Daqin: Zulong Asked Me to Be the Prince

Chapter 384

Chapter 384 War? Interest? This Is A Sad Song For Qin Feng! (1 Request)

Wang Ben glanced back at Meng Wu and remained silent.

“Tell me.” Ying Zheng said calmly.

“Back to the emperor, this minister believes that not only the strength of the enemy, but also the threat to our Qin! 39

Meng Wu said solemnly,

“The strength of the Baiyue countries in the southern border is not strong, and they are extremely scattered. Although they occasionally harass them, they are not a threat to my Daqin.

“But if the Huns go south and go to the north of the county, they will be able to approach Hangu Pass within ten days, and their troops will be under the city!”

“And obviously, the wolf ambitions of the Huns are many times greater than those of the Baiyue! 35

“Therefore, the minister thought that we should fight the threatening Xiongnu first, rather than Baiyue, who guarded his own one-third of his acre!35

“Please the emperor to appraise it!”

His thoughts also represent the thoughts of a group of generals.

Especially the old Mengxibai clan, all jumped out to support at this moment:

“This minister agrees! We should fight the Huns first!

“Fight the Xiongnu, if nothing else, the disciples of our old clan will be the first to go up, without any ambiguity!

“Yes! Where can our disciples in Guanzhong go to the place where the poisonous insects are infested in the southern border? You can’t stand it even in Chu, let alone the worse southern border? 39

“Yeah… I heard that many people died in the southern border, and they were all killed by poison! The most terrifying thing is… I don’t know why…”

At the same time, a group of people stood up to support Wang Ben:

“I think that the southern border is rich in products, and it is beneficial to attack! And Baiyue is weak, so the battle can be quickly resolved!”

“The minister agrees with the strategy of the Marquis of Tongwu, and it is the national policy to expand to the south””!

“That’s right! What’s the use of fighting the bitter cold land in the north? There’s no need to fight!”


For a time, the two sides have been caught in a heated debate!

Qin Feng just looked at the two sides arguing with red faces, but sneered in his heart.

These two groups of people, on the surface, speak in a high-sounding manner, but in the final analysis, it is still for their own interests!

The interest groups represented by the Bailao clan in Mengxi are basically in Guanzhong and Longxi!

Of course, they hope that Daqin will expand to the north! This way, whether it is their own forces or the management of various cattle, horses, salt and iron businesses, will be more beneficial!

Fighting in the north is when the old aristocratic clan shows their talents and makes great military achievements!

And the interest groups represented by Wang Ben and other upstarts are basically in the south, because their fiefs and servants are all placed in the south!

Just like Qin Feng, if Meng Wu had not exchanged property with him, his fief would also be in Chu!

Although these upstarts are in Xianyang, their hearts have already flown to the south!

In addition, the cake in the north has been almost divided by the old guys. If they want to open up new interests, they can only develop south!

Therefore, the two factions of the Southern War and the Northern War are no longer considering the national strategy, but for their own selfish interests!

Qin Feng could see this clearly.

How could Ying Zheng not see clearly?


The censor of inspection glanced at the emperor and ordered.

The scolding battle above the court has just subsided for a few minutes.

“It seems that you Aiqings still can’t come to a conclusion on whether to go north or go south.”

Ying Zheng glanced at Li Si and said by name,

“Prime Minister Zuo, you are the head of the hundred officials, what do you think?”

“I want to hear your opinion!

Li Si was silent for a long time and did not join the disputes in the court, which made Ying Zheng a little unhappy.

Could it be that this old guy is unwilling to start a war in his heart?

If this is the case, it is against his will, and it is no different from Wang Wan who stepped down!

Therefore, he named Li Si to express his position!

You just became prime minister not long ago, so you won’t be so ignorant, right?

Feeling Ying Zheng’s sharp gaze, Li Si took a deep breath, and said unhurriedly:

‘.|| Back to the emperor, the minister has not yet thought about weighing it! But the minister believes that the emperor’s idea of eliminating the hidden dangers of the Rong and Di is extremely correct! 35

“This minister thinks that whether going south or north, it involves a lot and is very complicated! It’s hard to tell just by one or two sentences.

“Therefore, please ask the emperor to give the minister time, and after the minister has cleared it up, he will give it to the emperor and write to the emperor!

Although he has already made up his mind, he is not in a hurry to express his position!

This matter is extremely important! He needs to discuss it with the disabled Zhao Gao!

This is not a war, nor any profit… but a song of grief!

A sad song for Qin Feng!


Ying Zheng nodded satisfied with his words and said,

“The prime minister is rigorous and should be commended!

“Aiqings, if you have a thousand words in your heart that you can’t say, you can also submit a memorial, express your attitude in the memorial, and analyze it for me!”

“I’ll take a look!”

It’s the old rules again, the memorials!

When everyone has said almost everything, he will make a final decision!

“Let’s go away!

Ying Zheng got up and left the dragon chair and walked towards the apse.

Today, I made an appointment with Hu Hai, and I want to accompany him to read a book for an hour. He, the father, can’t miss the appointment.

“Congratulations to the emperor, long live my emperor…”

After the ministers saluted, they each left the table!

But today, the team that left is clearly divided into two distinct groups – the Southern Expedition faction and the Northern War faction!

Both sides looked at each other not pleasing to the eye!

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