Days of a Wrathful Demoness

Chapter 5: Surprise Hero visit


Some people could consider this chapter a bit boring but it is what it is! Plus, if your following along you should've already gathered there would be a lot of lore dumps though at least I'm more generous than in 'Hero'? Also, may have exposed a bit of my preferences in this chapter but if I'm not having fun why bother right? Never really used blunt weapons much in rp so never really experienced writing about them so it should be an interested experience for all of us!

Anyways, enjoy~♥




More black…

She had been like this for quite a bit which showed just how one really shouldn’t underestimate tribulations. Though nobody in the east did… Her big sister certainly didn’t get all the credit she deserved in that little playground she made according to Cheshire’s desires. Personally Violet couldn’t understand it! Why bother taking care of a group like those ‘mortal races’ who cannot see past their own skin colour. Seek every opportunity to be a double backer for more power.

All the while not even respecting you as a worthy opponent - relying on cowardly tactics to defeat you more often than not?

Though - the definition of a mortal race was biased towards ‘everything in the {Mortal Realm} that is sentient yet dumb’. In truth, Violet always thought it was more like an insult that had been accepted because when an immortal calls you something you kind of just accept it as fact when generations go by. Could also argue it had more to do with bloodlines that developed their race to become {Dhrama Treasures} themselves such as dragons, phoenix’s and indeed Oni. So that begs the question ‘who are the mortal races’?

Well, better to answer what isn’t a mortal race.

You have Spirit-Beasts and Spirit’s that stand on top of the world. The Magic-Beast also aren’t as well as certain tribes that retain a strong bloodline despite being Beast-Kin - though at the same time there are many variants that are considered mortal races. Oh and can’t forget about the Oni who are just as profound as the Phoenix!

So at the end of the day to not be a mortal race it seems fully reliant on power and uniqueness or maybe it’s just the race's average potential? Considering it’s Mother & Cheshire who decide this it’s likely the case since the two of them can reasonably measure such things… This is why the {Demon Realm} is better - Violet just calls everything a demon and is done with it!

Almost as if agreeing with this conclusion, the darkness began to fade as light returned to caress her previously non-existent eyes…

“Oh, it appears you're just about healed up. Good timing considering I was about to head off - guess I’ve still got that protagonist luck sis talks about! That was quite the nasty bit of weather wasn’t it? Hahaha~” <Photon>

“You do not know if her eardrums have actually recovered; young cub...” <Leviathan>

A soft smile appeared on her dry lips as she enjoyed that jovial laugh of the knight - it was prideful but strangely didn’t weigh on the ears like you would expect the laugh of such a large man would. She also couldn’t help but enjoy that aged and deep gruff of her very own samurai - like the soft rumbling of an ocean storm in the making yet still somehow appealing to the ears despite unknown dangers hidden deep inside.

Unlike most who would slowly open their eyes after having recovered them (adjusting to the light) Violet had hers shoot open to look to her left where a large old man would be. Even while shrinking his height using ancient techniques he couldn’t go shorter than 10 feet which showed just how powerful the man called ‘Leviathan’ was… Though as the last {True Primordial Dragon} it only made sense.

His face was deep with wrinkles showing his far past ancient age but to call him ‘elderly’ felt like a lie. A strong jawline without an ounce of flab along with piercing ocean blue eyes that made one shiver with the overwhelming pressure - even Violet wasn’t sure she could ever have a presence like this man. His hair was grey with ocean blue streaks on the side while it was combed back to appear sleek and very much suited his strong old man appearance.

Of course, as a dragon, he had horns.

His a dark blue and scaled.

One and a half to be precise came from just behind (and above) his ears  to come back. As hinted the top of the right was missing - seemingly burnt off though Violet could contend that was indeed the case. He wanted revenge on those who killed his best friend and wife and ever since the two have been master and samurai!

Brotherhood between primordials and life be damned - he accepted Violet’s crazy idea to enter through Tartarus via the cycle of reincarnation.

