Danmachi: Westward Cloud [Complete]

[Vol.4] Quest 372- The God Known As Elysium

Right after leaving their home, Elysium and the family went to have some fun.

“Chug!! Chug!! Chug!" The crowd cheered.

Glug!! Glug!! Glug!!

Glug!! Glug!! Glug!!

“Ah~!!” Malion finished her drink first.

“We have a winner!!!” Shouted Hermes.

“Dammit!!!” Shouted Hera, red in the face. She went to get a drink after Zeus slipped past her and needed to cool off. “I would have won if I hadn’t dealt with Loki first!”

“Fufu!!” Malion said proudly. “Excuses!!”

“Come on Loki, try to drink her under!" Gareth said.

“Ugh… No. I’m already at my Hnng!” Loki drank too much.

On the other side of the pub.

♪♪♪♪♪♪!!!” Elysium and Nox were singing with Lili.

“Waaah!! Dad can sing!!” said Callisto.

“Hm! Hm! I told you!!” Alise said.

“Fom can you sing as well?” asked Auberon.

“Just a little, but you should let your father and aunt sing.” Ai nods along to the tune of the song. “They haven’t seen one another in a very long time.”

“Mom, can you lift me?” Alise asked.

“Of course.” Ryuu picked her up.

“Say, can you sing like your father?” asked Mairu to Haku.

“I don’t know. I never really tried.” Haku said.

“Let’s hope you are,” Artemis said. “Your mother is tone deaf.”

“No, I am not!!” Ai shouted.

“….” Artemis looked at her dead in the eyes. “Really?”

“Okay, maybe a little.”

Sitting at the side, taking in the sight, was Ais.

With her eyes closed, she is enjoying all the vibrancy of the pup.

“Mom?” said Vento. “Are you okay?”

“…I am. I am just taking in the scene.” She slowly opened her eyes. “Is your father in the crowd for Cirrus?”

“Yeah, everyone is gathered around him, and that spirit is singing while the others are having a drinking match.”

“Has Tiona gotten up?”

Vento looked at the crowd.

“URAAA!!!!! I will be the drinking champion!!!” Tiona shouted, bringing down two pints of alcohol.


“Hmm… Why don’t we go and enjoy the music with your siblings?”

Everyone ate and drank, except the kids, and some celebrated well into the night.


The next morning, Elysium wakes up in bed with his whole family.

They were all sprawled around on the bed.

…Mmm…” He closes his eyes and takes a deep breath. "This is nice.

He lays quietly, soaking in this feeling.

Hah.” After a few minutes of letting himself enjoy this warmth, he must get to work.

He slowly gets up, phasing through everyone, and walks to the window.



He adjusts his clothes and stretches.

Haa… Time to get ready.” He opened the window, and he vanished to do some things in the world.


Later that afternoon.

“It was rather rude of Cirrus to just up and leave like that,” Artemis said, walking up to the Denatus.

“Well, I am sure he is getting things ready! After this is his first Denatus!” Astraea said this excitedly while walking alongside Artemis.

“Mmm… Still, he could at least wake me up. Also, you are very excited yourself?” Artemis could see Astraea was brimming with energy.

“Of course! It’s my boy’s big day! Hm? I think you should also call me mother or mom.”

“What!?” Artemis turned her head sharply toward Astraea.

“Yes! You are married to my son, so you are my daughter-in-law!”

“We…” There was no fault in her reasoning. “We will discuss this later.”

They enter the 30th floor of Babel to see several gods already seated. Many of them were new to the Denatus, as several gods came to Orario for Cirrus’ funeral.

Sitting on a throne while resting his head with his arm was Elysium.

“Ah, you're finally here.” Said Demeter, sitting a bit stiffly.

“Demeter, you look nervous," Astraea said, walking over while glancing at Elysium.

“Ah well… Elysium appeared, simply made a throne, and went to sleep. We tried to wake him up and talk with him, but he said he would only wake up when all the gods were seated.”

“Let me talk with him,” Artemis said.

The gods there watched as Artemis walked over to the slumbering god.

