Days of a Wrathful Demoness

Chapter 6: Mommy and daughter bonding time (Oni Style)


Yesterday I was reminded about something I thought I should address - far the most part I won’t go over lore I had already covered in I May Misunderstand the Term ‘Hero’ so certain things may not fully make sense at a first glance. I don’t think it’ll be that bad - mostly just a name or two that you don’t recognise perhaps. Maybe I should use a glossary to instead mention some ‘big names’ that are involved between the stories?

Something to think about!

Anyway, enjoy~♥

Violet was very excited as she stood upon the wooden floor - in nothing but her socks - with a brand new kanabo held leisurely to rest upon her right shoulder. Her left hand gently caresses the metal body of the weapon; her fingers gently caressing each and every ‘spike’ upon the cold metallic body. Though it was a metal one couldn’t recognise she didn’t care about such petty details.

She was happy.

After all this was her very own [Personal Dharma Treasure]; something she had been lacking for a very long time at this point.

It has a simple form that suited her quite well - looping at the base of the handle that would have a green material encasing the handle. This material makes for a soft grip and lets her hands sink in nicely while somehow helping maintain a great grip and preventing it from suddenly flying from her hands when she swung it about. The entire weapon itself had nine faces - something that was true on the ring as well - which Violet could only think was a hint to it’s demonic nature with the 9 sins that create and feed demons.

Wrath, pride, greed, lust, envy, gluttony, sloth, ignorance and knowledge.

Demon gods were above such labels of course but spreading the sins was always a task that needed to be done to ensure the maintenance of the {Demon Realm}. Though, that was a simple task that doesn’t even require anything beyond a {Demon Lord} most of the time - though the {Mortal Realm} often believes {Demon Lords} were the peak of what demon’s could appear only below {Demon Gods} (and herself).

Of course, they were only a rank 3 existence out of 9 ranks in the demon realm though the highest was reserved for only her and {Demons Gods} being rank 8. {Demon Lords} in comparison to human society are those that are in charge of cities and such which is a tiny part of the {Demon Realm} but even those require sacrifice on the level of a city for the humans to summon.

A sacrifice they were often willing to make especially for the truly strong {Demon Lords} who cultivated as well as having their natural advantages.

Truly shows how pathetic the {Mortal Realm} truly is and how conceited they had to be to believe that the Demons wanted to take over their realm… Something that the demons were fine with considering it’s just more [Sin] to feed off! Though unimportant demons - like many {Demon Lords} - don’t understand this and truly believe there is some benefit in taking over other realms that haven’t been specifically designed to let them thrive.

Violet didn’t care - they could succeed by themselves after all.

The Kanabo in Violet’s hands meanwhile was of course ‘spiked’ though how sharp they were was somewhat unimportant. They were just made to make things easier to smash, not necessarily puncture flesh. Columns of spikes were placed in such a fashion that there were none directly beside each other (whether above or below or on the sides) to ensure they were reasonably spaced and not too over the top. As for the top of the weapon - instead of being flat it would have a short nonagon based pyramid making a small spike on the top for more bone crunching thrust action.

The material it was made off was of course metal and heavier than a grown man. The metal itself was a dark violet (almost blakc) with a white gleam making it appear very beautiful. And although it wasn’t too big at current - still taller than herself - it would continue to grow along with her.

That’s what it meant to have a [Personal Dharma Treasure].

A treasure that was created from and grows with its owner - automatically becoming soulbound and coming in many forms. Truly it may not even be a weapon and there were also other things considered [Dharma Treasures] such as [Flame Spirits], [Dragon Scales] and [Spirit Vessels].

The only true definition for a [Dharma Treasure] is ‘a treasure of at least sky rank that suddenly comes into existence’ and [Natural Dharma Treasures] were treasures that come from the bounty of nature. [Bloodline Dharma Treasures] are things that come inherent to a species and some even have enough to have just their existence to be claimed as a [Dharma Treasure] - though those tend to be the ancient bloodlines like the [Oni], [Phoenix] and of course [Dragons].

Of course, those types of treasures were mostly used and thus decided upon by the {Mortal Races}. The very same races who seemed to have an obsession with carving up every other race (and sometimes themselves) to make into pills and weapons.

“Now, let’s see what that new toy of yours can do!” <Ebony>

Across from the Violet who was fawning on her ‘new toy’ was Ebony who had a far simpler designed Kanabo - holding it in her right hand with the base resting on the floor. An excited smile on her face - excited at the chance to fight her daughter (although they constantly did so over the years). She didn’t even wait for Violet to make a move as you would expect the more experienced individual to do - instead she erupted off the floor and swung the club towards the side of Violet’s knee.

Violet wouldn’t be too used to being the one lacking in strength and it had been eons since she’d used a weapon but she wasn’t a genius in war for nothing!

