Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 1527 Luna's Story 3: Luna's Diary

1527  Luna's Story 3: Luna's Diary

Sakuya was standing with her arms dangling out of their dormitory on the fourteenth floor, exposing her still-wet nail polish to the gale-force winds that were shrieking between the school buildings. The sky was dark, holding something like a hurricane in its swollen black clouds. She whistled Dixie over the roar of thunder and yelled.

 "When you die, what do you want on your headstone?"

She never asked a question she didn't already have an answer to. A discussion was not for the formation of new ideas but for the sheer entertainment of old ones.

 "I don't know," Luna said, barely able to hear herself speak, though she leaned over as far off the edge of her bed as she could.

"I don't know if I want to be buried. I kind of want to decompose."

She frowned. "You and your Earth Mother shit."

Rain began to smack against the sidewalk, and she didn't so much as recoil. It dripped off the roof just beyond the tips of her fingers, where red sludge remained pooled, waiting.

"Cemeteries are…well. They're so romantic, don't you think?"

If there was any one institution that nurtured necrophilia, it was a parochial school. Mass was always centered around death—there were so many sins to atone for and so many to commit, and the waiting line before Saint Peter wound around the block. Angelic Disneyland Fast-Passes were only available to those who paid careful attention to the time bomb that was mortality.

"Just think about it. Well, you know what I'm about to say."

Luna chuckled staring straight into Sakuya's eyes.

She was flagrant in many ways,

One of her many sadistic delights was to ensnare boys and then play with them when they fell at her feet, begging for a movie, a dance, a grope.

"You creeper."

"Luna dear." She said in the way she always did when she said something ignorant.

"You're the creeper. Rotting? Who does that?"

"Nomadic tribesmen, who don't have the resources for embalming?"

She sighed. "Touché."

When she ran her fingernails together without clumping or running, she closed the window and the rain was muted, thunder muffled.

"Anyway, you want to know what I want on my headstone?"


"'I can have cheezburger, plz?'"


"You know. Like lolcats. Except lol-dead-Sakuya."

"Dead Sakuya is so not a lol-thing."

"Luna," She said, standing in front of the mirror and running a brush through her hair.

"Just think of it. The cheeseburgers that people provide in honor of the dead will provide food for local wildlife, and—just think—a hundred, two hundred years from now, people will come to make rubbings of my grave and think that twenty-first-century Americans spoke like that. I'll be fucking with the minds of generations to come."

Luna simply stared at her.

And in the way that usually accompanies cunning movie villains, lightning lit up the sky outside of the window, searing Luna's eyeballs back into her brain.

She grinned. "Isn't that brilliant?"

There in the dark, her skin shone beneath weak light and her eyes sparkled with whatever brightness that was going on behind them.

''Sure, she is creepy as fuck.'' Luna secretly mumbled before falling asleep. Maria was out for a business.

Sakuya stared at her friend sleeping soundlessly before grinning, deciding to sleep as well. Tomorrow because it is Sunday, it would be fun, she was imagining how to mess with Luna. Unlike Maria, she could tease Luna as much as she wants if she doesn't anger Luna.


The next day, Sakuya woke up, she sneaked out Luna's diary and started reading it aloud.

She was doing it intentionally.

["Have you ever fallen in love?"

The question startled me from my reverie.


"Have you ever fallen in love?" His eyes remained fixed on the sunset, always staring straight ahead. I thought for a moment. Had I ever fallen in love? I had been with numerous people in the past; some for a few years, others for a matter of days. But did I fall in love with any of them?

"I… I'm not too sure. What does falling in love feel like?" My question seemed to irk him. He sighed and looked down, shaggy hair hiding his eyes.

"It's hard to explain."

"Try. Try for me." It was then that his eyes, his eyes filled with storms and pain and something else I couldn't place, met mine.

"Falling in love…" He hesitated a moment, eyes fixed once more to the blaze on the horizon.

