Death March — Fixed

Vol 8 – Chapter 18 – The Battle In The Arena (Part 2)

Tek here, it’s said that the three major desires of man are sleep, appetite, and sexual desire. I never really got the point of the first two--but I definitely understand the last one.




Even though it’s alright since I am disguised as Sine Nomine, I might have been a bit too conspicuous. But maybe I could use this as an opportunity: If I act really showy here, it might help in exposing my true identity more difficult--because it’ll be very different from my usual self.


Fortunately, the blood of the whales has become a mist, and it is currently obscuring me.


There’s no one that can use Clairvoyance like me--I’ve tested this with Arisa, I can sense if someone is using it to look at me, using my Magic Perception.


For now, let’s do something about my voice, “A, aa, aAaAA”, I alter my voice, making it higher.


>>Skill: Strange Voice Acquired.


It has to be the most showy one, so I decide to use the ‘White Mask--Halo Options Attached’. These clothes were made when I was thinking with Arisa late at night, we both were in a strange mood and went slightly overboard.


As for the garment, the clothes are white, and coloured with gold threads. On top of having needlessly fluttering cloth--the shoulder, chest, back, and hips were designed to be gender-neutral. I don’t wear a cloak or an overcoat, and wear a white smiling mask--the wig is a newly made one with long straight violet hair.


Of course, it’s not Arisa’s hair.


It’s just a dyed white-hair wig.


The ‘set’ has Illusory Magic to add three large shining halos that orbit behind me, and make afterimages when I move. As a bonus, I put bracelets that shine more intensely the faster I move.


I change my title into Unsung Hero, matching the Sine Nomine name. It’s a showy, gaudy style that I absolutely wouldn’t wear when I’m not acting. Since I’m going to intervene anyway, I become a little serious, and use Remote Arrows to destroy the two remaining beetle Monsters, and the yellow-skinned Demon’s orbs. I directed the remaining Arrows towards the yellow-skinned Demon itself, but it managed to defend against the Arrows.


“Who’s here?”

“Who are you!”


The yellow-skinned Demon and the Hero ask my identity in overlap. While keeping a distance from each other, both of them seem to be wary of me. I lower my altitude and descend until I am approximately 10 meters above the ground.


“Sine Nomine” I utter my name in a grandiose tone.


Thanks to Maxing out the Strange Voice Skill, I can freely use any voice I want. I adjust my voice to sound like a female voice actor voicing a boy--like Bart Simpson--or other characters voiced by Nancy Cartwright.


I’m trying to give off the impression of unknown age and gender.


Danger Sense warns me of the danger from the women behind the Hero. That reminds me, it’s been 2-3 minutes since she began chanting--it’s probably some kind of Advanced-Grade Magic, but judging from this sensation…it’s probably not a Spell that should be used inside a town.


Not good.


I have to stop it.


It’s been a while since I felt this impatient. I check the log to make sure, but that impatience isn’t caused by Mind Magic.


The best way is to persuade the Hero to stop them, but the problem is that there won’t be enough time to do that, so I’m going to be forceful.


First, I use Break Magic to forcefully stop the chanting.


Of course, disrupting Magic that’s in the middle of being composed causes the Magic to begin to overflow from the source into the surroundings. I’ve expected this course of events from the result of doing Magic experiments during the times when the others are asleep, and I don’t have to.


So, I use Force Barrier to protect the women--it isn’t that strong when it comes to defense, but it should be enough to protect them; yep, no problem there.


However, there seems to be some other form of feedback or backlash from the forced termination of the Magic to some extent, they fall to the ground on their knees.


“What are you doing!” The Hero asks in an almost frantic tone.


“That Magic is too dangerous to use in a town, you know. Sorry, but I made them stop the chanting, you know.”


The hero rushes over to the women while listening to my response. I changed my tone to match my voice, and to sound more grandiose.


You’re a hero, please pay attention to the surroundings as well--you can see that the girls live and aren’t in any danger, you can get mad at me after the larger threat of the Demon is gone.


“This is laughable. Are you quarreling among yourselves? You must have used an Illusion Technique and sent the Great Monstrous Fish back through the Summing Gate? Your friend has got quite some wisdom there.”




You’re going to interpret it like that.



The Hero’s silver ship, which seemed to have been hiding in Sub-Space surfaced. White light emits from the bow of the surfaced ship--it loiters for a while, but then after hesitating for a bit, it decides on a target and fires.


Unfortunately, it’s aiming at me.


Apparently, they judged me as an enemy since they saw the Hero who was shouting at me. While, I admit, I do look like a suspicious person--shouldn’t they go for the confirmed Demon before attacking a stranger who may or may not be an enemy? Well, I would probably act in a similar fashion, so who am I to object?


At least, with the Halos generated by my clothing should at least make them pause in considering me bad.


I stack Flexible Shield, and block the beam from the Hero’s ship with it. The Flexible Shield’s HP rapidly decreases--it seems that the ship’s weapon is about 4-8 times more powerful than my normal laser, maybe not the Condensed Pulse Laser. Since I can’t just stay blocking, I use Condense to divert the beam’s direction towards the sky--it might have been more efficient if I had access to the Spell Absorb Light, from Shadow Magic.


