Days of a Wrathful Demoness

Chapter 92: Exactly Like An Old Cultivation Master

Sadly, against Vibrant’s wishes, yet another disturbance went through the hall after everyone’s brains began to slowly start processing the scene that just happened.

“Lord Duke Jabba!” <High-Pitched Man>

Most still just remained silent (and a little worried) however there was one particular man that didn’t seem to read the room. The sound of hurried footsteps caught everyone's attention. His face wasn’t visible to the group from the yakuza however it was easy to tell from his figure that… Well he didn’t seem very strong no matter how one looked at him.

“I didn’t expect to find a gnome in such an empire.” <Vibrant>

So she exclaimed without a hint of cruelty; far more curiosity on her face which led to Kitty even questioning if that was a real race. Of course, it was certainly a real race, they were somewhat of a rival to the dwarves when it comes to crafting and their earthen roots. Unlike their more stout cousins - the gnomes were far better with smaller handcrafts than they were with moulding mountains of metal.

Although, similar to dwarves, they were very “proud” of their craft to the point of being considered unbearable to many others. They surely were not the type to get along with a noble. Therefore it was only natural that someone who was quite used to their behaviour (those swords on her back weren’t repairing themselves after cutting down hoards of lizards) she would obviously be quite interested.

That was only if he was really a gnome though…

“G-gnome, you dare curse me in my own home, w-wait what are you two doing bringing all those swords into this party! Guards, guards, we’re under attack! Come in here and take these terrorists away while also bringing help for the poor duke! Make sure to take their weapons away!” <Gnome?>

There were obviously no guards - other than those already inside - able to actually respond to his decree ironically thanks to Jabba & the guard foolish enough to take his bribe. Meanwhile the other nobles were already well aware that the oni was not someone on their level. So they quickly parted down the middle to huddle against the walls; creating a clear path between the two hostile groups.

Even the guards tactically chose this moment to go on strike - actually hiding trepidatiously among the crowd of nobles.

They went ahead & took their helmets off just to prevent anyone from immediately discovering them.

The ‘gnome’ in question was a tiny man, shorter than Vibrant, with a bald head that gleamed with the light that came down from above. His clothing being a high quality suit that tightly clung to his frame - that was to say they revealed him in all of his scrawny glory. He did have a magnificent brown beard. Having at least a majestic facial hair to add something worth looking at.

In this case, Vibrant really couldn’t be blamed for her thoughts.

He certainly didn’t look like the owner of this kind of manor - certainly not fitting with the wide range of beasts used to decorate. Unfortunately he also wasn’t a very good judge of the situation so still stood there with a smug expression of sheer confidence; generated due to a clear ignorance of who he was actually dealing with.

“Guards, what the hell are you doing, get in here already…” <Gnomen’t>

Thankfully for him, Vibrant wasn’t as big a fan of bullying weaklings as the other two heads were, turning away from the fool to walk over to a table with a wide spread for food upon it. Using her divine sense to lift a pair of chopsticks from her cloak before then using them to begin slowly sampling the various dishes present. Paying special attention to the meat.

This did nothing to actually bring life back to the party. Especially when her eating was following western standards rather than eastern - eating the dishes in complete silence without an expression. Only occasionally nodding her head to show she at least had an opinion on the food.

“What are you brats-” <Gnomen’t>

“Xiuzi.” <Vibrant>

Fitting to her title of {Sword Saint}, her voice cut through the room just like a butcher's cleaver through tender meat, even the gnome seemed to realise his position in a cold sweat. Despite calling the name of her descendent - she returned to eating for a moment thus returned the room to complete silence. This time no one dared to speak up to break it.

After sampling a few more dishes she finally continued.

“You can cut this one, though I like his food so only a little, make sure he lives for at least today as a form of repayment despite his rudeness. Even if the flames burn through dry but gigantic redwood - it will hesitate to reduce the small but fresh griseum to naught but cinders.” <Vibrant>

“No one is as merciful as you are, ancestor!” <Xiuzi>

With a concerning amount of vigour; the swordswoman turned from Vibrant to look toward the gnome who could only audibly gulp from the terrifying aura coming from the “brat”.

