Daqin: Zulong Asked Me to Be the Prince

Chapter 383

Chapter 383 Ying Zheng Decides The War Again! Southern Or Northern War? (5 Requests)

Just when Li Si was wondering how to create an opportunity to get rid of Qin Feng’s growing bomb.

“And in the north, needless to say, the Huns are also a big problem! They are in a bitter cold place, and they are eyeing me, the Great Qin, and the Central Plains as fat, so they can’t wait to tear it down! 35

“Therefore—the southern expedition and the northern war must be put on the agenda! As for whether to go south or go north first, I would like to hear the opinions of you loving ministers.”

Finally, let’s talk about war!

“In the affairs of internal affairs, the Prime Minister is in charge of it, and there is a general who will be the chief supervisor to do practical work, so I have nothing to worry about!

The coercion of the emperor instantly enveloped the entire court!

Now he is too lazy to persuade Ying Zheng to fight first… What’s more, he is not even qualified to lead an army!

“I want to really stretch out my arms and fists in this world!”

Ying Zheng stood up and said condescendingly,

“I have played the emperor, and the minister thinks that the emperor is right! How can you allow others to sleep on the side of the couch?”

“It’s like I’m sleeping on a couch, wanting to stretch out my arms and legs, but beside me lies a barbarian with ulterior motives! How can I sleep peacefully?!

“The minister thought that we should fight the Huns first!

The wallet is pulling the alarm! The treasury is in a hurry again!

If anyone dares to speak out against it, then wait to be bitten to death as prey!

“Whether it is the Xiongnu or Baiyue, they are the troubles of my Daqin’s heart!

If this key issue is not resolved, even if it hits an alien, it has nothing to do with him!

“It is said to be the world! In fact, it is only the destruction of the six kingdoms! It is only the unification of the summers!”

“As for where to attack first, the general will think that the Huns are strong and the Baiyue countries are weak, so it is better to go south to destroy all the tribes in the southern border, and then accumulate all the strength to kill the Hu peoples such as the Xiongnu and Donghu in one fell swoop!

When the words fell, his eyes were already scanning the ministers with incomparably sharp eyes! Like a cheetah peeping at its prey!

Maybe at this moment, he is thinking of finding a chicken to kill, and he will kill the chicken to set an example!

In the southern Xinjiang, the environment is several times more complicated than the northern grasslands. You look weak and simple, but if you really go, you will know—

Even though he is already the top marquis, he still has sons and nephews!

“Going east, after the state of Qi has been destroyed, there is indeed the East China Sea!”

“Is this sentence really done?”

With a wave of his hand, the two temple people hurriedly raised the prepared map of the world!

“Hu people are the cancer that threatens Da Qin the most!”

“But about foreign enemies, I am quite worried!

“How about south and north?”

It’s a swamp that can grind people to death!

Of course they don’t want any more wars!

Alert! Alert!

Wang Ben stepped out and cupped his hands in a deep voice,

Ying Zheng’s eyes changed and he said solemnly:

Ying Zheng went down the steps, pointed at Kan Yutu and said coldly,


Qin Feng thought so, but he didn’t want to refute it.

Talk about a bird?!

“And what was my original rhetoric?”

And his thinking is also very conventional 243, which can be said to represent the thinking of a group of military attachés – first destroy the weak, and then fight the strong!

Ying Zheng pointed to the north and south sides of the map, made a bow gesture, and ordered,

Meng Wu, who was sitting behind Qin Feng, suddenly got up and stepped out of the queue, said solemnly,

As soon as his tone of voice increased, all the ministers were shocked!

As a military general, he is of course the main battle faction!

“And to the west, you have indeed waded into quicksand, and you can’t go any further. If you want to go further west, you can only go from north to west! 35

I see you, you don’t understand at all!

“I want all the people in the world who are not ministers! 99

Qin Feng sat on the futon, but rolled his eyes.

“Every year, the soldiers and horses stationed in Beidi County, Longxi County, and Shang County spend countless military salaries! It is to guard against these Hu people!

Several Confucian doctors looked at each other and moved their lips, but none of them dared to be a standout.

The family of military generals is most afraid that there is no battle!

What should be said, he has already told his father clearly, what’s the point of repeating it again?

At the same time, Qin Feng clenched his fists slightly!

“The minister disagrees with the statement of the Marquis of Tongwu! 35

“In the south, in the jungles and mountains, there are still hundreds of tribes that have not surrendered! They even often harass the Central Plains!”

“Within Liuhe, the emperor’s land. The west is the quicksand, the south is the northern household. There is the East China Sea in the east, and the Daxia in the north. Wherever people go, there are no servants! 19”

Li Si suddenly raised his head.

“My Daqin seems to rule the world, but it’s just a lie!

Emperor… This has just conquered the Six Kingdoms, and is about to use the sword again?!

“To really be able to sleep peacefully! Instead of hearing the news one day – Daqin was attacked by Rong Di!

The battle must be fought!

In particular, Lu Zheng, the secretary of the young mansion, already had an extremely bad premonition in his heart at this moment.

“In such a situation, do I dare to say that wherever people go, there are no servants?!”

You can only discuss the right to hit the south first or the north first.


“No way!


But they dare not disobey Ying Zheng, because this “tyrant” really kills without blinking an eye!

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