Days of a Wrathful Demoness

Chapter 126: Frustration

Links are being weird, at least with Duality sorry, but here is what I was listening to this chapter 



The transformed Vivi used her thick tail to control and decrease their momentum enough that they could reach the ground with their claws. That powerful follow up of attacks left the beast with thick green mist pouring out their maw yet they plunged their remaining 3 limbs into the dirt to hold steady. Her piercing violet eyes still raring to challenge their fellow head’s cruel green gaze.

Violent just snorting at the demoness’ pointless struggle.

Despite clearly being out of their league - that arrogant demoness’ couldn’t help release a mighty roar as they used their remaining arm to pull themselves forward in another simplistic attack. There appeared to be no thought. Just a sloppy desire to rend the flesh from the girl in front of them to drag them forward.

One didn’t need to be a saint or even a master to understand how pointless such a charge was against a foe who had proven themselves stronger in every fashion. Still, driven by Wrath, Vivi charged with all the speed throwing themself forward with one arm could supply. Showing that they didn’t even have a plan for what to attack the white-haired oni with; resulting in Violent’s war-pick head taking a good chunk from the rocky face of the monster.

Even with this wrathful form’s feet being specifically engineered (with its Y shape) to help them remain firmly on the floor; Vivi found themself hurdling to the ground. Violent proceeded to lift her foot from the ground, though, resulting in the fracturing head flying upwards. At which point her hammer head came down to completely bury Vivi’s skull into the dirt like it was nothing to her.

“I’d try explaining how pointless this is but I’m pretty sure you don’t even understand anything due to my power frying that little piece of offal you call a brain!” <Violent>

Not even bothering to look toward the recovering wrath. The wild warrior instead reached her free hand out towards the direction of her tomahawk axe - once again space itself creaked as gravity was forced to obey her whims. That mighty axe spun through the air to end up in the firm grasp of the asura’s most mighty third.

Now with both weapons in hand, as well as her “sister” pushing her head out from the earth, Violent stepped forward to kick Vivi in her side. Sending the menacing figure rolling around the ground as the spikes on their back snapped under the pressure. Clicking her tongue in disappointment.

“Always expected more of you… But you’re just a weakling like everyone else!” <Violent>

Her voice was more akin to a growl than spoken language. Both of those girls clearly understood what the violent Violent said, however. With cracks all over their petrified flesh - Vivi slammed their remaining clawed hand into ground and caused the realm to shake. Still it didn’t make Violent, who slowly walked toward that monstrous visage, even so much as stumble.

Hardly surprising considering her casual toss did so much more.


“Stop growling or I’ll quarter, rip your organs from your torso and use you as a meat toboggan!” <Violent>

Roaring far louder than Wrath ever managed.

“Time to remove my crown from your head… Maybe you’ll get your own one day…” <Violent>

Looking down at her weakest third with sheer disappointment; something that filled the already rage fueled Vivi with even more wrath. Violent didn’t care about that, though. Finally standing over the fractured frame of the once feared demoness with that mighty crows-beak raised into the sky.

Just as she was about to deliver the final blow that red furred fox hastily dashed behind her with two familiar wooden practice swords. Only barely being able to knock an almost instantly arriving arc of powerful sword intent; his long time companions not nearly as fortunate. Only managing to complete this final job thanks to the foxes’ own intent being no weaker to that of the attack.

Holding his long term allies in his paws as they slowly splintered due to the malicious desire behind the powerful attack. Sorrow cleared in his eyes as he clutched his hands around the handles in order to send them off with one last powerful sweep. Bringing with it a tsunami of blood red energy.

“Ohohoho~ I thought I’d be able to end two pests with that one… Although I guess the enemy of my enemies is a momentary ally; never thought I’d work with the very demoness I just tried to kill but I guess it is what it is. Life sure is a beautiful thing ohohoho~!” <Mother>

[True Sagittarius Alpha]

Sure enough, Mother revealed herself to be the one responsible as she challenged the flood of sword qi with a calmly raised palm. A warm kind smile upon her lips as she summoned some infinitely replicating arcane scribbles - that wave mere seconds from crashing down before an eerily familiar sight occurred to those who witnessed the fighting outside. A hole of pure blackness opened up to swallow the potent storm of blood dyed sword qi.

Whether her evolving a signature magic of the tutor she just murdered was a matter of complete disrespect or the highest sign of respect was something only the True God could say. Either way she, with her divine right of the infinite, both the scale & power was far stronger than Munzumira’s. An uncountable number of tiny bead-like singularities appeared in front of her.

With all the carelessness of a child; the goddess flicked one after another. Sending those dense beads flying toward the trio like a kid playing with marbles. Only she wasn’t desiring to hit another marble but the supposed enemies that dared to challenge her divine decree of imprisonment for the bastard.

Without the desire to raise a sword… What was the worth of a swordsman?

It was a question Violent didn’t care about as she resolutely turned away from Vivi in favour of roughly barging past the defenceless red fox. Her size immediately grew as she let out an angry growl as her flesh began to grow white as even her fangs grew even sharper while maintaining perfect unity. This was an appearance that was familiar but she was not forced to painfully expel the fluid calcified mass.

