Days of a Wrathful Demoness

Chapter 75: Falling Leaves From Mount Tai

Despite everyone else's tension or confusion at the situation, the person who was the cause of the rigid circumstance, simply kept her arms crossed behind her back while shaking her head.

She still didn’t lower herself to be below the others however she did bring her pressure back in upon seeing the pouty Violet. Turning around she looked towards the castle far off in the distance for a moment before turning her head to look over her shoulder. Initially she didn’t veer towards Violet but instead even further back to the deities; lingering on Sohn-Tochter for a moment with an indescribable collection of emotions forming on her face.

For a solid moment she found her mind wandering back to many different memories as it seemed her eyes trembled behind her closed eyelids. Her head even turned towards the gloved arm of {The Sovereign of Storms} with some bitterness nevertheless moved her head to face some of the other figures mulling about in the distance. Honestly she was impressed at how dull witted humans were to not notice there being at least 1 major god from every pantheon other than Mother’s with there even being the leader of the {Heavenly Courts}.

Mortals always loved to talk about how {The Heavens} were going to punish someone or another for killing them (even if it was well justified) but were amazingly blind. Then again a lot of the common sayings of cultivators may have been her fault however she felt that to be someone else's problem quite frankly.

Soon she was brought out of her remembrance as Violet soon clutched her tummy that rumbled alongside her grumble.

“Food…” <Violet>

“You really are unbearable Vivi…” <Angelic Violet>

Shaking her head softly with a long drawn out sigh as she followed the little oni who began plodding along without looking at anyone else. Many people were watching her nonetheless who would dare move after seeing what happened to the most powerful cultivator through methods they literally couldn’t comprehend? As such nobody actively moved to stop Violet as she went ahead to walk through a change that did happen as, soon enough, Sohn-Tochter began to head over with one of her knights.

Her intention was obviously to escort the girl except her gaze lingered around as if looking around as if trying to find someone else. Obviously she wasn’t succeeding in that as her knightess looked toward her leader with confusion; having looked around herself but obviously coming up just empty handed. Still they weren’t about to give up - if her commander wanted something these girls would happily die in achieving it.

“What are you searching for, my Sovereign?” <God-Hunter Knightess>

Hearing her loyal retainer ask she turned toward the girl who was wearing the skull-like helm which was standard for her class.

Like all the {God-Hunters} their weaponry was split into two with one half being ‘on the ground’ while the second was ‘on the mount’. The former was the greatsword split down the centre to allow a barrel to point outward which was paired with a sword-breaker to fit their standard counter attack focused fighting technique. Though the latter weapon choice was just the far more standard lance used for when they were riding on their draconic partners.

“Hmm… Not looking for anything in particular I suppose, I just felt that aura earlier was from my little sister, however I can’t find her specific location...” <Sohn-Tochter>

“Is Lady Violet not in front of us?” <God-Hunter Knightess>

Obviously confused with her master's judgement since she was a relatively young phoenix this wasn’t aware of all the secrets within the world. To her - she could see Violet right there - to her knowledge there were no other siblings unless one counted the {Heavenly Demon}. Though she certainly found it a little funny that {The Heavens} younger siblings both had a demonic nature there was no judgement since she at least knew the ‘big secret’.

Sohn-Tochter was about to answer the girl's curious question, she had no reason to keep secrets from her knight's order, but apparently things just kept going wrong.

From out of a dark alleyway a group of treacherous looking cultivators adorned fully in old black robes with masked faces charged towards Violet. Without any warning the two leading grabbed her by her legs & arms to steal the child before they rushed towards another alleyway where those following threw smoke bomb after smoke bomb  in order to cover their tracks. Although it was abrupt and certainly well practised showing years of experience in these acts… The one watching this happen was Sohn-fucking-Tochter who evidently wouldn’t be tricked with mere smoke bombs.

That was why it became all the more confusing as Sohn-Tochter just stopped as she was only to emotionlessly watch the group. Most of the bigshot cultivators recognised their (im)mortal enemy as she didn’t exactly hide herself like many gods; not only was she dreaded as {The Heavens} but also the ruler of the empire keeping them from the {Land Ruled By God}. She was also clearly following the oni with the intention to protect her.

