Danmachi: The Blind Swordsman

Chapter- 76 New Magic (2)




Yuno consciousness is drafting in a dark place where no one can see anything, normally people would freak out in this situation where they find themselves in a place completely dark and alone

But Yuno was rather feeling very calm and peaceful because this darkness is something that Yuno is most familiar with

Before having a template system that gives such magical skills like 'Advanced observation haki' and 'spiritual sense' 

Even though these skills might not be able to make Yuno see but at least these skills help him to observe the world on his own, which in Yuno's opinion is 1000 times better than his previous world

It's like Yuno can see the world on his own which is definitely good for Yuno, even though Yuno might not be able to 'see' properly like normal people with eyes but he already feels blessed for having only this much

Yuni might not be able to see people's faces but he can see the inner beauty of every person which is definitely better because faces can be fake but the inner self of any person will never be fake

And it's all thanks to his template system otherwise he might not have this blessing or this gift

As his consciousness flooded into the darkness, suddenly those weird symbols started to appear in those dark places one by one

And yuno consciousness can see those weird symbols which makes Yuno extremely stunned  because this is the first time Yuno is able to see something

He can actually see those weird systems in this dark space which is a really shocking thing for Yuno because till now all systems have been transferring all the data into his brain

That's why he knows his template status, can use the shop as well as other functions of the system and not to mention that previous times it's all thanks to advanced observation haki as well as his system he was able to read the context of that grimoire

But this time is different because he can 'see' those weird symbols without using his 'advance observation haki' or any of his other skills which makes him so stunned that he can't comprehend anything as he just stares at those weird symbols with completely empty mind

unfortunately, this wonderful and happy thing won't last long because soon these weird symbols started to disappear like those weird symbols are made of ashes 

 soon those ashes started to gather up together and after a few moments finally, this whole thing was stopped

It reveals 6 orbs with each one having a different colour exactly like the previous time but this time instead of 7 orbs, this time there are 6 arbs 

The colours of the orbs this time are Red, blue, green, brown, white and finally black meanwhile there is no transparent orb this time

While Yuno is still in the process of comprehending everything because he saw this whole process on his own and he now has little time to calm down his mind

After a few moments…

Yuno finally calmed down as well as his inner moments, looking at the orbs before me and being able to understand what he needed to do

Since it's very similar to last time and when he touches the transparent orb, he gets space magic which indeed is very useful to Yuno

But now seeing these orbs today again, he come to understand that each different colour orb will give him different magic 


 the reason why there is no transparent orb this time is because Yuno already obtained magic from the transparent orb which was space magic

And if Yuno's thinking is correct then he is right now more confused than ever because he doesn't have any clue or any way of knowing which colour orb will grant him which magic

If a normal person is here in place of Yuno then that person might be able to Figure out which colour orb holds which magic based on different colours of orbs since orbs have colours similar to their elements

But Yuno has no way of knowing this because he doesn't have eyes to begin with and doesn't know which colour represents which element

He couldn't help but want to pick every orb here but sadly he knew it was not possible, and even trying to hold 2 orbs with both hands at the same time was not possible

Because each orb is floating at a specific distance which makes it impossible for Yuno to hold two orbs at the same time

And he knows as soon he chooses one orb then his consciousness will return to reality in no time


Yuno released a frustrated sigh as he tried to relax since taking stress wouldn't help him in this situation 

"I will leave Everything to my fate" Yuno muttered as he decided to let his fate decide what he was going to get and then stretched his hand in the random direction of the one orb

The orb that he grabs is the green orb and as soon as he grabs the green orb, the chosen orb immediately flies inside Yuno's body

The moment the green orb gets inside Yuno's body, yuno consciousness starts to fade as he returns to the real world


After 2 hours… 

"Are you awake?" Hestia asked this as she noticed the movement of Yuno's hands or to be precise his fingers

"I am back..." Yuno said as his consciousness started to come since he was able to check his surroundings by 'Advance observation haki'

"Are you feeling alright?" Hestia asked this with a concerned look on her face as she saw Yuno not replying

"Yeah, I am fine" Yuno replied as he tried to get up while he noticed that his body was now on the bed instead of the place where he opened the grimoire 

Yuno guessed that Hestia must have moved his body to bed after he lost consciousness and he was thankful to Hestia for doing such a considering thing

"What magic do you get??" Hestia asked this next with excitement in her voice since she knows that the grimoire is a one-time use item that can't be used again no matter what 

And now the grimoire is empty, which means that Yuno is successfully able to use the grimoire as he manages to acquire new magic

"My bad! How would you know, I should update your status to know what magic you get" Hestia continued to speak without giving him any chance to speak while she told Yuno to lie on the bed 

Yuno already knows what magic he has because the moment he becomes conscious, the first thing he does is check his template system status and from that, he easily comes to what magic he got

But he still did what Hestia told him mainly because he couldn't openly tell her that he already knew what magic he got due and exposed the existence of the system 

After he lay on the bed as Hestia told him to do, then Hestia jumped back onto his back while she removed his T-shirt and dropped her blood on Yuno's back:

[Name:] Yuno

[Level:]  2


STR: E438 → D502

VIT: G263 → G298

DEX: D528 → C601

AGI: D572 → C628

MAG: D589 → C652


1- "Space magic"

-Provides user access to the "Space" branch of magic and can sense space, also increasing the user comprehension of "Space" Depending on the user ", Space" can mean different things, giving the user a more tailored and easier experience of magic.

"Dimension pocket"- Creates A pocket in another dimension with space of a 9x9 Meter cube to store items

2- "Wind Magic"

-Provides user access to the "wind" Magic and can use this magic to create and control "wind currents" Usage can be increased based on user understanding of wind element


[Development Abilities:]

1- "Hunter"- this ability Improve other abilities against monsters that the user has fought before and gained excelia from.


1."Advanced Observation Haki"

-The user of this skill can predict the opponent's moves shortly before they make them, thereby making the attack much easier to evade with enough skill.

This skill also allows the user to sense and empathise with the emotions and nature of others.

This skill, unlike any other type of skill, has hardly any visible indication when being used. 

Aside from their enhanced dodge rate. In some instances, the user's pupils turn red when activating this skill.

It also helps users to see a few seconds into the future.

2. "Advanced Armament Haki"

-Advanced Armament Haki allows the user to manifest their spirit as an invisible armour and use it to increase the power of their attack as well as defend

3. "Advanced Conqueror Haki"

-The powerful skill is a rare type of skill that allows the user to exert their willpower over others.

This type of skill cannot be attained through training and only one in several million people are born with this skill.

4. "Gravity"

-This skill allows the user to create and manipulate gravitational forces. 


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