Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 1528 Luna's Story 4: First Kiss/Luna's Diary

1528  Luna's Story 4: First Kiss/Luna's Diary

Most people can complain about awkward moments where they find themselves uncomfortably close to someone's face for the first time. The trend is often the earlier one can get their first kiss, the better.

Luna and Alex were on his somewhere eating ice cream sundaes and their favorite Japanese candies that they had bought at the little market down the street. As close, as childhood friends, the topic of romantic relationships came up a lot. As close, childhood friends, they usually tried to avoid talking about them being together.

 Alex ruined that understood peace that day by saying, "Luna, can I kiss you?"

For a moment, she thought she had a major brain freeze, but in reality, it was just her world being spun on its head for a moment.

"Now?" She croaked.

"Not if you don't want to," Alex said, blushing himself silly.

 "I just thought – well, think – that you and I, we, should – well, would be a great couple."

"Oh," She replied. They sat there for some time, silently watching their sundaes erode until they were somewhat chunky puddles.

"You know I don't kiss, Alex. You know I've been saving it for something special."

"Yeah, I know," the hint of eagerness in his eyes died as he explained his audacity in asking her for something she would give so easily.

 "I just thought that I could make it special enough."

And in truth, Alex was really special. And her best friend. And though they'd never admit openly, they loved each other.

"I'm sorry, dude," She said, trying not to cry.

"I can't."

"I understand. What do you want to do today?"

"We have that project in Robert's'. Mind if we work on that?"

"Sounds good."

And that was the end of that, in her dreams.

Unfortunately, Alex's perfectly innocent question plagued her mind for the following week, until the Friday when they met next. They walked down to the market, admiring the golden aspens as they strolled.

At the market, they purchased their usual favorite Japanese candy, in addition to strawberry-flavored Twizzlers. Happily munching on the candy, they walked into the wooded park on the side of the road. Farther in they went, to the point where they couldn't see the road, or any houses, or anyone at all. It was just them, and an army of golden aspens.

They'd been here before to eat candy, so they plopped down on the dirt and munched away. Luna felt almost sick to be around him, without clearing up something to make him happy. After all, Alex had always been there for her as a friend. He deserved her affection.

"Lex, um," She choked on a piece of purple hard candy.

"Um, you have permission to, well, you know…"

It took a moment for him to answer.

"You don't have to, you know," He said.

"I know. But I want to."

"You sure?"


"Ok, then."

A few minutes and a couple of good laughs later, they stood. There was one Twizzler left. He split the nine intertwined strands, giving four for her, and taking five for himself. They consumed them as the hot Colorado sun started to flee the skies, casting orange light to aspens around them. She ate her candy fast, but Alex was a bit slower as if doing this intentionally, he was young but sometimes behaved like an adult. They continued to eat.

Five strands. Four. Three. Two took a while to go down, due to the inconsiderate interruption of a gaseous squirrel. There was one strand left.

"Do you want to split it?" Alex suddenly raised this question.

She nodded. He gave one end to her, and she struggled to comprehend why he was still holding on to the other end. Once it clicked for her, her spine grew cold.

'This kiss is a gift. You love him, but hold on! You're about to give something you will never get back! But I guess it's worth it because it's Alexander.'

After the short inner monologue, Luna put the end in her mouth and started to chew it slowly. Alex did the same with his end. The strand shrunk and shrunk, and with each bite Luna's pulse quickened, and the earth around them started to change. At three inches between their faces, an angry wind lashed around the trees, roaring for her to stop. At two, amber leaves started to whip their faces. One, she could no longer move; she was a lead statue, frozen to the spot where Alex was about to kiss her. Her mind screamed for her to stop while she could she was still a child, she must wait, but her heart had temporary control of her body. It was already too late to stop.

The wind yowled, cried, mourned. The leaves rushed, fought, tore. Hair in her face, strawberry candy in her mouth, and Alex's nose grazing hers. Their lips touched, and they tasted like Twizzlers.

'This is what I remember about my first kiss: the nearly scalding temperature of his face, the sticky candy on our lips, and the wind that warned me not to tear my world apart.'


The memory of their first meeting came rushing to her mind and she couldn't help but think.

'This is what I remember about my first kiss: the nearly scalding temperature of his face, the sticky candy on our lips, and the wind that warned me not to tear my world apart.'

The memory of their first meeting came rushing to her mind and she couldn't help but think.

'You walked in as a god. I saw your divine self-confidence. I felt our chemistry at that moment before we said one word. Then came your voice so deep and steady. That first impression stayed in my soul as a sort of bright camera flash, a moment captured in high definition.'


 Luna's Diary (A/N: She kept a diary to let loose her imagination, and create a world where they are together. She could hide her obsessive thoughts inside it, to keep them in check.)

'He was here, in this class. My breath became quick and short as he gracefully sat beside me. I smiled as his beautiful green eyes locked on mine. He smiled as a lock of his straight black hair fell from his forehead.

He swept it back and turned to face the front. My heart was racing on a road that never ended. My fingers fumbled for my pen, and I began to write as the professor talked. My mind was full of thoughts. Full of a picture of me and him holding each other and feeling his lips on mine. He doesn't know that I love him, he does not know. All I can do is dream, Alex, dream of Alex. But, something is different. Can it be?

I see Alex's hand slide closer to mine, just barely touching. I am shaking all over as I watch his beautiful hand. I glance up and see him and his beautiful eyes, a smile on his oval face. I smile and quickly go back to my paper. Could this really be happening? No, there's no way, I am just imagining it.

Suddenly Alex's hand moves and he holds my hand completely. My heart stops and I fix my eyes upon this incredible sight. His hand was warm on mine. I jump as I hear the bell ring for the end of class. I swiftly get up and head out, my hand slipping away from his. He follows me out and when we are finally alone he calls my name.

"Luna.." He calls in his deep voice. I stop and turn around to face the man I love. He takes my hand once more and pulls me toward him. I'm swept up into my dream as he kisses me, my emotions swarming and my heart about to explode. Can it be?'


Love Poem to My Lover

With one touch you entered my soul,

As if your own body were its key,

Not a thing of metal nor gold,

Yet a sensation of love that came,

Through fingertips and eyes,

Through your steady breaths,

Through your sweet words,

To never let anyone sit at my core,

Surrendered in that fleeting moment,

Realizing that it now forever was in love,

Silencing the whisperings of doubt,

Finding the way forward in any storm,

Finding the resolution to protect come what may,

Finding a new inner strength had ignited,

Relieved to discover my pure self,

That is real love there is no temptation to change,

Because it is our real selves that bonded,

It is our real selves that each other loves.'

'I listen to you talk,

Soaking in your excitement,

Revealing in the light of your eyes,

Bathed in the warmth of your voice,

I see how you are often still,

I see how you move,

I notice how you listen to me,

How you think so deeply,

Of the right response to say,

Willing to walk my thought paths,

To take part in joint problem-solving,

There is a vast difference between strength and ego,

You are strong,

You believe in yourself,

You respect the honest heart,

And have the wisdom to see reality,

That some are players seeking only play,

Rather than mutual benefit,

And in all that,

From your ways to your words,

There is so much to love,

Yet when we add the chemistry,

The passion to touch,

The primal need for intimacy,

There is that feeling of being in love,

That it has arrived without fanfare,

As a humble traveler,

Not there a moment earlier,

Yet forevermore existing after.'

No other woman will love Alex like Luna do.



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