Death March — Fixed

Vol 10 – Chapter 5 – To The Labyrinth

Tek here, it would happen to me--in games, due to item limits, it was often the case that I had to throw out away items. I had to choose between what to keep and get rid of based off rarity and selling price.


Arisa and the others, who have just finished changing, come back down to the lobby in the first floor. There is no bar here, it’s a high-class inn, even this lobby needs a separate payment to use.


This inn is located behind the Adventure’s Guild.


I actually wanted to go to the mansion that Giril lent me, but since I don’t know if we could immediately stay there, we got an inn to look after the horses while we explore the labyrinth.


By the way, about the carriage with the Magic Tools, I switched it out for an identical carriage--but without any Magic Tools in it. I did this after the stable-hand left, and he shouldn’t notice, though the dirtiness is slightly different.


“Now then, shall we go?”


“Master, it is probably presumptuous of me, but you should wear some armour.” Liza looks at me with worry in her eyes.


“Reporting that equipment is important.”


“I’ll be standing by today. I also have Nana and Liza to protect me.”


My robe is made from Yuriha fiber, and I used the leather made from the Great Monstrous Fish to make my mantle, and boots--most attacks from Monsters below level 50 shouldn’t even be able to even scratch it.


I also pick up the Fairy Sword that I leaned on the sofa, and I wear thin gloves as well.


Since it seems that there is a carriage that goes from the front gate to the west gate every two hours, we take it to go. Originally we should’ve waited for another hour before it departs, but since the passengers have reached the quota of eight, they’re just going to depart. It seems to be quite flexible.


“Ehehehe, this is my first real labyrinth. It must be different than the Spriggan’s trials.”


“It’s completely different?”

“It’s not a playground like that! It’s a true battlefield, one that makes your blood boil!”


“You two, you will get hurt in the labyrinth if you’re like that--focus your minds.” Liza reproaches Tama and Pochi, who are acting like seniors to Arisa.


Mia seems to be tense, she has little to say.


Nana is operating normally, so she’s probably fine.


“Chevalier, I’m sorry, but would you be willing to allow one more person to join?”


“Yes, feel free.”


Just as we were about to embark, the female staff asked us. Since having another person wouldn’t be a problem, since I would just have Tama sit in my lap, I agreed.


“I’m sorry for forcing my way in. My name is Gina, I’m a daughter of Chevalier Daryl.”


“Nice to meet you, I’m Chevalier Felspar.” I answer her, while playing with Tama’s fluffy ears, as she leans back against me with a contented purr.


The girl who introduced herself as Gina looks to be 16 years old, she is wearing a dark-brown leather armour, she also has a round shield and a flail. She’s about as tall as I am, and has shoulder-length red hair and reddish-brown eyes, with slightly tanned skin.


She is level 25, with the Shield and One-Handed Staff Skills.



Gina seems to be afraid of Demi-Humans, or at least is uncomfortable around them, she is sitting between Lulu and Arisa.


“Gina, are you an Adventurer?”


“Mhm, I’ve just become one now. There are other people from my town that are also Adventurers, so I’m going to look for them near the west gate and then go tackle the labyrinth together.” Arisa asks in a polite tone.


Gina speaks like a knight, I don’t know if it’s her nature or if she is putting on an act.


After leaving the are where the rich live, we are going along as street that seems to be a red-light district. The calm atmosphere of the city changes into something almost vulgar. Although the women standing on the balconies don’t seem to particularly seem like they are wanting to work--but there’s a strange, excited feeling.


After leaving the red-light district, we come to a narrow alley filled with small shops that are full of noisy people. Armed men and women, who seem to be Adventurers, seem to be negotiating.


“Wow, everyone is weary gaudy armour, aren’t they?”

“Gaudy, gaudy.”


Arisa looks at the armour and Pochi follows her gaze.


Nevertheless, their armour are probably made from Monster parts, but I wonder why they have all those pointless looking ornaments? Is it just to make them look menacing?


Still, the equipment of the Adventurers are peculiar.


There are as many young people as there are people with mysterious equipment. There is someone who’s wearing wooden blocks that are sown together, and people who have stone axes, or black stone spears. The equipment of the Magic Hunters in Puta town were a lot more normal.



