Daomu Biji

Chapter 102 - Qinling God Tree · Ling Kong

The flare fell down and crossed the area. These faces moved, avoiding the glowing sphere of light, and looked like beetles with human faces.

These should be the real body of the grubs in Master Liang’s mouth. The ancients raised them in a special mask, and they even proliferated. Just now I was still doubtful. I didn’t expect to encounter them so quickly. It was still such a large group.

The face is attached to the bronze tree growing in the ravine, illuminating the flowing light, showing different expressions, or pain, or melancholy, or grim, or smiling, I have never seen such a strange scene, I can see my cold hair Upright.

Master Liang was generous when he saw the real thing, and shivered and said to me: “Two-two brothers, these are all alive, those worms are attached under the mask, what should we do, how can we pass ? “

“Don’t panic,” said the old itch. “Look at their reaction to the flare. These things must be afraid of light and heat. We lit the torches and walked up slowly. They dare not touch us.”

I shook my head: “Don’t be absolute, the temperature and brightness of the signal flare are very high. Of course they are afraid. The torches are different. Don’t forget the monkeys just now. They fled when they hit the signal flare, but you scare them with torches. They It ’s just a step back. I guess you ’re going up with a torch, which will not only fail, but will also surround you. It ’s hard to get out of it. ”

“So what do you say?” Old itch asked me, “Do you have any ideas?”

I said, “I don’t have a ready-made idea, it’s just a preliminary idea. I don’t know if it will succeed.”

Old itch impatiently said: “I know that you have many ideas, then you can talk quickly.”

I pointed to the rock face a few tens of meters away and said, “It’s too dangerous to go up directly like this. If it’s really like Master Liang, there must be some way these live masks can climb onto our faces. There are sacrifices, we might as well go around. Is there any way you can let us sway to the opposite rock wall, so many holes above, it is not difficult to climb, we can also take a good rest. “

Old itch looked at the direction I was pointing and shouted, “This-what distance? Swing past?”

I nodded and drew a bit more than this: “I have such an idea in my head, don’t we still have the rope? Do you take it out and see if it’s long enough? If this trick doesn’t work, I think it can only go on. Next time, just bring a firearm come.”

Old itch took the rope wrapped around his waist. This is one of the equipment pulled from Uncle Tai and has the U & aa label on it. The best climbing ropes in the world are used by special forces. It seems that they are willing to pay for equipment.

Before I went to the Lu Palace, I bought equipment for the third uncle and checked a lot of information. So I know that this kind of rope, if it is more than ten millimeters in diameter, can withstand almost three tons of impact (that is, it suddenly falls). Supporting the weight of the three of us is more than enough-

The strength is enough, but I do n’t know if the length is enough. The old itch hangs it down the tree. After a visual inspection, I ca n’t help but call it awful. The total length of the rope is only more than a dozen meters.

“What should I do?” He asked me, “It’s not enough to connect our belts.”

I squeezed the rope and found that it was a 16-centimeter double-stranded rope. I couldn’t help it and said, “It’s okay. Let’s split the two strands of this rope into a single string, which is enough.”

“Little Angkor, can’t you? This rope is so thin, won’t it break?” Master Liang asked, “Look, this is thinner than rice noodles. Don’t mess up.”

“It is said in foreign mountaineering magazines that I will never lie to us.”

I lifted the single woven outer mesh layer outside the rope, and pulled out a very thin nylon rope, and I swallowed myself. It was really too thin. According to common sense, such a thin rope can’t bear us. The weight, but it is indeed said in foreign data, this 8 mm diameter reinforced nylon fiber can already be used as a secondary rope for mountaineering, as long as there is no strong fall, it will not be easily broken. Of course, there are certain dangers in using this kind of rope, so generally two are used together. We only have one, and please bless God.

Let ’s believe in high technology, I think, it ’s not going to be so bad.

I handed the connected rope to the old itch. He took out a water bottle from his backpack, tied it with a sailor knot, and used it as a heavy object. He threw it vigorously towards the opposite side. After failing several times, he finally got around A stalagmite on the opposite side was pulled, and the rope was tightened and fixed very firmly.

“Okay,” said Lao Itchy, “Fuck finally got it done, Lao Wu, don’t say it on this rope, can the stones across the road be reliable?”

“I don’t know.” I said, thinking about what would happen if the stone was unreliable, I would probably swing back to the side of the bronze tree. I had better luck and hit the trunk, and I was half dead. The branches on the top are inserted into a sieve.

