Danmachi: Reborn with EMIYA’s Powers

Chapter 36: Vow of Wisdom Personified. Athena R-18

'Recovery efforts are going exceedingly smoothly… I guess when a literal goddess of knowledge runs your nation, there isn't much bureaucracy to delay government response…'

Bell thought to himself as he walked through the streets of Altena.

It had been a week since the sudden attack of Evilus was completely repelled through the alliance of the Athena and Freya familias, alongside Bell's assistance as the Gray Ghost.

'I thought that I wouldn't be remembered much due to being obscured against numerous demi-spirits… but there were a few who remembered and recognized me…. in addition to that thing.'

Bell looked over to the east where he battled against the Leviathan with Athena. Standing out from the vast nature and a small bit of the forest that was still recovering from being razed, Bell's projection of Sul-Sagana continued to remain in existence.

Tall and oppressive. Its fiery nature, long going cold and inactive. But to the people of Altena, it soon became a symbol of mortal triumph over tragedy. A landmark left behind by the mysterious hero that came to Altena's hour of need…

That same hero became embarrassed by how he was being mythologized by the people he had saved.

'I thought I would be used to this given the rumors that surrounded me in Orario… but it's still a weak spot for me after all this time..'

Bell was glad he could become a symbol for the recovering island nation. Much to the dismay of his mental fortitude.

But before he could feel his chest twist in embarrassment once more, the loud sounds of thrusters began to fill his ears.

𝙑 𝙬 𝙤 𝙤 𝙤 𝙤 𝙢 𝙢 𝙢


Blocking the incoming dust with his arms, Bell slowly opened his eyes after the gust had settled, laying his vision upon the white mechanical giant which had landed nearby to his location.

"Thank you, Captain Odysseus! That should be the last construction supply run for the day!"

A man spoke as he was clothed in a tank top and a towel. A sledgehammer by his hand. In all respects, he looked the part of a construction worker in the world of Danmachi.


The sound of pressurized air began to be heard around the neck of the mech, the figure of the familia captain emerging from it. His long hair swept back, his expression remaining as stoic as ever.

"Think nothing of it Chief engineer. Penelope has healed me plenty enough, there's no need to be concerned on my behalf."

Bell looked in awe at Odysseus and the mech which was the result of supercharging his personal magic through the falna he had received from Athena.

"So that's Troia Hippos…"

The boy admired the grandiose white mech that resembled the Unicorn Gundam in his past life.

'I heard that Odysseus was brought to near-death in the demi-spirit fight but his wife Penelope forced her way through the hordes after seeing her husband almost die… a violet-haired elf with those tendencies… it somehow seems familiar?'

Bell felt it was at the tip of his tongue but he couldn't seem to remember it clearly. So he had moved on to other observations he had made.

"It really is weird seeing a mech in a fantasy world… then again, Danamchi's technology is rather sporadic in numerous areas… large scale casinos and mechanized bath houses are a thing here after all…"

Bell contemplated the implicated absurdities the side stories of Danmachi gave to the world at large, but he quickly moved on from it and his small desire to interact with Odysseus. The reason? It was simple… because Bell would soon be fighting for his life.

'Today is the day… the day I have to explain why I'm connected with Artemis to Athena…'

Bell long dreaded this day to come. Though the goddess had questioned him about it after his fight, realizing there were more pressing issues to deal with than her love life, she promptly told him that he would be interrogated by her a week after.

And a week came and went…and it was time for Bell's judgment to commence.

'I tried my best to not think about it much by drowning myself in research alongside assisting in the recovery efforts in the shadows, but I wasn't able to get the thought out of my head for a single moment…'

Having to somehow find a possible explanation as to why Artemis was connected to his soul despite him accepting Athena's love without hesitation. Bell couldn't find a defense that didn't devolve into perversion or painted him as an asshole.

'Well… to most people I already am an asshole for leaving my relationships ambiguous with women who shared an interest in me… and me with them…'

What awaited Bell was hell. But it was a hell he would take responsibility for. It was the only way to make up for his mistakes.

'I really am sorry Aunt Idyia. I have become a pervert as bad as Grandpa Zeus…'

As Bell sadly thought about his coming demise, he was broken out of his melancholy as he noticed the crowds become more clustered as he began to near the Parthenon, the home of Athena as well as of the Altenian royal family.


Curious as to what was gathering such a crowd, Bell slightly reinforced his eyesight to better see what was going on… becoming silent as he realized why.


Whistling a tune as he carried construction supplies from one place to another, Telemachus gathered a crowd around him as he assisted in the reconstruction efforts.

Wearing a tank top and baggy jeans, atop his androgynous body that carried immense weights despite not showing much muscle definition. Telemachus began to serve as eye candy to the nearby workers.

'... I'm not really concerned if some dudes stare at Tel. They're free to question their own sexuality… I'm just concerned that there are some men with rings on their fingers…'

As Bell began to worry about his friend becoming the reason for many broken marriages, Tel immediately recognized Bell from among the crowds. Excitedly approaching him as he called out his name.

"Bell! How've you been? I was worried if you had evacuated safely. Man, am I glad to see you well!"

Bell was immediately struck with numerous stares from the peanut gallery as the sweaty effeminate man began to walk up to him like a lost puppy.

'I forgot that Tel doesn't know I'm the Gray Ghost yet… and to the crowds, Tel and I are simply friends. Stop looking at me as if I'm stealing him away…'

Wishing he was somehow able to convey his intentions to not pursue Tel to them, Bell began to make conversation with the Athena familia vice-captain.

"Thanks for the concern Tel. I'm glad to see you're doing fine. I'm actually heading to the Parthenon for some business today… is Lady Athena present?"

Telemachus was confused for a second by Bell's question, before remembering the close relationship he had with his goddess. Much to Bell's despair, Telemachus confirmed Athena's availability in her home.

"Lady Athena? She's available. For the whole day in fact. Something about an important personal meeting that's coming up for her today… not that I know what that is about."

Hearing the words of his friend, Bell's expression darkened in despair. Unaware as to what might be troubling Bell, Telemachus simply wrapped his arm around him in familiarity and began to cheer him up.

"I don't know what's bringing you so down Bell, but how about me and you visit that scholar's port for some snack later? My mom recently baked some really good cookies that I think will pair well with your tea… so how about it?"

Telemachus spoke with a bright smile that lifted Bell's mood slightly… only to be brought down by the murderous intent of the crowds directed towards him.

But though he would become the sworn enemy of a select few in Altena, Bell accepted Telemachus' offer.

"That sounds nice Tel… our usual spot at the table by the docks?"

"Yep! You know the one. Hehe~"

Laughing softly as he unwrapped himself from Bell, Telemachus gave him a slap on the back and wished him good luck.

"Good luck with whatever you have to deal with Bell! Just don't vent too much of it on me later alright? HAHAHA!"

Though Telemachus spoke in a manner that was boyish, his feminine charm didn't lower a bit. The crowds chanted numerous degenerate comments toward the vice-captain. Something that brought a wry smile to Bell.

"I got it… see you later, Tel. Good luck as well on your construction job."

Telemachus smiled as Bell began to fade in view before turning to the crowds he had been aware of this entire time.

"If I said he's my boyfriend, will you guys leave me alone to work?"

As Telemachus began to throw Bell into more shit, the false revelation he made to the crowds made them disperse in sadness… some plotting revenge against Bell.


Seeing the crowds disperse at Telemachus' false announcement of his relationship status, he began to get back to his work. Adding more problems for his friend to deal with if he ever survived the current predicament he was in currently.



