Days of a Wrathful Demoness

Chapter 74: A Head of Three


Finally done with all the lewds to instead move onto something else piercing through flesh!

Anyway, enjoy~♥


Da Xiong was completely confused upon suddenly feeling his arm was ‘far lighter’ than it previously; him having no idea of the terrifying entity he had interrupted.

His reaction was essentially the same as everyone else's who was watching as they too could not believe what they saw. There was no explanation to describe what actually happened since, to them, the sword simply flew out of a guard's sheath to cut through the elders arm. It was no special sword like the [Jian Families Flying Swords] and there was no sign of qi or aura guiding the sword which made its accuracy beyond confusing. Even after the elder himself realised his lack of an arm he was still far too confused that it could even happen.

The sword simply pierced into the floor to hold itself up which also happened to be on the exact spot his arm fell, resulting in it piercing right through, skewering his arm on the floor. That alone wasn’t too surprising for the man but what truly was surprising was the sword seemed like some random steel thing which shouldn’t have been able to graze his skin. Despite that he had evidently received a wound from that same sword which was ever so slightly beyond that of a mere ‘scratch’ without even feeling any residual power from the sword that there should be in order for it to hurt him.

“H-how…” <Da Xiong>

“Hmpf as if a mere mortal could understand the true power of this immortal.” <Angelic Violet>

With the pride that should be expected from someone who looked exactly like Violet - the angelic figure looked down on the elder with absolute destain. After dealing with the man she didn’t even give him a second glance but instead turned to look at the somewhat disappointed looking purple oni.

“Well then, I would much appreciate it if you would finally discuss with me about the currently chaotic {Demon Realm} which you have abandoned, since it’s your problem. Maybe you have elected to tactically forget but this immortal isn’t one of your demons you can leave in order to push pens for you. I would much rather do more useful things like-“ <Angelic Violet>

“Standing on hills looking at nothing.” <Violet>

“You wouldn’t understand with your meagre levels of comprehension so watch your impertinence so as to not court my wrath!” <Angelic Violet>

Strangely the apparent ‘immortal’ Violet turned away from her purple haired ‘twin’ with a faint blush on the tips of her little ears. Strangely there was no movement from the blonde’s arms even as her long white sleeves waved mystifyingly as she ‘stood’ there considering that there was no actual wind and even if there was… It wasn’t as if the girl had a physical body present.

Still, due to the movements of the sleeves, she clearly wasn’t armless as one may have assumed due to her strange stillnessess.

In response Violet just smiled smugly though to everyone else that couldn't see the immortal sword saint it seemed as if she was just mocking the cultivator. Of course, Da Xiong himself was believing the exact same thing as the others resulting in his face going completely red as his confusion as earlier was replaced by his ‘intimidating aura. It obviously didn’t matter how much the cultivator tried to intimidate the oni since she spent every day of her life surrounded by figures of far greater strength; a lot of them who served her in the past passively radiated far more intimidating than her. That attempt to intimidate her of his was cute to her if anything was to be said, causing her to actually look at him with a giggle & clapping hands not exactly doing much for her case.

This went completely ignored by the golden haired figure who seemed to break out from her embarrassment to glare (with still closed eyes) back toward Violet. Her brow furrowed with silent anger while her lips quirked upwards in a dark smile which ended up revealing that she, indeed, had a set of fierce fangs just like her ‘purple half’. Though it was hard to compare them in more than appearance due to the two being quite different in every other aspect - even down to the type of intimidation they gave.

While the little ojou-sama usually radiated demonic savagery the angelic sword was more of a sharp esotericism which matched perfectly to her immortal swordswomen appearance.

“You still have not resp-” <Angelic Violet>

“I’ll teach you to respect your elders brat!” <Da Xiong>

“Don’t throw your life away!” <Prince Du>

Once more the elder began yelling bravely behind the incorporeal figure making her brow tremble uncontrollably as a dangerous golden glint began to shine across her angelic-like blades. However, clearly having no idea about any of that, charged forward with his remaining arm outstretched only for one of the hair needles strewn all around to come to life. From out of it came a dainty knife that was at best meant to be a means of self-defence but more than likely as a way to ‘protect one's virtue’ yet such a thing hardly mattered.

Afterall it had a blade so served well enough as a sword to the apex who was at her wits end with the uncouth homosapien.

At blinding speeds comparable to before it danced beautifully around the mighty body-cultivation elder before floating back into its sheath; she wouldn't’ steal from a maiden afterall. Though it was very much unreasonable to believe it belonged to a maiden.

Nonetheless, she was done, as a result of this mystifying performance blood spurted from the elder a second after the little *clank* signalled the sheathing of the dagger. All of the tendons across his body were sliced resulting in the large man collapsing to the ground without even being able to show his shock on his face due to even those muscles being damaged. With a monumental *thud* Da Xiong could just motionlessly stay there with only his eyes being able to move as blood drained from his body.

The truly terrifying part about this attack was not the speed of it but the accuracy since in truth there would be no lasting damage (except the arm). Even the bloody pouring from his wounds was relatively light and more comparable to what one would receive from running head first through brambles yet clearly not as random as that. If he himself had that level of control over even his own hands he wouldn’t even hesitate to call himself the greatest under {The Heavens}!

Not to mention it was with a dinky danger which would likely break against his arm hair let alone his actual skin or even thick muscle!

Whoever did this was an old monster who was clearly taking pity on him else he’d be dead!

If he knew he was disturbing someone like that with his shouts he would have cut his own tongue out of his mouth then silently beg for forgiveness!

In truth it wasn’t so much pity as a lack of care since, to the saintly variant of everyone's favourite demon, it was akin to humanely removing a rodent from her home. Sure it would be easy to crush it yet that would be quite the uncivilised thing to do to a lowly creature that clearly was incapable of making wise decisions for itself. As such she didn’t even see it fit to kill the annoying thing which made it difficult to say whether she was truly better or worse than the other two heads of the Asura called Violet.

“Now that the pest has been managed you should answer my questions; I can already tell at a glance that you’re still suffering from awakening us earlier. A rather foolish move in of itself since we have had no communication with our last self since the… Betrayal.“ <Angelic Violet>

While saying that final condemning word she turned to look at her own arms with a clear disdain in both her voice and face. Those pearly white teeth of hers seemingly glimmering with blood for a moment as her own bloody intent leaked to the outside world - something that showed just how made the apparition was upon recalling the event. To others it was simply the result of the old monster putting them in their place and an event that made the ‘lovemaking’ pause as even the loyal advisors of Violet trembled.

For once even Violet showed an unsteady appearance as she buckled gently under the weight of the sword saint's final word. A faint droplet of sweat trickled from her brow despite having never sweated in her new life except for when fighting against the dreamy bimbo; a true sign of just how powerful the swordswomen was. Still Violet didn’t look fearful or even seek to admonish the woman as she too agreed wholeheartedly with those intentions.

“Revenge… Soon…” <Violet>

“Yes, but do remember, this is not only your revenge but our revenge as-” <Angelic Violet>

““-we are one yet we are three, we are three yet we are one.”” <Both>

Violet silently nodded yet pouted like a child who had just been told off for being naughty since she knew as well that she had been getting ahead of herself. Yet that could only be said to be natural as her most unique trait out of the three of them always had been her unrivalled selfishness that rarely didn’t rear its head, from the head, in some form. Even Vibrant in front of her suffered directly from this demonic selfishness.

If she wasn’t selfish, why else would she be the only one who only called herself Violet despite only being one head of the ‘real Violet’?

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