Dead Star Dockyards

173 Diana’s Internal Monologue

Diana was in a state of incredible confusion. She had yet to lose her composure, but her befuddlement could still be seen on her face. 

"Have either of you seen Donovan?"

"Lady Diana?"

"The Sergeant? I haven't seen him recently, no."

Sanna and Wall were, unfortunately, not much help. They hadn't moved from this room for a while now, and they hadn't really been paying attention to much aside from the goings on of the table. At a glance she could tell they were both at least a few coins up, but at their current rate they really didn't stand a chance at winning the grand prize.

"Huh. I would think he should be out of the showers by now."

"The showers?"

"Is he, excuse my rudeness for a moment, predisposed with his waste?"

Sanna suggested that Donovan might be taking a shit. It wasn't entirely out of the realm of possibility, he could have reacted poorly to something he ate, but for some reason she doubted it. They had yet to run into something that would put him out of commission like that, so the chances of it happening now were slim to none.

"I'll keep looking. Tell him to come look for me if you see him."

"Of course."

"As you wish."

Frowning, Diana walked towards the next hallway. She had done a few laps at this point, an act which wasn't too suspicious given this was her first party, but she still didn't see him.

"He's not ditching is he?" Diana knew he didn't like these types of gatherings, but she didn't think he would run away from it. She swore, if he was in the study working on something she wouldn't let him hear the end of it. This party was important dammit, and she was going to make sure he knew it.

Consciously adopting a relaxed pace, she made her way to the study, obliging the questions and conversations of her guests as they approached. If he was working, then nothing short of a miracle would get him to leave. All she had to do to catch him in the act was slowly open the door and -

"He's not here?"

She was certain that he would be here, where else would he go? Sure, he hated parties, but he wasn't the type to just mope in his room. The kitchens were also enforcing a pretty strict 'only staff' rule at the moment, so the chances he was hanging out in there with Manama and Rize was actually zero.

"He wouldn't be in the bath for this long, right?" 

Diana didn't really need to go into the washroom itself to know if he was still there or not. All she had to do was poke her head into the dry room and check to see if there was a set of clean clothes there. If there were, she would know where he was.

"Not here either?"

It was like he just disappeared. Standing rather awkwardly in the dry room, Diana tried to think about where he possibly could have gone. The only real place she could think of at this point was their room, but did she really want to go up four flights of stairs right now?

The answer to that was no. If he was up there, she would scold him later, the punishment probably being a severe decrease in affectionate displays . . . actually that was more of a punishment for her. The punishment would be to give her a back massage! Many back massages! Diana was suddenly realizing that her ability to punish him was sorely lacking. 

Feeling a little down now, she made for the exit. Maybe Rashtvice would know something?

"Oh, hey Diana." Just as she had given up, Donovan appeared in front of her. "Is everything alright?"

"It's . . . fine, I suppose. I was just about to give up on looking for you, but here you are." It was only now that Diana noticed the figure keeping close to his side. "Titanyana?"

If Diana had to describe her current appearance, she could only call her a mess. Her hair was out of sorts, her eyes a little red, and her dress was not perfectly aligned with her body. She was also breathing a little heavier than normal, and her gaze seemed . . . lethargic, slower than normal. Was she drunk? Was that the reason Donovan had hidden away from everyone else? To watch after a drunken Titanyana?

It wasn't impossible, though Diana did wonder what Titanyana was like when drunk. A little more open possibly?

"Is everything alright?"

"I'm fine. I just needed to be alone for a little."

'Alone with Donovan?' Diana wanted to add that little bit in response, but she stopped herself. That would sound a little hostile, and Diana wanted anything but that. 

"Well, okay, but we should definitely make you look pretty before you head back out. Your hair is a mess." Diana grabbed for her hand to drag her into the bathroom. It was private, and she hoped she could deal with the errant fibers quick enough so that her absence wouldn't seem suspicious. She did find it weird that Titanyana was holding on to Donovan's sleeve, but if she was drunk enough for Donovan to take her aside then she probably didn't have the best balance right now.

