Danmachi: The Blind Swordsman

Chapter- 35 Hephaestus (3)


Chapter- 35


"Wow", yuno said while looking at the blade in his hand, which is now more shining with some weird characters on it. 

After 2 hours, Hephaestus was able to complete the work. 

"It comes out better than expected," Hephaestus said satisfyingly while looking at the blade with a proud expression. 

"It's looking amazing, as expected of my dear friend" Hestia's eyes shine as she looks at the blade in yuno's hand. 

Even yuno observed the whole progress but couldn't able to comprehend anything which is really strange. 

"Are you really sure you don't want anything in return?" Yuno asked this with little uncertainty after all who can do this type of work for free. 

"Are you doubting my words??" Hephaestus asked this with a threatening voice. 

"Never!!" Yuno shakes his head fiercely afraid if he has crossed the line. 


From the sideline, Hestia started to giggle seeing the interaction between them. 

"Ok….thank you," Yuno said with a little embarrassed face as he ignored Hestia. 

Hephaestus then nodded her head in satisfaction. 

"Oh, I forgot the main thing" Hephaestus Faceplamed herself as she said this. 

As she looked towards Hestia and continued "Hestia drop your blood on the blade"

Hestia didn't what she meant but she trusted her, so she quickly came near yuno and took the blade. 

As she drops the blood off her onto the blade. 

As blood touched the blade, the characters started to glow with blue light. 

"Woah" Hestia said amazed by such a beautiful scene. 

"Wow" Even though yuno can't see but he can observe changes occurring to the blade. 

"Now the blade is complete," Hephaestus said this as she come to Hestia as take the blade and give it back to yuno

Yuno accept the blade from Hephaestus, as he examines the changes of the blade with his own hands. 

He then tried to use his identification skill on the blade:

[ Unnamed ]

[Single-handed Sword (Upgraded) ]

[ Type- shikomizue ]

[ Quality- Excellent → Growth ]

[ Grade- I ]

[ Description- The last weapon made exclusively for yuno by an unknown master blacksmith as his last gift.]

[ Exchangeable- 100000 Units ]

Finding out his blade quality had changed to growth, he felt a little pleasant surprise 

In his previous life, he heard about these from his brother 

And growth type equipment is one of the most op types. 

They can grow with their user and become stronger endlessly. 

And with Grade showing in the description he was sure it represented something like levels in status. 

Blade value also increased tremendously adding extra zero in its original value. 

But it's useless to him since he has no plans to exchange it for units. 

He couldn't wait to test out his new weapon in the dungeon. 

"From the looks of your face I can see you can understand your weapon," Hephaestus said this as she saw various emotions on his face. 

Yuno nodded his head while checking out his weapon but Hestia showed a confused look on her face. 

Even though she didn't have any doubt about Blade but she couldn't understand their secret conversation between the two of them. 

After that, they came back to her office and then Hestia and Hephaestus started their own chat. 

Meanwhile, yuno started to get bored, so decided to say goodbye. 

"Hestia-sama and Hephaestus-sama I have some work to do, so I will go first" Since he technically didn't lie so the two goddesses can't find anything wrong in his sentence. 

Hestia nodded her head meanwhile Hephaestus got up and pressed some button on her desk. 

"Alright but wait for a second I call someone to guide you outside," Hephaestus said as she was worried about him getting lost. 

Even though she knows he can move without any problem, her manor is so big that a person with eyes can easily get lost. 

"It's fine, you don't need to worry about me Hephaestus-sama, I can go by myself," Yuno said while waving his hands. 

"No need to be humble, I already called her so it's fine," Hephaestus said as she got back to her seat beside Hestia. 

"It's ok yuno-kun just let her take you out after all Hephaestus minor is enormous you probably will get lost" Hestia said to yuno from the sidelines. 

Hestia herself wants to go with yuno but she has something important to discuss with Hephaestus, so she can't herself go with him

Even though she knows he has some skill to see but she does not know how his skill works, so for the safety of her child, she only agrees and supports Hephaestus's idea

Sensing no sign of rejection, he could only wait helplessly. 

