Days of a Wrathful Demoness

Chapter 7: Meeting at the peak


So if this chapter ends up a bit late don’t blame me - blame chrome. While I was getting some music ready chrome decided to crash. After which I decided it didn’t want to give me the option to restore my tabs so I had to score through history for the docs I used to plan. Obviously I don’t use all of them every time I write but I can’t exactly lose them! I did lose some anyway but I can’t be fucked with that anymore...

Not only that but I lost some of the novels I was reading for fucks sake!

So I had an emotional morning but here we are. I likely won’t be releasing Friday extra chapters anymore since I’m releasing ‘Hero’ that day; this just means if I get time to write an extra chapter it’ll be released another day. Also feel I should remind people that I only promise one chapter a week. It's just I was having fun/free time so I could post more. Unfortunately got work so I can't exactly spend all my time writing.

Anyway, enjoy~♥


Deep in the central continent far above sea level was a stone platform upon a mountain top with various simple wooden chairs facing inwards - the room filled with serious old/middle-aged men wearing light coloured robes. These were as simple as being white, blue to even a risky red… They all seemed fairly ‘simple’ but were obviously treasures that the ‘mortal world’ would greatly treasure.

Not only their clothes would get this treatment; after all these men were the ones who stood utop the world. The peak of humanity and of the orthodox path.

A collection of Headteachers, Abbots, Emperors, Sect Masters and more.

Even the head of the {Qian Family} had decided to make an appearance in order to get a cut of this mouthwatering pie. Anytime these people come together it means one of three things: the world was in trouble (usually a big move from the unorthodox path). Another possibility was a holy land or an impressive [Natural Dharma Treasure] had appeared so they needed to decide who got what.

The last situation - as well as the current - was to pretend the first was happening as they divided up some treasure trove that a poor group had managed to find. Of course, something large enough to move them to act like this of course would at least be a [Continent Ranked Treasure].

The usual course of action in this situation would be to first scope out what the treasure could be - especially its effect as they would do with the [Natural Dharma Treasure]. Sometimes a treasure could be useless for one type of cultivation but overpowering with another and these great powers certainly wished to not waste unnecessary manpower for something that would require abandoning their foundation to use. The ability of a treasure can also affect the ranking of the treasure - just because something is challenged by the Heaven’s doesn’t mean it truly deserves the same rank.

Combat power is what truly matters to these people; if they could get their hands on a Sky Ranked sword at the cost of a Divine Ranked brush it was obvious which they’d usually pick. Of course there were some people who appreciated the finer arts; they all knew what intent of any kind could accomplish if trained to perfection.

These people though weren’t about to waste their time on useless treasures though - this situation was different though.

Anything that could cause the Heavens to act like they had to have - after all they were the orthodox path! They embodied the just nature of humanity and were immortals that represented many facets of the Heavenly Dao. If they didn’t make efforts to possess such a treasure then who would? That would be the unorthodox path or in the worst case scenario maybe even  the Demons themselves could possess this [Realm Ranked Treasure] which would possibly mean the end of the world as they knew - either ushering in a world where the Orthodox was greatly weakened or a world where the Unorthodox or Demons ruled supreme!


Not to mention; even if all the effort they put in to secure this treasure was wasted due to the poor ranking of the treasure they could make up the difference with the treasures provided by the {Forest of Mortality}. Not to mention the biggest prize of all - the bodies of the Oni who have just as many uses as those of the Dragons and Phoenix. As for denting the number of an already rare race?

It never crossed their minds.

“I believe our greatest threat won’t be the Oni but the Beasts within the forest - the Oni have no qi within their bodies so without artefacts they have no way to resist our qi based illusions. For this reason I say those who have no ability with illusion or it’s variants focus on dealing with the beasts so we can save qi for the {Oni Village}.” <Nine Elemental Heaven Sect Leader>

A scholarly looking old-man with a light blue robe and long beard was talking while stroking his long beard - he was one of the few in the innermost circle of chairs and had an impressive air around him. Though this air may as well have been a fart to Violet. This man was the leader of one of the strongest sects around - {Nine Elemental Heaven Great Sect}!