'Calm down Bell. Athena won't skewer you with a spear because you wanted to two-time her… right?'

Walking down the paved white stone road leading to the Parthenon, Bell attempted to calm himself… only being able to conjure for himself cold comfort.

'Athena definitely won't kill me… but I don't know whether I should be happy that I was comforted by such a revelation…'

Bell began to hope he somehow inherited the finesse of the two harem protagonists he was combined with. Only to realize Bell and Emiya relied on extreme luck for their harems to even stay afloat.

'Bell technically didn't have a harem but an insane amount of interested women… I really am fucked…'

Accepting his fate to be ridiculed immensely by the cold gaze of Athena, Bell didn't stay conscious of where he was going, nearly bumping into someone.


A feminine voice spoke in surprise as she and Bell narrowly avoided a head-on collision. Bell immediately realized the situation and began to apologize.

"I'm so sorry about that! Are you okay?...miss..."

But before Bell could speak any longer, his voice turned silent as he looked upon the person he nearly bumped into.

"It's alright, it's also my fault for…bumping…"

Purple hair and eyes set upon a beautiful face. With skin that exuded youth, and a voice that conveyed refined class.

The woman spoke in reply to Bell only to similarly have her voice turn silent.

'Why is she so familiar? As if… I've met her before…'

Bell felt the same feeling he had discarded earlier. The answer he was looking for was at the tip of his tongue. But he wasn't given much time to ponder as the woman abruptly pounced on him.

"My nephew!"



Bell's head was taken into the hands of the woman he had just met. Trying his best to pull away, but finding himself overpowered by the woman's grip strength.

'Strong!- Who is this woman?!'

His mind was in a mess from the sudden change from dreading his fate to being held in the bosom of a beautiful elf.

But before he could begin to curse his incomprehensible affinity to absurd encounters, Bell began to think about what the woman had said.

'Wait…nephew?...but the only one who thinks of me like that..it's?!-'

Seeing the depression of realization on his face, Penelope began to smile fondly at the youth resting on her chest.

"I've wanted to meet you for quite a while now, Bell Cranel. I'm Penelope. Governess of Altena, wife of Odysseus, and mother of my son Telemachus."

"In addition to what I'm sure you know… I'm also the sister of your Aunt Idyia, and aunt to your good friend Medea… and now… I'm your Auntie as well!"



As Penelope excitedly declared her relation to Bell, the ancient elf began to hug him tighter. The sheer grip the woman had on him threatened to break Bell's spine had he not reinforced his body beforehand.

'It hurts but Penelope is related to Aunt Idyia?! I have been looking for information regarding Medea and her family in my spare time. But I didn't expect to have it revealed while I'm being choked. ACK-'

As Bell struggled to keep his brain supplied with oxygen, Penelope noticed his discomfort and let go of him. Bell breathed deeply for oxygen as Penelope began to apologize for her behavior.

"Do forgive me, dear nephew. My sister and I have been deprived of such intimate relations for a long time now. I was absolutely ecstatic when I found my husband and I had my son… and the realization that I had a beautiful niece and nephew as well? I simply couldn't handle it. Hehe~"

Penelope began to act cutesy. Something Bell didn't critique given his knowledge of elves' general distaste of being reminded of their age.

"Haa… haa… haa… It's… alright… haa… nothing I can't handle… hahaha…"

'I almost had to go full power on reinforcing my back.'

Bell smiled in response while thinking how worrying Penelope's strength was in his thoughts.

Seeing Bell act so courteously despite hurting, Penelope was assured that the boy fitted every description of him given by Athena, Telemachus, and Medea.

'For him to handle the strength of a level six with a smile. You really have encountered something interesting… Idyia… Medea…'

A primal and arcane violet glow began to radiate from Penelope's pupils. Differing from the resplendent gaze of a god, hers resembled more like looking into a deep ancient abyss.

"You really live up to what was told to me, dear nephew. I really am glad you are friends with my son Telemachus, he talks about you quite often at our family dinners you know? Sparkles in his eyes as he does. It's quite adorable~"

Penelope began to talk as Bell continued to recover. Bell began to smile a little as the elf recounted how much Telemachus treasured their friendship. He was glad it was mutual.

"But when Medea visited Altena, she described you in a lot of detail. It's almost frightening how accurate she was… then again… she's from our family after all. It's only natural she grows so attached. Fufufu~"

But as Penelope began to speak about her experiences of Medea talking about Bell, the boy immediately shifted from recovering his breath to looking into Penelope.

"Medea? You met Medea?! Medea was in Altena, governess Penelope?!"

Bell wanted to inquire desperately at what the elf had meant. As far as Bell knew, his little sister was back in their home village.

'Did Medea study in the academy? She was talented in magic in Fate, so I can see it happening… and I heard some professors talk about a prodigy student before me… I need more information.'

But as Bell continued to pester Penelope for more information, the elf remained silent. A small look of displeasure formed on her face.


Bell was confused as to why she had suddenly grown so distant… but then the answer hit him.

"... please tell me… Aunt Penelope…"

Penelope began to smile brightly as Bell called her his auntie. Rubbing his head with her hands with affection as she replied.

"Of course~ anything for my dear nephew~"


Bell began to blush in embarrassment as he was being treated like a child by Penelope.

'Technically I'm still a child in the eyes of the law until I'm 16… but it's been a while so it's quite embarrassing…'

The elf began to fawn over him for a bit. Commenting on how she wanted to dress him and Telemachus up. Something that brought a sense of dread within Bell.

After trying his damndest to avert the conversation from cross-dressing back to about Medea. Penelope began to give Bell the answers he was looking for.

"It's really simple. A few weeks before you arrived in Altena, Medea, and her goddess was studying together in the academy."

"Reaching rank six under the special request of her goddess, Medea graduated with distinction in every course offered. Leveling up to level two by partaking in ocean monster subjugations in her free time."

"She even published a few research articles… though they have been locked behind  the deepest sector of the library due to their particular nature…"

Bell listened in earnest with every word Penelope spoke. Surprised and not surprised at the same time about the achievements his childhood friend had made.

'Medea was a genius so it shouldn't be shocking she could achieve something like this… but I thought she would just relax in the countryside based on our talks…'

Bell wanted to know what caused the sudden decision of Medea to study in Altena and accept the falna of a goddess. Not to mention her family background but Bell was too swept up in pride for his little sister.

'You've come so far Medea… brother is proud.'

He no longer thought about the heartbreak she had caused him when they parted. Bell was simply relishing the feeling of having such a genius little sister.

"Medea was invited to the Parthenon in recognition of her achievements. It was there that I learned about her relation to me. As well as…"

Penelope continued to talk about Medea's stay in Altena. Processing some other thoughts as she observed Bell. Smiling like an idiot with each achievement Medea made.

'... 𝙨𝙞𝙜𝙝… so he really only sees Medea as a little sister… I know you wanted this Medea but I simply can't wrap my head around it…'

Due to their family's nature, Penelope and Medea discussed in great detail the partners they are obsessed with.

Penelope was surprised as Medea approached the subject from a different angle. An approach that differed from the direct romance she and Idyia had used to snag their husbands.

'Wives and girlfriends are susceptible to breaking off, but a little sister is forever. By remaining as Bell's little sister, Medea would assure her position by his side for all time… quite the unorthodox belief to say the least… not that it's wrong necessarily.'

Penelope began to reminisce on her observations of Medea. The little girl was so afraid of being left behind that she would choose safe and steady over all else…

'Not that it matters to me much. I apologize, my dear niece, but this gives me an opportunity to secure my adorable goddess in Bell's heart… this is simply business. I hope you don't take it too personally.'

