Days of a Wrathful Demoness

Chapter 114: The Origin of a Demoness

Time seemed to go quickly for the other two heads; as soon as they were taken into the oni war camps they completely thrived like no one could have ever expected. Each growing stronger per-day to the point where there was no choice but to look up to them. Both having their own “talent” that they fully plunged themselves into.

That brutish monster, Violent, obviously “trained” her physical body yet it appeared as if just the act of living was enough for her to grow stronger than anyone. Although she did pick up the usage of some weapons (a crow's beak & war/hand axe) but her progress with them was far from the heaven defying talent that was Vibrant. The ever confident Vibrant dedicated every single second - after first coiling her fingers around the grip of her first blade - to learning everything she could about the sword.

In return the sword answered her.

Within a week she had a level of sword intent that far surpassed any of the veteran warriors who had issues with a “little girl” taking up their space. Vibrant never took well to people questioning her let alone getting in her way, however. Anything that got in her way of her sword would fall to that sword.

Funnily enough it was actually the brutish Violet who - despite living up to her name - garnered more comradery from her fellow warriors. Even if she was a violent monster on the battlefield… She appeared to have some strange sort of charisma which could win nearly anyone over. Likely helped by the fact she could drink anyone under the table; including their father.

The war that broke out between the various races, a complex orgy of bad blood intermingled to make a conflict unseen since Atlas was removed from his throne, was the best proof of this. Of course the oni and their allies jumped head first into this chaos however this also allowed the name “Violet” to truly spread through the lands as an entity to be feared. The prior mentioned Vibrant was obviously feared as she showed up on the battlefield against armies by herself; often one swing of one of her many swords were enough to remove one of the armies from the battlefield.

It did not matter how many dragons or drakes rallied against her - all things came to an end at the tip of her blade. She didn’t stop there with garnering infamy. That particular Asura head made a habit of either gathering or forged at least one sword from every conflict she took part in. Those swords slowly made up a pair of bladed wings that she established by telekinetically controlling them to rest behind her.

Meanwhile Violent surprisingly did not enter alone; of course she originally started by leading some oni that she had made friends with. However, with every single battle, her little group grew rapidly as she made more and more friends through the blood they all shared. Also it didn't hurt that (while others rested) she continued on with the fight as her absolute body showed no cracks.

In mere weeks she had somehow formed the most fearsome legion in the entire world… Plus she found out that she had her own feminine side. Falling for a certain 10 tailed fox who surprisingly came from the main line of the Bloodleaf family. Her little crush started when she saw him gallantly charged into combat.

For those who didn’t even respect him.

Regardless of all the comments they made about him, he raised his sword proudly to call forth a tsunami of crimson petals, proudly bringing the fight for what he felt was right. How could a girl not swoon? He soon joined her quickly growing wandering army which was quickly gaining fame across the world as the mighty group named {Warriors of Valhalla}.

Although she approached love in the same fashion she did everything else in her life. 

Combining the pair's infamy made it so “Violet the Asura” was only second to monsters like Shoten Doji & Azura Dragon in the fear they produced. Even then one could say they were only less infamous due to the old fogies looking down on them as being little girls playing house. Neither of them would turn away from the chance to clip some blue wings and there wasn’t a day when Vibrant didn’t announce a new haiku about cutting down the heavens.

They had their own motives to fight clearly. For the future sword saint it was the purest love she held for her craft; an intrinsic bond akin to that of a soulmate. Without the sword in her hand her life was duller than any club.

So she swung her sword in order to express herself.

On the other hand, violence for far more simpler reasons… Because there was some people who could not fight for themselves and yet this war would decide the fates of their entire lives.

VIolent loved violence. She loved the feeling of a fist against flesh and the sweat that rolled down her back from facing impossible odds for no other reason than she could. But she never lost sight of herself. Never forgetting to look back at the defenceless masses who would be exterminated should she take a single day to goof off.

So she fought.

She thought hard.

She thought long.

But at the end she fought all the same as that was all she could offer to those people.