The ship’s bow, that’s discharging the beam, has become red hot, so the attack is probably going to stop soon. The Hero is shouting something to his companions in the ship, but it looks like they can’t hear him.


“So weak, Hero! <<Dance>> Claiomh Solais.”




The prince’s still here?


After the Hero’s ship, even the prince judges me as an enemy, and shoots the flying Holy Sword. I shift my face to the side to avoid it, and catch the grip, stopping it in place. The Holy Sword is going wild in my grasp, but it quiets down immediately after I draw the Magic Power out of it.


However, the prince looks quite exhausted.


When I was putting the whales into my storage, there were a large quantity of Monsters that looked like parasites that fell alongside the body fluid, and I didn’t store them so they fell towards the arena.


Individually, they were weak Monsters, but they were falling just right towards the prince and his cohorts.


I though that the prince and his companions would be fine, so I left them alone, but it seems that they had an unexpectedly hard time. His armour had been partially destroyed, and it looks like the parasites have been gnawing on the revealed skin.



The yellow-skinned Demon creates a Summoning Circle below its feet, like its trying to get away while the others are distracted. Unfortunately for the Demon, I was watching it the whole time--and I used Break Magic to destroy the Summoning Circle. Next I destroy its defensive Magic with a second Break Magic. However, the defense is multi-layered, so one shot isn’t enough.


I quickly approach the Demon with Ground Shrink and use Drain Magic on it, to take away its Magic Power.


“Grr! To have my Magic stolen this easily?!” The yellow-skinned Demon isn’t letting its Magic get stolen freely--it’s doing various, useless, resistance.


“You bastard, you must be the True Ancestors of the Vampires.”


This time, I’m called a Vampire.


For the time being, I continue to use the combo of hitting it with Break Magic, followed by Drain Magic. The Demon starts saying even more, but I decide to ignore it, hoping it won’t raise too many more flags.


I can snatch 300MP in one go. I thought that it only has 710MP because it’s level 71, but it doesn’t seem like it’s MP Pool has been emptied, even after I deprived it twice. Apparently, Demons have a far larger MP Pool than Humans.


Its Magic finally dried up after I used Drain Magic 10 times, it may have almost as much MP as I do.


Since I drained too much Magic, I place it into the Holy Sword that I’ve received from the rather generous prince. At first, the sword is the size of a one-handed sword, but it’s growing bigger as I put in more Magic. If Arisa was here, she would have an amused expression as she watches, one eyebrow raised.


The expansion stopped after I put around 500MP--it’s become as big as the replica in the museum.


After I finish tearing off the yellow-skinned Demon’s Magic defenses, stripped off all its Magic Power, and shaved off 90% of its HP, I throw the Demon towards the Hero’s party.


The Hero’s sword bisects the yellow-skinned Demon, without any hesitation.


So, it can be easily defeated when its defense Magic has been broken. If I manage to develop a Magic that can break multiple Magic Spells at the same time, I can defeat them surprisingly easily.


The yellow-skinned Demon screamed, “I demand a restart!”, but what exactly did it want to restart?


The Mages in the Hero’s party are burning remains with Magic.


The Hero steps up before me, with his sword drawn--come to think of it, he’s not using a Holy Sword, but a Magic Sword. Did the Holy Sword break?


“What is your intention with that?”


“Wasn’t it your fated opponent?”


“Hmm, I won’t say thanks.”


“I don’t mind, you know. You’d have defeated it if you had used the Forbidden Magic, right?”


Judging from the yellow-skinned Demon’s composure, it probably already had countermeasures for it, but, I probably shouldn’t say that.


However, adopting this tone was probably a mistake--it’s a little difficult to keep it up.


“By the way, that stupid prince is going to die, you’re not going to help him?” The Hero asks me with a raised eyebrow.


I look toward the prince because of the Hero’s words, he’s being toyed with by small fry Monsters after seemingly getting inflicted with an intoxicant poison. It seems that the Hero doesn’t want to actively help him.


I’m also absolutely fine with leaving him alone to die, but I have to eliminate the Monsters anyway--and I don’t want to look as more of a suspicious person--so I decide to help him in this occasion.


It’d be faster if I were to use Remote Arrows, but let’s try using the Holy Sword that I just acquired.


“<<Dance>> Claiomh Solais.”


The Holy Sword Claiomh Solais leaves my hand, and multiplies itself like paper scattering from a stack--it’s split into 13 swords with thin blades. The true sword is wrapped in blue light.


An aiming reticule, like with Remote Arrow, is displayed in my Heads-Up-Display. I can also set the trajectory in a similar fashion, it seems.


With that, I shoot them at the small-fry Monsters. The blade cuts the Monsters in successions as they evaporate by the Holy Light.


They were all around level 20 Monsters when I first saw them, but there are some level 50 Monsters mixed in before I knew it. It looks like they used a Skill called Drain Life to steal levels from the other Monsters and the prince, and then grew up.


I see.


That explains why the prince’s hair has become white.


He didn’t have that many wrinkles, and his level should have been in the upper 40s, but now it has dropped to the upper 20s. The Battle-Maniac is also like the prince, but in a much better condition--his level is still in the upper 30s, and his hair hasn’t become white.


Alas, it would have been better if I had waited to throw Claiomh Solais for a bit longer.


It would have been good enough for them to survive with their limbs still intact.

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