Finishing her retelling of Medea's stay in Altena, Penelope began to steady her breathing after talking for so long. Bell smiled as always at what Medea had achieved in such a short amount of time.

"Man… my little sister is the best."

Bell was absolutely ecstatic at the reveal Penelope showed. Not only in appreciation, but in the excitement of what it implied.

'Medea is learning magic and becoming stronger… wouldn't that mean the both of us can work together in the future?'

Bell hadn't shown it much, but he was missing his family dearly. Imagining himself and Medea fighting side by side when he would make his debut as an adventurer… it brought Bell excitement for the future.

"Can you share who Medea's goddess is, Aunt Penelope? Where did she go? Her abilities? And what is the deal with your family?"

Though Bell enjoyed the story, he went back to gathering information that he needed to gain a clearer picture of the situation.

Penelope simply responded with a soft smile. Cutting off his thoughts completely with her statement.

"You really are persistent aren't you… Gray Ghost~"


Bell immediately tensed before scanning his environment if anyone had heard what Penelope had said. The elf laughed as she witnessed his sudden increase in tension.

"HAHAHA… don't worry so much, dear nephew. I've cast a spell that stops any eavesdroppers from listening. I'm a person who values their privacy after all~"

Penelope spoke as a violet aura began to wrap around her and Bell's surroundings. Ancient runes hovering in the air. Flickering in and out of existence.

"I really hate people who stick their noses where they don't belong. Don't you think so as well, Bell?"

Penelope turned her sights in a direction that headed towards a series of buildings located quite far away. Her expression grew cold as she did so.

'... That direction… the members of Freya's familia that are tracking me.'

Bell recognized what Penelope was implying. He had gotten so used to their presence that he forgot he was being stalked at the end of the day.

"Thanks, Aunt Penelope, but can you lower your killing intent? I'm well aware that they're there."

Penelope was surprised that Bell was aware that he was being followed.

'I was only able to track them with proficient use of my elven magic… so capable despite having no falna, spirit blessing, or elvish heritage… how peculiar~'

Penelope lowered her aura against the group of Freya familia trackers from far away and began to stare into Bell's eyes. Bell does the same to Penelope.



Bell eventually broke the silence.

"I assume you learned from Athena?"

Bell questioned.

"Correct. I'm her closest friend after all. You can trust that your secret is safe with me."

Penelope casually replied.

Bell turned silent once more. Penelope became the one who broke the silence after him.

"I assume you won't share the origins of your peculiar abilities?"

Penelope questioned.

"Sadly, no. Too much at risk to share even the smallest details at this moment."

Bell casually replied as he spoke out a similar question to Penelope's.

"Should I assume that a similar answer to mine will be given if I asked about Medea's information and your family?"

Penelope replied with a nod.

"Everything will be revealed by Medea when you two meet again. I wouldn't want to anger my niece for stealing her spotlight so early. Fufufu~"

The two entered back into a silent stare-down once more, but with much less tension in the air. The two understood each other's intent through their gazes.

No unnecessary misunderstandings were to be had. Penelope and Bell understood each other clearly through the silence and gazes they received.

"You seem so innocent and kind, but for you to be so intimately aware of a person's atmosphere… you really are a vigilante, my dear nephew~"

Penelope spoke amusedly as her adorable nephew began to display the behavior of a hardened warrior. Something which stood in contrast to his youthful demeanor and experience.

"It's something I picked up from a certain goofball god who is much more cunning than he appears. Really comes in handy when you interrogate criminals."

Bell replied tiredly to Penelope. The aura she had released inadvertently made him tense.

The two began to speak a little longer about other topics that naturally came to them both. But Penelope ended their conversation as she began to check the time. Realizing she was holding Bell from meeting her goddess, Athena.

A meeting she was well aware of as she listened to the goddess' constant worries and anger regarding the revelation of Bell's connection to Artemis.

"Though I enjoyed our talks together, I do believe we should end it here. Wouldn't want Athena to get angry for waiting so long, do we?"

As Penelope reminded Bell once more of his looming fate, the boy began to visibly darken in despair. Something Penelope was quite amused by.

"Don't be tense my dear nephew. Athena won't hurt you too much. You're quite precious to her after all~"

But the comfort the ancient elf gave didn't lessen Bell's fears at all. Only reinforcing them.


(E/D: Don't worry, she will only stab you 69 times before locking you up in her personal *** basement/dungeon.)

Bell feared for his life. He didn't collapse in sight of a horde of monsters but… the disdainful stare Athena had given him days prior… it scared him.

Penelope didn't heed much of Bell's fears as she began to chant her magic. Speaking out numerous divine runes with ease. Arcane energy covered Bell's entire body.


Belk recognized that the magic wasn't attempting to harm him… but upon recognizing the nature of the spell was similar to the one produced by his grandfather's necklace, it could be seen as Penelope throwing Bell off of the deep end.

"Aunt Penelope! Please! Stop the chant-"

But before he could, Penelope finished her long series of words. Smiling at Bell as she did.

『ᚲᛟᚾᚾᛖᚲᛏ ᛏᚺᛖ ᛏᚹᛟ ᚺᛟᚱᛁᛉᛟᚾᛋ… ᛏᛖᛚᛖᛈᛟᚱᛏ』


Bell's face paled as he recognized that it was now inevitable.

"Have a safe trip~"



"... You're late"

Bell landed on the floor of an intricately designed room. Styled in pleasing shades of white that radiated the dignity of the person who resided in it.

"I'm a goddess who values punctuality very much, Bell Cranel. Did you have fun being smothered by Penelope's breasts?"

The figure no longer referred to Bell with the loving name that pushed him so far in the fight against the Leviathan. Opting instead to call out his full name. Fully displaying the sense of distance between the two presently.

Laying in silence on the floor as the figure spoke to him in a calm voice that hid an unrelenting fur.

'I'm so fucked-'

Athena looked upon Bell with a smile that accompanied her dark expression. He was trusted straight into the arena where the biggest battle of his life would take place.

"Hey, Athena… I can explain everything if you just-"

But as Bell tried to defend himself, Athena cut him off. Fully understanding what he was about to say.

"I understand you have ways to explain 𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘳𝘺𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨, Bell Cranel. I intend to listen to each. One. Of. Your. Explanations."

Athena crossed her legs as she sat on a nearby couch in her room. Resting her head on her palm which she positioned on top of her leg.

"We have nothing but each other and time to burn… you'll keep me company throughout the night won't you? My darling?~"


Bell swallowed his saliva as a shiver traveled down his spine.

To others, it may appear to be an erotic proposition from the beautiful goddess. Speaking in a sultry voice as she wore thin nightwear inside her personal room.

But to Bell… it was a nightmare.

"I-I'll do my best…"

Thus began Bell's tortu- interrogation by Athena.



"So… would you mind summarizing everything that you said? My dear?"

Athena spoke in a low voice as her fingers traveled through Bell's semi-clothed body. Tracing the outline of his thighs first.

"MM?!- My connection with Artemis was after we fought the monster Antares together… bequeathed her arrow into my body to help me… GH- recover… haa…"

Bell spoke with hastened breath. The touch of Athena's soft fingers on his body was simply too much for him.

"Interesting… and you're more than friends… entirely lovers, yet you so easily accepted my love? Did you want to two-time the both of us?"

Athena asked as she began to make circles around Bell's hips. Treading dangerously close to his danger zone every so often.

"... I'd like to utilize my right to remain silent."

Bell chose to remain silent. Knowing fully well what would happen if he ever spoke.