“Cirrus, why are you sleeping?”

” No reaction.

“Cirrus!!!” Artemis shouted.

” Nothing.

Artemis leaned into his ear and whispered.

“If you wake up, I’ll put on the cow-print outfit~”

” Still nothing.

“…Well shit. That always works.”

“Why don’t we sit down?” Astraea said.

“Alright…” Artemis took the seat right next to him.

As they waited, Artemis would poke at him as more gods showed up.

“Oooh! So this is the Denatus!” said Amaterasu.

“Yup!” said Susanoo. “Oh look, there are already a good number of gods here!”

“Ah! Hello!!” Amaterasu said, bowing. “I am Amaterasu, Head of the Amaterasu Familia, and ruler of the country of Yamato! It is a pleasure to meet you all!”

Clap!! Clap!! Clap!!

Several gods welcomed her as she and Susanoo took their seats.


More and more gods came in, and eventually, every god that was in Orario took their seats.

Mmm…” Elysium opens his eyes and takes a deep breath. “Alright.” He stands straight up. “Allow me to reintroduce myself.” Elysium makes a graceful bow. “I am Elysium, the first god of the world, now named Elysia. In place of Ouranos, my ‘father’, I will take over as the administrator of the world.

“Cirrus, will there be changes?” Artemis asked. "And why did you not answer me!" Artemis said with a stern voice.

There will be a handful of changes. Because of the Corrupted Flame, Rifts and Fissure forming are on the horizon. There is also the potential risk of a Primordial having a hand in their formation.” Elysium answered. "As for me ignoring you, I was collecting my thoughts. I'm sorry I made you stain your voice."

“!?” All the gods' eyes widen.

“T-truly!?” said a god.

“Then the Primordials are on the horizon as well,” said another.

So I permit you. If one is opened, you are free to use your arcanum to seal it up. Understood?” Elysium said, pushing forward. “They must, however, be within proximity. I don't want you guys to teleport and potentially end up making it worse. Anything that escapes must either be taken back or, in the worst case, culled for this world's ecology and people. Any exceptions must be run through me, got it?

“Aye!!” They all shouted in agreement.

Fantastic. Now the next thing I need to address is that I will take on some of the weight of reincarnation from the gods of heaven.

“Is that why you received the authority of The Dead?” Freya asked.

“Are ya even good at it?” said Odin. “You are a new god; do you know how hard that is?”

I did, and I spent a long time learning from the gods still in Heaven. Oh, Frigg said, Ease up on your children.

“Guh!” Odin tenses up. “F-fine…” He was a bit red.

So I will be processing souls when I set up my domain on the planet.

Mutter!! Mutter!! Mutter!!

Mutter!! Mutter!! Mutter!!

Mutter!! Mutter!! Mutter!!

The gods talk amongst one another.

“I have a question.” Said Dionysus. “Where exactly do you plan to form your domain?”

Dragon Valley.

“You’re not gonna stay in Orario!?” Artemis was surprised. “O-or even Yamato!?”

No. This also brings me to my next order of business. Listen to my words carefully.” His divine-like energy rose, and everyone’s hair stuck up from how potent it was. “Twelve!! Twelve more people may ascend into godhood and join my pantheon! Be it man or monster, I will welcome them!"

His voice boomed through everyone in the Denatus. Every god heard his words as clear as day, and their eyes widened even more.

“M-more gods!?” said Loki.

“Will there only be 12 more?” asked Susanoo.

“Will there be a procedure for how they will come about?” asked Amaterasu.

Only 12 will be in the main Elysian Pantheon. There is only one requirement: you must be at least level 9 to try to ascent into godhood. But that is unnecessary for two positions. That is the one who will become the God of Healing. They have only one requirement. They must have healed approximately 1 million people. Then the God of Smithing must forge a weapon worthy enough to be called a divine weapon.

In his proclamation, the god of healing requirements was the most insane.

“W-what!?!?” shouted Miach and Dian Cecht.

“O-one million!? That’s insane!?” shouted Dian.

“I have to agree! One million is—” Miach was cut off.