Of course, he also had an equally sturdy torso. If there was one thing he was lacking it certainly wasn’t muscle definition even despite his crazed age that likely surpassed what time could measure!

Though, since she wasn’t primordial herself she couldn’t be sure and she honestly didn’t care about that. He was a hot old man who refused her time and time again but was as loyal as her Blade. A man who she would die beside, never abandon no matter what problems he brought and seek counsel whenever she was confused or struggling.

That’s all that mattered.

He had his beautiful muscular chest on full display with a simple kimono opened at the chest and nothing else under it except that beautifully sculptured figure. A sword was of course on his back but to judge what type the massive thing was more than Violet could be bothered to think about. He did also have a Haori over his simple navy blue kimono; on the back of the thing was a scaled long dragon rising up from stormy seas as if commanding them to swallow all land.

The dragon of course was himself - though far smaller than he actually was.

Other than the dragon who gave a gruff grunt at the girl who was wiping saliva from the corner of her mouth after admiring his form. Leviathan at the moment was peeling what appeared to be an apple with an overwhelming amount of demonic qi present - enough to either become a treasure of any demonic sect or a potential weapon of mass destruction if the seeds were planted.

The second man in her room was also about the same height as Leviathan. This of course was Photon who looked very out of place in his more western style clothing.

He was dressed exactly like a knight who was off duty but still fully ready for an enemy ambush - even complete with a sword at his waist which always surprised people. He was always known for being ‘that guy with a shield and spear’ afterall. A beautiful golden mane was created on his handsome face thanks to his perfectly groomed beard and medium length golden hair - somehow appearing both wild yet tamed. He was also no less muscular than the dragon which was shown off by his (should be) loose shirt tightly hugging his muscular chest while the sleeves would be rolled up to show off.

Violet was less interested in ogling  Photon so soon turned away.

“As opinionated as always Violet.” <Photon>

A chuckle leaving his mouth as he moved his finger up to rub against his nose - also rubbing the beard under said nose as a result.

The dragon just let out an aged sigh that reminded Violet she actually had better things to do than judge men based on appearance. Not like she could currently do anything with them even if they accepted her offers - neither of them would do so though - as her body was still developing.

Looking back towards Leviathan she had a more serious face on her cute face - though her eyes could make an experienced merc shudder. Despite her using no words he fully understood what she wanted. His eyes turned (more) serious as he cut off a slice of ‘apple’ and then stabbed it with the knife before stabbing that into Violet’s mouth. Then he proceeded to speak in a language that only high ranked demons were permitted to learn, making it so not even Photon could understand them.

“Everything has gone according to plans - although there was a hiccup as Jeeves was also following the- control your temper. Chew.” <Leviathan>

“Grrr.” <Violet>

As an outrageously powerful aura began to come from her body at the thought of Jeeves following on of HER descendants Leviathan hit the top of her forehead with the now apple-less knife. Begrudgingly she began to chew but whether it was her following instructions or because she began to grind her teeth together is another matter.

“As I was saying, not only was your older sister attempting to kill the hatchling but so was your brother. Lucky we sent Zandman who managed to recruit Pandora to stall Jeeves long enough to allow the brat to escape - apparently the old bastard isn’t rusty even if reduced to bones. With Chaos in the city and no longer needed to trap little Sierra & Artemis now that they are already in Chokin-Bako’s web we can rest assured.

Although, we haven’t heard from Zandman since it also means they aren’t dead  as an imp would’ve already respawned. As for being captured… I doubt they haven’t figured out their way around such issues after what happened last time they found themselves caught. We will just need to wait for them to seek out Bloodleaf for training and we can consider ourselves a checkmate.” <Leviathan>

“Hate *Nom nom nom* chess.” <Violet>

Violet didn’t even bother saying it in the demonic tongue so Photon was left a little confused but just shrugged his shoulders.

