Days of a Wrathful Demoness

Chapter 91: Spread Blood Not Rumours

Back at the oni camp… Things weren’t too good.

Ebony sat upon a timber-made throne (with her body essentially sinking into the seat); hand coming up to gently massage her slowly growing headache. Even now she could still hear the arguments that filled the entire barracks. An air of distrust completely filled the camp and it wasn’t the only place suffering from this situation.

Every single piece of their territory, from the ones on the frontier to the docks behind the village, was filled with a growing discontent at the situation they were in. Although it wasn’t that the war was going poorly. The mortals had made little progress towards victory  however were still more than willing to readily create more & more outposts for the oni to take over with minimal effort.

If it was a simple matter that could be fixed with the ‘traditional oni solution’ a kijin like her would be over the moons. 

Lamentably it wasn’t possible.

Fortunately there was still a little insectoid nearby to help massage her tense shoulders - those dainty hands doing wonders for all the knots she had worked up. In front of the two was Quartz who willingly had fallen to her knee in respect for the two who currently stood at the top of the yakuza. That didn’t mean she had brought news Ebony wanted.

“... this seemed to be true no matter which area I or any of the elders investigated…” <Quartz>

“So this foolish sentiment has spread completely throughout?” <Ebony>

“That is the case.” <Quartz>

She said through a drawn out sigh while waving for her fiancée to cease her massage. A clear frown was present upon her face; moving her hand from her forehead to instead grasp a bottle before ripping the cork out to take a hefty swig. Jingye stepped back with a worried look on her face.

“So everyone thinks there is a traitor among us?” <Jingye>

“That indeed is the case, my lady.” <Quartz>

“But why now of all times…” <Ebony>


Slamming the glass down onto the chair - she let out a long sigh while moving to massage her forehead with her other hand. In response Jingye pressed her body against Ebony’s side which seemed to greatly improve her mood for a moment. Still, it was hard to be in a good mood when one of her daughters had gone missing which then resulted in a distrust among her people. Even if there was no one requesting for new leadership… That was only a small reassurance.

“I think… I think it has to be because it’s now?” <Jingye>

That made Ebony raise a brow - turning toward her little lover for a potential follow up.

“Meaning?” <Ebony>

Although Jingye was clearly nervous, not exactly the type of person who dealt with this kind of thing when she was human, she still took a deep breath in order to continue presenting her thoughts.

“Maybe I’m wrong - since I’m a new elder while I have also never dealt with anything like this before - but any other time and the oni would have just laughed off the notion of their allies betraying them. It is only because Onyx is gone that they would think that it’s plausible. At least more plausible than a human being able to overpower one of their 4 princesses.” <Jingye>

“That indeed would be the case, yes, as all the princesses are very strong in combat even if they do not have the same potential as our young matriarch. At least Onyx is strong for an oni with her tricks even if she doesn’t have the strongest constitution and certainly has better fighting capabilities than princess Vanta would have…” <Quartz>

“Which would make it strange for those mortals to target Onyx instead of Vanta…” <Ebony>

To that, the other two could only simply nod.

It was well known among the oni that (even if Onyx was far weaker in terms of physical body) Vanta was very likely to be the weakest out of the royal family. She put little effort into actually training herself and essentially was their version of a young master who only knew how to mention their family name. Even if she wasn’t “weak” she certainly would be an easier target than Onyx who had loads of tricks thanks to her kitsune bloodline being potent.

To capture Onyx - as they had apparently done according to rumours - one would need to prepare means to resist her [Spiritual Arts] in addition stopping her from just teleporting away when needed. She was certainly not as willing to die in a death battle as other oni’s may be. If anything the half-vixen was a little skittish when it came to such matters.