Their build was also not as… Inconsistent. Their musculature was far more well developed without the same madness held with the shattered “Wrath” that was now left behind her. Her green eyes instead contained the exact same, if not more, intelligence that she held when in her regular oni state.

Why would she as she was unlike all other oni who could lose themselves to their powerful emotions they stored in their heart.

She was the first.

The absolute body for war when compared to the absolute soul for swords that was held by the vibrant head of the Primordial God of the Absolute. Violet. Each head was meant to represent one of the foundations that allowed existence to manifest life; too strong to dictate the other.

“How can you be so sturdy…” <Mother>

While the other two had their bodies fail them - she stood proudly in front of the powerful attack without her body so much as receiving a scratch from Mother’s barrage. Her question was only met by the 12 metre beast arrogantly raising their head to make her seem that little bit smaller in front of itself. Within her grasp she still held her two weapons that seemed to fit quite nicely within its five-digit claws.

I’m not sturdy… You’re all just too weak.” <Violent>

Her form was not even forced to hunch forward as the sharp quills on her back were far more numerous than on wrath. Even the war trophies she used as clothing fit this form better. Looking far more like a humanoid with the perfected traits of the most dangerous monster in existence.

“Sorry sister… I couldn’t hold her back~♪” <Navy>

As if she wasn’t angry enough; Navy soon came limping over with a hand supporting his side as crimson leaked out from the side of his lips.

“Looks like you bagged the wrong horse, Violent~.” <Mother>

Carelessly backhanding the remaining singularities to cause powerful blows to rain across Violent who didn’t even so much as blink as they impacted her flesh. Merely tilting her head with vivid arrogance as she looked down on the goddess. Although a fury from how fed up she was with that tricky bastard’s tricks were clearly getting to her with how she ground her angular fangs.

This is getting fuckin’ annoying…” <Violent>

Raising her polearm to point toward the bastard but Mother wasn’t so gullible as to fall for that.

He doesn’t even bleed; is his power really so strong that you can’t even resist it with the facts right in front of you!” <Violent>

She screeched out angrily yet only her fox showed any sort of understanding over her pain - Mother just tilted her head in a confused manner. Navy himself just gave her a smug smile as he dipped a thumb in the “blood” only to lick it off in the next moment. Certainly making it look little like actual blood.

That just made her more angry, though, as she audibly growled like a beast waiting to tear him apart the moment he got within lunging range.

“There is no need for you to continue with this farce; everyone knows how well you got along with Navy when we were all allies.” <Mother>

I fuckin’ hate him but a puppet like you, too busy dancing on the strings of various masters of the game, would never realise the truth. You’ve always believed yourself so bloody wonderful. Doesn’t change the fact you’ll never be a rival to Cheshire nor even be a player!” <Violent>

Her rage got the better of her as she completely stopped focusing on Vivi in favour of angrily charging toward Mother & Navy. Mother instinctively utilising her footword to glide backwards with the apparently tired rogue did everything in his power to charge toward her. The unfortunate Violent could only yell out unintelligible insults about ripping off body parts to shove up various holes.

It was easy to imagine why she was angry.

Imagine seeing some grand plot so easily yet anyone you tell either doesn’t care, is part of the plot or thinks you are part of the plot.

Although she has more self control… The anger issues she possesses are no lesser than those of Wrath and her restraint had all but been tested by this point. Her crimson fox did turn his gaze toward her yet all that did was allow for her to calm down to stroke its mane in an attempt to lul those worried eyes.

Since when are you strong enough to worry about me - I am more than enough to keep up with these two so keep excalibur sheathed - nerd!” <Violent>

Huffing as she mounted onto the back of the gigantic red fox, like a match made in heaven, as they charged between the two. Her powerful blows utilising the hammerhead sent Navy flying back as the fox swung his ten tails to ward Mother who was about to sneak up on his partner. The two working perfectly in tandem to keep the two pillars at bay - not letting them get too close to one another.

They were like a force of nature on the battlefield - any weakness in travellers that she may have suffered from were perfectly solved by the mobility of the agile ten-tailed fox. Even the skull upon his face wasn’t enough to hide the joy on the massive tods’ face. Content to finally be together after so long.

As time went on Violent got even stronger as she butted away chains with her bec-de-corbin and cut through pillars of smoke with her axe.

Each blow carries the weight of the world behind it.

Meanwhile Vivi was just made to watch this battle happen without the power to actually participate even if she wanted to. Despite that, there was something strange about Wrath, they were feeling an emotion that was foreign to them… The satisfaction of a plan coming together.

They had no idea what this meant (their consciousness barely strong enough to recognise that they were even feeling anything but the blinding wrath) but still had a nagging feeling. A feeling as if there was still something that they needed to do. But - just like always - it was their anger that guided them to act and just in time as its prettier twin landed with their back turned to them.

All out of tricks and an arm down meant nothing to the manifestation of the anger generated from the war-built demon realm. Not to mention there was still one like tool left in their tool box; the very object that was converted to help breach the gap between them and all the others. Their remaining clawed-hand curled around as that very object of desire forced it’s way into reality once again.

Leaping from the ground to slam the destroyer of immortality down onto the back of their sister to-


Witness their dharma treasure shattering against her hide.

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