“Well, if you two are done I’m going to head off and deal with the problems you created.” <Photon>

“You’re just in the way, cub. If it wasn’t for your damn interference I wouldn't have already buried them 12,100 feet under.” <Leviathan>

With that the oldman gave a snort filled with the special kind of contempt only a strong old man could provide.

Unlike Leviathan who sat in the traditional fashion Photon was seated with one knee pressing upwards while the other would be curled on the floor and toned buttocks firmly on the floor leading to him looking far more casual. Of course Violet was more curious about the so-called problems she’d created - tilting her head while staring at him with unblinking eyes.

“You created two [Realm Ranked Treasures] without consulting any of your allies and didn’t even attempt to hide the tribulation - the entire continent could see it. By now it’s sure to have spread to all corners of the central continents at the very least. I also doubt some of the stronger and more power hungry don’t have reliable informants - currently the ‘strong’ are commencing a meeting to decide what to do with their information. Even though the {Jian Family}’s {Soaring Sword Sect} are strong and represent the Phoenix in ‘mortal matters’ I doubt the rest will be able to control their greed.

It is very obvious that these {Great Sects} and {Great Empires} as well as the Academies will launch an attack in an attempt to ‘subdue the demons’. I expect something along the lines of ‘the Oni committing acts of evil so vile they gain the wrath from the heavens’ to come out courtesy of those bastards in the {Qian Family Gold Society}. The rest of the world also doesn’t realize how annoyingly underground the Oni’s strength is - speaking from personal experience - so many idiots from the lesser continents will also attempt to get a piece of the puzzle!

Even if they cannot gain the treasures they will be able to gain bodies of many Oni as well as possible slaves. This fact alone would greatly increase their strength to the next level while they can possibly make connections with the big boys while they fight over the true treasures - no doubt the higher ranked Oni’s would be included in this prize pool. Alive or dead.

Of course, they have to be fast about this since this is also declaring war against the Phoenix and Water Dragons who hold strong support for their old comrade so they will try to rush things which could create some troubles for the Oni but your mother worked fast so it seems more likely they’re rushing to their deaths. I imagine the high ranking members of that damn Yakuza are already waiting in ambush for those fools - though the big boys should be somewhat aware of the connection if only in rumour.

All in all I think that you Oni should be fine as I’m pretty sure they will have overlooked one thing. You guys have two [Realm Ranked Treasures] and a long long history.

Hell, in truth, I doubt they could kill you even if you didn’t have those treasures considering how snazzy this place is…” <Photon>

His golden eyes roamed the place while his lion ears rose while looking at the place - as the number 1 when it came to defensive fighting he could easily tell just how impressive their defence was. Of course, he was able to just walk into the village but at the same time he’s fucking Photon. He may be underestimated on this side of the world and often looked down upon due to being ‘weak’ but he was still the only person to take a punch from Violet and still walk it off.

Not like he had ill intent anyway!

Soon he continued on due to the intense stare from Violet while Leviathan just nonchalantly cut the apple at the side. Providing another slice for Violet on the end of the knife.

“I’m here on behalf of Mother actually in order to make sure you don’t murder too many people that matter. I plan to scare away the real big players to maintain some balance after this whole thing occurs. Although I don’t agree with your ‘methods’ it’s not my place to interfere and they honestly deserve to die - but it would be potentially troublesome. Consider reducing the impact and I plan to only scare those who really shouldn’t be here whether being too kind hearted or vital to maintaining a balance.

Honestly I hate this type of job the most but humans are greedy little bastards so it’s required or they’d destroy themselves! Though, considering the Oni will likely be revealed to still be in control of the Yakuza - something which was surrounded in rumours. I’m sure Leviathan knows all about it even if you don’t.” <Photon>

To this Leviathan just nodded his head softly before speaking in his slow but gruff manner.