"You're well within your rights under the jurisdiction of the Altenian judicial system. You studied my nation's law on top of your research? As expected of the man I fell in love with~♡"

Athena began to tread closer and closer to a point of no return. Immensely pleased with Bell's pursuit of knowledge.

"Your intelligence is something I'm very fond of your mind… obsessed, even. It really…"

The goddess lightly touched Bell's crotch for an instant

"Gets me going ♡"


Bell tensed in response to Athena's touch but was disappointed as she began to move her hand away.

"But as attractive as it is… it's not what I'm looking for in this situation…"


Bell remained silent as Athena continued to play with him.

Bell was currently sitting against the headboard of Athena's immensely large bed.

Countless opaque white drapes dropped from the ceiling to veil the resting place in a resplendent but mysterious allure.

The sheets and pillows were soft to the touch. Dressed in a similar white to the drapes with small ornamental designs in light blue to break the monotony.

The goddess Athena used this bed as nothing more than a means of recuperating her lost energy… but now? She was using it to pervertedly play around with the man that had wanted to relegate her to his harem.

"Haa… Athena… you do know I could just have my way with you, right? You didn't even bind me."

Bell spoke in frustration with his building pressure from Athena's touches.

Athena had been sitting on his lap while she played with his body. Bell gripped the covers of the bed tightly as the goddess had her way with him.

"Hmm… that is true. At any moment you could simply grab hold of me and release your pent-up frustration on me, you're a man after all, so this amount of teasing must simply be unbearable… right? ♡"

Athena spoke as she pressed herself on Bell's body. The only thing separating his skin from hers was the thin layer of the goddess' nightgown.

A simple red nightdress that revealed her legs more than other conventional nightdresses. Accompanied by a long semi-transparent red shawl. Enticing Bell by not fully revealing Athena's bare skin.

'Theyre soft… insanely soft…'

Bell thought as he felt Athena's breasts push against his chest. The goddess wasn't as bountiful as Freya or Hestia, but they were sizeable enough to be cupped into his hand.

'... how cute ♡…'

Athena smiled as she watched Bell try his damndest to not grab her at that moment.

"You could at any moment have your way with me but if you so much as push me down…"

Athena approached Bell's ear and whispered softly.

"That will be the moment my love for you ends… a person who devolves into his base instincts? Not paying heed to a basic thing such as consent? That is not the man I fell in love with… and I hope you don't become such a person, my dear~"

Athena wouldn't allow such a thing to be permissible… after all…

"Such devious acts require permission from both parties…"

"You consented to my questioning, but I haven't consented to anything beyond that… such is the basics of any relationship between lovers… do you understand? ♡"

Athena whispered and blew gently into Bell's ear. Bell responded quickly to her question.


Though Bell was extremely frustrated, he wouldn't push himself to actually push down Athena.

'These are the consequences of my actions… asking for anything more is… MM-… too much…'

Bell simply strengthened his resolve to keep his hands to himself. He would rather die than force himself on a woman.

Seeing Bell wasn't a person to fall to temptation so easily, Athena was greatly pleased. Deciding to reward him a little.

"Bell?~ You just need to answer one last question before we end our little session… I will reward you if you are honest with me… so do you want to answer my question? ♡"

Athena spoke in a sultry voice as she looked at Bell with half-closed eyes. The erotic sight spurred him to reply.


Bell wanted to end the goddess' interrogation as soon as possible. He didn't want to awaken something that was beginning to manifest.

"Good… all I ask is a very simple question…"

Athena began to trace her fingers around Bell's nape. Though she was doing this as a punishment for Bell hiding his relationship with another goddess… Athena couldn't deny she was drawing personal pleasure from toying.

"It's a simple question, Bell. Something I'm sure you can answer even if your head is clouded…just tell me…"

Athena spoke as she lipped her links. Her heated breath reached his skin.

"Tell me of every single girl you have enamored until now"


Bell was shocked at what Athena was requesting of him…she was essentially asking him to dig his grave even deeper.


He was too scared to follow through. In fear of what lay in store for him should the full list come to light.

Athena looked at his face and recognized the expression that conveyed his current emotions. The goddess smile fondly before reassuring Bell of her promise.

"Bell. I promised you did I not? A reward is waiting for you if you answer this…do you not wish to find out what it is?~ ♡"

Athena pressed herself onto Bell. The softness of her body sent pulses of the sensation to his brain in an instant… alongside a certain stiffness in the goddess' chest area.

'...why are the virgin goddesses so lewd?-'

That was the only thought that processed in Bell's mind. The sudden mounting and kissing of Artemis, and now the erotic torture of Athena…Bell was beginning to think how the two goddesses strayed so far from their supposed nature when they fell in love with him.

'Wait…didn't Hestia begin to act lewd as well when she fell in love with Bell?-'

But before Bell could go down the rabbit hole he had just discovered, Athena spoke out to him, bringing him back to reality.

"You're being quite rude in your thoughts, dear"

Bell was shocked that Athena was able to guess what he was thinking about. But then he remembered the mental link he had with Artemis.

"S-sorry about that Athena…"

But before Bell could justify his natural curiosity, Athena approached his face lovingly and interlocked lips with him for a brief moment.



Bell was left mesmerized by the kiss Athena planted on his lip. The sight brought a slight chuckle out of the goddess.

"To answer your question Bell. It's the same feeling a child has when they're curious about something…they wish to explore it. Utilize the knowledge they have to the best of their ability…"

Athena drew her face and planted a soft kiss on Bell's nape, sending shivers down his spine.

"Then have fun learning the process ♡"

Bell gulped as he looked down at how eager Athena was to explore his body. His pants already feeling tight and stiff. A sight that Athena appreciated a lot.

"Leave your thoughts and questions by the door, for now, my dear. All you need to do now is answer my question…and relish your reward~"

Athena began to closely examine Bell's neck as he began to list the names of people the goddess wished to know about.

"First would have to be…the waitress in a pub I frequently visited…Syr Flova…HUH?!-"

Bell raised his voice as he began to speak. His reaction comes from the actions of Athena.


"Hm? Do continue, Bell. I will simply be doing my business here"

Athena spoke as if what she was doing was normal, but Bell wasn't dense enough to not recognize the meaning of what she was doing.

'How am I supposed to treat you licking my neck as normal?'

Athena's tongue ran along the length of Bell's neck. The goddess treated it as if were a delicious snack for her to feast upon. A snack she wasn't disappointed with its taste…and its allure.

"I can hear your thoughts, dear. Just continue talking and I'll continue what I'm doing…do you perhaps not like this reward?..."

Bell was silent for a moment from Athena's question…but began speaking. His actions clearly speak about his answer to the goddess' question.

"Then there was another waitress named Chloe…haa…who has a fetish for younger boys…"

Bell continued to speak with a heated breath. The stimulation Athena provided him was simply too much.


The goddess began to lovingly play with the nape of the boy she loved. Curious as to what might please him the most.

Softly tasting his skin and leaving a trail of her sweet saliva.

Teasingly biting on it like a delectable soft candy.

Kissing it tenderly to convey how much she worshipped its place in her hands at that moment.

Athena was experimenting with Bell about the world of carnal pleasure. The goddess utilized the little she had learned in her conversations with Penelope.

The elf did little to hide her numerous nightly escapades with her husband Odysseus from the goddess…something which left her familia captain with a dislocated hip on numerous occasions.

'If I remember correctly, Penelope talked about a way that marked your partner as your own in bed…the way she said it was done was…'


Bell was shocked once more by the addition of new stimuli he hadn't experienced.