"Hephaestus-sama you called?" Suddenly a woman's voice can be heard from the door. 

"Yeah Tsubaki, can you take our little guest outside?" Hephaestus said this while looking at the woman who just arrived. 

"Here yuno meet her, she is Tsubaki the captain of my familia as well as a master blacksmith, if you need to ask anything relating to the dungeon or blacksmithing you can ask her" Hephaestus finished talking to yuno, then she looked towards Tsubaki. 

As she says to her "This is yuno, child of Hestia a promising adventurer as well as a blacksmith so take care of him and also child of Hestia, so you can see he has had some problems so take care of him for us OK? "

Tsubaki has brown skin, long black hair, and red eyes, and wears an eyepatch over her left eye, similar to her Goddess Hephaestus.

However, her eyepatch covers the opposite eye. She has a well-endowed chest which she keeps in a sarashi, and wears a red hakama and sandals

She has a big chest like Hephaestus between D-cup and E-cup

She looks at yuno with a surprised expression on her face and hears from Hephaestus, after all not every day you can see such a handsome boy as well as talented especially such a 'unique boy' like himself. 

She doesn't doubt Hephaestus's words after she knew what kind of goddess she is but still, it's hard to believe that this harmless blind boy is a talented adventurer as well as a blacksmith. 

"Hello, I am yuno as Hephaestus said" Yuno speaks as he comes forward as he little bows to her. 

Tsubaki patted his head as she spoke "Yo kid you should be really good after all not every day does our goddess speak highly of someone"

"You can treat me as elder sister and I treat you as my little brother, if you need anything you can come to me" As she started to rub his head while Yuno nodded his head in struggle

'cute' thought comes into Tsubaki's mind as she suddenly hugs the boy's head into her blossom. 

Hestia's mouth wide opened seeing yuno into Tsubaki blossom meanwhile Hephaestus showed a helpless smile as she was used to her behaviour as she used to it. 

" W-what ww-what a-re y-you do-doing t-to m-my yu-*cough*child???!" Hestia speaks this with a stuttering voice while she has a flustered look on her face. 


"What's wrong goddess Hestia??" Tsubaki said as she looked towards Hestia with a confused face. 


When Hestia is about to speak, Hephaestus interrupts them "Stopped squeezing the kid, Tsubaki can't you see that kid is suffocating" 

Tsubaki looked down to see the boy was almost out of breath and quickly realised what she had done

"Oh sorry my bad, I just got a little excited" She released the boy in an instant. 

"Ha…..haaa….haaaa...ha" Yuno caught his breath after being released.

"Haa…..it-its…ha…fi-fine…" Yuno said this as he breathed heavily. 

"You can't hug anyone like that, especially my child!" Hestia complained with an angry look on her face even though to Outlookers it only increased the cuteness of Hestia. 

'Only I have that privilege' last sentence she couldn't say out loud but she said this in her heart. 

"But I couldn't resist, goddess Hestia after seeing him like this" Tsubaki said as she shrugged helplessly. 

"Hmph" Hestia pouted and turned her face as she couldn't refute what she said. 

"Enough for now you two" Hephaestus speak as she waves her hands to stop both of them. 

"Go now," Hephaestus said as she signals Tsubaki to leave with yuno. 

Tsubaki nodded her head as she grabbed yuno's hands and started to move outside

Yuno waved his other hand towards them as he moved. 

Seeing them leave, Hestia moved towards Hephaestus. 

As she speaks in a low tone with expectation "Hephaestus, that amour agreement is still valid right?"

Hephaestus looked at Hestia as she nodded her head helplessness knowing how her best friend can be greedy sometimes. 

"Yayyy~!!!!" Hestia exclaimed in excitement as she raised her fists upwards. 

Not only did she get a free amour for her child but also his weapon was upgraded personally by her. 


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