Days of a Wrathful Demoness

Chapter 115: A Dreamy Steamy Intermission

Elizabeth Venus Stratos Indigo (or at least that’s how she thought her name went as it was kind of annoying trying to remember it) found herself in an awkward spot. Where her supposed comrade was meant to be there was, instead, a mountain of blood & guts. She couldn’t help looking around while scratching the back of her messy hair with those plump lips of hers in a faint pout.

“Where the hell is that old dog… Wait, is a fox closer to a canine or a feline?” <Lizzy>

That made her immediately freeze up; countless considerations filled her mind as she simply could not continue on her day without finding out the answer. Worst thing about it… There was no one around to ask due to the fox killing them! A realisation that made her angrily rub either side of her hair.


Worst thing was that her time was slowly running out - a factor that was visibly represented by the jade coloured chains that were slowly becoming more corporal as time went on. Still it wasn’t as if she could let go of this line of thought nor did her powers work to her advantage since her own Dharma Treasure, commonly referred to as being her dream journal,  just stored all knowledge. That knowledge didn’t have to be truthful but just had to be something someone had (at one time of another) thought about.

It was honestly more accurate to refer to it as a diary of intrusive thoughts from across all of existence and a little bit beyond.

Most of those thoughts were dumb.

<No one should know how many fucked up intrusive thoughts mortals & immortals have~!>

Fortunately she was broken out from her disastrous spiral of self doubt (she already had enough of that when she was a little boy) and circular logic by her instincts. Those three parents who contributed to her creation had quite the powerful instincts, even if none of them could compare to the demoness, which she had honed through intense practice. Few could match up to her in turns of talent nor amount of time put into honing those talents… She didn’t have a lot to do; being imprisoned in her realm and all.

She was something of a martial artist herself.

Quickly turning to the doors on the opposite side relative to her entry point; raising her eyebrow for a second only to lower them once again. Promptly walking up to the double doors as black flames erupted out in order to engulf the room along with the warm hearted ice dragoness. There was no need to worry for her as she was no weakling - simply waving her hand was enough to banish the impure energy.

She wasn’t just a very very very pretty face afterall. In terms of defence she was probably just below the invulnerable monsters like Photon & her paranoid birth mother. Combined with her skills; she just had to cover her clothes in her aura in order to prevent them from getting messy. Not even worried about it being able to piece her trained muscles.

“Mama…” <Lizzy>

Sadly she was not too happy with her performance as she instantly recognised the energy as belonging to her favourite parents.

<Then again… None of them are very good people if the minimum is caring for children.>

Another realisation that caused her brow to twitch.

Still she had taken the dicks of people with even more questionable morals so she really wasn’t that worried about the mystery third having a pension for mass murder.

Instead of worrying about something like morals she decided it was time to finally push forward to see what the little demoness had gotten herself into. Yet, as she approached, she couldn’t help but have a coldness grip her beating heart. Somehow knowing today would prove to be a rollercoaster.

Entering the room revealed it to quite literally just be rubble; it seemed that most of the explosion had ended up going out the back wall rather than through into the hall she came from. Gazing around the place revealed that the roof had also collapsed in so, at this point, may as well have been considered the outside instead.

“Damn… I was looking forward to next week's show as well.” <Lizzy>

A frowning pout formed upon her lips as she crossed her arms below her absolutely ginormous tits that she was obviously proud of; else she wouldn’t be showing them off to the entire world.

“This little sub-realm is only holding together thanks to mama making it~♡” <Lizzy>

She knew a thing or two about realms.

Although some said that her {Dreamscape} was not technically a realm but a higher plane of existed while she simply didn’t give a fuck what they thought. Not that she could claim to be the most knowledgeable when her own parents all had their own realms to manage. Even if one didn’t accept the {Spirit World} as being a realm; it was impossible to discredit the untold aeons Cheshire had spent studying them. Then again…

<She had studied a lot of things in her pursuit of immortality yet we still ended up here...>

Just as she was getting lost in thought - a rare proposition as she truly enjoyed the bimbo lifestyle even if she was limited by her captivity - the ground began to shake. Quickly her gaze moved towards the assumed source as the debris began to tremble. It only took a few more seconds for something to seemingly begin rising from below the wreckage.

