Daomu Biji

Chapter 428 - Qionglong Stone Shadow · Black Hair

what is this? I didn’t take a closer look, but I saw a splash of water, and the thing suddenly jumped out of the water and rushed towards me.

Thanks for the conditioned reflex that God gave me, and it was so close that I could n’t even believe it. The first time I turned over my waist, that thing hit the stone wall behind me.

This is the first time I have discovered that my body is fast and nervous, thanks to what I have experienced in this series of time. No matter what it is, Lao Tzu must have seen something much more ruthless than you, and how they have been killed.

I immediately climbed up after the fall. If it was before, I would definitely concentrate on seeing what it was, but this time, I did n’t know what was going on, but I did n’t even watch it. Although I wanted to turn my head very much, I turned to the bearing again as quickly as possible.

Almost at the same time, I heard a strong wind flash at the position I was standing behind, and the thing rushed almost at the same time. If I hesitated just now, I must have rolled with it.

But even if I hide it beautifully, the situation is extremely unfavorable. I haven’t stood up and found that after two turns, my waist has no strength. I turned and went immediately, and at the same time, I turned and shot from the armpit.

The recoil of the gun is huge. I taught that thing in Qinling. With the preparation and experience in my heart, after one shot, I threw my hand along the recoil, and it was another shot when I flung it on my shoulder.

All the movements were almost completed in an instant. I heard the sound of something falling behind, and I knew I must have hit it, but I did n’t know the effect. I ran back around the bearing to the entrance of the hallway, and the gun in my hand As soon as he shook it, he pulled up the equipment bag, pulled out the other two guns, first put a card on the wall, loaded one of them, and then lay down and turned around.

I can foresee that the thing is almost behind, then I can blow it out with a single shot. But at that moment I found nothing behind me.

Almost at the same time, I saw the iron chain above my head shake for a while, and then the cold fire went out.

The entire dark room instantly dimmed, and I instinctively flew forward immediately, and there was no time to express horror at all, and I felt a sharp pain behind my back, feeling something caught on my back.

Then I was rushed to the ground with a rush, and my foot cramped immediately.

The process just now, I almost realized all my potential in these few seconds. At that moment, I even felt that I was at ease, but this is still an illusion. Oh shit! I was so desperate that I was so desperate that I knew I would die.

Was between the sparkle of fire, and suddenly my foot was empty, the gun was thrown, and one rolled, and it rolled into the wellhead under the bearing and fell into the water.

It was dark after entering the water, but I immediately hit the rotor below, the water flow was extremely fast, and I was taken out by the water flow at once, and then hit it suddenly, I hit something, that is the iron chain.

I grabbed it and found that the space under the wellhead was very large, but there were iron chains everywhere, interlaced into a net, and wrapped around the whole wellhead.

Almost at the same time that the thing came down, but I first entered the water, the strong current, let it pause at that moment.

I know that no matter what it is, it is impossible to kill me instantly under water. My back hurts fiercely. I hold my breath and quickly pull out two cold fireworks. Went out.

The fire light illuminates at once, and the dazzling white light penetrates from the water. At that moment, I saw a vague shadow in front of me.

I kicked my legs out almost immediately, and one foot had cramped violently, but I couldn’t feel the pain. That foot really kicked under the crotch of that thing.

I feel like I kicked on a thick tire. But the thing under the water didn’t make much use of it. I kicked it out at once, and rushed to the surface with the help of it.

It was amazingly bright outside. I yelled and climbed up desperately, turning it up to me. But before I stood up, the water surface exploded again, and the thing turned up.

At that moment, I finally saw the true face of the thing.

It ’s almost a monkey, but I can see that it ’s a person, very, very thin, but that person ’s body and body are all the same hair we saw in the hole, all the hair is attached to it. Body. This thing has extremely long nails, and it seems gray. This guy looks a little bit older here.

The thing that makes me feel the most fear is its eyes. I can’t see its eyes, and its eyes are full of hair.

Its movements are very strange, completely unlike human movements. After coming up, it quickly threw me at me, this time I no longer have the strength to escape, I had to use all my strength to put the last one left on my body The cold fireworks light up and act as weapons.

Didn’t do anything, the thing almost fell on my body, and a claw caught on the edge of my ear, and a very deep blood stain immediately appeared on the root of my ear.

I couldn’t think at all. I was disgusted with madness. I flipped my hand and put a fist on the face of that thing. It seemed to hit a bar of steel bar and shook my face. I shoved the cold firework and knocked it on the head a second time. Knocked on Mars. I didn’t think it would help, but I found that the thing suddenly withdrew.

At the same time I saw that all the hair on it was twisting.

I remembered it at once. Fuck! These hairs are afraid of my blood.

Then touched the blood from the root of the ear, and I immediately pointed at the thing, and the thing shrank immediately, and a strange feeling rose from me, and I cried to it: “Kneel!”

Stood up suddenly, climbed along the bearing to the upper chain, and started to crawl into the gap.

As soon as I didn’t look well, I turned around immediately, picked up the short-headed shotgun on one side, aimed it for a shot, and bombarded it with a single shot, followed by another shot, and beat it a stagger. I ran to the crevice, and at this time I found out that the pipa bone of that thing was even connected with an iron chain, and the other end was in the water.

I immediately went up, grabbed the iron chain, and snapped the iron chain to the mouth of the bearing. The rotating shaft immediately pulled the chain and dragged it up. I did n’t expect that the power of the thing was amazing. The chain did n’t pull a bit. Even the entire axle stopped. However, it was pulled to death by an iron chain and could no longer move halfway. I took a few bottles of shochu from the equipment bag and threw it at the thing, then lit the lighter and threw it over.

The fire burned up at once, the fire spread very quickly, and the whole body was burnt down along the way. Soon its strength was gone, and the axle continued to rotate, winding the iron chain, and the thing was dragged under the axle. , The fire went out.

Alcohol burned very clean. I saw a green corpse under the coke of my hair. The part of the water was smoking, and my mouth and eyes were empty. The smell of burnt hair filled the air, making people sick!

I took a deep breath and touched the back injury before the leg began to tremble. I felt that the skin behind me was fully opened, I am afraid I can touch my spine.

Just when I was distracted, I saw that the head of the green ancient corpse suddenly moved. I picked up the gun and thought it was not dead. A few bubbles appeared in the jerky water, and then, from its mouth in a flash There was a red thing in it, and it spit on my neck at once.

The red light flashed, and I saw it was a red snake, raised its head around my neck, and shrunk his head by my mouth, making an attacking gesture.

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