Danmachi: Reborn with EMIYA’s Powers

Chapter 35: Beast Hunter 2. Limit-Off

As the Freya and Athena familias continued to battle against the Leviathan, standing atop a building that stood in a wrecked part of Altena, a hooded figure thought to himself about the current situation.

'They're struggling to keep the Leviathan in check, but the battle has devolved into a fight of attrition, the Freya and Athena familias will come out victorious sooner or later… how unfortunate…'

The figure bemoaned that his plans wouldn't at least debilitate the forces of his enemies. Injuries will occur and some deaths in the lower ranks will be present, but no major blow will severely affect the two familias.

'And it's all because of him…'

The figure looked towards a place where his false demi-spirit beasts were congregating. All along the path to the destination, a road of flayed beast corpses lay on the ground, slowly dissolving into nothingness—the brutality of the strikes evident from appearance alone.

'Had the demi-spirits been allowed to focus their 『Nega-Messiah』on the Freya and Athena familias, they would no doubt suffer some casualties with the disturbance of their falna but that person is drawing all of their attention onto him.'

'And even more fascinatingly, he doesn't seem to be affected… such power without the assistance of Falna or the blessing of a spirit… how fascinating you are, Gray Ghost…'

The figure was more than aware of the vigilante. As a leading member of Evilus, he was acutely aware of the bemoanings of his "comrade" Enyo about his ruined operations by the hand of the Gray Ghost.

Though the two of them led separate competing factions in the terrorist group of gods, the figure didn't take the news of his rival's obstacle with joy. He began to wonder if that same obstacle will affect him and his operations.

'I figured I wouldn't have to worry about him given I operate outside of Orario but it seems like the vigilante has decided to take on problems outside of that city… changes will have to be made to accommodate his existence.'

The Gray Ghost was indeed an unwelcome intrusion into the figure's plans, but such problems could be easily accounted for. He hadn't spent a near thousand years for his machinations to be thrown into chaos by a single individual.

'It's not like everything is lost… the leviathan and demi-spirits will be a great loss… but it was an exchange well worth sacrificing for this knowledge.'

The figure held an old and dilapidated book in his hands. Though he would've liked to ruin the fighting power of his enemies, his real goal in this entire operation was the infiltration of the deepest sector of the Altenian academy's library to retrieve a book.

One that the figure needed immensely for the smooth continuing of his plans.

'I commend you well Athena. You truly are a goddess who appreciates knowledge. Saving both knowledges of progress and innovation… and knowledge of the heretical.'

The title was obscured heavily by the wear and tear, but a singular was able to be distinguished amidst the age of the book.




『Trace on』

Bell spoke as he projected another copy of Hrunting onto his hands. Doing so as he ran widely across the streets of Altena. Surrounded on all sides by chasing demi-spirits.


"You just never give up do you."

Bell said as another demi-spirit beast caught up to him. The bloody maw of the monster was clearly visible to him. A few desecrated remains of the Altenian city guard could be seen stuck on the fangs of the beast.

Bell wrinkled in disgust, but he didn't have to see it for long.


The floating blade he continued to project swung fiercely from the blind side of the monster, the blade delving into its throat to strike its core cleanly and without mercy.

𝙥 𝙞 𝙚 𝙧 𝙘 𝙚

The beast began to fade into dust as it was dispatched in a single blow, but the blade didn't stop at just a single target. Beginning to widely shift its angle of movement to begin striking at more targets.

𝙥 𝙞 𝙚 𝙧 𝙘 𝙚  𝙥 𝙞 𝙚 𝙧 𝙘 𝙚  𝙥 𝙞 𝙚 𝙧 𝙘 𝙚  𝙥 𝙞 𝙚 𝙧 𝙘 𝙚

The blade continued to decimate the hordes of demi-spirits with cold and brutal precision. Tearing a bloody path for Bell to continue running upon. Trails of blood followed him through the air as the one-sided slaughter continued unimpeded.


Bell reinforced the blade in order to more quickly open himself a path. The blade howled an ominous sound as mind flowed through it in the pattern of a circuit along its edge.


𝙥 𝙞 𝙚 𝙧 𝙘 𝙚  𝙥 𝙞 𝙚 𝙧 𝙘 𝙚  𝙥 𝙞 𝙚 𝙧 𝙘 𝙚  𝙥 𝙞 𝙚 𝙧 𝙘 𝙚

The Altenians who witnessed the sight from a distance couldn't help but stare in silent admiration and fear at Bell's personage.

They were grateful. Beyond grateful to have such a powerful figure by their side. But the raw brutality of the way he fought… the fear of the scenario should he point his blade towards them instead of the monster, sent a primal fear down all of their backs. The fear of being looked upon by an unquestioned predator.

"How many of you guys have I killed already?"

Bell questioned himself as he no longer kept count of how many demi-spirits he already dispatched.

Focusing solely on killing any black beast that entered the range of his senses, Bell simply acted more on instinct with his experience of fighting than actually making conscious decisions.

The movements that efficiently brought the monsters to the afterlife… it came naturally to him now. As if it were second nature.

"Hard to believe I was once a guy with nothing but time and books to read… you really don't know where you'll end up in life."

But as Bell continued to talk to himself in amusement at how drastically he has changed, a demi-spirit lunged straight at him from the narrow shadow of an alleyway. Screaming in blood fueled rage at the person who kept killing his kin en masse.


But it was for naught. The glowing eyes of Bell beneath his hood trained themselves of the beast in an instant.


Bell began to strengthen the structure of the Hrunting he was holding. His floating blade was too busy dealing with the rest of the beasts to dispatch the surprise attack that currently befell him.

𝙨 𝙩 𝙖 𝙗

Bell thrust the sword in his hand straight down the gaping maw of the beast. The blood of the monster staining himself and his sword in a malevolent ooze.

But he wasn't fazed in the least by the gruesome sight of his body. He no longer hesitated to do what he had to do.

"... Looks like a good shot has lined up for me."

Bell said to himself as Hrunting began to shift from a dark black blade into a glowing red hue. The hound of the red plains has tasted the blood of its victim and now sought to decimate more of its kind.


Bell strengthened his body as he began to run to a vantage point that would give him a clear view of what he needed to shoot at.

𝙥 𝙞 𝙚 𝙧 𝙘 𝙚

His floating blade shifted from stabbing demi-spirits to securing itself on a wall Bell was climbing. Giving him a secure tether that hastened his ascent greatly.

Bell landed deftly on the roof of the tall house he had just climbed. Running and jumping from roof to roof as trained his aim on his current target.

'Ten demi-spirits approaching a shelter, perfectly lined up for my arrow.'

Reaching a perfect position to shoot from, Bell's feet ground against the tiles of the roof in order to stop his momentum. Doing so as he projected his bow to his free hand.

Nocking the arrow, Bell began to focus his sight solely on the ten demi-spirits. Connecting himself to something within his reality marbled to assist him as he prepared to shoot his arrow true.


Bell's magic circuits began to reach toward a golden scabbard within his mental landscape. The scabbard opened itself in its center, revealing the divine arrow Artemis had gifted to him.

As his magic circuits began to connect with the arrow, UBW began to analyze its structure.

Bell wasn't going to project the divine arrow. It was currently serving as his 『Avalon』which kept him in the fight when he should be exhausted by this point.

It would also require an immense amount of mind to project another copy of the divine construct. An amount he currently did not possess. One he could only obtain if he maxed out his magic stat with falna after multiple level-ups.

'Figures I couldn't just spam Orion arrow on everything I encounter… a pity…'

Bell quickly quipped to himself in his mind. He wasn't going to replicate the structure of the divine arrow and project it into reality… he was making use of another step in the process of his projection magecraft. Sympathizing with the experiences accrued in the weapons he traced.

𝙛 𝙪 𝙪 𝙪 𝙪 𝙪 𝙪...

A gust of wind began to emanate from Bell's body as he began to trace and replicate the endless years of archery experience the goddess Artemis accrued throughout her years of existence alongside the Orion arrow.

'Tracing the experiences of a divine archer who dedicated most of her life to refining her craft… I wonder how Artemis' archery would be classified as a developmental ability?'

'Ais' swordsmanship which is considered one of the strongest against monsters is only ranked at H despite her training from childhood… given Artemis' years of existence…. maybe A? S?'

Bell began to thank the moon goddess in his mind. Developmental abilities were hard to level up into the higher ranks, and he now had access to an immense level of skill at any moment he wanted.

'Copying the immense archery experience of the goddess of the hunt… I might be better now than Shirou Emiya when it comes to being an archer-class servant.'


Bell invoked his magic to begin shaping the red glowing sword into the form of a sharp and unorthodox arrow. The sword changed shape as Bell pulled on it alongside the bowstring.


Magic circuits began to light up across the structure of the sword-arrow. The red glow it had after it tasted the blood of the demi-spirits began to intensify into a graceful red smog.

His arrow and bow were ready. His replicated experience determined it was now prime time to let his arrow fly. Tensing his muscles as he pulled a little bit more on the high-tension draw strength of his bow. Bell let his arrow loose.

𝙗 𝙤 𝙤 𝙢

The air around Bell distorted slightly before pushing back on his surroundings with an immense gust of wind. The arrow he shot broke the sound barrier in an instant.

𝙥 𝙞 𝙚 𝙧 𝙘 𝙚

And just as quickly as it broke the sound barrier, it pierced through the cores of the ten demi-spirits he was targetting. The archery skills he had copied from Artemis alongside the blood-seeking nature of his Hrunting arrow, allowed it to be possible for him to strike down all his foes at once.


The bodies of the beats fell weakly onto the ground as their lives were beginning to fade. The nearby Altenians who were fearing their demise by the jaws of the monsters now looked in blank shock at an arrow that wedged itself into the ground. The blood of the monsters they feared dripped down from its structure.

'I'm unable to completely copy and trace all of Artemis' thousands of years of experience but what I have is enough on its own.'

Bell thought to himself as he began to unmanifest the bow in his hand, but he was given no time to rest as another group of demi-spirits were upon him once more.


The beasts wildly clawed their way up the walls of the building to reach Bell. All of them descended upon him with a ravenous roar. A sound that carried the magical properties of their unique skill.


The roar of the beasts began to try and defile any divine blessing that was present in Bell but the anti-divine magic did nothing more than irritate the vigilante's ears.