This side of the rope was also tied to a bronze branch, and the old itch made a special knot so that when we passed, we could untie this knot on the opposite side. This knot was very complicated, and it dazzled me. I asked him where he learned this skill. He said it was in prison.

Everything was ready, I finally pulled the rope, and confirmed that both sides were strong, and greeted them to climb, but the two of them did not move. I glanced at them, and found that they were killing with a kind of first. A crawling eyes looked at me. Obviously, the first person to take such a thin rope needed a lot of courage. I shouted again, and both shook their heads. I had to swear, and dared to go up first.

Before I go up, I will transfer the racquet and the backpack to Lao Itching and Master Liang to reduce their own weight as much as possible. These things can be tied to the end of the rope and wait for the old itching to untie the rope. Swing to the bottom and pull it up again. Old Itchy is not so relieved about the caves on the opposite side, so he plugs his pistol into me. If something happens, he can stop it.

I sighed and felt the martyr’s death. I patted the shoulders of the two of them and turned my head towards the rope.

The moment my foot left the rope, my nerves were almost as tight as this rope. As soon as my eyes were closed, I was ready to hear the crunchy sound of the rope breaking. There was a very uncomfortable “creak” sound, which was the sound of the knots on both sides suddenly tightening.

I was thinking not to look down, but my eyes glanced down involuntarily, my goodness! I moaned, and immediately turned my head, closed my eyes, and read Amitabha.

Old itch called: “Hey, old Wu, what are you doing? Climb, you are more dangerous to stay on.”

I greeted the old itchy ancestor, took a deep breath, moved my hands and feet, and began to crawl across. This kind of rope has a certain degree of elasticity, and every step of it will shake very violently. I climbed extremely thrillingly. In addition, the rope is too thin and very picky. After a while, I feel a little weak. After crawling, my mind was blank, and I didn’t even know how to step on the ground. My feet softened immediately, and I hugged the stalagmites and spread them in a ball.

Torch is here with me. I got up and put it aside and looked at the old tickle them. I saw Master Liang who was crawling on the rope tremblingly. Old itch pulled him and told him not to climb first. Let me first look at the situation here. If it is not suitable for climbing, or if there are other dangers, you can save a little effort.

I looked at the surrounding caves, all of which were only half a person tall, and were artificially excavated. However, after thousands of years of rain penetration, a lot of freshly formed stalactites also appeared on the inside, which were very wet. These caves were opened here, which may have something to do with the project of casting this huge tree.

Looking up, the distance between these caves is only three or four feet. Although it will not be too coherent to climb, it is not difficult. There is nothing in the cave, there is no danger. Just seeing something in the cave in the tree just now is probably the illusion caused by the change of light and shadow. In such a dark place, the nerves will inevitably be a little allergic.

While comforting myself, I confirmed again, and then raised my hand to say hello to the old itch.

Old itch patted Master Liang, let him go first, the latter rubbed his face with his hand, climbed the rope, and moved towards me.

Seeing Master Liang climbing the rope is a test of nerves. I won’t say anything during the process. Ten minutes later, I finally pulled a muddy master to my side.

Finally, itchy old. He took a deep breath, tied the flashlight to his hand, and checked the knot over there before climbing the rope carefully. He climbed quickly, and in a short time he reached the middle of the rope. At this time, I The rope-bound stalagmites suddenly made a strange noise. The three of them did not move at the same time. They looked at me with an old, itchy face. When I looked back, I felt a sudden rift on the stalagmite.

Is about to be unlucky! I turned around and yelled, “Climb up! I can’t stand here!”

I called a few times, but the old itch didn’t move, looked at me straightly, and then started to retreat, gesturing while returning, as if I were to go back.

What are you doing? I thought to myself, an ominous hunch suddenly popped up.

Old itch desperately pointed at the top of our head, and whispered: “Run quickly-“

Master Liang and I looked up strangely, and I was stunned.

The rock wall that was empty just now was already covered with that kind of human face mask, clustered with each other, and while making a noisy sound, the tide slowly came to us like a tide. At first glance, it looks like countless people are looking at us against the wall.

I really wanted to slap myself at the moment, really **** stupid, there were gnats in the tree, how could I have thought that there would be on the rock wall, this is done, it is impossible for me to end up just like those monkeys Something, die here? It would be better to jump down and be happy.

Itchy old look at us in a daze, yelling: “Don’t be in a daze! Come back! Cut the rope!”

As soon as I heard the reaction, I jumped back to the stalagmite in a few steps. I jumped **** the rope, and the impact force pulled the rope violently. The stalagmite made a series of creepy crackling sounds. , Master Liang also jumped up and stretched the rope a dozen centimeters at a stretch, reaching the limit. I immediately heard a very auspicious voice, and then a crackling sound, the strongest rope in the world finally broke into two pieces at night.