Is what they need to qualify to be a god of medicine. Or, more easily, you can simply bring someone back from the dead to prove you are worthy. Of course, magic doesn’t count. But I'll be lenient a bit on this one.

“Is there anything more than just being level 9?” asked Loki.

Yes. They will need to be able to beat me. Snap!

His power significantly drops, and he loses all the things that make him godly.

Right now, I am at the strength of when my mortal self died. I have placed this limitation on myself for the trial. Snap!!” And he returned to his godly form.

“Anything else?” asked Astraea.

Three more things. One thing only applies to my pantheon. But regarding the Xeno.

“What about them?” said Loki.

I have remade the promise with Typhon.

“!?!?” Every god flinched.

“You did what!?” they all shouted.

The promise now is a quest, the last quest. Much like how the world gave Orario the Three Great Quests, I shall give one last quest to a new upcoming species. The Xeno.

“And that is?” asked Aphrodite.

"Conquest of the Dungeon.

“Hoh~” Many gods began to smirk.

“So what do they get when the quest is complete?” asked Amaterasu. “Naturally, the Three Great Quests were a reasonability that Orario bore because of the Dungeon. Its reward was a far-away, peaceful world. So what of the Xeno?”

They will earn their place amongst humanity. Through this labor, this trial, and this quest, they will earn their right as a species to stand proud and strong in a world that was not meant for them. But now it is their home.

Every god looked around and nodded their heads in agreement.

The other thing is that before, the gods just did as they pleased, not facing any repercussions for their actions in the lower world. Thus, I will enforce a new law. That law is the Law of Judgment. When your time to return to heaven comes, be it on your own or forced upon you by another god, I will judge you before you can return to heaven.

“WHAT!?!?” Everyone shouted.

“That’s bullshit!!” shouted a god.

“Yeah! We came here to have fun! Not to worry about stuff!" shouted another.

If mortals can be judged, then so can gods,” Elysium said calmly. “Besides, would you not like this? This added law makes things far more interesting."

Every god looks to one another, and this new rule in place changes a lot of things on subtle levels.

“Elysium,” Astraea said. “Will we be judged retroactively before you come into administration?”

Yes, but I will be lenient on some stuff, after all I know of Ananke's strings during the Great Feud.

"Do... do you not feel... I don't know angry at that?" asked Hermes.

"I did but I also know it helped make me." He placed  his hand over his chest. "So I just... learned to just accept it and move on. So from this day forward her influence is no more upon my world!" He said proudly as he raised his hand. "Am I understood!”

“URAAAAAAH!!!" Every god shouted in applause and approval, no more shall fate force them.

“I have a question regarding that,” Odin said as the crowd began to settle down after a while.

Go on.

“On what things are we being judged on?”

Everything, from your evil deeds to great accomplishments done by your Familia and yourself while on your time here on this planet, will be totaled.

This was a whole new game; it sparked a flame of ambition in all the gods.

“I like this.” Odin grinned, stroking his beard. “A game without punishment makes things more..."

“Fun!” Loki said it excitedly.

“Well, this is a bad sign if Loki and Odin are on the same page,” Freya said.

Every Nordic god nodded.

“Is there a reward in it for us?” Amaterasu asked.

Yes. For those who have accomplished great things, I will give you a pass. A pass that will allow you to visit other Conceptual Rings.

“!!!” All their eyes bulged.

But if that is not to your liking, I can also give you the privilege of being able to consume media from the Core Reality Concept. Alternatively, allow you to return to Elysia after a thousand years.

“Ooooh!!” They looked as if they were close to winning the lottery.

The new law and rewards stirred most of the gods who had an attribute of war or some form where one wishes to be the best.

“But what if we either do a lot of bad things or do nothing impressive?” asked Hestia.

Well, if you didn’t really do much good or bad and just sort of existed, well, you’ll just go back to heaven, no big deal. But if you do a lot of atrocities well, you don’t wanna know that.” Elysium’s eyes sharpen uncomfortably. “Now that is all there is to this gathering. If you have questions, I will answer them.” Elysium said.

