Danmachi: Westward Cloud [Complete]

[Vol.4] Quest 372.5- The Night That Dreamt of Paradise

Heaven, Artemis’ Domain, right after the trial was concluded.

“My, you did a good job of fixing the domain up,” Nyx said, feeling Elysium’s power lace a large amount of Artemis’ domain.

“It took me a long time to process my feelings after The Void. Hate—so much hate and anger ran through me. But most of all, grief.” Elysium held his heart. “Cirrus… For me to be born, Cirrus was needed.”

The tale he told his family was mostly fabrication. Everything up to his departure from Khaos was true. But everything regarding the Nascent of Gods was a mixed bag of half-truths and fabrications that only Elysium and those who were there know.

“I would say I am sorry, but,” Nyx glanced at him, making a sad expression. “Saying sorry would not be enough. I hope that orb I made so those memories could be given and refreshed in your mind.”

Elysium remains quiet for a while.

“Tell me,” Elysium said, sitting on a rock by a calm river. “How far did you see when you plucked me?”

Several birds and creatures were around him as his sereneness attracted them, along with his radiance of vibrant energy.

“Hmm…” Nyx thinks about it, putting her feet in the cool water. “When I plucked you, I saw everything until your birth, Elysium.”

“You waited 35 years for Cirrus to grow up and have him go through all of those events and adventurers just so he could get Elpis, be a father, and then die after finishing the last quest?” Vesta said, petting a nearby sacred animal.

“I did. I remember it vividly.”

“Then why did you take your time thinking about it?”

“I was trying to find the right words. When I look into one's future, I generally see how they all die in various ways. Cirrus was the oddest one. As soon as I touched his soul, I could see a beautiful shimmering light, a timeline, and the possibility of reaching such awe, like a lone star in the sky. Many mortals I handled were… eh. Most remind me of Erebus a bit—lots of egotistical, smart-ass, edgy womanizers.”

“I didn’t think Erebus was that last one," Elysium said.

“No, but Zeus is. I don’t want to get too far into it, as I already told you before. But regarding Cirrus’s potential, it was outstanding. He had as many shining roads as possible to greatness and several more of grim darkness, yet be it good or dark, they all hummed with a star-like glow. Yet the one I saw, Elysium, was one that simply ended at your creation. Ah, after I had reincarnated Cirrus, I hid it from everyone else, hoarding it as I looked through every situation that led to that path. I wanted to know what happened after you went to bed. My actions were as selfish as they were beneficial to you. I had to actually put in work to sneak my way into Khaos and talk with them. I have to say hiding not just a timeline but also sneaking past the gods of fate and time was difficult.”

“Hmmm…” Elysium closes his eyes and looks into himself. “Ah. I see. The veil you gave Cirrus. Elpis had brought it up to where I escaped—even my look into my future. I can feel it working even now, like a defense mechanism.”

“Hoh. That’s pretty impressive.”

“Scary if you ask me,” Vesta commented. “If Cirrus had converted to Kali, I am sure your authority over time would have been far greater to even hide it from when Nyx held your soul.”

“Likely,” Elysium said. “Though I can now firmly say that I am a god, my family tree is really weird and fucked up.”

“What?” Nyx smirked. “You don’t like being my and Kali's distant relative? Or maybe Artemis’s cousin three times or so removed?”

“I think I’ll just seal that knowledge.” He seals it well within his mind. He even leaves a mental note of it if he ever comes across it again. “What were we talking about?”

“So Elysium.” Nyx looks at him. “I am sure you know this, but you are special from every other god here. Your form is malleable.”

“It is. I suspect it is because of my mortal self's body in Gekai.”

“About that. How do you feel about being its god?”

“?” Elysium looked at her. “What do you mean?”

“Well, I am sure you know. Khaos gave you the information. I even told you about them.”

“Ah.” Elysium nods. “Yes, the Primordials.”

“Nyx, how much do you even know?” Vesta asked.

“I know what I know. Most of it is from Khaos answering my questions. But that is behind us now. Elysium, I suggest you go on a journey through the heavens. With your authority over Boundaries, you should be able to bypass Khaos and go into other Conceptual Rings and be fine, right? I have a feeling you can’t return to Gekai just yet.”

Elysium tries to go back, but Elpis begins to hold him back.

‘How interesting. Very well. If you don’t want me back just yet, I’ll wait.’ Elysium thought.

“What!?” Vesta shouted. She looked at Elysium with wide eyes. “You can do that!"

“I can. But... a journey. Yes.” Elysium nods his head. “A journey to learn and master who I have become in greater detail. To relearn more about myself. But how long would it take? I do wish to take charge of Gekai, but how long will it be?”

“Don’t worry about that. As a goddess of prophecy, I can assure you that Cirrus’s story still has a epilogue to finish. When the time is ready, you will know Elysium; you will return and reunite to watch over the garden Cirrus planted.”

“Hm.” Elysium’s eyes softened. “Very well. You haven’t led me down the wrong path yet.”

“Just know that this will be the last time I can help you. There is nothing more I can see from you.”

“But you can see others, right?”

“Fufu.” She smiled earnestly. “It's hazy but I can a little, but I very much like seeing you. You can say I am a fan."

Elysium gets up and holds his hand out.

Nyx. Thank you again for everything.

Nyx extends her arm and shakes his hand.

“Say nothing more—Hug! Oh?”

Elysium pulled her in and hugged her.

“Thank you again. Truly.” Elysium loosened his arms and took a few steps back. “That hug was meant for my wives and kids, but they would not be possible if not for you. I thank you, truly, sincerely.”

“Fufu.” Nyx flusters a bit. She returned the hug. “Taking advantage already, I see. I didn’t expect such a warm hug. And… I am sorry. So, so very sorry for Cirrus.” Her voice held grief. “If it will make you feel better, I can—”

“I dare not let my wrath take control of me, Nyx.” The two then take a step away from one another. “I’ll see you again, Nyx.” They nod. “Vesta.” He holds their hands out. “Vesta, what do you say? Do you want to travel with me? It will be a long journey, and I would rather not spend it alone.”

Vesta comes over and holds his hand.

“Of course. I have to stick with you to make sure you don’t cause some war in heaven.”

“Then let’s not waste time then. To better the world, one needs to better themselves first. But… hah. Had it not been for a lack of gods, I would have liked to kill some of the Evilus gods.”

“One day.”

Elysium wrapped her in his night sky, and they both disappeared.

Standing in Artemis’ domain, Nyx looks to the sky and sees a cloud.

“… My. It all seems just like yesterday when I plucked him from Samsara. I wonder what paths his children will take. This dream of mine no longer needs me." She smiles on wholeheartedly with a soft blush. "What a wonderful dream it has become."

She took a step and disappeared.

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