"Falling in love is like walking a paper-thin line above oblivion. You don't know what's at the bottom, so you do your absolute best to remain on that line. Sometimes you meet certain people, people that make you lose your balance, people that make you pitch towards that void. But you hold back, regaining your footing… and sometimes the person who tripped you is lost to the void. They tried to pull you down with them, but you wouldn't let go of the line."

"That doesn't sound very nice. I thought love was meant to be a nice feeling."

"But it is nice," He whispered. The world around us was so still. Just us, the burning sky and the unknown beneath the deathly thin line we walked.

 "Love is nice because one day you'll meet that person. That person that you fight with, that you cry with, that you laugh with. That person that sticks with you no matter what. That person that wriggles into the darkest corners of You no matter how hard you try to keep them out. That person is your person. And one day, the void doesn't seem so scary anymore. You take that leap. You dare to trip your person up, dare to pull them down with you. And sometimes they let you. And you fall together. So I'll ask again. Have you ever fallen in love?" His eyes burned into mine, burned hotter than any star.

 I said nothing, simply took his hand and stepped into the void. Limbs tangled, we fell. Fell into oblivion.]

Luna woke up and like a hungry hyena she jumped at Sakuya.

''Give it back!"

Sakuya being the most athletic of the three, easily dodged Luna's assault, going somewhere else before reading another page of Luna's diary.

[We floated across the pond. I dipped my hand in the clear water and watched the ripples spread outwards from my fingertips. I looked up at Alex and watched his long, black hair flying behind him in the breeze as he made the boat speed up. Her emerald eyes were squinting against the wind. He looks beautiful with the wind in his face, I thought.

The boat zipped across the smooth water, disrupting the pink cherry blossom petals that were sitting atop the surface of the pond. When the pond was calm, it looked almost like glass. But when there was a motorboat going at fairly high speeds, walls of shining white water spread out from the sides of the vessel, splashing anyone onboard.

Alex and I laughed, making eye contact between the water droplets flying through the air. I couldn't help but notice how lovely and full of life his laugh was. Alex was just like that pond. At first, it looked cool and calm, but as soon as a boat sped around you uncovered lots more beneath its surface.

The pond was beautiful, sometimes soft and quiet, sometimes loud and energetic. But all-around amazing.

Then the geese flew out of my range of sight.


Suddenly self-conscious and unsure of where to look, I fiddled with the skirt of my pastel pink dress and felt Alex's eyes on me.

The boat slowed to a stop and I watched some loud Canada geese flying overhead. I was surprised that they were out flying in formation at this time of year. I wondered where they were headed, and where they were coming from.

Then the geese flew out of my range of sight.

Suddenly self-conscious and unsure of where to look, I fiddled with the skirt of my pastel pink dress and felt Alex's eyes on me.

I looked up and my cheeks began to feel hot.

He looked so handsome with those sparkly water droplets in his hair. But he was smiling at me, so I smiled too.

"This is great," I sighed happily.

He laughed and said, "I'm glad you liked it. I should take you across the pond again sometime."

"Yes," I breathed. I was already starting to fantasize about what would happen next time we went out on this pond. Those emerald eyes reflecting on the surface of the lake are something I can never get tired of. I can look at them for eternity. Oh my love, forever be mine.]


Luna spelled her name so slowly that it sent shivers down to Sakuya's spine.

''YOU KNOW WHAT WOULD HAPPEN NO?" Luna's voice was slow as a snail, she was smiling.


A chill crawled up Sakuya's spine as she realized what Luna meant.

''Wait sister, I'm wrong, I promise not to take it anymore but at your age, you're still keeping a diary. Well, I said that I don't say anything.''

''Hehehe! Trying to grovel your way out of this won't work SAKUYA!" Luna moved so quickly Sakuya hadn't seen her coming and before she knew, Luna was behind her and the next instant she was on the ground because Luna had done a German suplex.



She was knocked out in the next moment.

That day she suffered so much and she stopped messing with Luna afterward. The latter stopped keeping a diary after that day.

I like this girl.


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