Usually generalized qi cultivation sects suffer due to a lack of focus but they are still very numerous large sects - so many that it’s rarer to find a sect that focus’ on a singular element at that rank. Of course this could be due to many academies also generalizing due to their nature as academies.

On the other hand, {Nine Elemental Heaven Great Sect} can be considered a monolithic sect that is unbeaten in generalized qi cultivation (not focused on a single elemental affinity) due to their impressive {Nine Elemental Heaven Cultivation Technique}. It is originally taught in separate parts based on the elemental affinity of the disciple but is able to be combined with other parts to allow the user to transform their qi into other elements; a rare ability that lets them stand one head above all other generalized qi cultivation sects.

A master of this technique no longer needs to worry about having a bad affinity against their opponent.

“Oh? No doubt you can take advantage of our weakened states to take all the treasures for yourself?” <Alloy Body Sect Vice-Leader>

“*Snort* As if our sect needs the advantage to take care of your body cultivating fools - especially now that you're falling apart without a sect leader. You’ve always been considered the weakest of the Great Sects and nothing has changed!” <Nine Elemental Heaven Sect Leader>

“Mighty words for a scholar within attacking range!” <Ally Body Sect Vice-Leader>

The muscular old-man with long greyed hair challenged the scholarly man but this didn’t end too well. But, due to his violent nature a bejewelled silver Fauchard soon appeared in his hand as he rose from his wooden seat in a challenging manner.

After all, what the leader of {Nine Elemental Heaven Great Sect} said was true. The two sects had always been opposed to one another due to one being qi cultivator and the other body cultivator - the battle between the two orthodox cultivation styles has been as old as cultivation itself. Although it wasn’t a blood feud like between orthodox and unorthodox, it certainly hadn’t shed any blood.

However, before it could come to blows the only woman spoke.

“We haven’t even agreed if we should really attack them nor requested if we can obtain the treasure peacefully yet you two are already discussing how to attack the Oni? Are you so simple you believe they are naturally evil? Have you forgotten the terror they represent? Are you not afraid of their allies?

You two may have forgotten but they are the same race which had the largest impact within the second world war. You two may have forgotten all respect for their sacrifices but the Phoenix and Sea Dragons certainly have not! They don’t live in our realm, we live in theirs - unlike you two I do not wish my time on this realm to become borrowed time by relearning the terror of the Oni!” <Flowering Lotus Blade Great Sect>

“You are correct Sect Master Lian - I apologize for my eagerness.” <Nine Elemental Heaven Sect Master>

“*Snort* Retreating due to a few words of a girl - pathetic as always. That Hua Lian wasn’t even born while we were fighting back against demon hoards - how can she know their kind descended from the Oni!” <Alloy Body Sect Vice-Leader>

Although the scholar showed some respect as an allied sect the muscular giant certainly didn’t - pointing his weapon at the woman with a smug grin as if he expected her to shiver in fear. A reaction he didn’t get caused him to frown.

The woman wore a beautiful pink robe with white lotus flowers drifting across their dress from her sleeves. Her features - eyes especially - were sharp like the blade she carried. A guard made to look like a lotus with a thinner but longer than average blade.

She had flowing black hair and crows feet in the corner of her eye which showed age on her otherwise flawless skin. She had a mature figure with not an ounce of fat anywhere but upon her chest and rear. It was very obvious she was a beauty and at her cultivation stage or just with the power of her sect some small marks in the corner of her eyes could obviously be removed to make her seem like a beautiful young flower. She didn’t do this however - she didn’t wish to be mocked for being a ‘young inexperienced girl’ anymore than she already was.

Being mocked on the road of cultivation was an unfortunate truth for any woman; she herself was no different. Many had mocked her in her long life - often by the very men she was currently surrounded by. Yet, with her own effort she had managed to become a top expert while passing down her own knowledge to enough people to eventually form the {Flowering Lotus Hidden Blade Sect}. Though many only knew it has the {Flowering Lotus Blade Sect}.