“Indeed; you wouldn’t know due to not caring too much but after the second war the remaining {Asura} didn’t know what to do. In the end those women decided it was best to settle into organized crime and have since expanded into many ‘families’ - recruiting not just Oni. Picking up the name {Asura Yakuza} from their god slaying days you can say they became something like ‘criminals with a code’. Through the long history families of yakuza have joined and grown independent which has led to people assuming the {Little Hannya Family} - the family at the top of the {Assura Yakuza} - have fallen out of power and the Yakuza as a whole being fractured with Oni having no place in the business but…” <Leviathan>

Putting down the apple onto a desk by the side to instead pick up the veiled bamboo hat Violet was gifted a while ago. Admiring it with some mirth mixed in as he studied the sturdy hat between his hands - giving off a soft chuckle as he thought of the stories and experiences he had with the particular group this had .

“The female executives, often simply called ‘the elders’, are still feared in the underworld and only identified by being female and wearing these unique hats. In truth, the {Demonic Flood Dragons} have been summoned many times over the years by them so I have a pretty good idea what the truth is. Some contracts are still in effect and are in fact that of master and mount due to the {Demonic Flood Dragons} and other variants obviously being far closer than those currently under my daughter.

Poison Gu method of raising subordinates - letting them fight against each other for territory and business but betraying the full process by making sure things don’t go too out of control. This also involves making sure they follow the rules of the {Assura Yakuza}. While not all crime families are Yakuza and not all Yakuza families are under the {Assura Yakuza} they are no less powerful than the Water Dragons or Phoenix. In truth, the {Assura Yakuza} have many dealings with their own comrades and all attempts to have Spirit-Beasts consider any other organization in the eastern side of the world is nothing but a joke considering the bonds that comrades have being far richer than gold.

Not to mention, nobody is more trustworthy in the business than the {Assura Family}.

I’m sure you’ve already guessed something like this being the case though considering you’ve been living in the same house as the leader of the whole thing. Not to mention, the amount of products from food to alcohol that obviously wasn’t produced locally.” <Leviathan>

Violet just nodded gently with a moan as her only verbal agreement while still staring at Photon.

“Hm?” <Photon>

“Qian?” <Violet>

“Ah~! The number one merchant family but a bunch of shady bastards if you ask me.” <Photon>

He didn’t seem too worried about it as Photon soon pushed off from his raised knee to come to stand.

“I’ll leave so you guys can discuss details of your little demonic plans - cya!” <Photon>

Suddenly the now standing Photon just exploded into a flurry of golden motes; vanishing from the room in a literal flash.

Wasn’t very surprising act though considering his name was literally Photon. Not to mention the two of them have had him covering their backs and fought against him just as many so they were well aware of this particular Hero’s skillset. Doesn’t make him any less a troublesome opponent though. Leviathan’s eyes wandered towards where he felt Photon had traveled and couldn’t help but let out a sigh.

“Those of this Realm often dismiss Photon Stratos as filler for the truly strong of this realm, someone who only can show off in front of mortals, but I would like to see them trying to take him down. The fucker truly has an unbeatable level of defence and endurance as well as a tricky skill that makes him the best ally to have in a fight. I doubt things would have gone how they had if we didn’t have him watching our backs and ensuring no one got past him… What was that nickname we had for him?” <Leviathan>

Looking back to Violet for confirmation she soon gave it, even she spoke with a level of respect when it came to his nickname as she had personally experienced more than once why he claimed it. In fact, only she as the number 1 hard hitter truly understands how frightening Photon's defence is.

“{The Unmovable Boundary}...” <Violet>

Soon after that she turned to look at Leviathan again. Silently as if waiting for something making the man sigh out. However, it wasn’t him who spoke but a familiar womans voice who conveniently appeared as soon as Photon left.

Ebony spoke in a somewhat amused tone as she looked at Violet who had been the most vocal she had ever been.

