Danmachi: The Blind Swordsman

Chapter-34 Hephaestus (2)


Chapter- 34


They eventually arrive at their destination after 7 minutes of walking. 

The manor of Hephaestus is a magnificent mansion with a massive emblem on the gate. 

The Hephaestus Familia emblem features hammers crossing over a volcano.

Even though he can't see with his eyes, he can observe the manor's construction with his observation haki. 

He can tell that the Hephaestus familia isn't ranked third for nothing. 

Without any issues, they both enter the manor's main building. 

Because of her well-known friendship with their goddess, everyone in the manor knows Hestia.

They were surprised, however, to see a very handsome Black-haired boy wearing a blindfold over his eyes. 

Some of them heard that Hestia-sama had finally accepted her first familia member, despite the fact that he is blind. 

But this is the first time seeing the actual person, not to mention a good-looking one at that. 

They both enter the main building where Hephaestus resides and works as a blacksmith. 

*ting* *ting*

"Hey~ Hephaestus, see who I brought" Hestia said as she entered through the door, while Yuno followed her from behind, nervously. 

Hephaestus, who was sipping tea and reading a book on the couch, utters "Hmm" as she turns to face them. 

"Meet my only familia member, Yuno!" Hestia said this while making a ta-da movement with her hands. 

Hephaestus' eye landed upon Yuno, making her raise her eyebrow in surprise. 

Even though she heard from Hestia how handsome he is, she thought Hestia was exaggerating. 

But now that Hephaestus sees him with her own eye, she realizes that Hestia was not wrong about him. 

He is indeed very handsome, but she felt pity for the boy for not having eyes; she also knows the pain of not having an eye. 

"Oh, you must be the kid, Hestia recruited" Hephaestus said while she stood up, putting the cup and book aside. 

"Hmmm," she says as she scans him with her gaze, her gaze landing on his cane. 

"It's a nice weapon; can I see it?" Hephaestus asked this as she noticed the blade inside of the cane.

As the goddess of smithing, she can identify any equipment just by its look. 

She can tell the weapon was well made by a professional blacksmith. 

"O-ok" Yuno said, handing his cane to Hephaestus a little nervously. 

Hephaestus takes the cane from his hand and unsheathes it to see the blade. 

"It's beautiful, as Hestia said" Hephaestus said as she examined the blade with her eye. 

"I heard from Hestia that your sword was made by your grandfather" Hephaestus said, looking at Yuno with curiosity. 

Yuno nodded his head as he speaks in grief "yes but he is no more in this world"

"Oh, I'm sorry for your loss," Hephaestus apologizes when she realizes she has broached a sensitive subject. 

"No, it's ok" Yuno replied to Hephaestus. 

Hephaestus breathed a sigh of relief as she continued to question him, "Can I ask your grandfather's name?" 

"His name was Brok, and he was a dwarf," Yuno replied truthfully to Hephaestus' question. 

"Brok?" Hephaestus tried to recall if she had heard this name before, but she couldn't think of any blacksmith with that name. 

This elicited her curiosity about this blacksmith who can make this quality weapon and has been unknown to her. 

She asked some more questions about his village and its people. 

Hephaestus looked at Yuno with a doubtful expression on her face as she answered her questions. 

Because according to Hephaestus, there is no village in the location of Yuno just described. 

He already told Hestia about these details, but she hasn't been outside much since she descended, so she doesn't know much about the outside world. 

But Hephaestus, as one of the top familia, she basically has knowledge of more of the outside world. 

Even though she knows Yuno is telling the truth, According to her there is no place as Yuno described. 

As for now, she put all thoughts aside and promised herself to investigate this later for confirmation. 

"Can I make some improvements to your blade?" Hephaestus asked this as she observed the blade with interest in her eyes. 

"Is that ok?" Yuno asked with little hesitation. 

"Yes, I considered this a reward for answering my questions" Hephaestus replied with a smile on her face. 