'Sorry to say this but my powers aren't from a divine blessing…'


Bell's floating sword began to swing fiercely toward the demi-spirits.

'My powers are all-natural… well… as natural as a counter guardian/grand servant can be.'

𝙥 𝙞 𝙚 𝙧 𝙘 𝙚  𝙥 𝙞 𝙚 𝙧 𝙘 𝙚  𝙥 𝙞 𝙚 𝙧 𝙘 𝙚  𝙥 𝙞 𝙚 𝙧 𝙘 𝙚

The blade pierced through all the descending demi-spirits around Bell in an instant. Showering him in their blood as their bodies fell limply by his feet.

"... haa… I should be glad I don't have to wash my armor. But I do need a shower after this…"

Bell said as he began to walk by the roof, his chained blade floating nearby him to respond to any threat.

This was how Bell fought against the hordes of demi-spirits. Repeating the process he had just performed over and over again.

He was about to begin running once more to carve a bloody trail through the monsters, but the sight of a mysterious figure on top of a nearby roof caught his attention.


Bell looked upon the figure and he could feel them gazing back at him.

'This aura… a god?...'

Bell recognized the unique atmosphere that gods had whenever they were near to him, But he felt a different sensation with this god that distinguished itself among the many he had encountered in the past.

Dread… as if an unknown force was drawing him to hate the figure with everything he had. Unlike the rage, he felt against the beasts, the feeling he was currently experiencing… was different.


There was nothing but silence and a declaration from the figure to Bell.

"How about we play a game… you and I."



"Broadside! Fire!"


The deafening explosions of numerous warships rang out in the open water. The Alenian navy's allied assault with the Freya familia on the Leviathan continued.

Neither making nor losing ground against the sea serpent. Their battle raged on intensely.

"Two minutes to reposition and reload! Captain Odysseus, please take point!"

The captain of a nearby ship shouted loudly to request his familia captain who was now donning his signature magic he developed with the falna given to him by the goddess Athena.『Troia Hippos』

『Understood. Leave the Leviathan to me. Focus all efforts on loading the next salvo』

Odysseus replied as he began to strengthen the thrusters. Soon taking off to gain the attention of the Leviathan. Locking himself in combat with the monster before the navy could drench the Leviathan in magic spells and cannon balls.

𝙍 𝙍 𝙍 𝙊 𝙊 𝙊 𝙊 𝙊 𝙊 𝘼 𝘼 𝘼 𝘼 𝘼 𝘼 𝙍 𝙍 𝙍 !!!

The Leviathan roared in anger as it locked its gaze on the approaching white mechanical giant. The monster had long since developed a hatred for it due to the immense annoyance it gave.

『Troia Hippos. Engaging』

Odysseus spoke in a mechanical tone as he began to ready his mech suit's armaments. Unleashing bluish-white blasts of magic, alongside engaging the monster in melee combat.

𝙑 𝙬 𝙤 𝙤 𝙤 𝙤 𝙢 𝙢 𝙢

As Odysseus and the Leviathan locked themselves into a stalemate, a red blur began to tear through the air. Approaching the two giants

The figure was exhausted due to the immense strain of having to stall a Leviathan in a battle of attrition, but he was soon being healed and having his skills strengthened in response to the activation of a skill he had should he be put in a prolonged fight.

『Stortus Ottar』

Ottar began to deftly maneuver himself as he began to scale the body of the Leviathan. Reaching the monster's head with immense speed, the beast-man invoked his magic as he mightly swung his sword.

『Hildis Vini』

Ottar's arm and sword began to be wrapped in a blinding golden aura. The sword made contact and produced immense force as it did.


Utilizing the force from his attack, Ottar then leaped through the air before landing on a nearby ship, preparing himself for another assault.

'I could use my beastification and 『Vana Arganture』... but it would simply leave me unable to act after the time limit has passed… in this battle of attrition, I believe it to best to conserve myself…'

Ottar thought to himself as he prepared. He was plenty sure he could wipe away the Leviathan quickly. But the perpetrator behind the summoning of the beasts and the great monster was still at large.

Ottar couldn't afford to tire himself when his goddess was in reach of an enemy's malice.

The Freya familia captain contributed heavily to the smooth progress of the fight, but he alone wasn't the only one in his familia contributing.


On a ship that neared dangerously close to the struggle Odysseus was having against the now-dazed Leviathan, Hogni, and Hedin stepped onto the bow of the ship, preparing their spells as their mind stirred.

『Varian Hildr』『Burn Drain』

Blasts of lightning and fire hit the Leviathan with immense strength. The serpent cried out in pain as it became burned and electrocuted at the same time. It's writhing in pain causing immense waves.

𝙍 𝙍 𝙍 𝙊 𝙊 𝙊 𝙊 𝙊 𝙊 𝘼 𝘼 𝘼 𝘼 𝘼 𝘼 𝙍 𝙍 𝙍 !!!

𝙎 𝙋 𝙇 𝘼 𝙎 𝙃  𝙎 𝙋 𝙇 𝘼 𝙎 𝙃  𝙎 𝙋 𝙇 𝘼 𝙎 𝙃  𝙎 𝙋 𝙇 𝘼 𝙎 𝙃


The immense waves made by the Leviathan rocked the ships of the navy immensely. Causing some of the sailors aboard to go overboard.

But before they could fall into the violent cold waves of the sea, Allen quickly scooped them up. An annoyed expression on his face.

Unable to provide much support outside of his spear technique which required immense preparation, he was relegated to the task of making sure the Altenian navy didn't suffer any casualties from overboard sailors.


Safely securing the almost fallen sailors back onto their ship, Allen reprimanded them with a loud shout and an immense scowl. The sight of this scared the sailors stiff, immediately replied back to him in nervousness as if he was their superior officer.

"Y-Yes! I-it won't happen again s-sir!"

Seeing their lack of backbone, Allen simply clicked his tongue before jumping toward another ship.


After the Leviathan produced immensely powerful waves in pain, the monster began to dive underwater. Everyone present recognized what the serpent was about to do, and they all consequently stood stiff in fear.


Seeing the Altenian navy's common rank-and-file members get sacred stiff into standing still, Freya simply walked forward and spoke out to them all in a commanding tone. Her voice reached all the ships of the navy despite their distance and the noise of the roaring seas.

『Get back on your feet and fight』

Freya's sultry voice reached the ears of the scared soldiers in an instant. The goddess' voice began to stir emotions within them all.

Freya possessed a charming voice under her capacity as a goddess of beauty. One that could charm people to the point of being brain-washed into fitting her desires.

But what she performed didn't fall under that ability she possessed. The voice she used to speak out fell under her authority as a war goddess. A voice that rallied soldiers into battle. Breaking their daze and focusing their intent on the enemy that stands before them.

Freya instilled the discipline of a warrior in all the people that heard her voice. The charisma of a deity that ruled over mortal battle and strife.

But as the soldiers were about to move once more. Reinvigorated by Freya. A pillar of water burst forth from the waters.

𝙎 𝙋 𝙇 𝘼 𝙎 𝙃 


The Leviathan resurfaced once more. They all knew what was coming next. But before they could fall prey to the decimating attack of the monster, Athena stepped forward to shield her children from harm.

Protecting them behind the shield of the heavens.

『Aegis: Divine Body Boundary Field』

Numerous semi-transparent white shields formed in front of the numerous ships of the navy. Just in time before the Leviathan roared out in rage.

𝙍 𝙍 𝙍 𝙊 𝙊 𝙊 𝙊 𝙊 𝙊 𝘼 𝘼 𝘼 𝘼 𝘼 𝘼 𝙍 𝙍 𝙍 !!!

The Leviathan screamed out to the sky as it began to shoot numerous high-pressured beams of water in every direction.

The immense force would be able to split a galleon-class ship like a child's toy, but Athena's divine construct shield took on the brunt of the attack.


The goddess winced a bit in pain as manifesting her shield took a heavy toll on her body, but it would soon be over as the Leviathan's attack ended.

'Phew… lasted for another time…'

As Athena began to sigh in relief that she was able to block another blow, the numerous ships in the navy began to position themselves in order. Their preparations were now finished.

"Captain Odysseus! Everything is ready!"

Odysseus heard the shouts of one of the ship captains and heeded the announcement. Activating his thrusters to move out of the line of fire.

"All cannons ready! Broadside! Fire!"


The Altenian navy began to unleash another line of salvos and bombardment magic upon the Leviathan, who roared in pain at the attacks.

𝙍 𝙍 𝙍 𝙊 𝙊 𝙊 𝙊 𝙊 𝙊 𝘼 𝘼 𝘼 𝘼 𝘼 𝘼 𝙍 𝙍 𝙍 !!!

'We have the monster in the ropes now…we just…need to hold on a bit more…'

Athena thought to herself as she continued to recover her strength after manifesting her shield.

This was how their battle with the Leviathan went. An endless loop of the same actions adapted to any changes in behavior that might occur, but it generally followed the same timeline of events.

Bombardment. Reloading. Have the stronger members of both familias aggro the Leviathan away from the ships. The Leviathan would retaliate. Athena would step in if the attack is too immense. Bombardment. Repeat.

"Lady Athena… allow me to help you…"

Penelope moved to the side of her weary goddess, concern apparent on her face.

『ᛟᚺ, ᛗᛟᛟᚾ ᛗᚨᚤ ᚤᛟᚢ ᛈᛚᛖᚨᛋᛖ ᚱᛖᛋᛏ ᛗᛁᚾᛖ ᚹᛖᚨᚱᚤ ᛗᛁᚾᛞ. ᛟ ᛋᚢᚾ, ᛗᚨᚤ ᚤᛟᚢ ᛈᛚᛖᚨᛋᛖ ᛁᚾᚡᛁᚷᛟᚱᚨᛏᛖ ᛗᛁᚾᛖ ᛚᚨᛒᛟᚱᛖᛞ ᛋᛟᚢᛚ. ᛁ ᚨᛋᚴ ᛟᚠ ᛏᚺᛁᛋ ᛏᚺᚱᛟᚢᚷᚺ ᛗᛁᚾᛖ ᚲᛟᛗᛗᚢᚾᛖ ᚹᛁᛏᚺ ᛏᚺᛖ ᚺᛖᚨᚱᛏ ᛟᚠ ᚾᚨᛏᚢᚱᛖ. ᛏᚺᛖ ᛈᚨᚲᛏ ᛋᛖᚨᛚᛖᛞ ᚹᛁᛏᚺᛁᚾ ᛏᚺᛖ ᛒᛚᛟᛟᛞ ᛟᚠ ᛗᚤ ᛚᛁᚾᛖ』

Penelope began to chant magic through a language extremely foreign to the ears of the world's inhabitants. An arcane miracle that stemmed from neither falna nor a spirit's blessing. A magic more ancient in nature.