The eight-mm-wide rope could not bear the weight of three people. With a crunch, the knot on the side of the copper tree broke off. We crossed a big arc like a swing and hit the cliff on one side. , Almost vomiting blood.

The oldest itch at the bottom hit the worst. When he couldn’t catch the rope at once, he slid down. He hurriedly grabbed the gap between the stones and stopped his body. Master Liang and I were not much better. My head was scratched. After a rock edge, a mouth was ground, blood flowing. Master Liang was hanging there vertically, unable to hold his strength, the rope slipped in the palm of his hand, and he glided to the end. Fortunately, there was an old itch below before he didn’t fall.

The stalagmite continued to crack at any time, and may break at any time. I quickly reached out and grabbed the stalactite column on the side, jumped over, and then pulled Master Liang too, and Master Liang was terrified enough to raise his head and say thank you straight Only then, suddenly a mask jumped from above and caught his face at once.

At that moment, I seemed to see a few crab-leg claws sticking out under the mask. Master Liang gave a scream “Woo”, trying to cover his face with his hands, but it was too late, and the mask was already covered. . He desperately wanted to tear off the mask, but the mask seemed to stick to his face, pulling it out several times and sucking it back. I wanted to help him, but he ran wild like a mad, before he approached, he was tipped out by him at once, and I pulled the rope again with one hand, and slid it to the edge of the old itch to barely settle.

I looked at the vast abyss under my feet, and I scolded in my heart that I just wanted to go up to help Master Liang again. As soon as I looked up, a black shadow like a big hand fell from the sky and caught my face at once. My eyes were black, and I could not see anything. I just felt that a few fluffy things were drilling straight into my mouth.

In a panic, I only had one hand to grasp the cracks in the rock, and one hand to break the mask, and at the same time, I clenched my teeth to prevent the thing from coming in. Then I broke it, and the mask fell off by myself, so I quickly threw it After going out, it happened to be thrown on the old itchy ass, and the old itching scolded it and smashed it with a gun handle.

I took a sigh of relief and turned my head again, and four or five grubs jumped to my head, scaring me to a trembling, raising my hand to four shots, but it didn’t work at all, and a dozen more came at once , Old Itchy and I stepped back. At this time, I heard the scream of “Woo”, and looked up again. Master Liang was already suffering, and the body was covered with worms. He yelled and struggled, trying to shoot the worms down. Go, but if he shoots one, he will shoot up more.

I shot back while shooting the bullet, and the situation had n’t improved at all. The tide-like moth came straight from both sides of us and turned around to see that the surrounding rock walls were already covered with this kind of thing. Touched, for a time, the ears were full of strange and inexplicable sounds. It was a headache, and a few distractions, a few of them jumped up and fluttered directly into the face of the person.

We kept going back, but it was impossible to get past these things quickly, and soon we were surrounded by a strong, almost desperate, old itch shot, a bang with a bang, and put the moth above our head It swept away, the nearest masks were smashed immediately, and the debris fell from above my head like snow.

But in less than a second, a blank rock wall that opened the tempo immediately covered the back moth. The old itch was useless. I quickly wrapped my head in my clothes and yelled to me: “Old Wu! I cover you, you cover your mouth, and then go get the torch! “

I looked up, the torch was still stuck on a protrusion I was looking for at the time, there was no moth around the circle. Obviously these things were indeed afraid of fire, but the distance between me and the torch was densely moth, It is impossible to climb up at all. I yelled to the old itch: “Let’s go, let me cover you!”

“I haven’t done anything! You beat it!” Old Itchy yelled and smashed it with his tempo, “It’s so **** bad luck!”

I looked at these things and shivered in my heart. These guts did not have much attack power, but there were too many of them, and they were protected by hard masks. It was difficult to kill them completely, and these were only after thousands of years of reproduction. Surviving the rest, in order to protect this copper tree, how many such things were made by the ancients could not be imagined.

Old Itchy once again flicked away the worms and wanted to crawl to my side, but when he looked up at me, he suddenly froze and cried, “Old Wu, what’s the matter with you?”

I saw him staying there. Several masks fell on his shoulders and crawled into the clothes on his face. They shouted, “What’s going on! Be careful!”

The old itch only reacted. He hurriedly took off the moth on the shoulder, and then said to me: “Old Wu, I said you-did not find it? This is wrong!”

“What’s wrong!” I pulled him over and yelled impatiently, “When is there a fart!”