Elysium saw several hands quickly rise.

…Alright, Hermes. Why not start with you?

“Um… Don’t get angry, but... about your daughter—”


Elysium released massive pressure that was focused on the room. The stars of his clothing glowed brightly with a crimson red. It tinged even the color in the area with red.

I assure you, her mother will not let you off so easily.

They looked at Artemis, and she held such a sharp gaze that it could cut diamonds.

"Then there is Nox, who, much like me, has gotten a promotion of sorts; she got a new title as Aspect of the White Night, Nyx's aspect. I even gave Callisto the divine weapon, White Night, so... I highly suggest you don't do anything to her; she can and will bite back."

"Gulp!" Every god swallowed their saliva.

Any more questions?” The redness died down. “There is one last thing I should bring up, but the time for it is not quite right.

“Me!!” Kama quickly raised her hands.

Go on.

“Um… Since you took your mortal body back, does that mean that... you could still have children?”

Every single female god looked at him.

That is a personal matter. Anyone else?

“I have one!" Hestia said, raising her hand.


“When you said even monsters, does that mean even the Xeno can reach godhood?”

Yes, they can. I will ensure it. Any more questions?

“I do.” Said Hera, staying quiet with a cold fury in her heart.

Everyone quieted, they wish to hear what Hera was gonna ask.


“Was Zeus in the city? If so, I want to know where he is.”

He was in the city, but now he has left. I can tell you where he currently is if—

“Tell me.” She gave her answer without hesitation.

Many gods could see Hera’s temper come to the surface.

He is currently 36 miles from here, currently staying in an inn called the Euanemos in the town of Xenios. Say what you will about him he sure can run away.

“Thank you very much.” She nods, a big wicked smiled across her face.

So anyone else?

No one else raised their hands.

Then it seems we are finished.” Elysium walked to the edge of the floor, looking down at the city. “There is one last thing I need to say.

“And that is?” said Hephaestus.

This is a personal request, but... I want you all to call me Elysium. I wish to make the separation of my past life as Cirrus Zephyr separate from my present self.

Their was a spark of pain before it was lost in Elysium's calm, tempered demeanor.

“Why do you wanna do that!?” Artemis said, standing up.

Because I am not Cirrus. I am sure all of you know what the Void is and how it works?

Everyone understood what he meant. What came in is not what came out.

“Is this what you really want?” asked Hephaestus.

I do.

"Very well,” Odin said. “If that is your wish we will oblige.”

“Do we all agree to separate the human known as Cirrus Zephyr from the god Elysium as separate entities? All in favor?” said Hera.

“Aye!!” They all agreed, but Artemis.

"Why did you agree?" Artemis glanced at Astraea.

"Because he must have his reasons." Astraea answered. "I know you saw that hint of pain in his voice when he said his request."

Artemis needed to ask him now. She needed to know why after coming back from such a long ordeal he would do this. She walked up to Elysium, she doesn't know what he can do but so long as she holds him with her hands she knows he will not break away from her. She knows not from experience but from faith in the one she loves with all of her heart.


But Elysium had other plans before she can ask.

Artemis. Find me.” Elysium raised a leg.

Artemis' mind raced. She knew what he was gonna do.

“Wait!!" Artemis quickened her pace. "Cirrus!! Where are you—”

I hope to see the champions you send to become a god!!” He shouts before walking off the edge.

Artemis quickly rushed to the edge.

“Cirrus!!!” Artemis looks over and down the tower. "GET BACK HERE!!"

He looks at her, waving at her as the wind brushes past him.

“Dammit!!! You’re not leaving again!" Artemis quickly jumped after him.

"... Oh." All the gods said at the same time.



'You never do change, Art.' Elysium thought seeing his love fall after him. 'But not now. Not yet, I need to have it ready.'

Elysium waved his hand, and Artemis found herself back on the 30th floor.


“!!” Artemis was surprised by how smoothly and quickly he teleported her. “God fuck—Thud!” She fell on the hard floor.