But though what she spoke was lengthy, she spoke it as if she were speeding through it easily. The words flowed from her mouth like water. As if a novel's word of incantations could be summarized in a few seconds through her tongue.


Athena began to sigh in relief as the magic was cast. A spell that brought relief to exhaustion. The goddess was plenty grateful for her governess' efforts to help her. Athena knew Penelope was plenty tired herself after fueling her husband with enough magic to invoke his spell.

"You have my thanks, Penelope…"

Athena thanked her child as the violet hue of her magic began to fade away from her body. Standing proud once more as the figurehead of the navy doing battle with the Leviathan.

"Fufufu~ No thanks are required, Lady Athena. We are friends are we not?~"

Penelope spoke as she embraced the goddess in her arms. Athena's head rested on her bountiful bosom. The two shared a bond of friendship cultivated through many years together.


But though Penelope was acting friendly with the goddess, Athena continued to have a pensive expression on her face.

'It's definitely not the progress of the battle… so… ah… I get what she's so worried about.'

"... Are you still worried about that Bell Cranel?"

Penelope spoke with a grin as she watched for her goddess' reaction.

Hearing the name of her research partner and the boy she grew so close to, Athena jolted a bit in Penelope's arms. Something the ancient elf didn't fail to catch.

"Athena… have faith in the boy, won't you? He was able to survive Lady Freya for so long, I'm sure a few of those beasts won't do him in… I doubt Freya would allow her Odr to die on her, don't you agree?"

Penelope presented the distressed goddess with reasonable arguments, but Athena wasn't able to calm down a single bit.

"I know… but unless I can see him with my own eyes and touch him with my hands. I feel like I can never truly be not worried about him… He takes up every space in my mind! Even when I'm facing the blows of the Leviathan, his face is all I can think of… he's my weakness. But at the same time… he empowers me."

The goddess began to tear up slightly imagining the endless permutations of possibilities of what befell Bell. What could've possibly happened to him to rile Freya so much? For her to mobilize her familia with such ferocity and conviction.

"What… 𝘩𝘪𝘤… the hell is wrong with me?"

Athena never feared what she didn't know. In her pursuit of knowledge, she wished to learn about something she hadn't encountered before but the uncertainty of the situation… where once she would ponder on the possibilities with a cool head… Athena was now wrought with emotions. Unable to make any clear predictions.

'I know what could've happened… I know what could've led to this situation… but those scenes… I don't want to even consider them.'

Penelope could only watch in sadness at the sight of her goddess.


The ancient elf could only sigh. Knowing full well what the virgin goddess was going through.

'What a horrible time for my goddess to fall in love… and how horrible that my niece will have to fight against two goddesses' for his affection… Bell Cranel, what a sinful man you are.'

Penelope was having a hard time choosing between the obsessive goddess who led the most powerful familia, the virgin goddess whom she befriended for numerous years, and her own niece who had an uncannily strong affinity for their family's unique magic.

'Hmmm… I'll just leave for Bell to deal with. It's his fault for seducing so many powerful women… perhaps he has a thing for capable partners?'

Resolving to discipline her nephew through her sister Idyia in the future, Penelope was about to cheer up the goddess in her arms, but they were intruded upon by a sailor on the ship they were currently aboard on.

"Lady Athena! Governess Penelope! A report regarding the situation inland!"

The sailor's declaration caught the attention of Athena who immediately left the embrace of Penelope. She has been making inquiries regarding the status of the city while she and the navy dealt with the Leviathan.

"Report. What's the progress of the citizens' evacuation? The situation with the black beasts?"

Hearing the serious tone of the goddess, the sailor began to relay the report he had received.

"The evacuation is mostly proceeding as planned. There have been casualties, though they currently only number in the single digits. A large number of injured citizens are present, however."

"There has been immense progress in the subjugation of the black beasts… but it is largely due to the appearance of an unknown third party who has been bearing the brunt of the effort…"

Hearing the mention of a third party, Athena immediately questioned if there was any knowledge regarding who they were. The goddess' wariness was already at an all-time high with the intrusion of Evilus within their borders.

"Regarding that, Lady Athena. Though it's still mostly speculation. The city guards believe the third party to be the Gray Ghost of Orario. A vigilante who made himself known in the city months prior before disappearing…"

"The Gray Ghost…"

Athena knew fully well who the Gray Ghost was. The goddess kept herself informed about the major happenings around the world to more effectively direct her nation. Especially keeping track of the center of the world's happenings, Orario.

'Evilus and even the appearance of a vigilante? I need to do a thorough revamping of our border security. There have simply been too many intrusions lately…'

Athena felt a slight headache as she began to organize everything she had to do at present and for the foreseeable future.

'I will be knee-deep in work. I won't even have time to continue my research with…Bell…;

As the goddess began to reminisce on the boy, the mention of his name began to turn the cogs of her brain ever so slightly.


"Lady Athena?"

The sailor called out in concern to his goddess that was beginning to open her eyes widely. Athena at that moment was beginning to connect some dots.

'An appearance of an individual who caught the attention of the masses and gods of Orario, Freya finding her Odr, Bell enrolling into the academy, guarded and observed by the Freya familia, and the Gray Ghost appearing all of a sudden in Altena?'

Athena couldn't definitely prove it. But the circumstances seemed to match too much for it to be a simple coincidence.


Penelope, by the side of Athena, also eventually reached the same conclusion her goddess had reached. Though it was much more difficult for her to accept given he was familiar with Bell's past as a country boy in a rural farming village.

'Bell is the Gray Ghost.'

Athena felt her headache worsen. Her realization just threw a major disruption into her plans, now having to revise them to accommodate the new information she just reached but more than that… Athena felt hurt. It hurt that Bell was hiding such a crucial part of his identity from her, but she was just as guilty as he was…

'It's not like I was completely honest with him either… secretly stalking him with my familia… using him as a means to keep the Freya familia in check… I'm a horrible friend…'

The goddess began to sadden at the thought that both she and Bell were simply building their bond atop a base of falsehoods.

She definitely knew that her intentions were not innocent when she approached Bell. And she didn't know whether Bell was doing the same.

'Does he even consider me as a friend in the first place? Am I even allowed to call myself his friend after what I've done?'

(E/D: Great! Now we have another Artemis who instead of focusing on the battle is having emotional development. I wouldn't be surprised if Bell almost died again. Actually, I bet my liver that's gonna happen.)

Penelope could see the thought of her goddess clearly on her face.

'Love really is a powerful thing to make even this stone-cold goddess of wisdom such a drama queen… but it's cute seeing her like this~'

Taking Athena into her arms once more, Penelope dismissed the sailor as she began to console the emotional wreck of a goddess.

"Now Athena. Don't think too much alright? Our minds tend to blow things way out of proportion than what they really are when we panic, just finish up this job and talk with the boy. Have faith that there is genuineness in the days you shared together."

Penelope bemoaned the fact she couldn't witness how protective Athena was of Bell and her time spent researching with him, but she was most definitely aware of how much joy it brought to her goddess.

The ancient elf didn't wish to see her goddess fall into the pitfalls of a greenhorn in the world of love. So she told her to focus on the job ahead, and that she might spend more time figuring out her relationship with Bell.

"... Do you think… Bell really considers me a friend Penelope?"

Athena meekly asked Penelope. Her mind was an utter mess whenever it tangentially involved the boy she grew to care so deeply for. To the point that she began to worry about her self-image. Something the goddess rarely cared about unless it gave benefits to the nation of Altena.


Penelope stood quiet for a bit, surprised at just how much changed in Athena, but she smiled warmly as she replied.

"Anyone would be lucky to be so close to you Athena~"

Penelope said as she embraced the goddess tightly, something Athena protested.

"That's not what I asked about though?-"

But she was cut off by Penelope who simply found the goddess too adorable. Even if their age gap was significant in favor of Athena, Penelope's motherly instincts took over.

'I decided, Idyia will support her daughter in winning Bell over to Medea's side, so I should at least be the one standing in your corner~'

Penelope decided she couldn't stand the sight of a goddess having her heart broken by her first love.

'If my dear nephew doesn't take a liking to my dear Athena… I have some other ways to nudge things in my favor, it's not like I don't expect Idyia to play fair from the beginning. Medea too if she inherited that trait from her mother.'

Penelope and Athena continued to bond, despite the scenery around them of the Leviathan locked in mortal combat with the mech suit of Oddyseus alongside the Freya familia and the Altenian navy.

Freya looked upon the duo in interest. But try as she might to hear their conversation, the goddess wasn't able to pick up any noises.

'I sense the presence of mind around them… a noise canceling spell? Impressive… I would expect no less of an elf of her lineage…'

Freya thought as she quickly gained interest in the unique magic of Penelope and her family, but quickly shifted her attention back to the Leviathan and rallying the troops.

Penelope had cast an anti-sound barrier around herself and Athena. The ancient elf was acutely aware of Freya's existence as Athena's love rival. So she couldn't afford the obsessed goddess to pick up on Athena's growing affection.

'Do forgive me for stealing away your Odr for my goddess, Lady Freya… our family has been known to be quite the selfish bunch after all~'

But before Penelope could continue her thoughts while Athena struggled in vain to release herself from the mother's embrace. An ominous melody began to ring out through the air…

♩♪♫♬~ ♩♪♫♬~ ♩♪♫♬~ ♩♪♫♬~

An ominous silence took over the battlefield. As if to accommodate the tune.

There was naught but the sound of breath and the noise of waves.

𝙍 𝙍 𝙍 𝙊 𝙊 𝙊 𝙊 𝙊 𝙊 𝘼 𝘼 𝘼 𝘼 𝘼 𝘼 𝙍 𝙍 𝙍 !!!