“Look at you, you don’t have a mask on your body! Why don’t they crawl on you! Impossible!”

I looked down and looked at myself again. Then I looked at Master Liang and Lao Itching. They were all covered with gnats. They couldn’t get rid of it, but I didn’t even have one.

I felt a moment in my heart, and immediately recalled that from now to now, except for the one that flew to my face, I did not climb up on my body. I was confused all the time, I didn’t find it, and I felt that I was lucky. Now it seems that something is wrong. I hurriedly looked around and found that the gnats were also crawling towards me, but as soon as they approached me, they suddenly changed direction and crawled elsewhere, seeming to taboo me like a taboo torch.

“What’s going on?” I wondered in my heart. I hurriedly raised my hand tentatively to grab the nearest mask. The hand hadn’t touched it, and the piece of worm was already backing away.

I looked at the old itch, and the old itch also looked at me. Both of them were inexplicable. The old itch called: “My grandfather, this trick is really cool. Are you not careful about something on your hand, fast Look! “

I saw it immediately. There was nothing special except the blood stagnation and dirt left by my bruise.

This is strange, what are they afraid of me? Are their parasites still selective?

I saw the retreat of these moths, and I remembered the scene where the stupid oil bottle shook away, and a question mark appeared in my heart.

Wait, is it ─ blood?

How is it possible, how can these brutal and terrible things be afraid of the blood of ordinary people like me?

I looked at my hand in confusion, and there was a cloud of mud in my head, and I couldn’t figure out anything.

On this side, the old itch can’t resist. I reflected, and tentatively reached out to the old itch, which made me dumbfounded. The moth attached to him was like a cockroach seeing insect-killing water flying. Back away, the situation is exactly the same as when the corpse saw the blood in the dull oil bottle.

“No!” My chin fell to the ground. I said, “I don’t have to face me like that.”

Old itch didn’t understand what was going on, yelling to climb up to get the torch. I patted him and said to him, “Wait, you see, it seems a bit wrong.”

After I finished speaking, I raised my hand and crawled a few steps towards Master Liang who was already twitching, just a few steps. Tuan, pressed by a horrified squeak.

Old Itchy looked at me dumbfounded, as if looking at some monster. I ignored him, climbed up, put my hand on Master Liang’s face, the mask suddenly arched, and I grabbed it immediately, After pulling it hard, the mask was pulled off, and a “tongue” full of mucus was pulled out. Master Liang was already in a semi-comatose state. As soon as the “tongue” was pulled out of his throat, he immediately vomited and sprayed himself.

The grub in my hand was struggling violently, and I could hardly catch it. The tongue-like thing was too disgusting. I had to force it on the stone and smash the green juice in my hand.

The grubs around me stepped back, but they didn’t go far. A huge encircling circle was formed around us, which kept shrinking. Old Itchy quickly pulled the torch back and swept it around, pushing them a little farther away a little. At this time, Master Liang coughed twice, seeming to regain consciousness, and Old Itchy went to get the kettle again, and recovered the remaining rope. Unfortunately, our other equipment and food are still on the tree. I don’t know if there is any way to get it back.

I poured water in my hand and moistened my lips with Master Liang. He finally eased over. Seeing me, two lines of tears shed, and I was dumbfounded, and quickly threw him aside. The old itchy nerve is too tight for a long time, and it is a little neurotic. I told him that there is a torch, they must not rely on it, let him relax, or he will go crazy. He saw that the Gu Gu was no longer close, and he was relieved to insert the torch into a place between us, and immediately asked me, “Old Wu, what happened, when did you become such a cow? Come out and make us so embarrassed. “

I looked at my hand, shook my head, and said, “I don’t know how to **** myself, I thought I was dreaming.”

Old Itchy looked at the blood on my hand, smelled it, and did n’t believe that I was so powerful. He asked me, “When you came here, did you get anything special along the way? Think carefully. Think-maybe you have encountered these broken mask nemesis, you do n’t know it yourself. “

I thought about it, they have touched everything I have touched, and if I have n’t touched, only my blood, but this is impossible. If my blood is so strong, I will be in power in the Lu Palace. Why would it be so wasteful, then-is it that he was stained with blood at that time, and it is still useful now, isn’t it-I shook my head and denied to myself.

After listening to what we said just now, Master Liang asked us what happened. He covered his eyes with the mask. He did n’t see anything. The old itch again deliberately ran into me and said to him: “You do n’t know, just now Old Wu, but awe-inspiring, that’s what it is– “

Master Liang listened to him, and said, “Little Angkor, have you ever eaten something that is black, so big–“

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