We got off the carriage in front of the Adventurer’s Guild near the west gate. It’s full of people--which is understandable, because it is probably a lot more convenient, since it’s right near the labyrinth.


“Yo, newbie Adventurer over there. How ‘bout it, do you need the labyrinth map? It’s three silver coins.”


The market price is eight copper coins--even ripping someone off has a limit.


Gina beside me is astonished, “Is it that expensive?”


The man selling the map seemed to think that I, who didn’t make any reactions after hearing the price, was an easy target, so he tried to promote his map even further.


“I’ll buy it for eight copper coins.”

“Oy, oy, ain’t that too much of a beating?”

“I don’t particularly need it if it’s any more than that.”

“Wait, I’ll give you one for eight copper coins, this one time. We’re selling the most accurate labyrinth map ‘round here. If this map is useful, please buy from us again.”


I exchange eight copper coins for the map.


‘First Area’ is written messily on the edge of the map that’s drawn on it. It’s full of strange lines and symbols, I don’t know how to decipher them.



“How do you read this?”


“That will be another eight copper co--”


“It’s included in what I paid before.”


The small man was going to try to get more money, but I spoke over him, and coerced the service.


Summarizing the small man’s long-winded explanation there are symbols called sign monuments. Sign monuments are something that the Adventurers from the olden days set up in the areas that have been completely explored, and are built at a fixed interval. There are three different types of information recorded on them: ‘Area Number’, ‘Distance From The Entrance’, and ‘Serial Number’.


It has one more important functions, glowing red when Monsters approach, and blue when it’s people. This is to prevent friendly fire between Adventurers in the dark labyrinth.


“However, even if it’s glowing blue, don’t let yer’ guard down.”




“There are these thieves called Lost Thieves who aim for Adventurers who have hunted Monsters.”


“What should we do if we’re attacked by those guys?”


“That’s difficult to say.”


If the other party attacks first, you’re free to either kill them, or sell them off as crime slaves, but it seems that it’s hard to tell them apart if they pretend to be some friendly common Adventurers. Thus, if you meet other Adventurers, you should be cautious and keep some distance away from each other, unless you’re acquainted with them.


Since Arisa and the others have become impatient, let’s put off the information gathering.



Since Gina said that she was going to look for her acquaintances, she went to the Adventurer’s Guild building, and we parted ways.


The west gate seems like it’s normally shut, unlike the eastern gate. When you show your ID to the gatekeeper, they open a smaller gate built into the larger wooden gate. Being a gatekeeper here seems like an annoying job.


When we get close to the gate, children wearing short clothing approach us. When I check on them, their occupations are Baggage Carriers, a lot of them are girls.


“Noble, please employ me.”

“Employ me, I’m alright with two pennies a day.”

“I’m fine with one penny a day!”

“Hey, don’t interrupt me.”

“I don’t need money, if you give me food--I’ll do anything!”


Liza gently pushed away the little girl who was trying to grab my clothing, with the blunt, wooden, end of the shaft of her spear. The children inched back slightly from Liza’s glare, but they keep trying to promote themselves.


Every child is only level 1 - 2. There is no way I could take them into the labyrinth, since it’s much too dangerous.


Pochi and Tama look like they want to say something, as they seem to sympathize with the children, all of whom have growling stomachs. It can’t be helped.


I take the children to the shop that’s selling grilled skewers nearby, and buy them one each. The skewers seem to be made from Monster meat, is what eastern Guild people have told me--which explains why they’re only one copper coin, very cheap.


“Wow, it’s a Labyrinth Frog skewer.”

“It’s a feast.”

“Delicious, I’ll work hard, Noble.”

“Mhm, I haven’t had a feast like this in a long time.”


Just what do you guys usually eat?


I also bought some for Pochi and the others, since they look like they wanted it.


We leave the little girls there, and go to the labyrinth, and for some reason the little girls want to come with us--but I couldn’t let them do that.


“Little girls are looking here as though they wish to join the party.” Arisa speaks as though she is imitating a system from a game, but I just gently bop her on the head.


The little girls were looking so reluctant toward us as we went through the gate, as it was closing, but I steeled my heart and turned away.

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