And the roar of the Levithan.

"-?! The Leviathan? Just what is-"

Penelope was the first to comment on the sudden roar of the monster, but before she could continue, the great serpent lunged high into the air before diving deep into the blue waters. The sudden movement caused immense waves that rocked the ships of the Altenian navy immensely.

"Everyone! Grab hold of support!"

The captains of the numerous ships ordered everyone to stand their ground, lest they fall into the ocean.

But as everyone struggled to keep afloat themselves and the ships, Athena paled in horror at what she saw.

A large moving trail on the water…




"How about we play a game… you and I."


Bell stood silent at the proposition offered by the figure, but he was even more confused about how he could hear him so clearly despite their distance.

But the figure continued speaking. As if Bell's choice in the situation didn't matter whatsoever.

"You truly have thrown my plans into complete disarray, Gray Ghost. Taking on the anti-divine demi-spirits who don't seem to affect you… while the Freya and Athena familias who are more equipped in strength and number take on the Leviathan. Truly a magnificent use of delegation for the appropriate task… But I find myself bored at such a lackluster fight."

Bell's body stood on end as the figure spoke. It was not the averse reaction he had to the demi-spirit beasts as an individual connected to the counterforce, it was a much more averse reaction to him in general. As if life was never meant to co-exist with such a figure.

"So let's make things interesting. A swapping of enemies… those people on the boats get the demi-spirits…"

Bell traced out the faint image of numerous black silhouettes ravenously swimming their way to the Altenian navy…

"And you… well… I won't have to explain who you will be facing, right?"


Bell's face was struck with a horrible realization of what the figure's words meant.


Bell didn't heed the mocking tone of the figure who was talking to him, he now focused his sights on locating where the great serpent was.

'... the scholar's port…'

Bell determined where the Leivathan would arrive after tracking the large trail of water heading for Altena and determining where it would arrive.

'I should be grateful that there are no more people or evacuation centers by the port… but I should hurry!'


Bell began to reinforce the structure and purpose of the existence of his legs. He was now intimately aware of the limits his physical body could take before deterioration or injury. Straddling the line between reinforcing and making his legs explode, Bell lowered his body before setting off in a dashing sprint.



Bell immediately turned into a blur, leaving a figure with nothing but the entrails of dust from his sudden increase in strength while running.

Deep beneath the hood that obscured his face. The figure… the god smiled in amusement.

"I hope you can show me a show worthy of a god such as myself, Gray Ghost~"



"Shit. I only have a few seconds left-"

Bell said to himself as he ground his sprint to a stop against the stone pavement of scholar's port. He estimates only a few seconds remained before the Leviathan arrived and wreaked havoc on the Altenian mainland.

'The Leviathan won't cause any physical damage. Beaching itself on land is the worst thing it can do… so it will use its beam attack.'

Bell concluded the monster's probable plan of action… and for his current capabilities, there was only one countermeasure he had to repel such a powerful blow.

𝙨 𝙩 𝙤 𝙢 𝙥

Planting his feet firmly onto the ground. Holding his right arm forward with the support of his left. Bell began to chant his magic.

『I am the bone of my sword』

Bell's reality marble began to conceptualize the image he wanted to project. He had never encountered the item he wished to bring into reality, but he could make a replica based on what he knew of the original and the knowledge he had of this world.

'A seven-layered shield composed of bounded fields along with a conceptual defense against thrown weapons… I cannot possibly replicate it fully with my current capabilities, especially the conceptual defense… but I can make the next best thing.'

In his mind, Bell began to formulate his best approximation of the shield he wanted to create. Layering materials in a pattern and structure best suited for the most defense. Enchanting each one with numerous defensive enchants he learned during his stay in Altena.

'It's only four petals… but I hope this will work.'

The shield began to take form. It was now ready to manifest into reality.

𝙎 𝙋 𝙇 𝘼 𝙎 𝙃 

𝙍 𝙍 𝙍 𝙊 𝙊 𝙊 𝙊 𝙊 𝙊 𝘼 𝘼 𝘼 𝘼 𝘼 𝘼 𝙍 𝙍 𝙍 !!!

The Leviathan burst forth from the water with immense strength, and it didn't waste any time in performing its attack. Massive amounts of magical energy spurred within the monster, and it eventually culminated within its deadly maw. A concentrated force of high-pressure water.

Bell too began to spur his mind to the utmost. Reinforcing his body's endurance and defensive capabilities to the utmost before calling forth the name of his shield.

『Rho Aias』

A four-petalled semi-transparent flower manifested itself in front of Bell's hand. The flower bloomed beautifully before manifesting a four-layered shield at its center. The best imitation Bell could make for a bounded field.



And his shield was immediately met with the immense force of the Leviathan's beam of water. Bell's body immediately began to be crushed by the powerful attack. But he gritted on as much as he could. Pumping his body and the shield's structure to the utmost with his reinforcement.

'Hold on… hold on…'

𝙘 𝙧 𝙖 𝙘 𝙠

The first layer broke.

𝙘 𝙧 𝙖 𝙘 𝙠

Then the second.


Bell began to strain himself to keep the shield from failing. But it was in vain.

𝙘 𝙧 𝙖 𝙘 𝙠

The third layer broke.

'Damn it!-'

Bell began to deteriorate his body in order to strengthen the last layer as much as he could. He hoped that 『Avalon』would be able to heal him afterward… but it didn't matter. If his shield broke, nothing would stand between the Leviathan and the one-sided slaughter and destruction of the remainders of Altena.


𝙘 𝙧 𝙖 𝙘 𝙠 𝙡 𝙚

Sparks of blue magical energy began to erupt from Bell's body. He was giving it beyond his all to make sure his last layer didn't break… and he was successful.

"...haaa… haaa… haaa…"

Bell began to gather as much breath as he could. The Leviathan's onslaught ceased and his shield faded away from reality. His body ached all over. Not as bad as in his fight with Antares, but it was evident to Bell that he pushed himself a bit too far.

"...haaa… haaa… haaa…"

But he wasn't given time to enjoy this moment of respite. The figure's voice immediately reached him once more.

"Good job defending against the Leviathan… now for round two~"


Bell was taken out of his recuperation by the sight of the great serpent diving once more into the water.

𝙎 𝙋 𝙇 𝘼 𝙎 𝙃 

Bell couldn't immediately distinguish the certain path the monster was taking… but the general area which the trail was heading for…

"That was a good practice run, Gray Ghost… now let's see how you perform when innocents are in the line of fire of the Leviathan. I do hope you don't disappoint me…"

The figure's voice then faded once more into nothingness. Leaving Bell silent. But his rage stirred greatly within his mind.

'You think this is fun? Playing with the lives of people like it's nothing?'

𝙘 𝙧 𝙖 𝙘 𝙠 𝙡 𝙚

Bell's body was in pain… but it didn't matter… he had a job to do, and a point to prove.

"Fine. Let's do this. One-on-one attrition with the Leviathan… game on, you bastard god!"


Bell's body morphed into a blur as he began to race to arrive at the destination before the Leviathan could, all the while formulating in his mind, ways to improve his imitation of『Rho Aias』

Recalling how fondly his professors, his friend Telemachus, and his partner Athena, talked about Altena. How much they sacrificed to secure a home for themselves in this unforgiving world… Bell's desire solidified and intensified.

'So long as I live… Altena won't fall…'

Bell will serve as its line of defense. Until the Freya and Athena familias deal with the demi-spirits and take back the initiative. Bell promised himself to never falter.



"All men to the main deck! Hold off those beasts from reaching Lady Athena and Lady Freya!"

But though Bell wished to hold off until the Freya and Athena familias finished off the demi-spirits, the situation was looking very dire for the forces of the two prominent familias.

"Captain! Another swarm is arriving! Our auxiliary ships are about to fall under the assault-"

As a sailor began to report about the dire circumstances they were facing, a demi-spirit threatened to swallow him whole without mercy.

『Aegis: Divine Body Boundary Field』

But he was protected under the glow of Athena's white shield.


And the beast was swatted away by Odysseus in his mech armor, standing guard by the flagship that carried his familia's goddess and one of another's.

『This situation… I'm unsure whether we will push through it…』

Odysseus began to express uncertainty. Something the stone-faced captain rarely expressed.

Looking upon his nation's fleet… all being surrounded by numerous demi-spirits that painted the waters in an ominous black… the sound of screams… of the hunter… and of the prey.

『We would be able to deal with such a number with some difficulty… but these beasts are a problem for us…』

As Odysseus thought as such, the swarm of demi-spirits began to howl in unison. The magical effect of the noise immediately took hold of all of the forces of the two familias.



The anti-divine skill began to lower the effects of their falna. Something Odysseus hated heavily, due to the monster's howl lowering the effective use time of his magic significantly.

『Magical reserves are down to five minutes of use time… I'll be useless from there on…』

Contemplating his current situation, Odysseus decided to bet it all on an all-out assault. If he exhausted his remaining energy before he could evacuate to safety, he would no doubt be mauled to death by the numerous monsters… but flashes of the people he cherished began to appear in his mind.

His subordinates… his goddess… his son… his wife.

Spurred by the desire to protect the smiles of those he cherished… they may live to see another day. Odysseus resolved for death.

『For the goddess and the country… long live Altena』

𝙑 𝙬 𝙤 𝙤 𝙤 𝙤 𝙢 𝙢 𝙢

Odysseus then descended onto the horde of monsters. Unleashing numerous beams of magical energy. He was determined to take down as many of the beasts as he could along with him.


Penelope looked at her husband with fear and sadness. But she seared the image of his sacrifice into her mind. His dedication was what made the ancient elf, who never took a single lover in her numerous years of existence, fall so deeply in love with him.

She began to chant her runic language magic once more to assist in the fight. Calling out to her son in her mind. Hoping he too would witness the valiance of his father.

'I hope you are still safe Telemachus… and if you are… sear into your mind the valiance of the pride of Altena…'

Moving from Penelope. Freya was currently in a heated argument with her familia captain Ottar. Her executives remained silent as they continued to fight against the beasts.

"Odr is fighting the Leviathan by himself, Ottar! He is strong, but he will die against the monster! You can save him! Leave for Altena and save Odr… save Bell… please…"

Freya pleaded with her child with tears in her eyes. She didn't want to see it again… the sight of her Odr being killed brutally before the promise could be fulfilled.


