Days of a Wrathful Demoness

Chapter 113: First Memory of a Father

There are many sayings that have the general meaning of “look into the future but not that past” however it could be said those who live by that are some of the most ignorant people there are. A lot is to be learned from the previous day. In fact, without any exaggeration, every person is merely a reflection of what happened within the past.

Everyone's personality can be linked to the past they have lived.

Even the strongest gods were not immune to the karmic ties of history; the one thing that perhaps the absolute nor infinite can overcome. However, from the past can come strength. At the same time it can become a chip in the shoulder that causes the most elegant of warriors to become naught but beasts.

Within the little demoness’ memories she finds herself looking up to a strange oni-man who had found them after her older sister was thrown off a mountain. They had managed to get away essentially untouched thanks to their older sister’s sacrifice yet were slowed down thanks to the useless weak woman who gave birth to them. A woman who constantly went on about how her dearly beloved would come rescue her from the nightmare she found herself in.

Still, her other two parts decided they needed to show respect just on the basis that weakling had given birth to her in addition to suffering from illness. She disagreed. To an extent the green eye’d her seemed to also agree to an extent - doing only the bare minimum and not being gentle about it. Goldilocks' version was the most stubborn about keeping the hag with them for some silly reason that she couldn’t explain.

Partly because they hadn’t learned to talk yet.

She just thought that the halo having oni was just a pussy that wanted to act like their strong big sister.

In all of their mind; their older sister was someone who should be respected as she managed to overcome her limits as a weakling human. Managing to drag them this far and likely would have gotten even further if not for them slowing her down as well as making her sacrifice. For the other two that meant continuing to drag the dead weight but to her it meant following by example but learn from example. Throwing away the deadweight would allow them to climb much higher… Literally since they were climbing up a mountain.

Fortunately the beings who were responsible for their sister's dea- fall were far too busy with each other so the trio managed to sneak away. A fact that greatly angered her but the other two brought up a very valid point; fighting on the side of a cliff would likely lead to them falling off it. Throwing away all the progress her big sister had sacrificed herself for? Something within her couldn’t allow that to happen

As such the group of three carried a fully grown woman up the massive mountain while voraciously pouncing on anything unlucky enough to get close to them. That golden haired variant eventually grabbed a stick which somehow allowed her to cut through anything that approached with surprising ease. No matter the beast or what was in her way; the solution was always to bring that stick down with a fierce sharpness following behind.

That could not compare to the green eye’d one.

She couldn’t even get injured as she used her powerful body to rip apart even dragons with naught but her literal bare baby hands. Meanwhile the last one… Just watched. She didn’t have the weird skill of the former nor the undefeated body of the latter so took more of a rear position. Making sure nothing snuck up on them - stopping the many beasts that may try to fish in muddy waters by punching them.

Though that also made it clear she wasn’t as strong as her green eyed sister. A fact that made her slowly grind her teeth in anger; wondering why she could not have that same body when they were born as the same entity. Both of them had fancy abilities but she was left alone with nothing but her knuckles.

Fortunately that was more than enough to allow them to climb to the very apex of the mountain; however what they saw was very confusing to her.

A group of warriors.

Front and foremost was a figure that irradiated familiarity. Someone she would come to call father - looking powerful from just standing there with a gourd in his hands as he looked down on the bedlam below with a mirthful smile - letting out a chortle. Soon his gaze turned towards the three girls (not bothering with the wench that gave birth to them) to begin massaging his chin contemplatively.

Moments later an amused grin appeared on his face, studying the three little girls with clear curiosity visible for all to see, not that he stopped enjoying his company. Said company being a plethora of girls who were all buxom beauties. A sight that made each of the three react vastly differently.

The blonde narrowed her eyes as if preparing to cut the man down; slowly moving so that she was in front of their ailed birther. That purpled eyed third wheel looked on with envy as the man seemed to have everything she wanted. Meanwhile it was the green eye who had the most… Aggressive reaction.

Unlike her sisters, who acted either defensively or with respect, the last head lifted her head up in order to seemingly look down on both the man & everyone else. Slowly stepping forward as some of the other mighty male oni warriors stepped forward. Each one were giants who had over 15 feet in height as well as thick armour covering them from head to toe; only their mighty horns pierced through their helm as they moved their glaives to block the girls path.

She just snorted out in mockery which angered the oni men… At least until she grabbed the two weapon heads with her bare hands - an act which caused those rare metals to crunch as a plethora of cracks formed around her fingers as the weapons reconfigured to give her fingers a nice handle. Before they could act she threw both weapons into the air (oni attached) not even giving them chances to scream.

Another attempted to stab his weapon into her chest yet the metal just crumbled against her flesh as she slowly began to gain size. Her flesh grew whiter as her already intimidating amount of muscle increased as did the green glare within her eyes. Two Z shaped horns had already adorned her forehead as she continued walking towards the man which in turn caused the shaft to splinter & crack.