"Then thank you very much for this" Yuno said, showing his gratitude by bowing but suddenly his head fell on the soft cushion. 


"Don't be like that, yuno~" Hestia, who had been silent the entire time, spoke as she came forward in front of Yuno, making his head hit her boobs. 

"Even though she is the goddess of one of the biggest familia" Hestia said this is with small smile on her face as pat yuno's head

As she continues "but she is also the one of the kindest goddess like me"

Yuno can only nod his head since he can't speak because his mouth is blocked by her boobs. 

"Good" she said as she released his head from her blossom. 

"Haaa….haa….ha…" Yuno catches his breath as he is released from suffocation.

"Hephaestus, Yuno also have some questions for you, please answer them? Pretty please~" Hestia asked this as she looked at Hephaestus with puppy eyes. 


"Fine…." Hephaestus looked at Hestia as she released a tired smile; after all, she knows her best friend very well. 

Hestia then looked at Yuno and patted his back, indicating that he could ask her any questions he had. 

Yuno nodded his head as he gathered some confidence in him and then said, "I heard that you can craft weapons that are alive; is that true?"

"No, it's not accurate, but it's something similar..." Hephaestus answered his question, but she didn't know how to actually explain this. 

"If that is so, then how do you make something like that?" Yuno asked this with a curious tone. 

"Well, it's not like I can make something like that whenever I wish." Hephaestus said as she put her finger on lips as she tried to think of a way to explain as she continued "....It's also depends on equipment and its quality"

Hephaestus look at blade for few moments as she murmured "this might work"

"What?" Hestia asked this with confused face while looking at Hephaestus

"Follow me. I will show you," Hephaestus said as she entered her office. 

Meanwhile, Hestia and Yuno follow her inside. 

Hephaestus then came to a single door that was on the wall just behind the table. 


She opened up the door as there was a staircase down to the basement. 

Without wasting any time, she moved down the stairs. 

Yuno hesitates while Hestia grabs his hand as she pulls him to follow Hephaestus downstairs. 

As they come downstairs, Yuno's expression changes drastically because, before, he couldn't sense anything below with his advanced observation haki. 

But now he can sense auras here, not just ordinary ones but much more powerful and unique ones. 

In the basement, on the wall, various weapons hang like showpieces. 

There is a large forge in the center, with various equipment on a table next to it. 

"This is a forge?" Yuno asked this with awe in his voice. 

"Not just some normal forge but the forge of the goddess of smithing Hephaestus herself" Hestia said this as proudly as she was praising herself. 

"Are these all?" Yuno asked this in a dazed voice, sensing equipment all over the walls. 

"Yes, all of this equipment and weapons were personally made by me, even though some may be defective." Hephaestus explained this as she came near the forge. 

"I am guessing that even though you can't see, you can feel your surroundings with some kind of skill since you can fight in the dungeon without any problems, right?" Hephaestus said this as she positioned the blade on the anvil, a little behind the forge. 

Hestia looked at Hephaestus with a shocked face, and meanwhile, Yuno also felt shocked at Hephaestus' prediction. 

"Don't give that look; it doesn't take a genius to figure out how you do it after hearing everything you've done," Hephaestus said as she put on her gloves. 

Hestia, hearing that, turned her head to the side and started whistling like she had done nothing. 

"Anyway, Yuno, do you want to know about the process?" Hephaestus asks this as she looks at Yuno. 

Yuno nodded his head without any hesitation. 

"Then, you should observe the process yourself, activate whatever skill you have to observe, and don't disturb me until I finish, no matter what" Hephaestus said this, but her last sentence was in a threatening tone. 

Yuno quickly nodded his head while sweating. 

"Good" Hephaestus said, nodding her head in satisfaction as she picked up the hammer and started to beat the blade. 

Yuno applies his advanced observation haki to observe the process to its fullest. 

Meanwhile, Hestia, seeing both of them busy in their own world, decided to lay down on the couch in the corner of the room.

Edited By: darkfox235 


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