But Ottar remained resolute in his decision.

"I will not move, Lady Freya. Your safety takes precedence over that of the Gray Ghost."

The executives didn't look upon the sight of the goddess they loved pleading with tears in her eyes. They were angered that such sadness was brought upon Freya, but they clearly understood what was needed.

Ottar was the only one among them who could so effortlessly deny the desperate requests of their goddess. Strengthening their bodies despite the lowered parameters of their falna, they all descended on the monsters once more. Choosing to busy themselves with fighting rather than contemplating the sadness of their goddess.

"The Freya familia only acted upon your journey under the premise that your safety would be prioritized above all else. Every request you made was done after confirming the truth of the first condition."

"I may very well be capable of saving the Gray Ghost. But doing so increases the likelihood of your danger by a significant margin."

"I will not move from here, Lady Freya… there are too many people who depend on you… the orphans…"

As Ottar reminded the goddess once more of those who depended on her blessing to live…Freya was conflicted immensely.

But resolving herself once more. She firmly shouted out to the forces of her familia and those of Athena. Her authority as a war goddess manifested.


Her voice reached all the forces and invigorated them with immense spirit. A second wind was blessed onto the fighting forces.

Freya would secure the survival of her children and those of Athena. She would then secure the position of her familia… and should she confirm the death of Bell Cranel…

'She will most likely return to Tenaki to reunite with him…'

Ottar sadly thought. Knowing full well what his goddess would do if her Odr died, especially for such a promising candidate like Bell Cranel.

'Warriors fight to protect what they love in this cruel world… I expect no forgiveness from you Bell Cranel… but I hope my respect for you as a warrior, for all that you have done, reaches you before you pass…'

Ottar genuinely admired the youth who accomplished so much at his age. He invigorated the lost fire of a warrior within the solitary king of Orario. Unchallenged and undisputed in his position as the strongest.

Walking onto the main deck where the fighting was fiercest, Ottar readied his grip on his twin long swords. But not before being afflicted once more by the roar of the demi-spirits.




Ottar silently contemplated on the feeling of his strength leaving his body. The sensation reminded him of the past.

'I wonder if this is how you felt at the end of your life… Zald…'

The beast-man reminisced the memories he had with the warrior he respected the most. The swordsman of the Zeus familia who slew the Behemoth with a single blow.

Deteriorating from poison after the fight, his strength began to wane as time passed. But there was a single instance where he began to reclaim his lost strength…

'When you became to villain to inspire the growth of the next generation… when you fought to ensure the survival of mortal kind against the Black Dragon… you shined more brilliantly than you ever had…'

The sight of Zald fighting ferociously at the end of his life. That moment was one that seared itself onto Ottar's mind. Trumping all his previous demonstrations of strength when he was younger and healthier.

Zald may have been weaker, but his warrior's spirit burned the brightest in that single moment in time.

'I wonder if I'll ever shine as brightly as you did… but it doesn't matter now… my goddess lays behind me, and a horde of beasts in front… so long as I draw breath…'

"A single one shall never pass me."


Though Ottar's status was diminished by the roar of the beasts, the loss could easily be overcome with his skills. The training he underwent to fight on a level beyond his current capabilities.

𝙁 𝙪 𝙪 𝙪 𝙪 𝙪...

The wind howled as it welcomed the descent of a predator that achieved the current apex of this world.

Ottar's body began to morph into a more vicious and feral visage. But he wasn't finished.

『Stortus Ottar』

His body's strength, mind, and healing capabilities were raised beyond their limits.

『Hildis Vini』

His sword and body began to be clothed in a dangerous golden aura.

The descent of the goddess Freya's greatest war weapon began.

『For my master, the world shall fall to its knees in reverence』

The world trembled as it welcomed the boar that would even defy heaven in its loyalty.

『Descent of the Warring Boar…』

He came, he saw, he conquered.

『Vana Arganture』



As the battle raged on, Athena looked longingly upon the mainland of her nation. She was immensely saddened by the peril her people faced, but more than anything, she was driven to melancholy at the idea that her partner was facing the merciless Leviathan all by himself.


The goddess was frozen in thought. Athena could do nothing to assist her familia and those of Freya, she was in no position to manifest her divine shield once more. She could also do nothing to avert the certain demise of the boy she came to treasure after endless days of bliss for the goddess of knowledge and wisdom.


But there was one thing she could do… but she was unsure of it…

'It's a selfish desire… one that will most certainly put me and Altena at risk in the near future… but…'

The image of Bell's smile… the sensation of his warm body… the comfort his presence brought to her.

'He's fighting so desperately for a country that isn't even his home… protecting the lives of people he doesn't nor will ever know deeply… all the while I'm thinking whether or not to save him?'

Athena began to laugh in mockery of herself. She wasn't sure of it yet, but there was one thing she was certain of.

"Bell Cranel is irreplaceable…"

The goddess lived on a time scale that mortals would never be able to wrap their heads around. In those thousands upon thousands of years of existence, Bell was the only person who spurred Athena's heart as much as he did.

"Love makes you do stupid things… I might have to apologize to Aphrodite in the future… maybe even try convincing that loner huntress Artemis as well…"

Laughing softly to herself about what the future held in store for her… a future where she betted everything on Bell, Athena began to move.

"Lady Athena?! Where are you going? It's unsafe-"

Athena was currently situated deep inside the safe room of the flagship, guarded by the best of the Altenian's forces. The guards, seeing their goddess begin to leave the room, immediately began to question her actions. But the goddess simply grabbed a pouch by her waist and threw it onto the guards.

"Lady… Athena… don't…"


The guards fell by the goddess' feet who simply quickly apologized before leaving.

"Forgive me my children… but there's something I have to do."

Making her way to an office made for Penelope should she be aboard the flagship, Athena began gathering many high-quality magic stones and magic items she kept for emergencies.

Athena would invoke a spell she and Penelope refined together long ago. Based on the ancient elvish method of magic, accessible to anyone, Athena would begin to perform magic in spite of her mortal body.

'Ancient elf magic required immense energy and immense chanting for minimal effects… but I and Penelope were able to develop this spell to be as efficient as possible…'

'Though the performance wasn't great enough to warrant its use in an emergency scenario. With the distance I need to teleport, it's more than enough.'

Athena began to break the numerous magic stones. The energy of the stones congregating within a magic item created for the external invocation of magic.

『ᛁ ᛟᚱᛞᛖᚱ ᚤᛟᚢ ᚨᛋ ᚨᚾ ᛖᛗᛁᛋᛋᚨᚱᚤ ᛟᚠ ᛗᚨᚷᛁᚲ, ᚲᚢᛏ ᛏᚺᚱᛟᚢᚷᚺ ᛏᛁᛗᛖ ᛏᚹᛟᚠᛟᛚᛞ, ᚲᚢᛏ ᛏᚺᚱᛟᚢᚷᚺ ᛋᛈᚨᚲᛖ ᛏᚺᚱᛖᛖᚠᛟᛚᛞ, ᚹᚨᚱᛈ ᛗᛁᚾᛖ ᛒᛟᛞᚤ ᚠᛟᚢᚱᚠᛟᛚᛞ, ᚲᛟᚾᚾᛖᚲᛏ ᛗᛁᚾᛖ ᛞᛖᛋᛏᛁᚾᚨᛏᛁᛟᚾ ᚠᛁᚡᛖᚠᛟᛚᛞ. 』

Athena began to effortlessly recite the long chant of the magic she was going to perform. Though she and Penelope cut down on the length of the chant by a large margin without sacrificing output immensely, it still took some time before it was completed.

Ancient runes began to float around the goddess as she began to call on primal forces to heed her wish.

Soon… Athena called forth the name of the miracle forming through her words.

『ᚲᛟᚾᚾᛖᚲᛏ ᛏᚺᛖ ᛏᚹᛟ ᚺᛟᚱᛁᛉᛟᚾᛋ… ᛏᛖᛚᛖᛈᛟᚱᛏ』

A flash of light engulfed the room…and Athena was no longer to be seen.





Bell moaned in pain as he crashed into numerous buildings. He had successfully blocked another attack of the Leviathan with his 『Rho Aias』but it was evidently taking a toll on him.

"Haa… haa… haa… haa"

"I spent all this time recovering… only to be injured so badly like this once more… it isn't as bad as before, but it still is very ironic."

Bell quipped to himself in cold comfort. He knew that he was losing, but he couldn't give up. He had to hold on… for the sake of the lives that just wished for a peaceful tomorrow… he couldn't stop now.

"My my, how valiant the hero is~ Let's just hope you can survive another round. I'm betting you don't make it out alive in the next bout… so let's pick the grandest stage for your fall… the academy. A lot of people are evacuated there, right?~"

The figure spoke in mockery of Bell's present state, angering him beyond compare.


Hearing the burst of anger within Bell, the figure only laughed in mockery before disappearing once more.


Bell wanted to scream out more profanities, but he simply didn't have the time.


Spurring his body once more with Mind, Bell broke off to a sprint to arrive at the academy before the Leivathan once more.

"Haa… haa… haa… haa…"

Arriving at the academy, and seeing the trail of the serpent in his vision. Bell began to prepare another 『Rho Aias』but a sharp pain enveloped his body before he could.

"Gh- my arm… I guess it's only natural given how far I pushed myself…"

Numerous blades began to erupt from Bell's right arm. 『Avalon』was working overtime to ensure his body was being healed, and his healing through swords eventually overloaded, leading to the swords of his reality marble erupting through his skin.

"It doesn't matter… just… one more… one… more…"

Bell's vision began to blur as the Leivathan was approaching. He was prepared for this to be his last stand… but a soothing voice called out to him loudly before he fell into the temptation of unconsciousness.



Bell unconsciously turned his head to the source of the noise… and he was soon enveloped in the embrace of a girl of white long hair… a bed of hair he was all too familiar with.


Bell called out to the goddess who simply began to inspect him in concern.

"What in the hell happened to you? Internal bleeding… broken bones and joints… muscle deterioration… and why the hell are there swords in your arm?!"

Seeing the goddess momentarily stunned Bell, but he eventually realized something.

'How does Athena know it's me?!'

Bell was sure his mask was still on. So he tried to ask the goddess.

