Death March — Fixed

Vol 10 – Chapter 6 – Passage Of Death

Tek here, when I was playing PC RPGs, I would usually take all of the side quests before the main quest, because they rarely have a deadline. If you can work at your own pace, you can do whatever is needed and have nothing to lose.


“Ooh! It really feels like the genuine entrance to a labyrinth, doesn’t it?”



There’s a stair leading downwards, beyond the opened gate. After we descended around fifteen meters, we came to a underground passage, that is five meters high and ten meters wide.


It looks like Pochi and Tama have remembered Seryuu City’s labyrinth, both of them are silent and almost pressing against me from both sides. Since there are Magic lights in the ceiling, it’s sufficiently bright. Not bright enough to read a book, but also not dark enough that you need a torch.


I don’t know whether the passage’s way is meandering, or how long until it reaches the entrance to the labyrinth. It seems to be called the ‘Passage of Death’, and the labyrinth is technically a hundred or so meters ahead--though it’s longer through the passage.


Since I have time, I decide to check various things on the map.


The Labyrinth City of Selbira has 110,000 people in total. Among them, the army, called the Labyrinth Area Army, is 10,000 people. The army is in a giant fortress to the southwest. The average soldier’s level is around 30, which is higher than most of the armies that I have seen--they’re probably Elites.


Since I have a letter from Nina to the general of this army, I have to see to that once we’re done with exploring the labyrinth.


The army that’s in charge of the Labyrinth City defense isn’t this Kingdom’s army--but the army of the present Viceroy of Selbira, Marquis Ashinen. I’ve had some trouble with this person in the trade city, so I don’t really want to get involved with him. It should be a while before he arrives here, so my duty should be fulfilled if I just stop by the mansion and drop off a passable gift.


There are unexpectedly few Adventurers, no more that 5,000 people.


According to the traveler’s journal there are around 1,000 young people who come to the city every year, to become Adventurers, so feel that this number may be too few.


There are about 1,000 people who are working as baggage carriers, like the little girls from earlier.


There are 50 people in the entrance to the labyrinth ahead.



Four Adventurers are coming from ahead. They’re around levels 15 - 18, which is quite low. It looks like one of them is heavily injured.


“It smells like blood.”

“Someone’s coming?”


Pochi and Tama quickly notice the appearance of the Adventurers from the path ahead.


“Nana, protect Lulu and Arisa.”




Is Mia fine?


Just as that thought popped into my head, Liza had already moved in front of Mia.


“I am Jeje of Red Ice! We have an injured person! Please leave any disputes for later.” A young man, who seems to be the leader of his party, shouts out while waving his hands.


I can’t see the face of the injured person, but their armour is widely split, and blood is seeping out from the shirt that’s been used to wrap the wound.


“Uuh, that’s a really terrible wound--”


“Nn, Tek?”


Arisa and Lulu become very pale when they look at the injured person.


Mia asks with her eyes if it’s fine for her to use Magic, but I signal her not to with my hand.


“I’m Tek, a Beginner Adventurer. Please use this medicine, if it’s fine with you.” I hold out two Magic Potions as I speak--which should be enough for recovery, judging from their levels.


“I’m sorry, but we don’t have anything. I’ll pay you back when the leader, whose selling Magic Cores catches up. It’s shameless of me, but can I have the Potions beforehand?”


“Sure, go ahead.”


Since I originally intended to give them for free, I quickly replied and gave the Potions to Jeje.


“Huh? Don’t tell me that these are Magic Potions?”

“Yes, that’s right. Rather than that, give it to that person quickly.”

“We’re indebted to you.”


One bottle recovers almost 80% of their health. I can’t see the wound since it’s wrapped in cloth, but it should be closed now.


“Then, we’ll be going.”

“P-Please wait, we still haven’t paid you.”

“I got them from someone, so please don’t worry about it, we’ll meet again if fate allows.”


We can’t keep loitering here all day, so we part from them.


I heard a warning from behind, “There’s an abnormal outbreak of Ants in area 1-4 of the labyrinth, so don’t get close to it.”


Turning back to them, I waved my hand, to express thanks.


That’s just right, let’s go there today.


