Dead Star Dockyards

174 A Shoulder to Cry On . . .

Diana escorted Titanyana out of the room, stopping her to adjust the dress and properly place her crown before sending her on her way. Titanyana, bless her heart, was not yet at the point of recovery from Diana's little mental assault. She did a poor job of hiding the look in her eyes when she saw Donovan again. Never one to miss an opportunity, Diana made a small attempt at apologizing to her.

"Donovan, how does she look?"

"Very pretty."

She knew he was going to say that, he always responded the same way when she asked that question.

"Elaborate, dummy. Pretty alone doesn't tell me anything."

"Well, uh, I think her dress matches her eyes splendidly, and that her bangs frame her face nicely." The tip of Titanyana's tail twitched at his words. 

'He thinks I'm pretty?'

Diana could imagine that was what she was thinking.

"Anything else?"

Donovan gave her a look that suggested he didn't like being put on the spot. Diana knew that, it was part of the reason she was doing it, so she returned a devious little smirk. 

"Her, uh, ears. They make her look . . . cute?"

Diana wanted to double over laughing, he was so lost. He probably would have been in the clear if he commented on her hair style or her arms, but he had instead focused on her ears, which undoubtedly made him feel a little weird. Who complements somebody's ears? Nobody normal, that was who.

Diana held herself back though, less out of courtesy and more because of Titanyana's reaction. She was blushing a violent shade of red, perhaps an ear compliment meant something to the Nekh?

"Ugh. Sorry he's such a prude Titanyana." Diana gave her a little push. "Go along now, I've got something I need to talk to him about. Grab something to eat, play some dice games, relax. You need it."

She usually went to bed after a round with Donovan. Titanyana would probably have to turn in early as well.

"O-okay." Now that Diana was aware of Titanyana's affection towards Donovan, she could see all the little tells as if they were under a spotlight. The little ear flicks, the redder than normal cheeks, her glances back towards Donovan, Diana had to wonder if she did something similar.

- - - - -

"Alright playboy, come with me." Diana yanked on his collar, dragging him back into the bathroom. At this point he knew better than to protest, he had ditched the party after all. "Take a seat, we need to talk."

"Sorry I left the party to take care of Titanyana." He had priorities, he knew his priorities, she knew his priorities. They both knew the party was only for one night, Titanyana would last many years. If they had to weigh their investments against each other, Titanyana took priority.

"Take care of her? So you admit it." Donovan took a seat on the bench, Diana then taking her spot on his lap.

"I mean, it was pretty obvious right?"

"Mmmm, I guess. You're lucky that I was the only who saw you two, anybody else would have made a fuss." Diana wrapped his arms around her waist and took a deep breath.

"That would be their problem Diana, I won't apologize for giving my subordinates the care they need." Donovan hugged her tight, more enthusiastically than he had done with Titanyana.

"How bold!" Diana turned back for a kiss. "Unfortunately, I'm not taking that as an excuse. There's a time and place for that sort of thing, doing it at a party is neither of those. She looked like a mess, Donny."

Donovan shut her up for a moment with his lips. "She didn't seem to mind."

"I don't think she was coherent enough to notice how bad it was." Diana wiggled her rear as she pushed her back into his chest, teasing him. He might be tempted to get handsy with her, but Diana wouldn't allow it. Well, there wouldn't be any stopping him if he decided he really wanted it, but Diana knew him well enough to know he would respect her decision. "How was she?"

"She'll be okay. She cried a little bit, but it wasn't anything she couldn't recover from."

'Oh Donny, you have to be gentle. Titanyana might be a fighter, but she's still just a lady. It's no wonder she bit you like that.'

Diana contemplated saying that aloud, but she felt she could be missing the mark. While she had faith that Donovan wouldn't go overboard in the bedroom, Titanyana was a little small. It could be that what caused her pain was simply out of his control, a problem caused by anatomical compatibility. Diana couldn't really say she had much to compare it to, but she could see it being a little bit too much to handle for her first time. 

"You didn't do anything to make her cry on purpose did you?" That was better. If harm wasn't his intent then there wasn't an issue. 

"I might have raised my voice a little." Donovan slowly exhaled next to her ear, perching his chin on her shoulder.

Diana rolled her eyes. From her perspective, that implied they got loud. It sounded like he was teasing her about it.

"Well, now that you are so open with the fact you've gotten comfortable with her I have to ask. Are we going to have an itty bitty kitty kitten running around in nine months?" Diana moved one of his hands to her stomach, just below her navel. Diana might be willing to share Donovan with Titanyana, but she would not tolerate being the second one to term. If she had to have Arc give her a C-section to get the baby out before Titanyana she could manage, but they would have to start getting busy tonight.

And then she would keep him busy. He would be going to bed empty every night until a pregnancy was confirmed.

At this point a part of her was actually hoping he didn't put a condom on. The urges to be a mother had been growing stronger by the day, unnaturally so. So much so that she had come to the conclusion that either the Great Csillacra or the Arboreal Maiden had done something to her. She mentioned increased fertility, but Diana didn't think 'perpetual lust' was covered by that. 

If anything she was just happy that those urges only applied to Donovan, if she had been reduced to a slut the consequences would have been disastrous.


"A condom Donny. Did you make sure to use a rubber with her?" Diana pressed his hand into herself. Through sheer force of will she was preventing herself from dropping his hand down even further. "It's fine if you didn't, we'll just have to move the first baby forward in our schedule."


"I know, the academy and whatever. To be honest Donny I can't find myself caring about it anymore." She began to squirm as her own lewd little fantasies came to mind. "I've already caught a pretty big fish. So long as he lets me throw a party every now and again I think we would be good."

"Diana what are you talking about?"

