Daomu Biji

Chapter 101 - Qinling God Tree · Zhou Gu

The eyes of the corpse have completely shrunk, leaving only two black holes in the eyes. The mouth is incredibly open, revealing the incomplete teeth. The entire face has a very gritty expression due to dehydration and deformation, which makes people dare not look squarely. As can be seen from his teeth, this corpse is not a monkey, but a fake replacement!

The old itch froze for a moment and said, “What’s going on, old Wu, didn’t you just say that it was a monkey? This ─ this ─ ─ is clearly human.”

I stuttered: “I–I don’t know. I just cracked the mask. I saw that it was indeed a monkey or a big yellow-haired monkey. This–this– really confused me. “As I said, I wanted to probe the past, to see if it was because of the light, and looked away.

Master Liang suddenly waved his hand, letting me not touch the corpse, and standing upright carefully, turning over the mask in his hand, I saw the position of the mouth behind the mask, there was a spiral fist like a snail shell. There is a small hole in it. Master Liang painted the mask against his face and turned to us. “This mask seems to have to be opened.”

Old itching strangely said: “Open your mouth? That’s not like a stuffed respirator in your mouth, how uncomfortable.”

I saw the appearance of the corpse, with my mouth wide open, and said to Master Liang: “It is impossible to see what is wrong in this snail shell. You smashed it and saw that these masks all grew into the meat of these monkeys. Their eyes and eyes are covered. They must have other ways to eat and see things. “

Master Liang put his pen into the hole and pryed hard, and the “snail shell” shattered, revealing something like a crab foot. Master Liang pulled this thing out, and found that it was a bug that had never been seen before, and it had turned into a fossil. If it was a little hard, it would break into several segments.

“It seems that this mask will not be put on voluntarily.” Master Liang Liang said with a frown. “But this thing is indeed artificial. You can see that the pattern in the mask is almost the same as the twin snakes on the tree. It must be the same as casting this. The people of the copper tree are related. “

Old Itchy took the mask and looked at it with interest for a long time, saying: “This should be the old bug of the Western Zhou Dynasty, maybe it is now extinct, no wonder we don’t know it. Hey, look, this bug seems to be only half . “

After he finished looking at us, he asked, “Where did the other half go?”

This bug was curled up in the protruding cavity of the mouth part of the mask. According to this, there was only one place where the other half of the bug was. I thought of this. I looked into the mouth of the corpse subconsciously. Sure enough, I saw it in the black hole. In the big mouth, another half of the worms were attached to the tongue. The dry worms were inserted into the larynx of the corpse, and I didn’t know what organs they entered. Because the shrunken muscles of the corpse resemble fossil-like insects, if you don’t look closely, you will think that this worm is a dry tongue.

When Master Liang saw this situation, his face changed, and he shouted: “Throw it away, throw it away! My God, throw it away! This mask may be alive!” After he finished, he took a slap. , Knocked down the mask in Lao-itch’s hand. The mask quickly fell into the darkness, hitting the branches and smashed with a snap.

The old itch gave him a shock, and he almost fell unsteadily, and asked him what nerve he was making, what did the mask be alive?

Master Liang coughed, seeming to be regretful, and scratching his head and frowning, and said, “It’s really ashamed underneath. Why is it so stupid? I didn’t think of it earlier, this-the copper tree, this method of sacrifice, It ’s not our Han’s thing if it’s clear, hey, I’m a fool, I’m stupid! “

“What the **** are you doing?” The old itch is irritated. “What stupid thing, what does it have to do with the noodles? Is there anything to say directly?”

Master Liang waved his hand and said, “No, you have to listen patiently and say, I have to start from the beginning, but how do you say it? Then we have to start with the blood sacrifice we just said–“

It turned out that the ritual method of blood sacrifice was mainly used in the ritual activities of ethnic minorities in the Western Zhou Dynasty. Of course, the ethnic minorities at that time were completely different from our current ones. Most of these ethnic groups have disappeared or are integrated into the Han nationality. Large-scale blood sacrifices are not recorded in the official history of the Han nationality, but sporadic findings have been found in some ethnic minority sites. Unfortunately, due to the loss of language, no more detailed information is available.