Athena was now sucking on his skin.

"Haa♡…𝙡𝙞𝙘𝙠…I'm starting to like this♡…𝙘𝙝𝙪"

Athena spoke with heavy breath as she removed herself from sucking on Bell's nape.

Licking the residue saliva on her lips with excitement, and moving to continue where she had left off. Kissing his neck tenderly before sucking on it once more.

Bell struggled to stay silent as Athena acted to leave numerous hickeys on his body, holding back a groan that threatened to escape his body.

But the goddess recognized his struggle and began to her thoughts to him through their mental link.

'Continue speaking and enjoy the feeling. I would be quite sad if I was the only one enjoying this moment, dear ♡'

Hearing Athena speak to him, Bell found the resolve to continue listing off the women in his life as per the goddess' request.

"...then there was my dungeon advisor Eina who I enjoyed talking to quite a lot…then a pallum girl named Lili I care for deeply…"

Bell was taking a moment to process what Athena had said to him. As the goddess spoke to him directly through his thoughts, he began to feel the goddess rub her body more intensely on his.

Her once-composed nature began to break as she continued to feast upon Bell's body.


Athena's breasts began to rub desperately against Bell's chest. Her erect nipples gave the goddess a small amount of pleasure as they falsely rubbed along Bell's skin. The cover of her nightgown separated the pair's bare skin from one another


Her breathing began to sound different from before…a sense of love hidden beneath each breath she took. An allure drawing in Bell's attention with each sound that rang from her lungs.

Down on Bell's thighs, Athena began dragging her crotch along his skin as well.


The goddess sucked on Bell's nape to mitigate the moan that escaped her throat.

Aroused immensely by having the boy she loved accept her numerous advances, Athena's pussy became sensitive to the stimulation of dragging it across Bell's thigh.

The virgin goddess began to feel a heated stir within her lower stomach.

The pulsing of her vaginal walls as blood rushed in to awaken the numerous nerve endings and senses that numbed her mind in delight.

Her clitoral hood grew stiffer as it rubbed against her nightgown. Pressed upon through the fabric as it rubbed against Bell's body, a pink nub began to show itself beneath Athena's clothes.

Hot moisture began to form in the goddess' depths as trails of natural lubricants began to form. Something Athena grew to be aware of as time passed as she continued to rub up against the boy she loved.

'I want to fuck Bell right now…'

The goddess was slowly losing herself to pleasure. She promised herself to not take things too far…but Athena was slowly losing her rationality as she drowned in the pleasure of Bell's body.


Bell looked upon the worried expression of the goddess. Her thoughts were clearly conveyed to him. He too began to sympathize with the worries the goddess had.


Athena looked back at Bell's worried face with clouded eyes and flushed cheeks.

Seeing his concern for her despite the situation she was in…the goddess couldn't take it. Her desire had reached an all-time high.

'Being so thoughtful about me…even when I'm questioning you…and torturing you with carnal pleasure…Bell…my dearest Bell♡"

Athena brought his head closer to hers as she locked him in with her hands.

She could feel his breath on his body, and the delectable skin she was feasting upon within her reach.


Athena spoke sultrily to his ear. The arousal she was currently feeling right now…she could no longer take it.

"Continue speaking…I want you to remember all the women who adored you…as I have my way with your body♡"


Bell was shocked at what Athena had said to him.

He too was slowly losing his rationality as the beautiful goddess pleasured herself by rubbing up on him. But he was down for the count just yet. He had to stay rational lest the situation develops into something he might regret.

"Athena…I think it would be best if you stop…before I-"

But before he could speak. Athena once more cut him off once more. She wanted her intentions to be conveyed done with. She didn't want to waste another second not losing herself to Bell's body.

"I'm willing to be a part of whatever harem you're forming. I am willing to go that far…I am willing to share you with any girls capable enough to capture your attention…but for just tonight…all I ask…"

Athena licked Bell's neck lovingly as she spoke. His skin white skin already forming faint traces of the bruises left by the goddess in her lustful hunger.

"Is that I am the only one in your mind in this bed"

Athena had originally only wanted to tease Bell to reveal the competition she had for his heart…but the goddess was no longer concerned about such strategies or tactics. Now. She simply wanted to relish the passion she was forming as he rested in her hands.


The words Athena spoke awoke Bell's desires endlessly. Having a beautiful and strong goddess beg him to drown her in carnal desire…it was tempting beyond belief. But Bell knew there were some consequences down the path he looked upon…consequences he wasn't ready to bear.


Athena recognized the last amount of resistance that kept Bell from ravishing her.

She smiled that he continued to be so thoughtful in such a situation…and decided to unchain the last pieces of rational thought that held him back.

"If you're worried about Freya…Penelope and I have covered my bedroom in a spell that blocks out her pesky arcanum or any eavesdroppers. We have all the privacy we need♡"

Athena smiled erotically as she broke one of the chains holding Bell back…the feeling that there was only one thing left before the boy would become a beast…it excited her endlessly.

"And if you're worried if taking my virginity will affect my divinity…it doesn't matter as long as you don't penetrate, right?♡"



Bell now towered over Athena. Moving the goddess beneath him as she now lay on the white sheets of her bed.

"…so…can I take that as the go-ahead?..."

Bell was now focused solely on Athena and her body.

Her breasts slowly moved as she drew breath

Her auburn eyes glistened with desire.

The faint wetness he felt as he pressed his knee on her happy place.

The kind and caring personality he developed under the care of his friends, family, and comrades was no longer there.

Bell had now devolved into his base instincts.


Athena looked up at Bell as he continued to breathe. Smiling kindly. Drawing his face closer to hers.


Briefly planting her lips on his. Athena smiled as she gave him her consent.

"I'm sure this will be a first for both of us. So let's explore this new world together, my dearest Bell"



"Haa…Athena…can you slow down for a bit?..."

Bell tiredly spoke as he tried to dissuade the goddess from what she was currently doing.


Athena briefly turned her head to Bell before turning back and focusing on what she was already doing. Plunging herself deeper…focusing solely on sucking Bell's penis which she held in her mouth.

"Gh- I know you can speak to me in my mind, Athena. Don't use my dick as an excuse to remain quiet…"

Bell struggled to not climax every moment Athena ran her tongue along the length of his member. He didn't want his first time to disappointingly end with just oral sex. His pride wouldn't allow for it.

Athena could feel the worries Bell was having and found them amusing. She was simply happy to have him by her side at the end of the day.

'You worry too much Bell…and even if you did ejaculate…Mmm♡…it would be fine so long as we both finish, right?~'

Athena spoke to Bell in his mind as she continued to tenderly suck on his penis. Planting small kisses on the head as she gathered breath before she took it into her mouth once more.

'Mmph♡…with the way you're fingering me♡…I'm worried I might finish too quickly before you♡~'

Athena said as she relished the feeling she was currently experiencing within the walls of pussy.

As she sucked on Bell, his hand made its way to Athena's pussy and began to explore its hot tight expanse.

Carefully exploring it with his rugged fingers. Tested each spot before finding Athena's favorite place, and began to abuse it with endless rubbing, along with teasing her clitoris.




The sound of the two's heavy breaths coincided with a resounding wet noise. From Athena as she continued her fellatio, and from Bell as he continued to play with Athena's pussy.

But before long, Athena couldn't take the building pressure from within her womb, taking Bell's penis out of her mouth to gather air to delay what was to come.

Rubbing his desperately with her hand to not stop the pleasure her partner felt.


Athena began to draw in heavy breaths as she felt her orgasm coming. Kissing Bell's penis endlessly as continued to rub it. The sight of arousing Bell immensely, drawing his own orgasm further.