Tugging Titanyana along, she noticed a certain resistance she hadn't been expecting. Titanyana pulled back against her. It was only a momentary struggle, but it was enough for Diana to turn her head back in curiosity. 

She was just in time to catch Titanyana cast a furtive glance towards Donovan.

If Diana had to bet, Titanyana thought she was being sneaky with that little display, but Diana saw everything. She had learned how to read Titanyana's body language, and the combination of flatted ears and a flicking tail aroused a supreme suspicion. It was only in her gut, but that was all she needed to give Donovan a more thorough inspection than she had before.

There was a damp spot on his right arm, not terribly suspicious given he had been bathing at some unknown time, but what really grabbed her attention was the little dark red splotch on his neck. It wasn't lipstick, it was the beginnings of a bruise. But what could he have possibly done that would cause a bruise there? So recently, no less?

One eyebrow raised, she returned her attention to the disheveled Nekh with the 'embarrassed' ears. 

"Um, Donovan, there's something I would like to discuss. Could you wait out here while I help her out?"

"Oh, yeah, sure."

Smiling, she dragged Titanyana into the women's side of the bathroom. She would perform a precursory investigation by questioning the victim, then she would perform an interrogation on the suspect.

'Donny, oh Donny. I never took you to be such a dastardly dog!'

- - - - -

"Are you sure you're feeling alright sweetie? You look like you've had a rough night." Diana passed the brush through Titanyana's hair, but she was paying more attention to her ears and tail.

"I'll be fine."

No response from the 'tells', she wasn't lying. 

"That's good, just remember that you can always come to me if you're having a rough time. If Donny ever gives you trouble I can tell him off for you."

"He's . . . fine."

Her ears twitched and her tail tensed. As Diana had thought, something was up.

'Donovan, you didn't!!! You're supposed to tell me before you do these sorts of things! Though, I suppose I should give you props for taking the initiative. I thought you were against marrying her to secure the Nekh's loyalty.'

"Really now? If it isn't too much, would you mind telling me what you think about him? I'm a little biased, so I want to know what you lot think of him."

"W-well," Diana took note of the way she tensed up before shrinking, "I admire him. He doesn't ever give up, even when I beat him down he just stands right back up and asks me to do it again."

'U-huh. Standard stuff.'

"I know what you mean. I have trouble getting him to stop and rest whenever he gets started on something."

"Mm. I also think he's very easy to teach, it's a rare quality."

'Easy to teach? As in easy to teach how to make you feel good? He most certainly is!'

"I know right! Whenever you tell him something, he hangs onto it until he has it down."

"Yes. I also envy his stamina. I wish I could go on for as long as he can."

'Girl, you have NO idea. If he wasn't limited to a certain amount by his biological capacity, he could probably go all night!'

"I agree with you there. He goes to bed after me and wakes up before me, I probably would have died of sleep deprivation on his schedule."

"He is also strong -"

'He lifts me up without issue.'

"- and his hands are big and steady."

'Oh he can keep you steady alright.'

"He, he kind of reminds me of a cooler version of my father."

'Ah! Monsieur Freud strikes again does he?'

"Does he now? I can't imagine how dorky your father must be if Donovan is cooler than him."

"Hehe, yeah. He's a weird man." Titanyana's already limited energy dropped further, her head drooping and shoulders sagging. "I miss him."

Diana brushed her hair a few more times before dropping down and giving her a hug from behind.

'I wonder if this was the view Donovan had a few minutes ago...'

"Hey, no more sadness. We are at a party! My party! I'm not gonna accept a depressed little lady walking around and dragging down the atmosphere." Diana moved her index fingers to the corners of Titanyana's mouth, gently pulling them upwards. "Happy thoughts! Happy thoughts~"

This, miraculously, managed to get a little giggle out of Titanyana, probably because it tickled.

