Daomu Biji

Chapter 429 - Qionglong Stone Shadow · Snake Bite

I didn’t even feel scared, and my face was cold. When I pulled it off my face, it was so hot that I could clearly touch the bite of the poisoned tooth.

I covered my cheek, I couldn’t believe it. Almost instantly, I felt a numbness spread from my cheeks.

I remembered the situation when Aning died. I felt so sudden, so unrealistic at the time. I didn’t expect that I would die on the same thing.

Soon the numbness began to spread throughout my body. I saw the thing standing there, staring straight at me. I suddenly realized it was wrong.

This is probably not a dumpling, fucking, is this thing wise?

Then I slowly backed away, I think I must tell Xiaohua what happened here before I died.

A few steps back, I wanted to find the gap. I wanted to call out loud, but I found my tongue and throat were numb. I fell on the package, and the last thing I touched was a piece of pottery.

Just now Xiaohua used this thing for a load-bearing test.

I picked up a piece and felt like I wrote a few words. I did n’t know what I wrote. I felt that the snake reentered back to me, but I no longer had the strength to concentrate. go with.

Was also bitten by a snake and would be teased by Aning. My last thought turned out to be this. I wanted to laugh. At the moment when everything had to disappear, I suddenly heard a strange voice.

Dizziness, everything seemed to stop when the last consciousness disappeared.

I do n’t remember, what state I was in at the time, but I clearly remember the kind of severe dizziness that made me unable to think. The only time I was awake was an instant. What I thought was: how the **** is not dead yet.

I can feel that after a long, long time, it seems that someone has come to me. After that, the dizziness slowly disappeared. When I woke up, I found that Xiaohua and his buddies were all in mine. Around.

I could n’t feel my body. At first, I felt that there was only one head. Whether it was talking or raising my eyes, I could n’t do anything. I could only see them through the slits of my eyes. Gradually slowed down.

I do n’t know why they did n’t die. They were picked up by them. Xiaohua looked at my expression and said, “You ’re lucky, it ’s not that we were saved in time—”

“I’m lucky?” I wondered.

“Something has bitten your face, maybe a snake, venom enters very little, all pierced in your mouth, you will definitely be more unpleasant to speak later.”

I touched my cheeks, the tape was really stuck on it, and I touched my neck again. They were all treated.

“What about the snake?” I asked

He looked around: “It should be still there. All the herbs I brought with me are scattered all around. It should be safe here. You have been dizzy for two hours and talk less, otherwise the wounds on your face will be scarred.” When I was drinking water, I made a side-face gesture. “Drink water and pour your face to one side, otherwise it will leak from the other side.”

I did it, and I was very surprised. In two hours, I felt at least dizzy for several days. Why did it take so short time?

Looked around, I was still lying where I fainted, and it was really not moved, so it was really only two hours.

“Are you all right?” I asked.

“It’s okay, I didn’t touch the snake. When I came back, I saw you lying here, and …” He pointed to the burnt ancient corpse on the other side. “There is it, you can’t see it, you still It’s pretty good, I thought you were dead. “

“If I hang, the Jie family and the Wu family will be even.” I coughed a few times, and he asked me what happened, how could it be like this.

I spoke to him briefly, and at this time I saw one side, only to see one end of a rope tied to a rotating bearing. The rotating bearing stretched the rope tightly and hung it in the air, I do n’t know where the side is tied. The place, this is a simple single rope way, has been connected from the gap, it seems that Xiaohua has successfully reached the end of the gap, and put up the ropeway.

It seems that he did not go out to see my situation immediately after I was comatose, but continued to crawl in, reached the end of the gap, completed the established work, and then went out to see if I was dead.

Can’t help but feel a bit uncomfortable. I don’t know whether this kind of psychological quality is ruthless or firm. However, obviously for him, he has no psychological burden at all. I finally found something different from me.

But I did not express this emotion. I do n’t have physical strength, and I do n’t want to break certain tacit understandings. I know that in this industry, I do n’t have the habit of desperately trying to help my peers. , Everyone can give up each other, this will appear very fair before the accident.

It was true that Xiaohua was not sure about my situation at the time. At this time, do you want to go back immediately to save people? I would hesitate if it was him.

I couldn’t help thinking of the fat man and the stuffy oil bottle. If they were there, the guy with black hair would have been severed his head before scratching my back. Or I will see fat people stepping on those clay pots and rush out to mess everything up, but I will definitely be saved.

At that moment, I felt an extreme sense of insecurity in my heart, which was more severe than before. Although we are now three people, in fact, I am only responsible for myself, this feeling is very uncomfortable, and at the same time I suddenly Realized, why Xiaohua was not grateful that I would go into the hole to save him, only angry.

He is used to solving the problems he has encountered by himself. Before doing these things, he has defaulted without any support or any help. He will not blame anyone for his death, nor will he blame himself for the death of others.

Is this the old nine gate? My heart is a bit chilly.

“This rope is too long. Even if it is tightened too much, the rope will be drawn into an arc due to the torque, and the knotted ends of the rope will be under a lot of pressure. I do n’t know after climbing up Will the rope break halfway. “He looked at me and looked at the rope in a daze.” So I tied the rope high in this end of the room, so that the pressure will be concentrated more on this side, as long as Someone is watching, we can know in advance before the rope breaks. “

“You **** sounds professional.” I said, “What do you see in it? What does that news agency look like?”

“Uh.” Xiaohua’s face was a little strange, “I can’t describe it. I’ve never seen that kind of thing.”

His expression told me that I had to go and see for myself to know what it was. I sighed and wanted to stand up and see how I was doing. Just moved, the elbow was pressed, and looked down, it was that piece of pottery.

At the same time, I saw the edge of the pottery, and wrote something with the pottery. It was crooked.

I remember that before the coma, the message I once left for Xiaohua was to use this pottery piece. I was so stupid that I did n’t know if I had written the information clearly. Now it seems that something has been written.

I glanced subconsciously, and suddenly I was stunned.

I found a lot of crooked characters on the ground. I felt that I only wrote a few words at that time.

I took a flashlight and found that it was a long set of numbers.


“What is this?” I asked Xiaohua.

“Is this not your last words?” Xiaohua asked, “I thought it was your card number and password.”

“My last words?” I was baffled, and I said, I didn’t know what I wrote at the time, and why did I write these numbers?

But looking at the notes, it was indeed me who drew it in one go. The strokes were very coherent. I could n’t tell my handwriting because it was very sloppy, but, I realized that I really wrote it.

This must have been written when I was confused, but why are these numbers?

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