"Haa…Athena…I'm close…"

Bell warned the goddess of his coming climax, something Athena merely replied with confirmation of her own.

"Im close too, Bell… and don't worry about me…I want to taste it♡…"

Athena then began to take the head of Bell's penis into her mouth. Sucking on it desperately. Her body tensed insanely as the pleasure continued to wreak havoc on her mind.

Spreading her legs father as she continued to lay on Bell's lap. Accepting his fingers deeper inside of her. The sound of her sweet nectar was reigning throughout the room as her vagina collided with her beloved's hands. A trail of love stained her bed.

'Bell♡…fuck…I'm cumming♡…I'm cumming♡…cumming♡'

Athena's voice filled Bell's thoughts immensely as she was on the tip of holding back her climax. The sound of the goddess pushing Bell over the edge as well.


Grabbing the goddess' head with his free hand, he pushed her a bit deeper. Letting off his load inside her pristine mouth. Staining it with his white essence.


The sudden warmth in her mouth brought immense stimulation into Athena. Swallowing Bell's semen, it pushed her over the edge as well.


Athena's body tensed as her pussy clamped down tightly on Bell's fingers. Her back arched as pleasure washed over her entire being.

Having her sweet spot and clitoris abused so much by Bell's fingers and the warmth of having his penis sprayed down his essence down her throat. The stimulation inadvertently affected another part of her nether regions.



A stream of clear liquid violently burst forth from her cunt, before weakening and becoming a trickling flow that ran down her thighs and Bell's hands. Staining the once pristine white sheets of her bed.


Bell was silent as he watched Athena as he basked in the afterglow of his orgasm. The goddess did the same as she caught her breath after swallowing his load. Her body shivered every so often.

'My word…that…that was amazing♡'

Athena thought as she was recovering from the immense pleasure her climax brought. The feeling still lingering as her pussy continued to lock Bell's hands in a vice-grip. The warmth of the semen she had swallowed could be felt as it traveled down her body and into her stomach.

Her body was hot all over. Inside and out. Top and bottom…and the goddess loved every bit of the sensation she was feeling.


Seeing the goddess relish the pleasure, Bell spoke out to her.

"That was quite the orgasm, Athena…did you enjoy it?"

Bell wanted to tease the goddess who had squirted, but Athena simply turned her head in response. Not feeling an ounce of embarrassment for what she had done.

"Haa♡…you want to know what I thought of it?..."

Athena turned to rest her back on Bell's lap, taking his arm into her hands, and pulled his rugged fingers off the tight embrace from the walls of her pussy.


Her actions brought a prominent wet sound as Bell's fingers escaped her tight and pleasurable fleshy expanse. Sending a slight shiver up Athena's spine.


Breathing softly to take in the sudden pleasure of Bell's fingers leaving her cunt, Athen then opened her mouth widely. 

Revealing the hot and steamy tongue that had swallowed his member and semen whole, Athena began to bring Bell's fingers closer to it.

Soon, she began to suck on his fingers feverishly. Her eyes clouded with lustful desire as she felt and tasted her love's appendages. Wrapping her tongue around each one lovingly, a gesture to thank them for all the happiness they brought to her pussy.



Bell was silent as the sound of her saliva as she ran her tongue along the length of his fingers rang in his ears.

Before long, Athena removed his fingers from her mouth. Sucking on it until it had been freed. A trail of her saliva extended from his fingers and into her mouth.

The goddess then looked up at Bell with half-closed eyes. Her desire was clearly apparent.

"Haa♡…haa♡…haa♡…we taste so good together♡…"

Athena spoke as she ran her erotic tongue through her soft lips. A tongue and lip that had so hungrily and erotically devoured his member and his fingers.

"Does that answer your question, dear?♡"

Seeing the goddess who was once so pure and composed act so erotically on his lap. Bell felt a second wind rush through his body.


Bell's flaccid penis has been resting on Athena's cheek when she turned around to face him, but the member began to stiffen once more as blood rushed in.

The piece of meat that she had so tenderly tasted was now hovering above her head. Pulsing with energy and desire as it twitched sporadically. Its shadow now covers Athena's eyes.


Seeing the brutal manhood of Bell that covered the length of her face, Athena began to feel a pulse resound once more in her depths. Her cunt began to release a small trail of lubricant. Her womb aching at the sight she was witnessing.


Running her tongue across her lips once more in expectation. Athena knew the night she was sharing with Bell was far from over.

The sun had been setting when Bell had first arrived. Now the starry night sky had covered Altena at their current moment, and Athena felt they wouldn't stop until the sun had greeted them once more.

"As expected of my lover. This shape…I hope my body will remember it well…𝙘𝙝𝙪♡"

Raising her head slightly to place a small kiss on the underside of the penis that will rock her world, Athena then spoke to Bell as she continued to stare lovingly at his member. Imagining the pleasure it would soon bring her.

"Let's start round two ♡"



"Haa♡…Bell♡ …MMM♡…BELL!♡"

The sound of flesh colliding with flesh was the only sound that could be heard from Athena's bed. Alongside her moans of ecstasy and the breathing of Bell as he moved endlessly.

"More♡…I love that spot…keep going♡…make me scream♡"

Athena communicated to her lover where exactly she felt the most pleasure. Her body ached with desire each time it was struck. Her voice cried out in gratification in an erotic moan.

"So…good♡…more♡…gods more♡…"

Bell heeded her words and struck the area she asked for. Waves of pleasure struck Athena's mind. Her pussy reddened in complexion even more as her sweet spot was stroked by Bell's penis. Coating his member and the bed with her slippery love as it enjoyed drowning in lust.

"Mmm♡…hit it more, dear…make me cum again♡…please make me cum again♡"

Numbing her senses in sexual gratification. Her arousal dumbed her mind. The only thing she now focused on was enjoying the pleasures of the flesh. A trail of saliva ran down her mouth as she gasped for air. Athena was enjoying every single moment.


The sound of the mattress accommodating the couple's rough movements added to the passionate composition they were both making.


The sound of wet flesh against wet flesh becomes the main melody.


Athena's moans become the tune that ties it all together.

"Ahh♡…ahhh♡…ahhh♡…haa♡….haa♡…mmm♡…pound me more♡~"

The air around them had grown hot and misty.

Their sweat landed on each other's bodies and the now-stained white bedsheets.

"Bell…faster…a big one is coming♡…let's cum together, alright?♡"

Athena felt an immense pressure building up inside of her. She desperately gripped the sheets of the bed as she fell completely flat on her chest.

"Alright…haa…just enjoy cumming, Athena…I'll handle the rest…"

Bell slowly replied to the goddess as she began to indulge in the mind-numbing sensations of their fucking. The goddess moaned in delight. No longer caring about her standing. Focusing solely on the pleasure her lover was bringing her body.


Bell pressed on Athena's body in order to get a better handle. Increasing the rate at which he humped. The goddess moaned in delight as she felt the increase in tempo. The hastening of Bell increased the rate at which her intelligence began to waver.

"My nipples♡…they feel so good♡…"

As Athena lay completely flat beneath Bell, she began to slowly rub her breasts against the covers.

Long having been stained by Bell and her's passion, they didn't irritate the goddess as she rubbed her nipples across.


Athena didn't experience much pleasure from her chest as she hadn't developed its sensitivity. But any small increase to add to her coming climax was something she enjoyed a lot.