Unable to even slow her down.

Seeing that this wasn’t working the last of the man’s guards decided to abandon the weapon to instead bring down a fist on the girl's face. An attempt that seemed foolish in hindsight. She just batted the massive fist away - resulting in a disgusting snapping noise - with her own hand that slowly became more akin to pure white talons/claws.

Her tiny toddler height had already increased to about the size of a regular 10 year old with her features looking nothing like a human nor oni. Even her feet had changed to have three claws at the front & one at the back to make pushing her back even harder than one would assume. Six mighty spines on either side formed on her back where something akin to eleven vents (slowly puffing out green smoke that made the air itself shrivel up) sit between. Making for a total of 22 of these “vents” and 12 total spikes that got longer the higher up upon her back they were. Vents both under as well as beside the vents making there be far more than on a certain little wrathful demoness’ future vain attempt to copy.

The guard who only lost his weapon did try to swing down the rest of his shaft but she did not even see any need to dodge as she just took the blow.

She was slower than the oni however anyone could see that this did not matter when she clearly shadowed them when it came to raw power. She just didn’t know how to use it. Unfortunately for the last standing oni… That hardly mattered when she now stood right under him with a predatory gaze.

With a single punch the man just vanished. Just a flash of red then nothing of him remained - only his weapon fell to the floor which caused the floor to break. Proving that it wasn’t the weapons fault but rather how outrageously sturdy the little girl was. Soon her gaze turned towards the oni leader who still had a smirk across his lips; the beast wasn’t having any of it. She just lifted her head to look down on him while audibly building up a wad of spit that she soon released right in front of him.

Letting out her very first word.

“Weak.” <Green Eyes>

Her voice was so deep & guttural that it caused the internal organs of those who heard it rumble - those girls close to the monster actually spitting out blood as they collapsed. A sheer look of shock as well as fear upon their faces nevertheless they weren’t dead. Some purple eyes thought dumb since it was due to something called “morals”.

She glared at green eyes with sheer anger that she couldn’t have all that strength herself while at the same time contempt due to her not seeing her own pathetic weakness. If she had that kind of power she wouldn’t worry about anything. Just take what she wants when she wants it without resistance!

“Together Violet seems like a good name, however I should give you each a different one… So you have a body far stronger than even an oni so I guess Violent would be a good name; certainly suits your blunt personality. Goldie over there has impressive sword intent which even some oni could not achieve so maybe Vibrant due to how brightly you’d shine on the battlefield dohohoho~!” <Shuten Doji>

His gaze shifted from the angry little monster in front of him to settle on the golden girl who held a stick in her hand that glowed a glorious gold. When he was coming up with their names he continued to look between them while slowly stroking his chin. However, when done, he finally let out a proud chortle only to finally realise that purple eyes also existed.

“Huh I don’t really like your creepy eyes but… What can you do? Well I guess you’re between the other two so we’ll just take the first part of their names in order to call you Vivi!” <Shuten Doji>

Vibrant just snorted disdainfully however the other two did not take this well; the first to act being the newly minted Violent who let out a fearsome roar while charging towards the ancient man.

He was unlike the other oni, though. Although he didn’t challenge the girl in raw strength - he didn’t need to - he expertly knocked her fist aside while stepping to her side. Lifting her up by her neck only to slam her sturdy head directly into the earth. All the while letting out a hearty laugh.

“My descendents should be this willful!” <Shuten Doji>

Although the girl's horns were certainly impressive they did her no favours in freeing her head from the ground much to her own rage. The next to lose it was Vivi who retched back her head to let out her own blood curdling roar that filled with so many intense feelings that even Doju took a step back. She had unconsciously infused her scream with something that only the oldest oni alive recognised.

“Huh… That is like some form of that qi stuff but… How lame Vivi~!” <Shuten Doji>


A crimson ash began to pour from her pores which made the oni lift a brow however he didn’t even give the poor girl a chance to talk. Appearing in front of her to deliver a powerful blow to her solar plexus which caused her eyes to nearly pop out her head. Seconds later she went limp in his arms as he looked at her curiously with that smirk gone.

“That seemed like a bloodline ability but… I have never heard of such a frightening skill.” <Shuten Doji>

Due to the nature of this fight it was only Vibrant who witnessed all of this which caused her to narrow her own eyes before snorting. She was curious about his opinion about the girl in his arms changing from uncaring to slight respect but that was all. She was sure that she could defeat anyone still.

Not to mention… Vivi never needed to hear any of that.

Unknown to the three unconscious; this turn of events would be the defining factor that created the first ever demon in existence. A mistake that would forever lead to a divide within the entity known as Violet that crippled their ability to agree to anything. As well as the downfall of Vibrant herself.

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