Knowing she couldn’t take Ebony head on in a competition of strength she concluded she didn’t need to. Shifting her weight backwards to her own right - allowing her to have her right shoulder pointing towards her Mommy - she quickly brought down her club with all her power to meet Ebony’s own club. Not to overpower but redirect it into the ground rather than her legs.

The metal ‘dong’ of the clubs hitting against one another was only shadowed by the sound of Ebony’s Kanabo impacting the wooden floor - having it explode into a series of wooden splinters and causing her to overreach due to the unexpected redirection of her attack.

Violet quickly attempted to capitalize - keeping her club on Ebony’s while letting her body weight fully fall onto the club. She lifted her right foot while leaning into the left so she could shoot out her curled up leg right into Ebony’s abdomen. Unfortunately for Violet she still appeared to not be used to her new body as her foot barely made any impact due to not being long enough to properly dig into Ebony flesh.

“Still too young to one up this Oni my little princess~!” <Ebony>

Ebony however was more than ready to take advantage of this as she gripped Violet’s outstretched leg by the shin. Then, in one fluid movement lifted her up over her head like a rag doll before throwing Violet down into the ground - this caused Violet to lose the contents of her mouth as well as her lungs - while Violet bounced across the floor.

Of course, this was just the start as Ebony followed up by letting the momentum of the backward throw help her pivot on her left foot. Bringing her metal club over her head with a vicious smile on her face only to swing it back down towards Violet - letting the momentum continue to carry her till facing the girl.

All In order to show her what punishment looks like.

The only thing Violet could do was move her new [Personal Dharma Treasure] in front of herself to prevent her insides from becoming outsides - still this couldn’t be considered a win as the floor exploded under her. The broken wood would’ve shredded her clothes if they weren’t as high quality as they were but luckily for Violet, Ebony only gave her the best of the best.

Though, Violet still had one huge problem…

How will she get out the floor?

As if to answer that question, Ebony seemed to have an idea and that idea involved burying her deeper. Holding her club in two hands as intent filled her weapon then body and Violet knew exactly what this meant.

A weapon art.

“[Rampage]~!” <Ebony>

Answering that call Ebony pounded on Violet - from the left to the right then the left. Over and over, giving a constant stream of powerful blows that only seemed to get stronger and faster the more blows she gave. Violet felt the bones in her hands (one holding the handle and the other pressing against the body of her weapon) becoming more plentiful in number as the powerful vibrations from the blows only riled up her insides more and more.

This was truly an art fitting for an Oni but Violet didn’t exactly have time to think about this unless she wanted her insides to become gello… That did make her hungry but she put that off for now.

Purple flames began to enshroud her face - showing the progress she made over these past years - before letting out a battle cry of her own.


Like the call of a beast of war, it echoed through the entire manner with a mixture of being far too deep in pitch and being far too high in pitch making it audible in the most unsettling and monstrous fashion. Ebony even began to bleed from her ears due to being too close and Violent - as if flued by that scent of bloodshed - kicked upwards and landed a solid strike in Ebony’s privates. The brutal blow caused Ebony to now stumble back only just catching herself with her club, stopping her from landing on her arse.

It was easy to do as Ebony was understandably disorientated from the monstrous noise that came from the [Hannya Mask] Violet now wore.

It was very similar to the face of ‘Violent’ but the white had retreated more than previously - instead violet made the base colour. This swapping of base colours coupled with the pattern of the chalky white made it appear like violent violet waves - somehow more fitting.

Purple flames of course poured out from those now glowing green pupils while the two sets of horns complimented each other - the primarily ‘Oni set’ having grown out a bit since she was younger. Although her Oni horns weren’t fully developed they still formed a bit of flesh colouring at the base which turned violet with the [Hannya Mask]. Meanwhile the ‘z’ horns were still white but with blood red tips.

More frightening than most [Hannya Mask] was that the mouth of the mask was very much still moving like it was when she was fully transformed - vapour flooding out from those crooked fangs as she rose to the floor. The creaking wood accompanied by the heavy breathing as she crawled out from the floor to stand opposite of Ebony once again. Those flaming eyes staring straight at Ebony as if daring her to make another move while the little Oni held the club in a reverse grip - scraping the floor behind her as she slowly circled around the older one.

Although Ebony spent a second cradling her aching privates with a wince she soon looked at her daughter once more with a prideful look.

“Hehe~ decided playtime is over-” <Ebony>

Before she could finish what she was saying Violent made a move. Silently screaming into the air - despite making no audible noises to the Oni woman she couldn’t help but feel her body weaken and heart grow erratic. It was understandable as the vibration from the ‘silent sound waves’ had caused her blood to do just that.