The sacred places of ethnic minorities are very sacred. Not only are they guarded, but also some kind of magical technique is performed by the priest to protect their gods from harassment. In the legends of ethnic minorities, the process of casting spells is very mysterious. This kind of magic has spread to the present, turning it into a omnipotent insanity in the novel.

Master Liang also said that Gu Gu had one point since the Wei, Jin, and Northern and Southern Dynasties, and another point in the Song Dynasty. The Gu technique before Qin was very powerful. From then on, Gu Gu was called worm insect surgery at that time. These masked monkeys and cadavers, mysterious and inexplicable, may be the product of this ancient Gu trick.

He once heard of a gong technique, called moth grub, which can make a person very aggressive, and the kind of bug that is hidden in the cavity of the mouth behind the mask and penetrates into the throat may be the original prototype of the moth grub. This kind of bug may affect the nervous system of animals or humans and attack strangers from outside. So when I smashed their masks, the monkey regained his instinct and started to instinctively move away from us.

The grubs can multiply in the host’s body. When the host dies, they will be attached to a place, such as the cavity of this mask, waiting for the next host to approach, and then parasitize in some way.

This corpse might be the hunter who was hunting here at that time. Unluckily, he came across the dormant moth in the dormant state.

Of course, there is no record of this kind of thing at all, and I do n’t know if it is true, but it is an indisputable fact that there are bugs hidden in the mask and it penetrates into the human throat. This is definitely not an ordinary thing. Be careful.

When I heard Master Liang say this, I got goose bumps. In fact, before coming, the data given to me by the old man also mentioned similar things, but at the time I just glanced at it and said that this is not the same as the American movie. It ’s the same as the bridge section. I did n’t expect it to be true. I did n’t think that the old and beautiful science fiction films had to learn from the technology of our ancestors. I really do n’t know whether to say glorious or shameful.

Turned his head and looked, the weird corpse still hung there motionlessly, the pale mask seemed to be smiling, and seemed to be waiting for us to approach.

Old itchy face is a bit ugly, and made a whisper, asked Master Liang: “You are too terrible, then if you attach this moth, it will be okay to pull it off immediately, will there be any hidden dangers?”

Master Liang said, “I haven’t even hit it yet. It’s hard to understand. I want to attach it, there is no way to simply pull it off. For this kind of thing, let’s prevent it mainly. These cadavers, we try not to Approaching. Uncle Tai also fell from here. Old rivers and lakes like him, it is estimated that there will never be a misstep. Be careful. “

The old itch frowned, trying to say something, but didn’t say anything. I asked him how long it would take to climb as he is now. If all the dense branches are on it, it would be impossible to reach exhaustion. Old itch said to me that the above will still be sparse. When he climbed, there was only a small flashlight with poor lighting. He did n’t notice these corpses and no monkeys attacked him, so now he does n’t know he climbed Where is it, but anyway, since a column in ancient Huashan, you will never climb to other places.

I feel that it is not appropriate to stay here for a long time, so I greet them to go through this paragraph first. There is also a fat boss with Master Liang, and this person is likely to be above us. If you give him the top, it will be troublesome. If you ambush, the three of us might die unclearly.

The old itch said: “It makes sense, wait a minute, I’ll fire a flare to see what is ambushing on it.” Then he took out the signal gun, and shot it straight up at the top.

The flare flew to the top and did not hit the head. I burst into my heart. This bullet can at least hit a height of more than 200 meters. It is impossible that there are more than 200 meters to climb. Haha, that is terrible. Too.

The flares burned up and looked upwards, as expected, the branches were sparse again, and I couldn’t figure out why it was designed like this, and from the bottom, the range of 200 meters was not unsightly. I still You can see something, although you can’t tell what it is.

The signal flicked down, and itchy stared at it for a while, and said, “It seems that the fat Guangdong boss is not ambushing on it, maybe Uncle Tai came here alive, after all, the coffin array outside is not that good-hey , What are those things? “

When the signal flare fell to more than sixty meters away from us, we saw a lot of raised objects on the bronze trunk of that section. When I looked closely, I felt that the back of the head was numb, and cold sweat came straight to the bottom of the foot. The entire foot was a distance of ten meters. The bronze trunk was covered with face after face, no! It should be said that weird mask.

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