Though many looked down upon her {Flowering Lotus Blade Art} initially. A few words of praise from her now ally & friend the {Jian Family Patriarch}, sect leader of {Soaring Sword Great Sect}, had shut all those fools up. Now she stood above many of those old men who mocked her as the youngest one sat down currently in the ‘core’ group.

Some still didn’t respect her though.

A man shortly spoke up with an air of importance within this meeting of the peerless; as if he was the leader among this group of people. He wore a golden robe that seemed to radiate a divine aura while a tall golden sword was resting upon his back. He held this aura of superiority to the other sect masters despite appearing as the youngest with short black hair and an emotionless yet handsome face.

“Fellow cultivators - I believe we shouldn’t resort to violence among ourselves when there is such an evil lurking on the horizon. Even the greatest foundation cannot withstand the bolder thrown by the hurricane - today we are here not to discuss the innocence or the Oni nor their relations to the foul demons!

I have to disagree with young Hua as-” <Absolute Divine Truth Sect Leader>

“I do not believe Sect Leader Lian gave you permission to utter her name - show some respect for your fellow leaders ‘young Juedui’ of the Zhengyi family.” <Soaring Sword Sect Leader>

“Watch your place servant of-!” <Alloy Body Sect Vice-Leader>

“Now, now, no reason to get up in arms for me, Vice-Leader Gang. I wouldn’t be perturbed due to such petty remarks.” <Absolute Divine Truth Sect Leader>

Although Sect Leader Zhengyi said this, giving a faint smile towards the Vice-Leader Gang, nobody believed his words. It was clearly just an act to try to sway opinion after his own disrespect was so blatantly pointed out! Even if some of them weren’t fond of the Sect Leader Lian due to her being younger than many of them they all have to respect her strength. Even more so for the man who spoke up.

What is the {Soaring Sword Great Sect}?

Precisely what {Absolute Divine Truth Great Sect} wish they were and had!

No sect was as respected for their stout justice and unquestionable strength than the {Soaring Sword Great Sect} - lead by the loyal {Jian Family}. It can even be seen with how their sect master acts as he does. He only wishes he could speak on behalf of the righteous path like Sect Leader Jian could!

Although both sects had the surnames repeating within those managing their sects who didn’t know the difference between the {Soaring Sword Sects} appreciation for ability and the {Absolute Divine Truth Great Sects} nepotism!

“As I was saying before I was rudely interrupted; I do believe that the Oni themselves are clearly evil by their nature. Although it may be true they killed many gods, who are we to say which gods were gods that were just and which were evil? They certainly did not care! Perhaps the gods were right to punish their race after the first war - they certainly proved themselves monsters by giving birth to demons!

To prove my point the {Qian Family}’s {Golden Society} has managed to gather some startling information about these disgusting monsters!” <Absolute Divine Truth Sect Leader>

With that people couldn’t help but look on as a man in the core circle stood up and walked to the centre of the stone platform.

Unlike many of these serious warriors he had a placating smile on his face and slicked back greasy green hair with beady eyes. Although he was handsome he was also gaudy with golden robes with various precious gems encrusted upon them. He wore various rings, bracelets and amulets. Each of his jewellery was a high ranking Artefact that could become the treasure of a medium and perhaps large empire.

Of course he appeared young - anyone could with the amount of money he had.

“We have looked into these Oni for quite some time and through many of our sources we’ve discovered they’ve been kidnapping many young children from all around the world - they never leave the forest again. We believe they are eating these children and hunting them down like beasts - forcefully breeding humans for mere sport. There has also been a spike of demonic energy over the last ten years so it seems likely they’re using the resentful souls of these poor children to create a portal to the demon realm.

They’ve been doing this for years and this is the reason why the Yakuza splintered as it has!

Without the Yakuza they had to send their own descendants out of their village in order to capture enough children to expand their wickard operations. Not only this but we believe that they actually get stronger through the suffering of others hence why we cannot understand their methods of strength gain!