"Athena how did you?-"

But he was cut off.

"It doesn't matter how I know. All that matters is that I know and that I'm here"

The goddess of knowledge predicted what he was about to say. Gazing at him directly. Angered with tears in her eyes. Anger that didn't look upon an enemy…but out of concern for a person they cared for.


Bell was silent, but he was broken out of contemplation by the rustling waves that announced the Leviathan's coming.

"-!! Athena, get behind me. I'll protect you. Whatever you do, don't leave alright?!"

Bell ordered with concern. There was no time to make the goddess evacuate. Now he had his friend of a goddess and numerous people hanging on whether he would be able to defend against the sea serpent once more.

'Even if my body goes beyond repair…I'll-'

But once more Bell was cut off from his train of thought. Athena knew him all too well.


Bell spoke in confusion as Athena grabbed onto his face and placed it in front of hers.

"Your mask, remove it"


Bell didn't understand the goddess' request. He had to focus on conjuring his shield, but Athena commanded once more. Not allowing Bell to refute her.


Sensing the divine aura of the goddess pressing down on him, Bell complied. His mask faded into the wind as it revealed his face.


Athena's gaze softened as she looked at Bell's face. Covered in blood and tears, stained with dirt and mud… but his features remained as handsome as she remembered them.

'So young… and yet so burdened… I can now understand Freya's desires…'

Athena began to realize the intentions of the goddess which she once thought to be insane and incomprehensible. The realization that she sympathized with Freya… made Athena realize what she was uncertain of.

'...I've really fallen for him…'

Accepting she has fallen for the mortal in her hands. Athena's desire to see him live another day strengthened. Even if it was a selfish desire that jeopardized the stability of her nation.

For the boy who brought so much joy into her endless existence of longing and boredom.

Athena would give everything she had for his happiness.

'The bequeathing process would normally take hours and immense precision to properly perform… but I'll have to make do with this scuffed ceremony.'

Athena began to blush heavily and her heart began to beat faster as she prepared to do what she was about to do.


Bell called out in concern to the goddess who seemed conflicted. But she eventually made her choice and spoke out a single line whilst gazing longingly at Bell.

"Bell…whatever you do… swallow."


Bell was confused about what she meant… but it soon made sense to him.





Artemis locked lips with Bell, sending the boy into shock. He had just taken the lips of the virgin goddess of knowledge and wisdom.

'What what is she?-'

Bell began to feel the soft and tender lips of Athena on her own, but before he could even process what was happening, Athena pushed their kiss one step further.

A wet noise began to ring in Bell's ears from within his mouth.


Bell's mind went blank… as Athena's tongue began to wrap around his.


The goddess unintentionally moaned as she began to intertwine her tongue with Bell's. She remembered Penelope saying to spell her name with her tongue when kissing so deeply, so she began to focus on properly performing the task. Letting her pleasure from the kiss leak out to the world.


But as Bell was silent from the realization of the current scenario, his mind began to blank out from another phenomenon.


Bell unintentionally gulped down the trails of saliva Athena poured out onto his mouth. The taste of the liquid was more akin to honey than a tasteless liquid.

But beyond his physical senses, divine energy began to pass from Athena's body into Bell's, the energy reacting violently within his reality marble.

Deep inside Unlimited Blade Works, a white shield began to penetrate into the endless white sand of the mental landscape.

Situating itself next to 『Avalon』which spurred lightly in response to its arrival, the divine construct began to manifest itself as a white shield.

『Aegis: Divine Body Boundary Field』

Numerous strings erupted within Unlimited Blade Works, working tirelessly to begin incorporating the divine shield alongside the divine arrow in the construct of 『Avalon』

Once the shield assumed itself within the scabbard, the mental landscape began to brim with activity.

With the complete analysis of the shield's divine properties and authorities, the reality marble's existence became more defined with the improved understanding of a magecraft concept tangentially linked to its creation. Adapting the theoretical knowledge of its master with the best substitute for the concept in the world of Danmachi.

A bounded field.



"Haa… haa…"

Athena broke off her kiss with Bell after confirming he had swallowed her saliva. An implanting of Athena's existence within Bell was necessary for the transfer of her 『Aegis』


Athena looked into the eyes of Bell that seemed to be shocked still. The trails of saliva between their mouths were still evident. The goddess became flustered.

'Did… Bell like my kiss that much? I liked it a lot too… so maybe we could…'

But before Athena could indulge in her delusions more, the loud sound of the violent erupting ot water filled her ears. She was reminded once more that she was currently in a battlefield.

𝙍 𝙍 𝙍 𝙊 𝙊 𝙊 𝙊 𝙊 𝙊 𝘼 𝘼 𝘼 𝘼 𝘼 𝘼 𝙍 𝙍 𝙍 !!!


Though it was a long moment for Bell and Athena, in reality, it had been only a mere few seconds. Seconds that the Leivathan needed to arrive at the academy.

Rearing to cause destruction once more.

"Bell! Snap out of it! The Leviathan!-"

The goddess began to call out to Bell in urgency, but the boy continued to be dazed. As if he were processing his existence deeply.

"Bell! BELL!"

The Leviathan began to prepare its strike. The water began to accumulate in its maw.

Athena began to cry as she continued to call out to Bell. She didn't want it to end here, she didn't want Bell to end here. She wanted to do so much more with him by her side.

"We haven't finished our research together… we have much more progress to make… so much more afternoons to spend with each other… SO PLEASE WAKE UP! BELL!"


The Leviathan's decimating attack spews forth with immense violence. Breaking through the air with ferocity.

The goddess continued to call out to Bell. Her tears reached his cheeks, and in an instant, he grabbed hold of the goddess with his left hand and put forth his right to the approaching attack.

『I am the bone of my sword』

Bell's mind and magic circuits burned brightly with life.

『The Seven Rings that Cover the Burning Heavens』

The unfolding of a seven-petaled flower layered with seven bounded fields.

『Rho Aias』


The shield made contact with the immense beam of water from the Leviathan. Dispersing the high-pressured water all across its structure. Forming a veil of intense water that touched nothing that stood behind the defense of the arcane petals.

Bell held onto the shield. But showed no signs of difficulty as he stood firm in his defense. Gently holding onto the goddess in his hands, Bell was confident nothing would befall her or the people behind him.


As the smoke began to arise from the shield after the immense force of the now-ended attack, and as the residue water began to fall into the waters of the sea, 『Rho Aias』began to fade out of existence.


Athena had no words to describe what she saw. She expected that Bell would be able to defend himself with her divine shield 『Aegis』but the form of the shield she saw… a seven-petaled flower… Bell somehow reconstructed her divine shield into his own desired form.

'『Aegis』is a conceptual defense divine construct, so I did expect some change in appearance… but that simply is far too drastic of a change…'

Athena was once more struck with the realization of more unknown knowledge foreign to her current understanding.

'You really never fail to break my expectations, do you? Bell Cranel.'

The goddess smiled fondly at the boy who brought so much wonder to her inquisitive mind. She now knew she was undeniably in love.

"Athena, you alright?"

Bell spoke out to her, breaking her away from her admiration of the boy.


Brought back to reality, she now realized she was being embraced tightly by Bell. Blood rushing back to her head, she began to escape his embrace along with a reply to his question.

"I'm alright Bell, no worries. So would you mind if you could let go of… me?!-"

But Athena was met with a stronger embrace from Bell, who looked deeply into her eyed. The goddess blushed greatly under the serious gaze she never saw from the usually joyful Bell.

"It's unsafe Athena. I don't know how you arrived here, but I sense that you have no guards with you… the mastermind who is plotting against you and Freya's familias is still at large. I can't risk you being attacked by that son of a bitch…"

Athena could sense the venom in Bell's words against the person he was talking about. Athena could understand his concerns, but she tried to alleviate them.

"I understand your concern, but I'm actually quite strong myself you know? I'm a goddess revered in the art of war, so I'm actually blessed with a body equivalent to an early level two. So no need to-"

But Bell cut her off once more.

"But the risk of danger still remains. You are the safest when you remain by my side."


Athena's mind short-circuited when Bell declared such a thing to her without hesitation. Her head began to heat up in equal parts happiness and embarrassment.

Bell saw the goddess begin to fumble to find words to respond with, so he decided to clearly convey his intentions. He may have been oblivious to romance before, but he had long since learned the actions of a person in love.

'The books stated that Artemis and Athena are in a somewhat hostile relationship… but the two are more similar than they think…'

Taking Athena's head into his hands, Bell placed a light kiss on the goddess' forehead, leaving her stunned.

"... Bell?"

Bell met her gaze and began to speak to her. His tone was the kind voice she was so familiar with.

"You will be the safest by my side, and you won't hinder my ability to combat the Leviathan, Athena."

"I actually aspire to be a hero. So what kind of hero would I be if I just leave a beautiful princess all by herself? It's much more dramatic if the hero slays the monster with the princess in his arms, don't you think?"

Bell said with a light chuckle.

The time of tragedy was over, it was now time to turn the despair the evil figure wanted to paint Altena with into a bright comedy.

A comedy that would allow the people struck by grief to make amends with what was lost and begin to work toward a brighter tomorrow.


Athena had no words to say to Bell's declaration, but not for the reasons one might expect.

'Bell thinks I'm a beautiful princess? It might be a downgrade from the title of goddess… but it somehow makes me happier…'

Unable to read the atmosphere, the Leviathan roared in anger. Unwilling to admit that its attack was easily repelled by the prey it had by the ropes just a few moments ago.

𝙍 𝙍 𝙍 𝙊 𝙊 𝙊 𝙊 𝙊 𝙊 𝘼 𝘼 𝘼 𝘼 𝘼 𝘼 𝙍 𝙍 𝙍 !!!

"Looks like Leviathan doesn't appreciate what's happening… I wonder if monsters could learn to understand situational awareness?"

Entering a stance to respond to the monster, Bell began to invoke his magic once more. It was now time to enter the final exchange between himself and the monster.

A  wide smile began to plaster itself on Bell's expression. His emotions, the emotions of others, the mind stirring in his body, and the high-quality excelia forming beyond his senses at the bout that was to occur.

Athena recognized the phenomenon that was taking place at that current moment.

An event whose workings were unknown to the gods and the world.