'I should tease them more in the future…Penelope said it's quite enjoyable…and Bell might enjoy it…cumming from just my nipples…I should explore the topic soon♡'

Making plans to study the new world of adult pleasure she would share with Bell, Athena moved back to building up her incoming orgasm. Her muscles trying their damndest to hold it back.

Each moment filling the goddess' mind with the desire to simply release and bask in ecstasy.

'No♡…more pleasure♡…more♡…I can add more♡'

Athena thought as she began to bite down on the bedsheets. Another attempt to hold back the pressure building up.

'I can feel Bell's penis twitching…he's close…I wanna see…who will break first♡'

Moving her hands beneath her body, Athena began to rub her fingers around her clitoral hood. Direct stimulation was too much for her…but rubbing around it brought immense pleasure to the goddess.


Athena began to call out the name of her love in numbing delight. Imagining her fingers were his. She began to crazily abuse her happy place. Building up more pleasure for her soon-to-come release.


The goddess' body began to beg for sweet release. Athena was abusing it by holding in her orgasm as much as she could. Her mind became incoherent as the pleasure continued to attack her from all sides.

Her folds


Her clit


Her nipples


Athena began screaming as the pressure she held began to hurt but pleasure her immensely.

Her body twitched violently as she did.

"Bell♡ Finger♡ Mouth♡ Cover♡ Please♡~~"

Athena begged her beloved to gag her mouth with the rugged hands she so loved.

Complying with the desperate perversion of the goddess, Bell extended one of his hands to her mouth. Athena quickly took it in.


Saliva began to fall from Athena's mouth as she ravenously took in Bell's fingers. Using his hand as a gag for the numerous moans that continue to escape despite her efforts.

"Athena…I'm cumming…"

Bell spoke breathlessly. The announcement piqued the goddess' attention as she could now release what she was holding back.

"Cum for me Bell♡…cover me with your semen♡…cum♡…please cum♡"

Bell heeded Athena's request and built up his pleasure to release his essence onto her body and the bed.

Athena slowly loosened the grip she had against her incoming orgasm ever so slowly.








Athena tensed as she experienced another orgasm. Her body violently shook in pleasure as her hot sleeve tightened beyond imagination.

The goddess felt a numbing sensation rock her body as her womb continued to beat and pulse loudly within herself.


Bell and Athena had now been going at it for hours. Unable to take a single moment where they weren't rubbing up to one another. Drowning in the dumbing pleasures of erotic flesh.

'This isn't even full-penetration…but I already love fucking Bell♡'

Athena slowly thought as she basked in the afterglow of another orgasm.

'Is this the tenth time I have cum?...who cares…I want more♡'

This moment was just another climax to add to the numerous she had already experienced that night.


Bell groaned as he pulled his penis away and began to coat Athena's pristine back in another shot of his semen. The goddess' hair and skin had already familiarized themselves with the heat of his essence.


Athena relished the sensation on her back. Knowing her partner enjoyed it as much as she did brought immense satisfaction to her.


As she enjoyed Bell's satisfaction on her skin, another trail of liquid exited from Athena's pussy. Reaching an area of the mattress that had been inundated with numerous iterations of stains from her love.

"Fuu♡…I'll have to take immense efforts to clean this mattress when we're done…but the look of it…it arouses me♡"

Treating the stains as proof of their love, Athena enjoyed the sight of the ruined bed. Such a scene will be one she was sure she would become familiar with in the future.

Bell and Athena had been performing their moment of passion in a single position that allowed the goddess to keep her virginity whilst enjoying the pleasures of sex.

"Haa♡… I'm up for another round Bell, how about you?~♡"

Athena lovingly spoke to her dearest beloved. She hadn't tired herself just yet. She wished to continue drowning in the pleasure Bell brought her.

"Haa…haa…haa…sure Athena…I'm good to go…"

Bell spoke tiredly to Athena. He was exhausted beyond belief, but he too wanted to continue drowning in her flesh. So he utilized the natural gifts he was blessed with.

'Thank the gods my magecraft can be used like this…'


Bell began to fill the structure of his penis with small amounts of mind. Stimulating it enough for him to go another round.

'Reinforcement magecraft can be used like this…I'm not sure if this will have side effects…but I don't care'

Bell pushed away the possible ramifications of his actions. All he cared about now was his and his beloved's pleasure.

"Mmm♡…do you really love my ass that much, dear?"

Athena spoke as Bell began to knead Athena's soft and malleable behind. Something he did quite often in their carnal moment of passion.

The couple was currently in a position known as prone bone. The goddess lay flat on her chest on her bed as Bell mounted her from behind.

Locking her thighs together beneath Bell's legs, the two were able to enjoy each other's bodies as Bell rubbed himself between Athena's pussy-thigh sandwich, and Athena felt the stimulation of Bell's member running along her vulva, labia, and clit.

It was an extremely risky position where he could slip in at any moment, but though Bell lost himself in pleasure, he made sure he didn't accidentally enter.

"I don't know what to say other than I'm a believer in butt over breasts…though I wouldn't say I don't enjoy your chest, Athena"

Bell confessed to his personal fetishes. He found himself more times staring at a woman's behind rather than their chest. Something he carried since his past life.

But Athena jokingly commented on Bell's declaration.

"Hmm? Should I assume then that you have appreciated the behinds of girls other than me then, my dear?"

Bell was shocked a bit at the reminder Athena brought to him. Seeing his guilty expression, Athena laughed as she turned around to face Bell, bringing his face closer to hers.


"Don't worry so much Bell. Didn't I say I would join your harem? It will take a while to get used to sharing you…but it's much better than losing you altogether…I've lived for all this time and you were the only one to bring such joy to me"

"If I let you go now, I don't know how long it will take for someone close to you to be brought to me once more…if such a thing is even possible in the first place"

Athena locked eyes with Bell. Her loving gaze conveyed her intentions clearly to him.

"If I force you to pick me, you will change from the brilliant hero that I fell so deeply in love with. If I let you go, it will be a moment I will regret for my entire existence…so it's better I stay by your side than not at all"

Bell could only stay silent as Athena declared what she had spoken. He couldn't even begin what it felt like to share the person he loved with another.

Bell would probably break down in jealousy or sadness if he saw the woman he loved with another man, so he felt the sheer weight Athena took on by accepting he wouldn't be hers alone.


He couldn't help but start to form tears. This entire night left bell quite susceptible to emotions. Feeling immense gratitude he had such an understanding partner.

"I promise. I'll make sure you feel loved so long as you're with me. I won't neglect you, nor will I push you away"

"I will make sure this decision of yours is the best one you have made in your entire life, Athena!"

Bell promised to Athena as she lay beneath him, the sight of the boy so fervently declaring his intentions to her brought a smile to the goddess.

"Of course. I only expect the best from the man who decided to make a harem of goddesses and mortals for himself…you'll have to try your best to make sure all of us will be cooperative with one another"

Athena spoke before placing her hands on Bell's still-erect penis. Something that reminded the goddess that though what he said was made out of pure love, he was still dressed in the effects of his and her's lust.

"And I do apologize for bringing the other women up when we were having a moment…but do give me this one moment of selfishness before I share you…"

Bell continued to listen. He was more than willing to accommodate the goddess' request, but Athena hadn't finished what she was saying. Whispering into his ear the true reason for her actions.

"Do forgive me…but the idea that you drown in my flesh despite knowing about the other women you love…it turns me on immensely♡"

Athena whispered as she rubbed the head of Bell's penis along her wet folds.

'Athena…do you have a kink for netori?...'

Bell spoke in his mind. Athena was confused with the foreign term he had spoken to her in his mind, but Bell didn't allow her to think on it much as he began to resume their moment of passion.

