Days of a Wrathful Demoness

Chapter 125: The Final Third Absolute

Actually changed music last second as I felt this chapter didn't need a fight theme

| Feelings of an Princess: Born to be a Killer (Vox Machina Fan Song)



Even the eponymous {True God} stopped their ashen fists from slamming the bastard into the dirt.

Everyone still present turned away from their fight to look toward the voice.

“Grrr why’d it have to come to this… Fuckin’ meatbags.” <Violent>

What greeted them was, of course, a wall of ash that hid the silhouette of a person riding atop a ten tailed beast. That veil soon was pulled to one side as they swung a massive tomahawk with one hand - blowing away all the ash that hid their figure from the world. Revealing that this new arrival was not mere fiction in their head, conjured from insanity, but indeed exactly who they believed it to be.

Long messy white mane that was resting between a radiant-lion made hood; the fangs of the prior beast king around her forehead like a crown. While that was left to fall behind like a majestic cape, her torso was lazily draped in a boar hide with a necklace chains made from 18 draconian eyes hanging betwixt her nearly bare breasts. From the necklace hung three different  horseshoes.

Each was different: one practically shining, the second made from bronze meanwhile the last one rugged & rusted with the corpses the beast had under their hoof.

One wrist was adorned with a bangle made from feathers while the other proudly bore the skull of a bull.

Her waist only hidden behind yet another hide as various items hung off as trophies of her various conquests over the years she was active. If she claimed to have contributed the second most during the great wars then no one would dare claim to have done the most. This was not purely due to fear but due to respect they all held for what she did for the realms.

Now that she was awake from her insolation - her absolute constitution had completely removed all but one blemish from her. This resulted in her seeming like an ethereal beauty, even despite her rugged nature, with only a single scar marrying this perfection. A single fist being able to mark her peerless body.

One on the side of her face… From the back.

“All this chaos for a fuckin’ dick measurin’ contest between… Idiots!” <Violent>

Those green eyes of hers slowly looking across the field as she held the blonde hair of the occasionally twitching sword saint as she hung down like wet laundry. It was clear to everyone that she had been beaten as her blade wings were nowhere to be seen as her petrified arms became fully revealed due to her entire clothes being nothing but rags. She wasn’t even able to resist as Violent held her by her hair.

Even the {True God} & Navy were surprised as it hadn’t been that long since they lost track of the master of the blade. Both believed that she was no doubt planning something yet here she was. Barely hanging on after meeting her “twin” sister who leisurely sat atop a gigantic red fox with ten swaying tails.

Neither of the pillars knew how to react as not a single one of them foresaw her even coming to interfere with this engagement; they couldn’t have thought she’d even care if she were active. Yet, despite having vanished for aeons, she finally stood before them with her own sister in hand? Antagonising her was something they both seemed as foolish but their reactions were actually quite different.

Those magenta eyes refused to look away (not even moving to observe her ancient foe) as the dragoness focused completely upon the warrior. Meanwhile the supposed brother actually turned towards Vivi with an inquisitive look in his eyes. Not even hiding the fact that he was silently asking her a question.

Unfortunately she wasn’t in the mood to look toward him so his questions went unanswered.

Instead she glared balefully at her final self.

Specifically she was glaring toward the most signature feature of Violent - one that represented her just like how the chakrum halo and bladed wings were symbols for the angelic Vibrant. Similarly to the other two she had the typical oni horns that sat upon her forehead & shifted from flesh coloured to a deep crimson. She even shared the traditional “makeup” that she actually popularised; eyes adorned with the blood of their first and their greatest foe.

For her that meant two eyes adorned with the divine blood of Azure Dragon and another with the even more sacred blood of the primordial god of war. Although the former was taken out by their elder sister it was still an entity that cast a shadow over their once close knit sisterhood. For the most part Violent gazed down on Vivi who still struggled to move as the veins under her calcified flesh began to crack.

As Violent’s symbol, what many attributed to her, was two white “z” shaped horns that came out from under the lion’s maw to proudly front forward. Ready to piece anything that gets in her way. A factor that didn't take a genius… To recognise was also within the “wrath” form of her “sister”.

“All you did, all you were, and you end up like this… Pathetic.” <Violent>

No longer gracing Vivi with her attention as she lifted her left hand to reveal the beaten body of her blonde haired self; taking in her full body with eyes that held only slightly less contempt than she did for Vivi.

“And you got hit by a little curse so fell into a life of debauchery till sister took you away; killing you is a mercy I am not even willing to permit.” <Violent>

Mercilessly throwing the near-lifeless body behind herself so hard that it passed through everything that dared to get between Vibrant and the destination Violent deigned for her. It just so happened that the biggest rebel was the dimension itself. A factor that the other people in the pocket-space didn’t take too well on account of what that exactly transformed into.

This place was one made by Cheshire Prime to initially study the void itself; this meant that it was not like your regular pocket-space. It was about as “far away” from the realms as could be managed. For spirits this just meant that snacks were always available but for others it meant that non-existence was near.

Yet, without care, Violent used her raw strength to fling her triplet through the already barely present semi-permeable membrane of the realm into the void. Her strength alone caused space to ripple with the fate of the one thrown impossible to know. What they did know was the dangers that the void represented to them all; even the Navy narrowed its eyes at his little sister’s brash act that could have erased them all.