The intent of an adventurer taking form as reality bends to their will.

The breaking of restraints. The manifestation of the impossible into reality.

Allowing one to fight way beyond their level.

A phenomenon experienced by Ottar, Ais, Finn, and the original Bell Cranel.

𝘿𝙞𝙣𝙜.... 𝙙𝙞𝙣𝙜… 𝙙𝙞𝙣𝙜… 𝙙𝙞𝙣𝙜...

The sounds of chiming bells rang throughout the air. Tolling the beginning and coming end of an adventure.

The name of the miracle?




𝙍 𝙍 𝙍 𝙊 𝙊 𝙊 𝙊 𝙊 𝙊 𝘼 𝘼 𝘼 𝘼 𝘼 𝘼 𝙍 𝙍 𝙍 !!!

The Leviathan roared as if to welcome the futile attempts of the vigilante to slay a monster that not even the armies of Athena and Freya couldn't easily subjugate.

Recognizing the intent of the monster, Bell simply continued to push through with his decision regardless.

『Trace on』

In his right hand, Bell projected the lightning-long sword cemented into existence through the legend of Argonaut. The sword of thunder and lightning. Jupiter.

The golden yellow sword struck a feeling of remembrance within Athena. She was sure that she once saw such a sword in the distant past, but she wasn't able to ponder on it for much longer as Bell began to change the sword greatly.

『Trace: Overedge』

Bell began to apply alteration to the sword, morphing it into a shape that radiated much more power and strength. Its golden yellow blade began to glow and radiate heat. Its cream-colored hilt and handles burnt into a crisp black.

The sword no longer conveyed the element of lightning but was much more akin to the concept of 『Burning』itself.


Athena who was admiring the construction of the blade given her minor authority in craftsmanship was taken by surprise when Bell began to carry her in his arms. Becoming flustered once more. Her heart couldn't take the sudden highs and lows she was feeling with Bell.

"Hold on tight, Athena."

Bell spoke to the goddess, but Athena quickly questioned him in worry.

"What are you going to do Bell—???!!!"

But her question was answered when Bell began to accelerate quickly. Dashing away from the academy while drawing the attention of the monster.

"Catch me if you can you overrated water snake!!"

Sensing the provocation of its prey, the Leviathan began to roar in acceptance of its taunt.

𝙍 𝙍 𝙍 𝙊 𝙊 𝙊 𝙊 𝙊 𝙊 𝘼 𝘼 𝘼 𝘼 𝘼 𝘼 𝙍 𝙍 𝙍 !!!

But as the Leviathan roared, an ominous tune began to ring through the air, as if trying to assume control of the monster's will.

♩♪♫♬~ ♩♪♫♬~ ♩♪♫♬~ ♩♪♫♬~

But try as it might… the monster's sole focus now was to establish its dominance. To rid the hindrance that so stubbornly refused to accept its demise.

𝙍 𝙍 𝙍 𝙊 𝙊 𝙊 𝙊 𝙊 𝙊 𝘼 𝘼 𝘼 𝘼 𝘼 𝘼 𝙍 𝙍 𝙍 !!!

Roaring loudly once more to bury the melody from its hearing, the Leviathan began to give chase to Bell who continued to lure it with the glowing sword in his hand.


The mysterious figure overlooked what was occurring, a twisting frown appeared on his face, hidden beneath the cover of his mask and hood.



𝙍 𝙍 𝙍 𝙊 𝙊 𝙊 𝙊 𝙊 𝙊 𝘼 𝘼 𝘼 𝘼 𝘼 𝘼 𝙍 𝙍 𝙍 !!!

The Leviathan roared as Bell ran near along the coastline of Altena, dragging the monster away from the city and into the wilderness where its attacks wouldn't harm the civilians.

But there was not enough time as the Leviathan began to prepare another beam of water. Forming much more quickly and more intensely under the immense amount of anger it was currently experiencing.

"Bell! The Leviathan is forming an attack! Call upon 『Aegis』once more!"

Athena warned Bell as she was locked next to him under his embrace.

But though the goddess was filled with worry, Bell simply replied with a confident smile that seemed willing to take on the attack.

"I have everything under control, Athena."

Bell said as he began to shift his path to approach the Leviathan, quickly nearing the range of its blow. Getting closer and closer.


Athena couldn't comprehend what Bell was doing by choosing to approach the Leviathan so quickly. But she was no longer able to ponder much more as the beam of water began to shoot toward them ferociously.

The goddess tensed as she stood point blank against the powerful attack, but Bell simply began to invoke his magic.

『Trace on』

Bell began to project the conceptual defense of 『Aegis』onto his sword. Layers upon layers of bounded fields. Seven petals of layered defenses erupt from the blade's structure.

He began to recall another technique he performed back in his battle against the Goliath. One he wasn't able to make much progress on, but now believed to be possible with the learning of bounded fields via 『Aegis』

'Understand the flow of your body… understand the flow of the enemy… understand the flow of your sword… then strike!'

An upgraded technique he devised back when he was a child training with his grandfather, Zeus.

A strike that could reflect both the physical and magical.


『Absolute Reflection: Magic Counter』

Bell's propelled his blade and sword arm until they both turned into a blur. As it made contact with the beam of water formed through the magic of the Leviathan… the attack was redirected in numerous directions as Bell continued to strike against the beam with blinding speed.



Athena couldn't believe what she saw

"Did… did you just cut magic with your sword?!"

The goddess looked in confusion toward Bell who just performed a feat she didn't believe was possible, only to be met with the smile of the boy in question.

"We'll have all the time in the world to talk about Athena, but for now…"

Bell spoke as he looked upon the Leviathan who was perplexed and angered that it was bested once again by a prey much weaker than itself.

"We need to continue luring this monster away from the city."


Empowering his body once more, Bell broke again into a sprint. Causing the Leviathan to give chase once more.

𝙘 𝙧 𝙖 𝙘 𝙠

As Bell ran, a layer of the defenses Bell had projected onto his sword cracked. The most defensive bounded fields he could apply to an area of his sword was a similar seven-layered structure like 『Rho Aias』

Meaning Bell had six uses of his reflection technique before he had to recast the bounded fields… but it was something he didn't want to do.

𝙑 𝙬 𝙤 𝙤 𝙤 𝙤 𝙢 𝙢 𝙢

Bell was packing as much magical energy as he could into his sword. He recognized he was currently undergoing a『Limit-Off』and thus utilized the opportunity to perform a strike that could fell the Leviathan.

'The original Bell was able to take down the black goliath with a limit-off empowered by Argonaut… so I'm sure I can do the same with my reinforcement magecraft… I just need to keep packing as much energy as I can into this sword.'

Thus Bell needed to conserve the uses of his technique as much as possible.

𝙍 𝙍 𝙍 𝙊 𝙊 𝙊 𝙊 𝙊 𝙊 𝘼 𝘼 𝘼 𝘼 𝘼 𝘼 𝙍 𝙍 𝙍 !!!

The Leviathan roared in frustration as it tiredly began to track Bell who was avoiding its gaze with a series of deft maneuvers. Something that made Athena, who was alongside Bell, feel a bit sick.

But try as he did to avoid the gaze of the great monster, the Leviathan was able to attack Bell once more.

𝙘 𝙧 𝙖 𝙘 𝙠

Then another time…

𝙘 𝙧 𝙖 𝙘 𝙠

𝙘 𝙧 𝙖 𝙘 𝙠

Once again…

𝙘 𝙧 𝙖 𝙘 𝙠

𝙘 𝙧 𝙖 𝙘 𝙠

𝙘 𝙧 𝙖 𝙘 𝙠

Until Bell had run out of defensive bounded fields on his sword. Reflecting each blow the Leviathan shot with ease.

𝙍 𝙍 𝙍 𝙊 𝙊 𝙊 𝙊 𝙊 𝙊 𝘼 𝘼 𝘼 𝘼 𝘼 𝘼 𝙍 𝙍 𝙍 !!!

The Leviathan roared in rage at its inability to fell the prey it had been tracking, but as it was about to strike once more, Bell quickly dashed into the forest of Altena. Obscuring his presence along with Athena's.

𝙂 𝙧 𝙤 𝙬 𝙡 ....

The Leviathan growled in annoyance at having lost Bell but immediately sprung into action after sensing his presence heading toward a clearing by the easternmost edge of Altena's land borders.

A series of steep cliffs that overlooked the ocean.


The serpent dived quickly into the water to head toward the area.

The place where their battle would reach its end.




Athena quietly looked upon Bell who dashed through the forest. The rustling of the leaves was ever-constant due to the wind he brought with his speed.

The goddess needed no words to be said, instead, she began to focus on a spiritual link that bonded the two. One made possible after sharing her divine construct with Bell.

'... What's this?'

Athena was enjoying the closeness she was feeling with the boy through their connection, no longer worried about his capabilities to fell the monster. Trusting in him completely.

But she was brought out of it after sensing another connection attached to Bell's soul. A connection radiating an aura she was familiar with.

'Who is it?'

Just as she was going to question Bell, he had exited the forest into the clearing. The Leviathan eagerly waited for their arrival. Welcoming them with a fierce roar.

𝙍 𝙍 𝙍 𝙊 𝙊 𝙊 𝙊 𝙊 𝙊 𝘼 𝘼 𝘼 𝘼 𝘼 𝘼 𝙍 𝙍 𝙍 !!!

The serpent didn't hesitate to begin attacking Bell. Unleashing a flurry of water beams all around the clearing. Wanting to overwhelm him. Learning that a singular concentrated strike would simply be reflected by him.

'So you're learning… don't tell me you're going to reincarnate like Asterius…'

Though Bell thought of that as a joke… deep inside the mind of the monster… the Leviathan was beginning to enjoy the thrill of the battle against Bell. Wishing to establish its dominance over its foe.

『I… want… to win… against… this… human!』

The sea serpent was slowly gaining sentience. The existence of its soul becoming more defined. Reacting violently to the system of reincarnation placed upon the world.

𝘽 𝙊 𝙊 𝙈  𝘽 𝙊 𝙊 𝙈  𝘽 𝙊 𝙊 𝙈  𝘽 𝙊 𝙊 𝙈

The surroundings immediately erupted into numerous explosions as the Leviathan's attack began to make contact with the surface.