Down by the base of Babel, Haku, Mairu, Callisto, Nox, Auberon, and Alise were waiting for their parents to come down.

“Mmmm… This is boring.” Said Callisto.

“Patience,” Haku said. “They are probably discussing some important stuff.”

“Mmmm… Nox, can you fly up and—”

“No,” Nox said. “Only gods are allowed up, and in case you don’t know, you’re half of one, and we do not have permission. No, wait, you’re not even half! You're like… I guess 2/3rds?”

“Would you like a snack?” Mairu said, holding out a bag of peanuts.

“Ooh! Sure thing!” Callisto got them and began to eat them.

“Fafnir, you said you were up there. How was it?” Auberon asked.

“Hmm…” Fafnir said, moving about in his shadows. “Rather boring. A simple, free-flowing room with a table to fit all the gods.”

“Mmm… My feet are tired. Hecton.” Alise said.

From her shadows, a chair popped out.

“Don’t use Hecton for stuff like that, Alise,” Haku said.

“But he said he was fine with it—”



Landing before them was Elysium. He had fallen with more grace than a cat.

“Dad!!” Callisto immediately jumped at him.

Ah!” Elysium grabs Callisto by the head. “Nox! Can you do me a favor?

“Hm? What is it, Cirrus?” Nox walked up to him.

“Come on, let me hug you, Dad!" Callisto shouted, trying to break free and hug him.

Can you turn into a weapon? I need to check if there is anything wrong. Callisto.” He looked at his daughter with a stern gaze.

“Fine…” She said, rolling her eyes.

Elysium puts her back on her feet.

“Sure.” Nox turned into a weapon within a flash and landed in his hands.

Thank you, Nox.” Elysium examined White Night.

“So Dad, how was the Denatus?" Calisto said, latching onto him without hesitation.

It was fine,” he said as energy covered White Night.

"Hey, father, what is that energy?” asked Haku.

This, Haku. Is Sacred Energy?"

“Ooh! Do I have that too!!” Callisto said, looking on with starry eyes.

You do. As a demigod, you have access to it. Sadly, without authorities, it does not have substance."

"Substance?" She looked at her father curiously.

"Form, appearance, quality—for now, it will mostly show in what it has of your heritage."

For Callisto, who lacks any authority of her own, her Sacred Energy will work through what she inherited from her father and mother. As for Auberon and Alise, they have the same but fewer ways their Sacred Energy could manifest.

"Oh, sorry in advance, Nox.” Elysium grabbed Bronte.

"Sorry, for what—"




The force of his sacred energy blew everyone away. Even Callisto, who held onto her father tightly, was blown off him.

“Ahhh!!??! Cirrus!! That fucking hurts!!"Nox shouted in her weapon form.

Bear with it, Nox. I promise to give you something in return. I simply need to extract Bronte.



Bronte was ripped out of White Night.


“Gaaaah!?!? Fuck!! For the love of Nyx!"

Fuu~” He calmed his energy. “There.” He then stores Bronte in his shadow while taking out another white gem.

“Cirrus, what the fuck!" Nox shouted.

Don’t worry, here. This gem is called Refraction.” He holds in his hand a pure, crystal-clear diamond. “I am sure it will work better.” He then slots it in.

“Hey that’s—!!!!” Nox then glowed an even more pure white in a flash.

Everyone closed their eyes as Nox’s weapon changed. After it was done, White Night had some changes, with a white feathered tassel around the area where the blade and shaft meet. The blade itself gained a clean white edge.

“Ooh!!” Callisto said, impressed.

Here you go.” Elysium tossed Nox back to Callisto. “Have your mom update your status.” He then vanished into thin air.

“!!” They were shocked at how he disappeared.

“D-dad!! Where did you go!!” Callisto said, looking around.

“Cirrus!!!” Artemis said, running out of the Babel. “Children, where did your father go!?”

“He just vanished into thin air, Mom.” Said Haku.

“Yeah, he just took a gem from Nox and then put in another before leaving,” Auberon said.

Dammit…” Artemis said as his face scrunched up. “CIRRUS!!! YOU CAN’T KEEP RUNNING AWAY!!!!