“{Golden Society}? What the lion said wasn’t wrong - they are one of the two large merchant families in the outside world so you’ll see them quite a lot when you get outta here. They focus mostly on luxury goods though so I imagine you won’t personally visit. It does make it so they have a close enough relationship with the strongest cultivation groups in every area they set up a branch making them a difficult opponent for other merchants to overcome. Often they will bully competition and flaunt their immunity to consequences. Closest to them are the {Fu Family Financial Group} though. Not an expert in merchants though since obviously we aren’t a merchant family.

Auction houses are more {Qian Families} things though the {Fu Family} also have auctions but can be considered far different. The {Golden Societies} auctions tend to be more of an event than the {Financial Groups} due to always advertising and making bidding more exclusive. They always talk about selling expensive treasures for those located in the area of their branch however they also don’t exactly ensure they’re telling the absolute truths about the items they sell. It’s not been more than once they make up details about those treasures - {Fu Family} on the other hand ensure they only sell genuine articles that have their quality clearly listed so they seem like pretty upstanding merchants all in all.

The {Financial Group} have managed to make a name for themselves though. They have long term contracts with artisans which allow them to provide weapons at a constant rate as well as materials for arrays and building which the {Golden Society} often won’t bother with unless they’re a branch located in a particularly poor area. {Fu Family} also provides loans and business support so they can almost be considered something of a business unio-” <Ebony>

“Work with?” <Violet>

It took Ebony a second to figure out what Violet meant but soon she answered with a proud look.

“We have some business with both of them in fact - though we’ve never personally moved to-” <Ebony>

“Photon right - drop Qian. Support Fu fully.” <Violet>

That caused Ebony to blink a few times as she thought over what Violet meant with that - the lack of words not making her the easiest to understand. Luckily there was a stern Ojiisan to aid when required.

“Simply put if the Qian bastards get greedy we cut them - the demons will do the same secretly, making more disadvantageous deals while still appearing to be impartial on the surface. I have reason to believe the Phoenix will also get uppity as apparently they not only sold a fake [Heavenly Phoenix Tears]... But apparently their 24th young master not only made a move on the very lesbian Sohn-Tochter but went ahead and kidnapped a girl she seduced.

Seems most likely they have a [Heaven Evading Stone] considering the little bastard got away…”

A grinding sound could be heard as Violet learned that the Qian family’s little broken condom dared to covet her older sister. Although they more often than not didn’t see eye to eye; Violet was someone who held bonds close regardless of disagreements. Plus most of their disagreements were considered ‘small’ to her now she had spent some time among her new family as. At the end of the day Sohn often just came across as overprotective of her.

As the young princess of a Yakuza family she obviously learned to return such feelings so all negative feelings had been buried.

“Bury them…” <Violet>

Feelings not not being the only thing she wished to bury though.

“You needn’t worry too much about them now - in 300 years Kaizer will arrive and they Qian will make a good whetstone to sharpen her. Best to just keep with the current plan - maybe support them a little but favour the {Fu Family} in order to be able to remain relatively close to them so we can keep them calm but still slowly weaken them. No need to be impatient Violet.” <Leviathan>

“You two know I’m the matriarch right…” <Ebony>

Leviathan just shrugged his shoulders and returned to his apple - biting into it and getting a bit of a glare from Violet for stealing what she was snacking on. However, he just ignored her which made her kick him from under her bed cover only for him to catch her foot with his spare hand and give her that ‘did you really think you could overcome this old man’ look.

“You certainly brought an interesting situation to our doorstep - I want to see what your new little toy can do!” <Ebony>

Only thing Violet could think about was that artwork she made which obviously wasn’t hers but her mothers so she couldn’t help but tilt her head. Leviathan who somehow now had a cup of fresh tea between his two hands gave a little chuckle which was fairly unusual - instantly gaining Violet’s interest as he seemed to take pleasure in this by taking his time sipping his tea.

When he finally finished he spoke words that caused Violet to shudder.

“You finally did it Violet - you awoke a {Personal Dharma Treasure} of your very own.” <Leviathan>

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