"Come on now Donovan, don't play coy at this point." Diana twisted her body and pushed her face into the right side of his neck. Kissing him right beside the bite mark, she took a deep breath through her nose. "Setting aside the hickey, I can smell her perfume all over you. I know I chose it out for her, but I didn't think she'd be using it to mark her territory so soon."

A little voice in her was mad, mad that Titanyana was trying to take Diana's most important person for herself, but it's complaints were easily quashed by every other part of Diana. Setting aside the political boons their relationship would bring, Diana was happy to know that there was someone who could take care of Donovan and any urges he might have whenever she was unavailable. With little to do aside from worry these days, she had been making it a habit to read.

Books about sex and maternity somehow found their way to the top of her list, non of them the erotic kind. There was stuff in there about sex positions and all that, but her primary goal was to gain some level of knowledge about her body so that she could better care for herself when the time (and Donovan) eventually came. Sex, it seemed, was a good way to relieve stress. If their future promised to be anything like the present, there was going to be a lot of stress, and Diana knew there would be times she couldn't be there.

"Diana, we didn't have sex." Donovan slowly adjusted his hold on her, delicately peeling her back so he could look her in the eyes. "What made you think that we did?"

Diana didn't believe him. Titanyana seemed to be infatuated with him, to the point it was a little concerning. What could possibly explain the sudden and massive shift in her behavior around him besides performing the most intimate action with him?

"Oral counts you-"

"DIANA." Donovan gently grabbed her chin with his hand and forced her to keep eye contact. "We. Did. Not. Have. Sex."

There were many things Donovan was good at. Many more things he was bad at. One of those things was lying, specifically to Diana. He might be able to disguise the truth with technicalities, but it was easy to tell when he was straight up lying. Much to Diana's embarrassment, unless Donovan had become a professional bluffer in the hour they were separated he wasn't lying. 

"But the hickey?"

"She bit me."


"Because . . . because I may have touched her somewhere she didn't like." He seemed embarrassed, but it still wasn't a lie.

"So you still made advances?" Diana was still holding on to a sliver of hope that she might not be totally in the wrong. If it turned our she was, she was going to have to make it up to him.

"AH, no. We were . . . you know I should just start from the beginning so you don't get the wrong idea." Donovan kissed her on the lips to shut her up before she responded. The unexpected nature causing a slight blush in Diana's cheeks. "When I left the bathroom I ran into her, well she ran into me and we kinda fell over, but she was not in good mood. She was crying, sobbing, and she didn't seem to want to talk. Naturally I got a little concerned and followed her to her room to check up on her. And then. . ."

"And then. . ?"

"And then I sort of pulled a Draco and tried consoling her." He winced a little as he said that to her, fearing he might have sullied her grandfather's good name. "I, uh, might have had to yell at her a little to get her out from underneath her covers, but after that I had her tell me what was making her so depressed. Um, one thing led to another and she asked me for a hug to calm her down."

Diana raised an eyebrow. "A hug?" That would explain why he smelled like her, and vice versa.

"Yeah. I mean it lasted a good while longer than a usual hug would, but she really seemed to need it. We only stopped when she bit me."

"Did she just bite you out of the blue then?" Titanyana hardly seemed like the type.

"No, it was justified. I sort let my hand slip down her back and touched a bit of a sensitive spot. The uh, the area above her tail is a bit of an erogenous zone for female Nekh." Donovan's expression suggested that he knew this information beforehand and had still ended up doing that.

"So you didn't . . ?"

Donovan shook his head.

"And her hair?"

"She was underneath the covers when I got up there."

"Your neck?"

"It was her best way to get me to stop."

Diana pouted, her body slackening like a deflating balloon as she collapsed into Don's chest.

". . . Now I feel like the pervert."

Donovan still wrapped his arms around her despite her accusations of adultery. As far as he was concerned, no harm had been done. "I'd use the term lecher."

Comments like that would still earn him some punishment though, and within seconds one of Diana's hands was trying it's hardest to get into his pants.

"Hey! Stop that." Unable to move out of the way because she was sitting on him, Donovan could only squirm and move his hips about to hinder her progress.

"Grrrr. You're wearing a belt!" She planted a kiss on his lips as she gave up. "I'll let you off the hook for now." Had they been on a sofa or bed she would not have stopped. She would have pushed him down. She wouldn't have molested him, She just would have taken his pants off and played keep away with them. It was pretty much harmless, even if the few other times she had tried something like that (namely his shirt and underwear) it ended up with her pinned to the ground and at his mercy.

Games where both parties got something they wanted at the end were the best, Diana could be sure of that much.

"In that case I think we should get back out there. The clock is ticking right?"

Diana sighed. "Yes Donny, yes it is. Would you lend me your arm down the hallway?" The beginnings of a devious smile were growing on her face.

"Of course."

Not giving him any time to react or bat her away, she held herself very close to him, close enough so that the sensation would evoke less than pure thoughts when she moved. He was aware of her intent, but he didn't bother to try and do anything about it. He could control himself, he wasn't driven by lust, and their image management was entirely up to her. If she fucked that up because she wanted to tease him that was her cross to bear.

Diana had another reason for doing this though, thinking about it during their hallway walk. Assuming Titanyana was there and noticed what she was doing, her responses would dictate Diana's future policy with regards to the Nekh princess. Sure enough, Titanyana hadn't gone far. She was sitting in the corner, poking at a plate of salad. It didn't take long for her to notice them enter.

'Blushing, flat ears, and playing with the hem of your dress? Titanyana sweetie, you aren't in love, you are in love.' Diana started to ease up on the intimacy now that she had gotten what she wanted out of it. 

"I guess what they say is true." Diana didn't finish her thought, even Donovan would be able to figure out what she meant if she said it aloud. 

'A shoulder to cry on . . .'

This is the end of the horny chapters, I hope. Here's something to clear your head.

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.