This makes them truly evil creatures - like how Demonic Cultivators cultivate to be closer to demons Evil Cultivators may have originally taken inspiration from them! When one of my sons was looking into this he was framed by an Oni and thus has been unjustly hunted down by the Phoenix despite his honest heart!” <Qian Family Patriarch>

“Thank you for your hard work and I shall ensure you get your chance at revenge Patriarch Qian - I believe it’s only fair we make this knowledge public so I have had {Golden Society} spread it ahead of time.” <Absolute Divine Truth Sect Leader>

“It seems fair we only give them half the bodies of the Oni we slay in order to help appease the hatred the Qian must feel!” <Alloy Body Sect Vice-Leader>

“Indeed - it must’ve been hard.” <Absolute Divine Truth Sect Leader>

“This small one thanks you both.” <Qian Family Patriarch>

All present were shocked at the words that just came from the man's mouth.

Some were shocked by how evil the Oni could be and how they - as the Orthodox Side - could let them get away with this shocking situation for so long. To call them monsters were an understatement - not only this but it appeared they were unquestionably the true ancestors of all of Demon-kind!

Most were shocked at how one could lie through their teeth so blatantly!

Of course they wouldn’t bring this up as it was obviously a plot between these three super powers. Even the {Four Cardinal Emperors} felt it would be awkward to talk in this situation - despite being equal in power to these three they would find it hard to compete with the shamelessness.

Not everyone was as afraid of the drama though.

“No wonder you have to act so self important - with this level of shamelessness I’m surprised you haven’t kissed the furry ass of the {Demon God of Crooked Rebirth - Necrohamster Indigo} Sect Leader Zhengyi.” <Flowering Lotus Blade Sect Master>

“You dare say I’d ever associate with those disgusting demons!” <Absolute Divine Truth Sect Leader>

The Jiang Family Patriarch just nudged his shoulder into {Nine Elemental Heaven Great Sect} leaders side to get his attention - the old scholar was quite curious what his old devil of a friend was about to say and he certainly wasn’t dissatisfied.

“That’s right Hua my friend - those demons have to tell the truth when you know their name!” <Soaring Sword Sect Leader>

“That’s quite right my old friend Zhen; your {Jian Family} would know as such!” <Nine Elemental Heaven Sect Leader>

With that some couldn’t help but laugh - many were trying to hold it in but Sect Leader Yuansu certainly wasn’t one of them. The old-man was even slapping his knee; not worrying about his scholarly image as he soon devolved into an old-man laughing at his friend's joke. He went as far as almost falling to the floor before being caught by the girl who was forced to cover her mouth as a few snickers left her own mouth.

Only these two were as brazen as to laugh at the three sitting opposite of them though.

“My little monastery will have to agree with Senior Jian - although we certainly agree on little with the Oni - they clearly do not hunt for ‘sport’ in the way Sir Qian put it. They are beings which love a challenge, competition and drinking after a job well done - in some ways even this old monk can appreciate their honest nature. As for summoning Demons? What reason would they have - they didn’t make any moves to set up any country and certainly have no great obsessions. They certainly can be said to be trapped in the carnal pleasures but I also cannot say for sure whether us as mere mortals can judge them - they by their very nature aren’t creatures that can be compared to us.

Apologies - this old monk is rambling.

You speak as if your Qian family has never made any moves on the Oni children to do just as you have described. Buddha’s treat all life as equal so for you to act as an innocent man despite chastising others (who have no need to do such acts) for something you yourself actively do… Well this old monk believes it to be a rather distasteful joke. Sickening even.” <Neping Great Buddhist Temple Abbot>

An honest monk with a somewhat jolly and kind appearance with a big bushy black beard and a series of beads around his neck spoke softly. Despite this everyone turned to face him with even Jian giving him a soft nod of respect as he spoke - after all this Monk was a legendary figure who single handily suppressed a {Demon Lord} to retreat. Although Jian could do the same the ways of Buddhism required far more comprehension than that of cultivation thus nobody could say the Abbot was not just as wise as he was strong.

Of course, not all monks were as wise as he was as some could understand but not live by their understanding of the ways of Buddhism. A demonic monk can only be truly revealed after shedding their mortal skin after all.