Dragon Valley.

…Haa… She’s going to shoot me.” Elysium said, standing where his mortal self stood when he fought the Black Dragon. “…Work… I always drown myself in work. You may come out now, Proanthos.

From his shadow, a blue-haired, fiery sapphire-eyed beauty rose, draped in a white attire with gold accessories. Lapis Lazuli was embroiled in the white attire in a geometric flame pattern and the ends of her skirt. “A workaholic to the very end, Elysium,” Proanthos said.

Thank Vest—Sorry, it’s Proanthos now. The time I have been here has swept me up in nostalgia.

Her voice was the same, but her appearance was a drastic departure from Hestia’s. But if one looked closely, one could see a vague resemblance.

“That’s okay, but Vesta is no longer my name. I am the Grand Spirit of Nascent Energy, the first spirit of Elysium, Proanthos.”

Do you like the name?

“Love it. To have finally separated myself from that lazy goddess, I am happy.”

Then we need to get to work.” He held out his hand, and the earth began to shift and move.

“Shall I get your second child? They can start to gather souls.”

Very well. Wake up, CharonGrand Spirit of Prospering Souls.

Forming by his side was an androgynous-looking beauty with hair dunked in the depths of space; their black clothes were embodied with gold and ruby Lycoris Radiata; and the ends were like Proanthos. Their eyes were a pair of flawless black gems, shining with a luster that could move any soul.

They kneel before Elysium.

“What is your first job for me, Father?” Their voice is also neither feminine nor masculine.

Begin to collect deceased souls from around the world back here.

“I shall do this job to the best of my abilities.” They get up and walk to the tree lines.

Oh, before you go here.

Charon stops and looks at their creator.

Elysium holds in the air the two scales of the Black Dragon and creates an oar with gold mixed into it. On the other scale, he made a hat woven with gold as well.

Here you go. To defend yourself in case anything happens, and a hat to protect you from the sun.

“Ooh!” It fitted them perfectly. They put on the hat, then they held the weapon.

They examine it with a light smile and a twinkle in their eyes.

Charon was deeply thankful for these gifts.


“Very much, father!” They bow. “Thank you!”

No need for thanks. You have a hard job I have given you.

“Not at all. Father, may I test the weapon?”

Of course.

Charon stepped back and spun their oar.




They spun it with mastery already. Their hat did not even get knocked off.

“Hm.” They nod. “I shall return to my purpose. (Pay my fee, and I shall take you.) [Porthméas].” From a gold and black magic circle came a shadow-like motorcycle.

When Charon sits on the motorcycle, it covers them in a deathly appearance and their hat reforms into a helmet. From afar—no, even close up one would think they were attached as a singular entity.

Remember Charon, should one ask for your services? What do you do?

“The payment is a single gold coin, and should they make an inappropriate request or insufficient payment, appropriate force or action will be used to stop them.”

Good, just making sure.

“Hm. I will see you soon, Father.” They nod and then ride off.


“Don’t you think it’s weird you based their appearance off of Ananke?” Proanthos said.

I find it appropriate. A visit from Charon is inevitable.

“No personal grudges?”

Maybe a little. Regardless, Charon is not her. They were created for a job and given the opportunities to do as they like.

Elysium waved his hand, and the earth moved.


Vesta now Proanthos, meaning First Flower in Greek with Pro meaning first and Anthos meaning flower. After a while of travelling with one another Vesta asked him if she could help him when he returned home and be his helper. To which then lead to him making a personality using Vesta's memories to give to Hestia with all of Vesta's powers left with her when she separated form Hestia. Proanthos had picked how she wished to look while her name was given to her by Elysium. She is taller than Hestia.

Charon's magic Porthméas means Ferryman in Greek. As a Grand Spirit, Charon is considerably powerful while on their bike, while stored within their creator, Elysium, they had the room and time to learn how to fully use their magic. Elysium did base their appearance off Ananke, but as for Charon's gender it is left up to them. Charon has yet to decide on what to call themselves.

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