Mia and Lulu are trembling slightly, maybe they’re anxious because of seeing someone who’s injured. Arisa’s mood has dropped a bit, but it isn’t as bad as these two.


“You two, should we stop for today?”


“I-I’m fine.”

“I’m fine.”

The two seem to be forcing themselves to be brave, walking forwards with clenched fists. If they are still like this when we get to the labyrinth entrance, let’s go back.



There’s a big, around five meter tall, door at the end of the passage.


That’s probably the Labyrinth Gate, a crimson devil’s face is embossed on the jet-black door. Beside the door is a 10 meter long, 5 meter wide, counter. Behind the desk, there are several people who seem to be Guild Staff, as well as four high-leveled Mages who seem to be either their escorts or guards.


At one part of the counter, the leader of Red Ice and a middle-aged man who seems to be a Guild Staff member are arguing about the price of Magic Cores.


On the other side of the counter, children are sitting down and occupying a space of around 30 meters. They’re Human children ranging from 10 - 14 years old, the male/female ratio is approximately the same.


There are no slaves, and their levels are between 3 - 5. Wearing short clothing and knitted sandals. Some of them only wear trousers and don’t have any sandals. They’re not Adventurers, but baggage carriers, without weapons and armour.



“There are a lot of children.”


Pochi, Tama, and Mia all tilt their heads while looking puzzled. I don’t think they arranged it in advance, but they managed to be splendidly uniformly, making me smile.


“I was late…” Arisa muttered with a strangely annoyed.


Now then, the children’s eyes lock-on to me, without a sound or sign.


It’s a bit, scary.


“I wonder what they’re doing?”

“Their eyes are scary.”


Arisa is curious, and Lulu feels like it’s spooky. I totally agree with Lulu.


I was worried that Nana would abduct them since they’re all children, but--

“Deny that I’m fine as long as it’s a child.”

--So she says, it seems that she has her own criteria as well.


“Master, the staff are calling.”


I didn’t notice that the staff was calling me, until Liza brought it to my attention.


“What is it?”

“Excuse me, are you a Beginner Adventurer?”

“Yes, I’m Tek.”

“I think you’ve already heard it when you were registering, but we will buy the Magic Cores that you get from the Labyrinth. We will also buy the Monster parts from the notices that are hung on the wall over there, but since some of the applicants of them aren’t always present, there’s no guarantee that they will be there when you leave the labyrinth, so pleas take care.”


I only noticed it after the staff explained it to me, but there is what looks like a bulletin board, and it’s covered with a lot of posters. Most of the clients seem to be Craftsmen, or Stall Merchants.


Beside the bulletin board, there are children in slightly better clothing.


According to the staff, there are a large number of Adventurers who can’t read, so the children of merchants, who can read, stay there.


“I recommend the requests for Labyrinth Frog meat and the shells of Insect Monsters, since they’re always present.” The staff member tells me some recommended requests.


Hearing of the frog meat, Liza nods, while mutter, “That’s delicious.” She is probably remembering when we at it in the labyrinth of Seryuu City.


I decided to ask about something--though I was pretty sure I knew the answer, “By the way, what’s with those children?”


“Ah, they’re children who work as baggage carriers. They’re waiting to be employed by Adventuring parties.”


Still, for carrying baggage, isn’t it better to employ adults rather than those children?


Just as I was about to ask, the labyrinth gate opened, and a 10-person Adventurer party came out. It’s a party of mostly warriors with an average level of 25. The three Beastkin among them seem to be baggage carriers.


“Yo, Vena. Sorry for interrupting you, but is the request for Grey Spider meat still there?”


“I’m really sorry. The Owl’s Beard had brought it in this morning, so I don’t think that there will be anymore requests at this time.”


“Cheh, those guys again, huh? Can’t be helped, Vena, I’ll grill this meat. Oy, you brats, I’ll give some to you guys. You can say, ‘Dozon is cool’, or ‘Thank you, Dozon’ all you want while you’re eating.”


After the bear-like bearded Adventurer declares this to the children, loud shouts of joy echoed around the room.


We show the gate staff our wooden plates, one by one, and finally enter the labyrinth. The guild staff looked surprised as Pochi and Tama easily open the massive door.

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