“Do you think you can get away with being this brazenly disrespectful monk!” <Alloy Body Sect Vice-Leader>

But before the violent Vice-Leader could do anything a voice shook everyone - a shadow appearing over the entire platform in a flash while the air got far thinner due to the presence of a single- no. Due to the presence of five new beings.

“<| <Query>{Do you think you can get away with being this brazenly disrespectful monk}<Received> 

>Answer will shock you; false as <Entity>{Qian Family} has blatantly slandered <Ally>{Hannya Oni} repeatedly gaining ire of <Aunt>{Heavens}.

>Will now request a response to <Query>{Are we allowed into this meeting}  |>” <System>

“The {World Voice - System}… Certainly grown a lot for this to be the smallest size only five of your heads can take…” <Soaring Sword Sect Head>

The room went fully quiet as the very mechanical voice that many on the western side of the world would recognise and a few of the old-monsters did as well. One of the most feared entities within the Realms due to her unquestionable power that rivals that of the Heavens themselves. No matter who you are you need to receive them with the utmost respect due to their nature as a being. What were they? Nobody was fully sure of that answer but one answer did exist.

They were the system that maintained ‘order’ of the realms.

Good and bad held little meaning to this girl - as they craned their necks to look they saw five massive draconic heads looking at them from five different sides. Each head attached to the same elongated draconic body that was often referred to as an ‘Eastern Style Dragon’ for no other reason than ‘Western Style Dragons’ were the only type seen over in the west. The western being the bulky ‘komodo dragon’ style body compared to the more snake-like variant of the east.

Of course, most of these ‘snake-like’ bodies belonged to water-dragons. After all, even the figure overlooking them was a dragon from the mighty {Neptune-Venus Clan}.

Their white scales were unique as they didn’t seem to be made in the same shape as most dragons but were polygons instead - perfectly fitting together with electric-blue light peering between the scales. It’s scales themselves were silver with a golden gleam. A total of four violet dragon eyes were on each face - unlike many of her clan's upper ranks she didn’t close her eyes and she certainly had many of them - so the amount of pressure put upon the group kept most from being unable to move. Only the true immortal masters at the centre of the group were able to make any moves but even then that was barely and it could be far worse if they weren’t so good at their job of keeping order.

Else the pressure from their gaze alone would be able to crush everyone within her sight. All of her sights and they have very good vision.

It’s teeth were just as impressive and each ‘head’ came with their own pair of claws while the body itself has two more sets which were practically on other sides of its body leading to it being hard to tell what was torso & tail. Of course this was common in eastern dragons - it just so happened this another few sets. It’s claws had four digits at the front and a single one at the back with long slender knife-like claws that were larger than the body of the Vice-Leader of {Alloy Body Great Sect}.

It certainly was unique but everything seemed ‘right’ when on her and it ended up being a mixture between divine and terrifying due to the sheer size. Most people wouldn’t even have far enough vision to entirely see the creature. As for their mouths - they were just as sharp and thin as dragon claws leading to it having countless. Of course they were only thin compared to its body.

Of course as a dragon they also had a horn - something hydra lacked. Each head had a single horn coming from the centre of their forehead that had transparent polygons of electric blue faintly coming to and from. These polygons only got fainter the further from the horn they were almost as if merging with the world itself. Based on this multi headed dragons day job it wasn’t unlikely that was actually true.

Their entire giant body not only constricted around the largest mountain in the known world but even snaked between the mountain range of still impressive mountains. It’s body was large enough to even confuse those experts at killing anything not them where they would have to begin to aim to kill the dragon. Though it must be said that one would have to be suicidal to have such thoughts upon it considering it’s background as one of the three ‘leaders’ within her clan.

Their clan leaders are split into generations with the strongest of each acting as it’s leader once that generation matured enough to reach godhood thus being able to be trusted with defending against any threats - often being the first of the generation to reach godhood but upsets have occurred in other dragon clans. The first of course was {Leviathan}, the second {Infinite Mother} while the newest was the {World Voice - System} who managed the west.  Aiding in the cultivation for what may as well be said to be an entire planet with how large their planet was. This wasn’t even discussing the possibilities of doing the same for other realms or any of their other duties - this ‘system’ was apparently only a hobby that worked well enough to be praised by {Sohn Tochter - The Heavens} for being a great solution to mortals power hungry nature.

