Danmachi: The Blind Swordsman

Chapter- 77 New Magic (3)




"Wind magic? That's awesome!" Hestia shouted while reading the status sheet of Yuno since even though she might not be an adventurer but she still heard of wind magic from many mages, especially elves

So she thought that wind magic was really awesome meanwhile she ignored other improvements in Yuno's status since she knew if thinks about it then it would only hurt her brain 

Yuno hearing this, wasn't surprised even a little bit since he already knew what he got through its system 

He can even feel it, more like he can feel this new magic in his body and after putting back his T-shirt

He noticed that he could feel his surroundings better than ever, he stretched out his hand as he decided to test out his wind magic 

Meanwhile, Hestia looks at Yuno with curiosity about what he is trying to do 

Soon from his hand, a strong wind started to generate resulting in creating a miniature tornado that started to blow everything away 

"It's amazing!" Hestia said with excitement as she saw what Yuno was doing since she had never seen something like this 

Even normal people with wind affinity might not be able to do what Yuno has done since this requires high wind affinity and nature which only elves and high elves have

But thanks to his system which allows him to use things like the grimoire to its full potential and that's the reason he is getting affinity with the magic that he got from the grimoire so high

{ A/N:- And his system is also the reason why he is getting magic affinity instead of getting magic spells like 'Bell' who got 'Fire Bolt' which was a single spell after using the grimoire

But Yuno is different, basically, he got magic affinity after using grimoire instead of a single spell as he then can get spells related to that affinity from the system store }

He closed his hand as he stopped using his newly acquired wind magic, and to be honest, yuno was really satisfied with the magic he got

Not to mention, unlike space magic, he can use wind magic as he wants which is probably the best thing

Because he noticed that mana consumption for wind magic is very low compared to space magic:

[ Name- Yuno ] 

[ User Talent (permanent)- Space Magic (beginner), ??? (locked), ??? (locked), ??? (locked), ??? (locked), ??? (locked), ??? (locked) ]

[ Skills (permanent)- Identification Lvl.1, Dimensional pocket Lvl.1, Space Aversion Lvl.1 (0) ]

[ Mana Pool- 108/110 (+10) ] (mana regeneration- 2MP/min)

[ Shop ]²

[ Current template- Blind Shinigami ] (Select)² 

[ Template progress- 48.92% ]

[ Abilities- Gravity, Advanced Observation Haki, Advanced Armament Haki, Advanced Conqueror Haki, Kidō Expert (Beginner), Shunpo (Beginner), Master Swordsman, Descorrer (locked), Shikai (locked), Bankai (locked), Resurrecciôn (locked), Hollowfication (locked) ]

[ Daily task- 1000 push-ups, 100 km run and 10000 slashes (completed) ]


This means that he can spam magic too without much of a problem as long as he has mana left, but he needs to be careful about not using up all the mana and emptying his mana pool completely

Because he heard from Riveria that emptying your mana pool completely will make that person lose consciousness or even worse which is definitely not a good thing, especially in a dungeon

He is sure that this magic definitely will be very useful for him, especially due to the fact that he can use it multiple times in an offensive way

"How do you like it?" Hestia asked this as she looked at Yuno who was not speaking since he was lost in his own thoughts

"It's perfect" Yuno replied in a very satisfied tone to Hestia's question as he came back to reality since he himself was very satisfied with the magic he got 

A big happy innocent smile naturally formed on Hestia's face after hearing Yuno reply, since as long her favourite only child is satisfied then she is happy 

"Excellent then we should celebrate this by having a feast tonight for you acquiring a new magic," Hestia said as she suggested this while she looked at him with hopeful eyes since she wanted to celebrate this thing for her child

"Of course" Yuno replied how could he reject his goddess as well as he had no problem with having a feast today

As they started to make preparations which even Hestia helped him, while doing his work he started to check his system because there was something that needed to be checked:

>[ Shop ]<

[ Space magic Skills ] ( Refreshing in 20 hours 52 minutes 12 seconds )

[ Wind magic Skills ] ( available )