Although Violet wasn’t fully conscious she still perfectly remembered each and every time ‘Violent’ came out to play. She was well aware of what it could do and one of those things was to make weaklings burst like a balloon with just a silent roar; though even fully poweredViolent wouldn’t be able to do so with a Kijin, never mind the one in front of her. Violet simply repurposed this move however to ‘debuff’ those around her as well as drive fear into them - she also couldn’t help but compliment the [Hannya Oni] for truly mastering her gift in order to come up with such a technique as the [Hannya Mask].

It changed how she thought about her very own ‘gift’ as well. She felt it, that gnawing will to destroy but now it was different and seemed to be more complex at the same time. Instead of a singular ‘want’ it seemed to be two. One she’d call Violet and the other Violent. Each just as powerful.

One was the girl who wanted to ‘play’ and have fun making as much mess as possible while the second was the anger at those who attacked those she loved like her Mommy, the {Little Hannya Family}, {Demon Gods} and those two stupid servants. Both a part of ‘her’ and when they met like this she understood that this was the goal of the technique [Hannya Mask].

She decided to update things in her mind and call this form of ‘clarity’ Violent while {True Wrath} would be for when she fully embraced her [Hannya Form].

Making use of the confusion and weakened state of her Mommy; Violent charged straight ahead. Kicking off the floor causing an explosion of wood behind her she brought her her right knuckle up to  chest height - punching towards the left to cause her club (which she still held in reverse) to follow behind. It’s target was obviously Ebony’s side.

Finding herself on the defense now Ebony still couldn’t help but grin - who wouldn’t be happy to have such a strong child after all? While she didn’t mean she planned to take the fight lying down - it seemed Violet used her advantage in fist based fighting to make a lightning fast and powerful blow - making the move far too hard to actually do anything about.

Ebony certainly felt the blow as she suddenly found herself soaring through the air before colliding with the wall. While normally she would be too worried it was significantly harder to pull herself out of it due to having one set of limbs significantly deeper inside of it. Even worse for her was that it was the side that had her weapon!

Fighting her monstrous child without one was a pain but she had no options so she had to abandon it in the wall while quickly pushing off the wall. Forcibly extracting herself from it before she was forcibly pushed even further in and as she had predicted she was just in time to see the head of Violent’s Kanabo slam into the already wrecked wall - causing a shaking that filled the room with a roar.

A smile was on her face as she raised her hands while looking at her little girl but noticed that Violent seemed to be almost frowning. This was unusual as Violet seemed to even enjoy their spars while losing badly (which she did a lot at the start and still did whenever Ebony took them seriously due getting ahead of herself).

“What’s wrong?” <Ebony>

“Don’t understand…” <Violent>

The voice spoken from under the [Hannya Mask] seemed to be the same as Violet’s but had a guttural growl (reminiscent of that initial roar) constantly in the background. Nonetheless it was easy to guess what she meant with the gaze that stayed on her brand new weapon.

“Now that you mention it, all the [Personal Dharma Treasures] are famed not because they grow with the user but because they have some form of unique skill and I doubt just being a bit heavy is what caused that thunderstorm…” <Ebony>

Would {Violet Indigo - Demon God Empress - The True Demon} finally develop and refine a [Dharma Weapon] after eons. Being formed after an uncountable number of bloody battles, realm changing events and untold level of experience in war… Could such a weapon form only for its unique feature to be slightly heavy for an Oni?

Fuck no!

It should be so god damn frightening the mere mention of the weapon causes a god to shit his britches!

How could Ebony, as impressive as she was, not notice anything special about the weapon even after taking it head on in combat?! Not only that but she wasn’t even particular hurt from it - she would just have some bruises for a bit. Hell, she’s been more hurt during sex than she was by that apparently [Realm Ranked Treasure]. A treasure that by all rights should be near if not on the top of that list - beside such treasures as the Infinite Mother’s {True Mercy} or Cheshire’s {Banshee Wails}.

“Little Akaibu know… Always know.” <Violet>

Flames enshrouded her face as the mask vanished only for her to mention a name that Ebony didn’t notice. Although it could be one of the many demons Violet gave birth to that didn’t seem to be the case as she mentioned that name with more tenderness than she’s heard before although the Oni knew Violet as a loving provider she was equally harsh with her children.

Tenderness wasn’t exactly given out for nothing so this name must’ve truly been impressive.

It seemed unusual to Ebony that she didn’t know which legend such a name came from as the proud Matriarch of the whole [Asura Yakuza]...

“Wh-” <Ebony>

Before Ebony would question Violet someone barged into the room - a man with rat ears and tail or in other words a Rat-kin.

“Matriach - just like expected they had a meeting and decided to make a move on the village - they are pushing heavy and already set out plenty of missions in the sects and academies to take part in hunting Oni in the forest!” <Rat-kin Yakuza>

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