“<| 10 minutes elapsed since <Query>{Are we allowed to enter this meeting}

>Initializing <Protocol>{Skill}<Packet>[Humanization] <Target>{Proxy}[12326]

>Initializing <Warning>{We can wipe you out whenever we want so behave tehe~!} |>” <World Voice>

With that utterance - cutting off the silence left by who was likely the strongest man at the conference.

One of the five heads began to break down into transparent, glowing, electric blue polygons that then broke down into even more and even fainter polygons. The remaining heads moving in order to keep an orderly barrier around the meeting. These polygons streamed down into the centre of the platform (slightly closer to Jian’s side of the platform) almost as if they were flowing through invisible tubes. Aftering leaving these ‘tubes’ the polygons began to form a figure - compression themselves and becoming denser before the figure of a girl could be seen.

She wasn’t too small but she wasn’t above average height for a woman rather somewhere in between dwarf and average leading to her having quite the unassuming build. She didn’t even have a mature figure or particularly large butt - if anything they were far below average for a woman and only beating that of a man.

She wore a simple toga that seemed to be made out of the same material as her scales but obviously not as stiff as the whole thing was made out of ‘one scale’.

Her face was just as average with a pair of large circular lensed glasses with the same ‘silver frame’ as her scales, toga and even her shoulder length straight hair. The dragon horn was of course transferred over in this ‘human version’ leading to her having a horn on the centre of her forehead. Her crimson and still very draconic eyes swept over those in front of her as she turned around to Jian.

“It’s been many years since we’ve last spoken uncle Jian - it must’ve been back in the period of the warring states when the central continents were constantly at war. I was still a little hatchling that got lost on her way to the girls bathroom.” <System>

“No doubt to peek you little mischief maker - I feel sorry for all those poor boys you keep transmigrating into girls…” <Soaring Sword Sect Leader>

“Tehe~” <System>

Jian soon came back to himself and merely shook his head with a long drawn out sigh.

Others were starting to adapt to the unintentional pressure caused by the giant dragons surrounding them from all sides. One wouldn’t notice but these dragons were so affected by OCD they perfectly aligned with the 4 cardinal directions - this also being the reason why one of them transformed. They simply cannot stand things not ‘being in order’ but as revealed they weren’t exactly the most ‘just’ dragon around.

Surprising many the old monk and female sect leader were the next two to recover after Jian showing how much they had truly looked down on this newcomer. Many are warming up to the idea that she truly wasn’t complimented by Jian for no reason. Of course, a certain sect master and vice-master were completely livid at this realization as they found themselves still glued to their seats. Unable to do much other than open mouth to breath let alone talk.

“T-this junior asks senior why they have ordained us with her presence?” <Neping Great Buddhist Temple Abbot>

“And what may we call seniors by?” <Flowering Lotus Blade Sect Leader>

The girl turned to look towards the old man and aging (like fine wine) woman and gave an innocent smile. She was about to speak but was interrupted by an angry yell.

“I sense demonic qi deep inside her - she is clearly a demonic dragon and yet Jian says he knows her well enough to be her uncle. If this doesn’t show the fall of the {Soaring Sword Sect} I don-” <Absolute Divine Truth Sect Leader>

“Nobody asked you any questions - damn old man trying to pretend to be young - Be punished for your blatant disrespect of this yuri princess. Stay still!” <System>

With that the world seemed to go silent as a weapon that matched her scales appeared in her left hand. It was an estoc with a very simple design - having no blemishes upon it but also having a very small cross guard leading to it looking a bit like a needle. Despite it’s appearance every swordsman - even Jian - couldn’t help but feel their {Sword Dao Heart} tremble with excitement at a glance.

After all, this was a treasure at the same rank of the ones they wished to achieve with this meeting. One which could cause an entire world - neigh - the three realms themselves to be embroiled in conflict over the thought of ownership.