As such it wasn’t only the knightess, {Orchid}, Prince Du & Vanta who were befuddled but even everyone else there was evenly confused.

“Erm… I do not mean to question you, my Sovereign, but are you not going to go retrieve Lady Violet from those kidnappers?” <God-Hunter Knightess>

Once more she turned to her knightess for a moment heretofore turning back toward the direction where Violet was kidnapped. For some reason the silence only made the mouths of all those present dry; making them unwittingly swallow impatiently.

“I am {The Heavens} not the helpline; why would I prevent an attempted mass suicide from some foolish mortals courting death?” <Sohn-Tochter>

With that many couldn’t help doubling over at the abrupt and uncaring response from the goddess yet what could they say about it?

For some reason the soft but sharp *shing~* began to echo out throughout the entire city causing everyone's gaze too soon turn to the exact area where Violet was taken. Soon the sound of blades being sharpened mixed with a mystical *ding~* of sword clashing beautifully with sword as the sounds built up a gentle melody. Without any logical reasoning the very air began to be filled with golden leaves that fell from the sky as if dancing in the wind to the graceful melody of the blades.

This wasn’t what got everyone's attention though; more than likely it would be the titanic illusionary tree that appeared to form within the merchant district of the city.

Sure enough, the golden leaves adorned its plentiful branches, leaves falling below only to easily slice through anything that opposed them despite their slow movements. At first people assumed them to be harmless leaves yet as soon as those with ill-intentions or pasts touched the leaves it cut through them like the sun through a canopy. As such the screams of sinners began to add to the winsome dance of the leaves along to the beguiling yet dangerous melody of metal.

The actual bark of the tree was completely stationary unlike the leaves nevertheless it appeared no less fantastical as it had a silver hue like a finely crafted sword. Its mighty trunk was thicker than any building, albeit slender for its grand size that let it even keep the entire city under its vast golden awning.

“I suppose she truly wasn’t within the {Mortal Realm} till now.” <Sohn-Tochter>

An emotionless judgement brought all those in the square back to themselves in order to see that the silver roots had made quite a chaotic picture within the city. Somehow they damaged none of the buildings as they grew between or over them, though, they certainly made it so the foot paths had seen a better day. It was only when everyone had somewhat managed to take in the situation - still far away from understanding it - when the {World Voice} itself called out to fill them all in on the details of the sudden event.

<| World Announcement:

The Golden Leaves Dance,
Her Sword Sharp For Heavens Call,
Evil Fall Once For All 

The {Mortal Realm} Has Been Graced By {The Apex - Sword Saint Vibrant} Once More |>

This announcement… Just made everyone even more confused; especially since this information wasn’t only transferred to the only those in the empire let alone the city.

Except for those who delved really deeply into the way of the sword the name ‘Vibrant’ simply wasn’t one that was well known. Even those lesser gods hiding within their {Divine Realms} found themselves caught completely unaware of who exactly the person mentioned was yet to have the {World Voice} read out a haiku meant you were an Archon! To be an Archon meant that you could stick a finger up at the {True God} and she could only accept the provocation or risk having to destroy an entire realm while fighting you. Having them realise there was a being that powerful which they didn’t know that the world greeted as if they were the true owner of the lands made them certainly quite nervous.

Compared to them Sohn-Tochter just walked on without minding all the awed, greedy & fearful faces that were all around. Soon enough she arrived in a warehouse distinctly where there was a certain golden haired girl standing atop a branch with her hands behind her back; looking off into the distance. A silver halo above her head along with a pair of ‘wings’ made out of thousands of sharp blades.

Her emotionless face looked very similar yet a younger version of {The Queen} even if she certainly had hints of Violet with her clear arrogant facade.

“Are you going to step down from there, Vibrant?” <Sohn-Tochter>

“In a second, sister… I’m basking in the foolishness of the weak mortals as they continue to fail in recognizing mount.Tai despite me being right in front of them.” <Vibrant>

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