Thinking about it like this meant it was highly likely…

“She wasn’t ambushed so much as overpowered.” <Ebony>

“Exactly… I think it is more likely that there is another force entirely which wishes to prolong their war even more extensive than we had intended. Most likely they were the one who spread around what Mother had told us in order to break our ironclad comradery just enough to invite trouble. They don’t seem to want to actually wipe us out but keep us busy…” <Jingye>

“The question is who could be responsible…” <Quartz>

All three of them looked very conflicted about this situation; it wasn’t hard to see that whoever was behind this was at least on the level of a god.

“Perhaps you should look into this more, urgh this shit is annoying me now, find out which rat is spreading around this rumour Quartz. No way something like this spread among our boys so quickly and so efficiently as this. Those idiots couldn’t spread anything but blood!” <Ebony>

Neither of the other two could exactly dispute that so Quartz just extended her bow to Ebony - the oni herself taking another swig from the glass while letting a hand wander toward Jingye’s large rump. Giving a little squeeze that resulted in a rather girlish moan escaping from the insectoid. That didn’t stop the kijin matriarch from having her hand basking in the wonderful softness.

“It will be done, matriarch.” <Quartz>

With that she stood up before stepping backwards; seemingly vanishing into her own  shadow yet neither of the remaining two were that surprised as they were far too busy with one another.


Having broken through what little resistance the guards of the noble were able to give, no doubt knowing all the trouble they would get in should their discretion against them be known, they entered the hall. Just like the outside - the inside was filled with countless opulent pointless displays of power with many beast heads watching over the room atop pillars a good few metres from the walls.

Already there were many guests mingling with cups overflowing with fresh alcohol as just as many servants walking around with finger food, freshly opened gourds & large bottles in their hands. There was not a single second where someone wasn’t giving someone else a fake laugh if not talking about “how nice” something or another could be. Often both at the same time.

Entering the room caused Vibrant to have her expression visibly cringe at the view; even if her eyes were closed as always.

“There are more sycophants here than there were back when we took over the port in Arrowsmith province during the first great war.” <Vibrant>

Shaking her head in clear disgust toward the nobles who were doing as nobles do as nobles always do no matter the day - showering each other in compliments whether backhanded or not. As soon as they’re done with that they then turn to someone else and repeat the process while not forgetting to also talk about others behind their back. Any time someone shows anything that could categorise them as a human they would of course be the target of vicious rumours.

“If you don’t like someone do not waste your time with this petty nonsense - a day wasted is a day one will never get back - just challenge them to a duel then cut them down tsk!” <Vibrant>

Those following behind the ancient oni could only wryly smile as they could hardly refute the {Sword Saint} when she technically wasn’t wrong… Well at least on the petty part. Thankfully a very familiar (and rotund) figure approached them with the same confidence as the dodo had when approaching humans. Strolling in front of the group with his hands resting behind his back; not even bothering to hide that smug shit eating expression upon his face.

Of course, he made sure to speak as loudly as possible, his eyes not putting anyone but Kitty in their attention… Which clearly made the young miss of the Jian visible angry.

“Well if it isn’t my weakling fiance - you certainly are quite late which is quite rude - did you by chance get held up by somethi- GURGH!” <Jabba>

Although he didn’t even get to finish his sentence before the impatient oni proved that (different head than they knew or not) she was still a part of Violet. Mercilessly lifting her foot up to impact that tubby belly of Jabba’s thus sending him flying through the crowd of nobles that had begun to build up. They no doubt expected some kind of show without knowing who they were dealing with.

Vibrant doesn’t do ‘shows’ for the likes of them.

“May I cut him down, master?” <Xiuzi>

“Eh, you can’t, ojou-sama wanted to ‘use him as a grindstone’!” <Qin>

Hearing a metaphor caused Vibrants ears to twitch with a somewhat proud smile appearing on her face.

“Well if my sister has such a plan; who am I to contest? All acorns must fall from the tree when their time to become a bountiful oak arrives!” <Vibrant>

That resulted in the blood thirsty Xiuzi frowning yet she didn’t refute.

“Now for some food… I haven’t eaten in a few aeons so I am quite peckish…” <Vibrant>

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