A [Realm Ranked Treasure].

“[Heaven Piercer]!” <Flowering Lotus Blade Sect Leader>

The sect leader of {Absolute Divine Truth Great Sect} certainly had heard of such a legendary blade before. He stumbled backwards, knocking over his chair but he couldn’t get much further.

A blade said to have pierced right through a barrier of a genius of the {Spirit-Turtle} with little effort. The only thing widely known about it was that it was the [Personal Dharma Treasure] of a younger member of the Water Dragons. Witnessed  for the first time in the compilation that takes place between generations of Spirit Beasts and led to the Water-Dragons winning the conflict - of course it was years ago this happened.

More common appearance is whenever {The Heavens} are too busy dealing with other matters or it’s something that occurs between the barrier between realms. Some consider an attack from this weapon to be more deadly than the tribulations as a piercing sword art often comes along with the power to piece through the {Heavenly Lightening} - of course it’s more complicated as obviously the tribulations do far more damage but…

Four silver flashes occur with nobody able to make even an attempt to intercept them for the Sect Master. Those leading large ranked organisations were only barely able to see the blade pierce the four limbs of the Sect Master - causing his muscles to no longer be able to support him as the edgeless blade seemed as if it never moved.

“W-why can’t I move?!” <Absolute Divine Truth Sect Leader>

“She perfectly pierced right through your pressure points. Using her sword like an acupuncture needle to seal his movements with a simple strike...Such precision is nothing short of terrifying. If I didn’t see it myself I would’ve thought such was impossible but-” <Flowering Lotus Blade Sect Leader>

“It is impossible Hua - impossible for anyone but her. Remember one rule that always holds true in this world - there will be an exception to all rules.” <Soaring Sword Sect Leader>

“You bitch?!” <Alloy Body Sect Vice-Leader>

Swinging his polearm at the neck of the dragon it seemed she was about to lose it as she made no effort to move out the way. This was the move of the vice-leader of the strongest body-cultivation sect - even if he wasn’t stronger than the ex-leader he was certainly faster than most people attending!

But he and everyone else forgot one thing - there were four of her. All four heads even spoke the same words in the same mechanical voice.

“<| Summon <Entity>[Heaven Piercer] |>”<System x4>

Just as his blade was about to reach her neck four silver lights came down from above - each dragon head wielding another [Heaven Piercer] adjusted to their own size resulting in the body of the Vice-Leader being split in half from his waist causing his torso to fly over to {Qian Family} head who squealed and quickly activated his treasure. Not even worrying about the Vice-Leader who was alive if just because of the ridiculous vitality of the [Alloy Body Cultivation Technique].

The humanoid System just glanced at him with an amused smirk as she lifted her estoc once more. Getting into a proper stance she actually used a skill this time!

“{Heaven Piercing Dragon: First Form} tehe~!” <Humanoid System>

Thrusting her sword forward another beam of silverish-gold sword intent flicked out but instead of remaining like a needle it formed another shape. Of course, the speed was even faster so no one really saw what happened. The silver light formed the shape of an eastern-dragon that… Well it was just herself formed from intent!

It was just that the place the decided to attack was… Questionable.

The Heaven Piercing Dragon roared forth. Unstoppable and unparalleled power as it flew towards the barriers of {Qian Family Patriarch} - easily piecing through them and then through his pants to pierce through his testicles...He obviously fell to clutching his family jewels while crying out.

“Since your descendants cause you so much trouble I’ll make it harder to have some more. This is ought to get you to teach them to respect women. After all, what’s more glorious than-” <Humanoid System>

“*Cough* You're getting off topic.” <Soaring Sword Sect Leader>

“Ah yes! I’m here to give information about what treasures were produced - I won’t give no more than a name and appearance. Usually I wouldn’t give more than information that a Treasure has been formed but decided it was a special occasion as two [Realm Ranked Treasures] were produced from the same person - though I was late due to reincarnating some cute Japanese boys into their true forms tehe~!” <Humanoid System>

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