“You court death by demanding this little Jian and Jian ancestor hand over their swords - do not worry for this little Jian will show you mercy by giving you her sword. I will teach you what it means to stand in front of Mount Tai and not see it!” <Xiuzi>

Effortlessly lifting that massive sword of hers up as if it weighed nothing. In response, the supposed owner of those various hunting trophies could only raise his hands up and scream, blanching immediately now that it was him who was faced with danger. Not that the others (who were stuck watching) had a healthier complexion than the pseudo-gnome.

“I like this girl…” <Vibrant>

That was all Vibrant concerned herself with however; instead turning back to her food.

It wasn’t just the crowd of nobles who were caught in silence, Kitty too was in shock at the situation, turning to look toward Qin who was looking at the food display. Her tongue hanging out of her mouth while she panted heavily. Obviously fully embracing the “dog” in “dog-kin”.

“I-I thought senior V-Vibrant was meant to handle these situations better nya…” <Kitty>

Hearing that made the good-girl tilt her head with a cute whimper.

“But she is?” <Qin>

“Nya?!” <Kitty>

“Sohn-Tochter-sama said that Violent would have just ripped them in half while shouting meatbag while ojou-sama wouldn’t have even bothered talking~!” <Qin>

Kitty… Couldn’t deny that Vibrant, by process of elimination, was certainly the best choice when it came to diplomacy even if she was no less arrogant than her other two “heads”. At the very least these people would know how & what mistakes they made. It should make it so people are less likely to continuously try to obtain their foolish revenge to repair their face.

There was no face to gain by repeating the same mistake after all.

“You also seem to misunderstand that how I act is anything unique; all powerful cultivators have an ego with many being even larger than mine despite being unfounded.” <Vibrant>

Having heard the oni in question speak up - both of the cultivators turned to see the golden haired {Sword Saint} walk over with those iconic wings of hers still spread. Despite her arrogant words, second-handedly targeting many of those in the room, nobody spoke up but instead kept their head lowered. Almost as if they were silently showing their agreement to her words.

“If you wish to stand beside Vivi you will need to develop into your own person, incompetence is something that she cannot abide by, this is something you need to learn. Which makes it more confusing that she would keep that shelled lizard around…” <Vibrant>

Mumbling some words after her grandiose speech.

“Ancestor, I have completed doling out justice to that foolish weak noble~.” <Xiuzi>

Face cloaked in an uncanny amount of blood, Xiuzi slowly walked up to the group with a huge satisfied smile upon her plump lips, Vibrant turning to her. The oni’s head tilting to the side with her own face turning down to point toward that big bouncing bosom with a rising brow.

Soon a smile slowly raised upon her own lips as that serious air was replaced with a benevolent one.

“Very well done little sheath; as a reward I’ll let you lay your hands on the mightiest and meatiest sword within my vast collection… In private of course.” <Vibrant>

“Yes Ancestor!” <Xiuzi>

The girl happily followed behind Vibrant as she began walking through the halls of the manor - heading into a private chamber with strong anti-spying runes embedded in the walls. Not an ounce of doubt was on the girl's face as they entered the room. Unquestioning even as she saw that large heart shaped bed.

She was obviously a little confused at the mention of ‘meatiest’ however she would still be more than enticed at the chance to hold a blade from the legendary {Sword Saint}’s collection. Afterall, if she does well enough, she may even get to keep one. Sure she had pride in her own [Dharma Sword] but there was nothing wrong with wanting such a legendary sword.

Little did she know that she wouldn’t be walking up to the marriage altar… She would be waddling.

“Is that also something cultivators are meant to do, nya…?” <Kitty>

“If they’re a perverted old man, yes~!” <Qin>

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