The other pillar was far less calm.

Are you trying to expunge us all?!

Violent just raised one of her eyebrows as she turned to look toward those menacing pink eyes - her lips curling up in amusement. Her toothy grin revealed her own fangs to be triangular as they were perfectly lined up with one another to ensure her maw had maximum efficiency when tearing through flesh. A fact all of them had seen, in detail, first hand. 

“Heh nothing as pitiful as the void could defeat me but I suppose the same couldn’t be said for any of you meatbags; I bet even the immortal bastard couldn’t get out of that one. You want rid of him? Why not just throw him into the void ‘n’ be done with it… What’s the worst that could happen? Bwahaha!” <Violent>

Her laugh was just as violent as her name, shaking the organs of the two fleshy indigo’s, while the ash struggled to keep the goddess hiding inside away from their vision. Although said god clearly seemed displeased with the notion. Narrowing her redoubtable eyes in clear disgust at the notion.

At least she could be sure that Violent was not a willing ally of Navy’s even if she turned out to be here to save him from his fate.

She had no intentions of letting him get away from her once again.

Not after completing the best ambush.

“I didn’t think you would; goes against your nature as the bitch who is all about growth ‘n’ shit to be flinging people into the void without recourse. Most you’ll do is teach a little lesson… Ironic that the one shit head who was upfront about their purpose in that war was the one who has probably hidden behind a fuckin’ facade since she first came out her egg… Even now…” <Violent>

That speech turning into more of a bestial growl by the end.

Something about that whole caught her attention as it certainly painted a different picture than she remembered since the first war nobody disagreed with while the second wasn’t started by them. It was a conflict that no one should have been able to expect. Though if there was anyone to blame it would surely be the cat who essentially challenged those who previously hid in the Heavenly Realm after the first war.

She completely believed that it was just Cheshire biting the hands of the gods in revenge for what they had all done to her. Getting both her enemies to fight amongst one another while she ran away with the greatest (if not most) of the benefits. A very cunning move.

What purpose do you speak of…?

“A puppet able to topple the playing field unknowingly bound by wires.” <Ten Tailed Fox>

That familiar tired yet snide voice came from the viscous maw of the beast but it still got the attention of the goddess who had no clue what. 


“That is all you have ever been “Infinite Mother”.” <Ten Tailed Fox>

“We ain’t got anything against you - out of these fuckheads you’re probably the best of ‘em - but you’re about to capture Navy and we can’t let you fall into his plot!” <Violent>

What pl-

“Thanks for the distraction sis~♪” <Navy>

A sudden hum echoed throughout the realm as Mother turned her attention toward the sky where hundreds of rifts opened with the barrels of Navy’s charged weapons pointed downwards. Unleashing a powerful volley of lasers that engulfed everyone's vision into a violet explosion thanks to him making use of the flames of destruction in his weapons design. Actually being based on the very move that “wrath” had shown off and which Violent claimed as essentially her only “skill”.

“GRAWR DIE!” <Vivi>

The attack didn’t end there as there was yet another “laser” that had been charging up ever since eyes were taken away from the user of it. Sending that (by now) familiar wave of chaotic power toward her sister in order to engulf her in a mixture of flames of destruction, demonic qi and the unusual green energy that destabilised other energies. It was an attack that even managed to get past the defences of Mother & reduced the efficiency of her regeneration massively.

Most would be saddened by the death of their family yet the wrathful eyes of Vivi curled up in sheer glee as she saw her other head being bathed in the raw power of destruction.

At least that was the case until a fist came through her beam to slug her right in the side of her face; this caused that laser to fly wildly as Vivi was sent rolling across the sky. A fact that did nothing to benefit the fleeting structural integrity of the space they were in. Where the wrathful figure once stood there was a completely untouched Violent - the only sign that she was hit was the smoke rising from her figure.

Did I give you to right to speak up, you weak fuckin’ troglodyte?! I’ll fuckin’ rip your intestine out ‘n’ use ‘em as a fuckin’ condom before I let a weak little cunt like you interupt me! Is that not what you ‘n’ our people like; stepping on the weak?” <Violent>

Stretching her hand out the ground began to tremble as tensed her muscle - bending gravity itself to her whim with might alone like a perfect oni. Calling that oversized crow's beak polearm to arrive in her empty hand. Vivi, meanwhile, plunged her empty clawed hands into the dirt in order to stop herself from flying back any further.

Soon barreling towards her sister like a wild beast yet this was promptly met with the hammer-head of the polearm Violent easily wielded with one hand. Followed up by her bare foot slamming into the massive torso of the alabaster monster. Instantly cracking the armoured shell and sending Vivi, once more, flying backwards at insane speed.

Yet that physical powerhouse wasn’t done as she reeled her right hand back, lining up her shot carefully for a moment, before throwing the massive war axe toward her soul sister. A sonic boom wasn’t even an apt description for the phenomena that followed behind the weapon. Instantly reaching Wrath and removing an entire arm from her sturdy body.

A body that was pathetically weak when compared to the absolute body.

“Look what you’ve become for just a mere fraction of my might!” <Violent>

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