They could and would scream monster when they saw her yet just (like that mutant fox) she would shoulder that burden without letting it slow her down. Innocence is no sin but stripping it away is a one worthy of death. A world where no one needed to be like her older sister…

It was a world worth fighting for.

Compared to her sisters… The last head did not manage to accomplish as much as the other two.

When they were busy mastering their gifts, abilities they seemingly had mastered in the womb, she found herself desperately trying to find where her talents lay. Unfortunately she was quite unsuccessful as she could not learn the sword as fast as Vibrant nor was she as physically mighty as Violent. Resulting in her feeling quite unprepared for the war.

That was not to say that she was weak or anything. She was stronger than any other oni wasn’t her father or sisters and had the same advantage in terms of skills. In addition there were even some who chose to follow her rather than Violent (nobody was still alive who attempted to follow Vibrant since she only saw them as more obstacles) including a certain ruby haired little girl. They did also take part in their war nevertheless she made nowhere near as many waves as any of her siblings or future legendary figures.

Some even thought that there were two heads to Violet.

So what did the estranged middle child, Vivi, decide to do about that?

Absolutely nothing.

There was an intense hatred bred from the fact that she was below her other selves yet she boasted an advantage that neither of them had nor anyone would assume she possessed. She was far more patient than anyone gave her credit. While all the others looked at this as a simple war to change the way the mortal realm would be ruled… She saw something else. To her this was an opportunity to create something even greater.

Few could see it but Vivi noticed that there were many people making use of this war for their own purposes which meant (once there was no uniting factor) a rift would form. That very rift, in fact, was what a certain trio wished to take advantage of. None of them seemed aware of each other's plans which in turn put Vivi in the best position to fish in troubled waters.

Within her room - looking out her window to view Violent training with her seemingly endless troupes - the future demoness silently sat within pure darkness. Her violet eyes glimmered as she watched her mighty sister become stronger by the day. Behind her a crimson haired little girl awkwardly shifted about awkwardly as she couldn’t help asking the question that had lingered for so long.

“What if you’re wrong?” <Ruby>

“She is not chehehe~.” <Cheshire>

Immediately the girl turned around in panic; pointing her little blade toward a little black cat girl who came out from the shadows. Her eyes glimmered crimson despite the lack of light within the room. Unlike Ruby, Vivi was actually quite calm, her own eyes were focused on her monstrous sister.

Watching silently as the beast managed to use her raw strength to create a gravitational pull which allowed her to quite literally throw comets at people.

Using a collection of falling stars as a sadistic fashion to train her armies competency.

“What you doing here…” <Vivi>

Her voice came out a s more of a growl - not even bothering to turn around to look at one of the leaders of the war going on. Offering more respect than the little oni had expected from her older half-sister; most promptly find themselves blasted with flames of destruction instead. Flames that were exactly the same as they would be in the future due to her never quite being able to take them to their next level.

Never able to evolve.

“I’m just disappointed is all… In you~.” <Cheshire>

That was a sore spot.

“GRRRAWR!” <Vivi>

Letting out a massive growl as she grabbed a sword resting by her side; chucking the blade over her shoulder as she stood up. The cat was hardly intimidated though as she took her hands off her walking stick to challenge the sword. With precise hand movements she predicted the blade into the ground in time to finish off by resting her hands on that cane before it fell.

Seeing that made the little redhead jump back. Clearly realising she was nowhere near strong enough to face the cat but fortunately Vivi seemed to be generous as she did not push them into a fight that Ruby believed she would die in. Still she didn’t seem happy as she angrily fell back into her seat.

“I believe you are the most similar to me and have far more potential than your other two thirds yet you are too busy focusing on everyone else to realise.” <Cheshire>

Vivi did not even make a noise in response.

“There will come a day when you find out that copying others won’t be enough and you will likely burn yourself up with that cursed blood of yours. At that point you will be met with a choice. Die as the wrathful little girl you are or rise to become the envious demoness who strives for more.” <Cheshire>

“...” <Vivi>

Still she ignored the older lady as she wasn’t even sure if the little thing could survive.



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