"Alright, how about this. While I finish up with your hair, I want you to tell me what your ideal man is. I don't think you need me to say mine, it's Donovan by the way, so I'll give you as much time as you need. Ready? Go!"


"Oh come now. Tell me!! You have to have something in mind, right?" Diana wrapped her arms around the little princess, rocking her to and fro as she spoke in an exaggerated manner. "How am I ever going to help you find a husband if I don't know what I'm looking for?!?! You gotta help me out here sweets!"

'Come on kitty-kitty, tell me what I already know.'


"Joking! I was joking. I do want to know though."

"B-but, okay, I guess."

'YES! Got her!'

"W-well, he would have to be taller than me."

"Starting off with a pretty low bar." This comment received flattened ears as a response.

"I, he shouldn't be too tall though! Like, maybe around Donovan's height?"

'Ah, so she would really like someone Donovan's height. If I remember correctly, Donovan just so happens to be exactly Donovan's height, so my hypothesis stands.'

"A-and he would have to be well-built! Not as buff as Wall, but I don't want someone skinny like Sanna either. Maybe. . . maybe someone more average."

'Donovan hardly comes across as average baby girl, but I think you mean average for a swordsman. I'm just going to have to assume Donovan fits the bill.'

"H-he should be serious, but soft."

"How do you mean? Do you mean soft like a little fat?"

"No, like he treats me easier than he would anyone else."

'He totally handles her with care doesn't he? Grandpa, thank you for raising a chivalrous gentleman.'

"A-and he wouldn't have fat! He would be firm, a-and comfortable to snuggle into, but his muscles shouldn't feel like a rock when I hug him."

'Oh baby you are so infatuated with him. I hope Donovan used a condom!'

"What about the sex?"

"The what!?!"

"Oh, you know, intercourse? How do you want him to take you? Or would you prefer it if you had control?"

Diana could feel her getting red hot in embarrassment.

"I-I think I would probably want to take it slow and steady -"

'Slow and steady, that was how he did it, wasn't it.'

"- a-and I would want to be the one on top. . ." She trailed off, leaving Diana making an O shape with her mouth.

'Kitty is a dom? That doesn't seem right. Maybe she just wants to see what it's like after a round below. I know I did.'

"Cutie! Alright, what's his face gonna look like? Scars? Facial hair? Dimples?"

"Eh? Huh? Wha?"

"Come on, the face! You know? The most important part? The one you get to see screw up in pleasure when you are doing a good job?"

"B-but -" Diana blew on the back of her neck to unstick a strand of hair. "EHIII!!!"

"Just messin' with ya Titanyana. I think I've already asked you enough about it, and I'm done. Yep, you look good. Ready to go?"

Titanyana's looked at Diana as if she had just been assaulted, which she kind of had. Diana went all out on the questioning, and there was a good chance Titanyana didn't even know it. Which was good. Diana, if possible, wanted to keep the fact she knew about her love a secret until Titanyana decided to share that information with her. She could act clueless if need be, just to keep their relationship steady.


"Alright then, get out there. I've got to have a talk with Donovan."

Double chapter fo tonight. I hope you lot enjoy. Also, I'm apparently pretty far ahead of my resolution. Assuming I have a goal of 1 chap every 2 days, I'm sitting at about 14 days of leeway, 45 chapters in 74 days, so I'm set out to day 90. I won't be abandoning you all, I'm too stupid to do that, I think.

Anyways, the big reveal. DIANA is the horny one, not Donovan. Part of me thought it would be funny, the voices thought it was appropriate. She is the one with the "Need to Breed"™ so it makes sense, and she is also the one who thinks the best way of securing the loyalty of the Nekh is to have Donovan shag their Queen (read marry their monarch). Regardless, I desire further parasocial interaction and I will not stop until I have shot myself (for some reason or another, probably another tbh)

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