[ ??? ] ( unavailable )

[ ??? ] ( unavailable )

[ ??? ] ( unavailable )

[ ??? ] ( unavailable )

[ ??? ] ( unavailable )


A new category in the shop has been unlocked giving him access to his newly acquired magic skills which makes his suspicious true

This means that all other locked categories belong to different magic and it will unlock until he somehow acquires different magic attributes

It is definitely not an easy task since the only way he thinks of acquiring new magic attributes is by using more grimoires and these things are very rare, yuno has the luck to get his hands on 2 grimoires but luck won't always work

He also came to know that his space magic category will take some time before getting new skills but it's not an issue considering the fact that he got a new magic category to spend his 'units' in order to purchase new magic skills:

>[ Shop ]<

>>[ wind magic Skills ]<<

[ Beginner ] (Unlocked)

[ Intermediate ] (Locked)

[ Mastered ] (Locked)

Yuno nodded his head as soon this appeared inside his head since this was exactly the same as he expected

So without any delay, he chose the only option which is unlocked for him right now :

>[ Shop ]<

>>[ wind magic Skills ]<<

>>>[ Beginner ]<<<

1- [ Wind slash ]

[ Description- Allows the user to conjure or manipulate strong gusts of wind with a slashing effect. It could be used offensively to strike opponents from a distance or defensively to deflect incoming attacks ]

[ Limitation- This Magic skill offensive power depends on user Magic Mastery ]

[ Requirement(s)- wind magic ]

[ Consumption- 5 MP ]

[ 500 Units ]

[ Status- Locked ]

2- [ Whirlwind Shield ]

[ Description- Creates a protective barrier of swirling wind around the caster, Protecting the user from any incoming physical/magical attacks ]

[ Limitation- Shield Durability depends on user Magic Mastery ]

[ Requirement(s)- Wind magic ]

[ Consumption- 1 MP/second ]

[ 500 Units ]

[ Status- Locked ]

3- [ Wind Soar ]

[ Allows the user to harness the power of the wind to lift themselves into the air and glide effortlessly ]

[ Requirement(s)- Wind magic ]

[ Consumption- 10 MP/second ]

[ 1000 Units ]

[ Status- Locked ]

[ Available Units- 2 ] 

[ Shop Reset in 30 Days 21 Hours 52 minutes ]


After reading all this information which is transferred to his mind through his system, a smile unconsciously formed on his face

Since these all skills Are excellent and the last magic skill especially makes him happier than other magic skills

Because with that skill, he can actually fly that is awesome, who doesn't have a dream of flying in the sky and the best part is that he can 

afford all of these magic skills without any issue

The only problem Yuno found was that magic skill mana consumption of that 'wind soar' which is definitely not good for him

Considering that it consumes 1 mana per second meaning that he could only fly for only near 2 minutes if he uses his all mana inside his mana pool but at least it's better than nothing

He can think of some solution later on and for now, he can just buy all these skills since he has magic stones which he collected today and still hasn't exchanged yet for units from the system

"By the way how much time has passed since Lili went into the dungeon, Hestia-sama?" Yuno asked this to Hestia with a slightly worried tone as he recalled today's events in the dungeon

Previously when Yuno comes back to church after departing from 'Hostess of Fertility', Hestia informs him that Lili had already gone to the dungeon earlier today 

Yuno didn't think much of it at that time since he wanted to discuss the grimoire matter with Hestia at that time as well and Lili doesn't go too much on deeper floors, so he wasn't that worried

But now at this time, Lili should have returned back to church and not to mention she went early today which is why he is getting worried for Lili now

"It should be little more than 12 hours now" Hestia replied to Yuno's question after thinking for a while since she is not good at doing calculations

"I might go and look for her in the dungeon," He said as he picked up a cane from a nearby table since even though the chances of something happening to her were very low but it still didn't change the fact that it was not totally zero

"Be safe" Hestia said this since she also started to get worried for Lili considering that she has been living with them for pretty while, so now Hestia also started to look at her as a family member too


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