the attacks to a stop.


As the smoke began to cover the area, the Troia Hippos continued to remain firm. Strength being exuded from the atmosphere, produced by its sheer size and magical energy. Remaining vigilant for any signs of the Leviathan.

Taking the moment of respite produced by Odysseus’ blast to make her entrance, a womanly voice began to sound out from the Troia Hippose. Unlike the deep cold tone of Odysseus, this voice was much more joyful and exuberant in comparison.

"Sorry about the late arrival, Lady Athena! Those black beasts kept messing with me fueling Odysseus up with enough mind to invoke his magic…"

"I had to use all of my Mind reserves to complete the process… so I might not be able to do much now…hehe~"

Descending from the shoulder of Troia Hippos was an elven woman with violet eyes and hair. 

Her youthful appearance would indicate she was in her young adulthood, but Athena knew very well she outlived most elves and high elves by a large margin.

“It's all right Penelope. If anything, it's impressive you were able to fuel Odysseus enough for him to transform despite all the weird disruptions.”

Athena smiled warmly at the sight of the woman in front of her. 

Penelope. Governess of Altena, wife of Odysseus, and mother of Telemachus. A descendant of a bloodline only a few remaining in the world remember. Athena being one of the few who happens to remember their long-forgotten past.

“Your praise is too much Lady Athena. Had my sister and that monstrous daughter of hers been here, Odysseus would've been fueled much more quickly~”

Penelope said as she reminisced on her relatives she had forgotten for so long. She was overjoyed to hear that her sister had finally found a lover just like herself. Even producing a daughter who was the spitting image of her.

‘And to think the boy Medea kept gushing over arrived in Altena… had that girl stayed one more month, they would've met… how unfortunate yet thrilling at the same time ufufu~’

Penelope had always been a fan of drama, so she quite enjoyed the situation her niece and supposed nephew were having. Though she would've liked to eventually have a one-on-one with the boy she was unfortunately unable to meet due to her busy work as the governess. 


As the elf began to make her way towards her goddess, she noticed the presence of Freya who kept looking towards the mainland of Altena with an expression of longing.

“It is so nice to meet you again, Lady Freya.”

Penelope performed a curt bow to which Freya replied with a simple quick nod. Penelope found it interesting that the goddess who used to pester their family to defect was now nowhere to be seen.

‘I’ll have to ask Athena to catch me up on all the juicy gossip going on while I was busy… I just can't seem to let go of my habit of indulging in tea it seems.’

Pushing her plans of what she’ll do after the Leviathan is slain to the back of her mind. Penelope stood by the side of Athena as they began to discuss their plans for the monster’s subjugation.

“I presume we have entered an alliance with the Freya familia, Lady Athena?”

“Yes. For the time being our goals are… aligned so to speak. Where is Telemachus?”

“My dear son has taken the reins to command the auxiliary naval forces. That way we can have less of a hassle coordinating our main ships against the Leviathan.”

As the two began to talk, Odysseus in his Troia Hippos called out to all of them. His sensors were picking up on the movement of the Leviathan.

『The Leviathan has dived underwater… its depth and speed are too much for me to keep track of. Caution is advised to the utmost limit.』

All the forces began to gain vigilance. Keeping their eyes peeled for any sign of the serpent. 

It would now be a battle of attrition for the Freya and Athena familia against the monster who once ruled the waves as a deep ocean tyrant.

Bell against the horde of black beasts. Athena and Freya’s forces against the great serpent. 

Their hunts have only just begun. 







Thank you for reading this chapter. 

Next chapter will be finished in a couple of days. Really tired from school right now HAHAHA. 

Hope you look forward to it, and may you all have a nice day. 

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