"Ahn♡…excited to get back to rutting, dear?♡"

Athena said after Bell began to rub her clitoris and kiss her neck.

Bell didn't reply and simply positioned Athena back to a position where he could rub against her once more.

"Hmm…I quite liked the feeling of you rubbing against me from behind…but seeing you truly is better than that"

Athena commented on their new position.

The goddess laid on her back as her legs were raised and grouped together. Resting on Bell's shoulder.

"You ready, Athena?"

Bell asked the goddess who was laying on her back. Seeing the gaze of her lover so clearly, Athena replied back.

"Anytime, Bell♡"

The two melted into one another once more. The rays of daybreak pierced through the windows and veils of Athena's bedroom. Painting their romance in a gentle glow.



'Ugh…my body hurts…'

Bell thought as he groggily woke himself up.

Rubbing his eyes as his vision adjusted to the light of the room he was currently sleeping in.

The sound of the ocean filled his ears and a gentle breeze accompanied the soft daylight which illuminated the room.

'What time is it?...'

Bell knew it was daytime, but he didn't know how long he had slept. Last he remembered, the sun had broken through the horizon before he collapsed onto the bed.

'Oh yeah…me and Athena…we…'

His memories of last night began to pour in. The sheer detail of the encounter played through his mind like a recorder. The eroticism of it stirred his body.

'Damn it…this isn't helping my…morning…wood?...'

Bell was about to move his body before he felt a heavy feeling on his chest. Turning his head to look what it was, he saw the beautiful goddess he loved resting peacefully atop his body.

Her long hair was disheveled but still beautiful. Her face gleamed with the faint light that reached the room from the sun. Her body slowly moved in accordance with her gentle breaths.


Bell was mesmerized at the beauty resting so peacefully on his body…and with the fact said beauty promised herself to him and him alone as they drowned in passion.

"I really am lucky…"

Bell took a moment to trace his fingers through her face. Gently moving away her bangs as he felt her soft skin and supple lips.

The reality of the situation still hadn't set in for him.

"I can't believe this is real…but I really love you Athena"

As he declared his love, the goddess began to stir herself awake. Replying to his confession.

"I love you too, Bell"


Athena slowly approached Bell's face from her resting place atop his chest. Planting a brief peck on his lips.

"Good morning, dear"

The goddess smiled kindly at Bell as she slowly roused herself awake.

"Hm?...looks like someone's excited~"

Athena teasingly commented as she felt Bell's erect penis on her legs. The member which brought her so much pleasure stood at attention, even after their already exhausting session of desire.

"It's just because I woke up…or at least, I hope it is…"

Bell said with worry. He didn't know what the effects of using reinforcement on his penis would have. Scared he might have a constantly erect dick.


Athena stared into the worried Bell. Fully understanding his thoughts through their connection. Smiling softly before licking her lips, Athena turned her body to face his crotch.

"No worries dear. Having quite the active soldier down here makes me very happy…thank you for your dedication, little Bell. 𝙘𝙝𝙪♡"

Planting a kiss to greet his penis jokingly. Athena soon took it into her mouth. Sending Bell numerous waves of pleasure.


Sounds of saliva began to reach Bell's ears as Athena's head began to bob up and down along his length.

'Don't worry about it Bell. Just enjoy it…perhaps your delicious baby batter could be my breakfast? I read somewhere that it contains some nutrients♡'

Spurred by Athena's dirty talk, Bell decided to play along. Grabbing the ass of the goddess that was facing him as she sucked him off.

"Is that so?...then don't mind me grabbing a morning drink to wake myself up"

Bringing the goddess' pussy close to his face, Bell began to run his tongue across Athena's vagina. Sucking on her clit every so often.

'Mmph♡…so early in the morning and so eager to get back to sex…I could get used to this♡'

The moans of Athena and the sound of saliva began to play in the room before the two orgasmed. Athena had her mouth filled with Bell's semen, and Bell had his tongue constricted by Athena's pussy cumming.


The goddess moaned as she basked in her orgasm as she drew in a breath.

"As much as I want to go once again, Bell. I have duties to attend to. I was only able to secure a night to ourselves after working endlessly…Altena is still recovering after all"

Athena spoke as she slowly got off of Bell and got off the bed they shared.

Bending down to the ground to pick up the nightgown she had thrown to the floor in the middle of their session. Slowly dressing as she licked a remnant trail of Bell's semen on her lips.


Bell found the sight immensely arousing, but controlled himself. He couldn't just spend another day fucking like an animal.

'I want to do it very much…but my dick is now hurting from all the stimulation…'

Athena then made her way to Bell once more after she was dressed in her red nightgown and shawl. Planting a small kiss on his forehead.

"I'll be leaving for work, alright dear? You can rest up for a while. I had the Parthenon reserved for ourselves only. So you don't have to worry about being caught by my familia or some servants"

The goddess spoke as she cupped Bell's face into her hands. Rubbing his cheeks with her fingers tenderly.

Grabbing Athena's hand and kissing it, Bell replied back to the goddess.

"Alright, Athena. Stay safe at work"

Athena smiled immensely at Bell's words. It was as if they were a married couple. But the goddess knew it would be some time before they could enjoy each other's love without worry…before she could offer her virginity to the man she loved.

Athena was about to leave, but then she remembered one last thing she had to inform Bell about.

"Oh yes, dear. Seeing as I am now a part of your forming harem, it's only best I look out for my future fellow wives"

"Do take a moment to console Freya, will you? She has been inconsolable for the last few days as per the investigations of my familia. Something about not being a good fit for her Odr"

As Bell listened to what Athena was saying, he began to feel that he was slowly turning more into a divine therapist than an actual hero.

'What caused Freya to get so depressed?...she hasn't shown such behavior except for that certain instance…she couldn't have possibly seen me and Athena, right?'

Seeing her beloved begin to ponder deeply about her request despite being so tired, Athena couldn't help but smile.

The goddess couldn't hear his exact thoughts, as if it was being blurred out from her recognition, but she didn't give it much mind.

"I wish you the best, Bell. Who knows? Perhaps if you are able to change Freya's prideful and possessive nature…we might have a threesome sometime in the future♡~"

Athena commented as she began to leave her bedroom to clean herself up before going to work. Her ass swayed beneath her red nightdress as she walked. Leaving Bell to ponder on what she had said. The virgin goddess had now irreversibly turned into a lustful woman.


It wasn't a  prideful moment for Bell… he couldn't deny that he felt a bit more motivated after what Athena had said.

"𝙨𝙞𝙜𝙝…let's finish this up and prepare for my journey to the Kaios desert…I guess having a harem really is a blessing and a curse"

Resolving to take responsibility for the happiness of the women he wished to pursue, Bell slowly began to ready himself for the day ahead of him. Wincing in slight pain at his sore hips.






Thank you for reading this chapter, and happy to be back to posting here HAHAHA.

I would like to apologize for the inactivity. The last few days have been a cycle of me returning home, eating dinner, then immediately falling asleep on my desk after finishing work.

This fic might be updated only once a week for a while until things cool down after my exams in 2 weeks. But I'll try my best to write with whatever free moments I have. Just please understand I might take some time off for myself to rest.

Moving on from that, I hope you enjoyed the semi-sex scene I wrote of Athena. I initially planned to just leave this scene off with some teasing…but my imagination brought me much farther HAHAHA.

One last chapter for Freya and some tidbits outside of Altena before we head off to the Kaios Desert and the events with Arry.

We're almost done with the side stories of Danamchi and the beginning of canon.

Hope you stick around till then. Have a nice day!

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