Bell began to strain his body to evade the numerous strikes. Unable to cast another set of bounded fields on his sword, not wanting to ruin the accumulated strength in his blade.

Bell began to morph into a blur, Athena holding tightly onto him.

His figure dashed deftly through the numerous beams, before eventually reaching the Leviathan.


Placing his foot onto the last piece of ground on the cliff, Bell immediately jumped with immense strength, reaching the top of the serpent's tall body. Looking over him with determination.

Bell tightened the grip on his sword. This was the moment to end the battle… but…


Bell's gaze was met by the Leviathan's. The monster's growth hadn't stopped. To reach the prey it so wanted to defeat, it began to evolve.

𝙍 𝙍 𝙍 𝙊 𝙊 𝙊 𝙊 𝙊 𝙊 𝘼 𝘼 𝘼 𝘼 𝘼 𝘼 𝙍 𝙍 𝙍 !!!

With a loud roar, the Leviathan's magical energy began to cover the area immensely. It would be weakened extensively after this attack, but it no longer cared for the beast man or the white giant or the numerous ships that fired upon it.

Bell was the only thing in the Levithan's sight.

The only place it wished to reach.

『I… will reach you…』

𝙎 𝙋 𝙇 𝘼 𝙎 𝙃  𝙎 𝙋 𝙇 𝘼 𝙎 𝙃  𝙎 𝙋 𝙇 𝘼 𝙎 𝙃  𝙎 𝙋 𝙇 𝘼 𝙎 𝙃

The water by the coastline began to bend to the will of the Leviathan. No longer was it an imitation of the dead great monster felled by the Zeus, Hera, and Poseidon familias… it was now… a true Leviathan.

『Leviathan: Overlord of the Deep』

The massive amounts of water began to lift from the seabed, forming a spiral of immense water around the serpent.

"... Not good…"

Bell realized what was about to befall him and Athena, and began to try and project 『Rho Aias』but a sudden feeling began to take over the process of his projection.


The goddess gazed upon the attack that was coming with a resolute expression. She knew Bell couldn't afford to waste energy on protection… so she would be the one to empower the divine shield.


The massive amounts of water began to resound heavily as it began to hasten and take form.

𝙑 𝙬 𝙤 𝙤 𝙤 𝙤 𝙢 𝙢 𝙢

A low hum began to ring out as a white glow began to manifest in Athena's hands.

𝙍 𝙍 𝙍 𝙊 𝙊 𝙊 𝙊 𝙊 𝙊 𝘼 𝘼 𝘼 𝘼 𝘼 𝘼 𝙍 𝙍 𝙍 !!!

The massive amounts of water eventually coalesced into a point above the Leviathan's maw.


A great flash of water erupted. Breaking the sound barrier.

『Aegis: Divine Body Boundary Field!!!』

A white shield manifested in response to the great strike.


Meeting the blow head-on.



'Where… am I?...'

Athena groggily thought as she slowly awakened.

White… blue… and a flash of dazzling brilliance. That was all Athena could see at this moment.


The goddess immediately began to spur in urgency. The familiar sight of her homeland alluded to the worst-case scenario happening.


But as Athena called out to the boy, she was met with a tight embrace. Moving her head, her eyes met with Bell's. Alive and well.

"I'm still alive Athena, we aren't dead yet"

Feeling the warmth of his body and the beating of his heart, Athena began to slowly calm down… before panicking once again after realizing where they were.


The goddess realized she didn't see Tenkai… there were currently high up in the sky, above the clouds.

Athena inferred quickly that she had successfully manifested and defended both of them with her『Aegis』...

"But the consequent force propelled us high up into the sky…"

Though she was happy to have survived with Bell, she now had to worry about the process of safely landing… and even worse…

"The Leviathan is still alive…"

Athena could make out the shape of the monster from so high up. The serpent looked up at them in confusion… but its eagerness to continue battling was recognizable.

Athena began to formulate a strategy to both safely land and defeat the Leviathan, but she was brought away from her thinking by Bell.

"Athena. You handle how we land and I deal with the Leviathan… division of labor, just like how we researched together, right?"

Seeing the bright smile of the boy in spite of the absurd situation they were in, the goddess couldn't help but get frustrated with his nonchalance… but smile happily knowing that this was the type of person he is.


Tightening her embrace to Bell's body, her soft body collided with the hard muscles he developed after endless battles.

Athena couldn't take it anymore… she had to express the emotions she was now experiencing.


Exiting her embrace and looking upon him. Her long white hair blew against the wind as they fell together. The radiance of the sun was blocked by her beautiful face. Athena declared to the endless sky.

"I love you! Bell Cranel!"


Shouting loudly so that her voice could be heard from the loud wind, Bell was taken aback by the sudden confession… he didn't know what to say… there were so many things he had to inform her about accepting her love. But his thoughts were disrupted by the goddess' actions.


Tenderly grabbing hold of the boy's face and nearing hers, Athena kissed Bell as they were set against the boundless skies that the mortals looked upon as the heavens.

A kiss unlike the one she performed out of necessity, she now connected lips with Bell as an expression of her emotions. Mere seconds passed as the wind enveloped their moment of love, but to the two, it was like an eternity.

"Haa… haa…"

Athena breathed in the air as she concluded her kiss. Choosing to savor the moment, and not breathe in any air as she locked her lips with him.

"You can reply when this is all over… I simply wanted to let you know."

Bell saw the enchanting smile Athena gave him as she spoke. Understanding that now wasn't the best time for him to reply.


Seeing Bell remain silent with a red face, Athena laughed lightly at how adorable he was and decided to give the boy some encouragement.


Getting closer to his ear, the goddess whispered words that would set any man's will ablaze.

"Do your best… darling~"


Bell's body was invigorated with energy. His pride as a man refused to not meet the expectations of the adorable beauty in his arms.


Bell's Unlimited Blade Works began to spur into action. Endless plumes of flames erupted from the white sands. The construction of the sword Bell imagined in his mind required such immense effort from the reality marble.


The plumes of flames began to morph into pillars of heat. Slowly constructing the structure of the projection Bell envisioned.

'I won't be able to recreate this sword's divine authority of burning… but I'll simply stuff it with as many fire enchants as I can until it's similar!'

Bell began to alter the form of the sword in his hand into the projection he imagined.

The twin blade that accompanied the mountain-cleaving sword was possessed by the Mesopotamian war god Zababa.

The sword that burned as brightly as daybreak. The nemesis of the deep blue abyss.

'To meet the expectations of Athena… it's only right I end this battle with an eye-catching sword!'

『Trace on!』

𝙘 𝙧 𝙖 𝙘 𝙠 𝙡 𝙚

Immense sparks of Bell's energy began to appear in the sky. A blinding light covered the sky and shone down upon the ground immensely.

『The Horizon of Dawn that Purifies the Seas』

𝙑 𝙬 𝙤 𝙤 𝙤 𝙤 𝙢 𝙢 𝙢

The Leviathan widened its eyes as the sight entered its consciousness after being processed.

A blinding giant sword burling toward it. Burning brightly. As if the sun were being brought down upon it.

Though it knew its end was nigh… it couldn't help but be joyful to have met such a grandiose end.



A blinding light erupted from the easternmost point of Altena.

A light that reached the force of the Altenian navy and the Freya familia who finished weathering the assault of the demi-spirits.

A light that was visible from the coastal shores that touched the seas of the nation.

It burned the waters that touched the blade. Decimated the forests that lay in its path.

And slayed the serpent true.




Athena manifested her divine shield through the connection she held with Bell.

Creating a series of permeable shields that worked to lessen the impact of their descent, with Bell eventually landing on the hilt of 『Sul-sagana』



Bell attempted to remain balanced as the waters of the ocean struck against the sword.

Though the water was burned, it was eventually replaced by the vast amounts of water left unaffected by the sword.

'It's nothing but a scuffed imitation of the real sword, so it wouldn't be as destructive… it would probably raze the entire island of Altena if it was the real『Sul-sagana』...'

Bell thanked that his abilities didn't reach the point of unintentionally nuking the island nation, but he quickly turned his sights to the projection. Mostly on the fact that it was still manifesting.

'I can't seem to unmanifest it… I thought my projections would fade as Gaia would actively work against my magecraft… so how come this sword is still remaining fine?'

Bell analyzed that the burning enchants of the sword were long gone, but the structure remained. As if to mark his battle in remembrance.


Bell's inquisitive mind began to ponder on why this projection of his was the exception, but he was broken out of his ponderings by the goddess in his arms.

"I believe now would be fine for me to walk on my two feet… don't you think so Bell?"

Realizing he was still carrying Athena, Bell promptly set the goddess back onto the ground before apologizing.

"Sorry, Athena. I was just pondering on some stuff I want to investigate later."

Athena smiled seeing Bell's adorable seeking of knowledge, something very similar to her own, but she wanted to talk about something else first.

"Bell… can you lend me your face… for just a second?"

Athena cutely called out to him, immediately prompting a response from Bell. He was utterly smitten by the beautiful goddess of knowledge.

"What is it, Athena?"

Bell spoke with a smile. His face was tenderly held within Athena's grasp… until he realized he could no longer move it.


Bell felt a chill down his spine… he had averted becoming prey to the Leviathan, only to willingly fall into the clutches of another predator.


Athena smiled with her eyes narrowed. Her expression darkening with each second.

"Why is Artemis connected to your soul, my darling Bell?~"


Bell was filled with dread. The activation of his hidden skill throwing him into another perilous adventure after the one he just experienced.

『Harem Protagonist EX』

The consequences of two-timing two virgin goddesses.







15k words… I hope this was enough to compensate for the cliffhanger and long wait this time HAHAHA.

I've been getting a handle on my studies, but the commute home from my university is rather long, and I end up falling asleep when I get back. Leaving me with little time to write. I hope you can understand.

Moving on from IRL stuff, this will be the conclusion of the Altena arc. There will be one more chapter to properly tie up all the loose ends, then we will be moving to the next arc. The events of Danamchi Episode: Freya

The arc with the tan tomboy Arry, and one where I plan on having a lil surprise for you guys ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

There will also be some side chapters after the next chapter I release as a buffer. I plan on revealing some important characters that will appear soon.

Once again, I hope you enjoyed reading this chapter, look forward to the next one, and have a nice day!

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