“That’s my que to get to work~♡” <Lizzy>

Saying that she flash stepped over to the pile in order to help whoever was trapped figure out which way was up. However her way of doing that was less than amicable. Expertly lifting her foot up to be above her head (an act that revealed her plump pussy that was tightly hugged by a thong) to deliver a powerful kick.

Even if she was being gentle she was still Elizabeth; there were few that could keep up with her when she got in the mood!

A veritable explosion of rock & metal was propelled as the entire pseudo-realm seemed to shake once again but this time under her casual axe kick. Fortunately whoever was under could take a beating as the earth began to give way as they rose up from the ground. Elizabeth did have the option to move yet she chose to instead stand over the growing mound with her legs spread apart.

“GREOOHOOAR!” <True Wrath/Vivi>

In no time at all a familiar head erupted out the ground, followed by the rest of their body, resulting in them impacting the mighty dreamer in what should be her most private of places. Not that it was. Although she promptly wrapped her legs around its thick neck despite leaning forward while clutching herself.

She did just take one of the most powerful figures straight to her cooch; not that she seemed to mind based on the red blush and heavy mouth breathing she was committing to. That monster was even confused as it felt something wet pressed tightly against its neck, making it go to reach over its head to find the source. The pervert was too quick, however.

It did manage to grab her nevertheless it’s clawed fingers sank into her honestly way too voluptuous chest while giving a few confused squeezes. In response she wiggled her plump patootie that in turn created an oddly satisfying *pap**pap**pap**pap**pap**pap* which had the result of making that beast want more. Resulting in it squeezing her tits as if trying to make her honk. And honk she did.

“Nnnnrgh~ yes daddy~ I know you want to… Rough~♡ Me~♡ Up~♡” <Lizzy>

Indeed it did as that voice was definitely one it recognised; afterall the last time Vivi let her wrath fully out resulted in it getting defeated by her. As such it fully indulged in its anger as it gripped her tit even tighter than before. Using that to throw the tall toned girl over its shoulder.

Of course it would be difficult to do if she resisted nonetheless that was not an issue as she promptly uncrossed her legs with a smirk across her face. No care that she was getting slammed into the ground as the massive beast literally salivated over the sight of her body being under itself. She had already pulled her hoodie aside to let those glorious puppies see the light of day - although only her massive left areola was visible due to the other still being firmly placed within the monster's grasp.

Any words she had wanted to say were quickly placed to the back of her mind as Wrath brought its blood scented maw to her plump lips. Seemingly eating her face as a thick slimy tongue slipped between her lips to explore her mouth. Closing her eyes tightly as she felt it tickling the back of her throat as the limb trashed around in as wild a manner as you could expect from a creature known as “wrath”.

When it was finally done she could literally hear it sliding it’s tongue out her throat with a sloppy *schlick* echoing through her mind.

That wasn’t to say it was completely finished as it promptly moved its head down to her spare tit - massive jaws soon parting as spittel leaked all over. It's a massive green tongue swirling around her breast to get her inverted nipple to slowly peak out of its hiding place. Not hesitating to devour it like the most delicious cherry atop an already delicious white cake.

“Ah~ such a hungry girl~♡” <Lizzy>

The monster sucked on that enormous tit as she had no choice but to fill that muzzle with her fresh piping hot batch of dreamer dairy. Filling the stamina of the combat worn creature which resulted in it pretty much sitting it’s taint directly atop her face while trying to treat her tit like a froob. Claw stretching the tit to her face while squeezing it as hard as it could in order to get as much milk out as possible.

Meanwhile she just wrapped her arms around its stone like waist as she happily sniffed between its asshole & crotch like a good little bit-

“You know you can do this elsewhere?” <Old Woman>

Suddenly she felt an ungodly amount of shame as the monster lifted it’s arse from her face.

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