Death March — Fixed

Vol 8 – Chapter 19 – The Battle In The Arena (Part 3)

Tek here, there’s a thing called a Tabletop RPG. It’s a game where you role-play as someone inside the world of the game.


A Birdkin scout comes flying from the opposite side of the arena.


Apparently, the Duke’s forces have finally arrived--confirming on the map, there are 10 Iron Golems, and 3,000 knights encircling the arena. There are also several Mobile Forts.


“Tsk, coming here after all this.” I’m saying my farewells to the Hero, who’s uttering curse words. It’ll be troublesome if I don’t leave soon, “Hero, I will have to go soon--I don’t want to get too close to influential people.”


I’m sorry, I’m actually already on the side of those influential people.


“I understand that feeling. You can probably see it already, but I’m Hayato Masaki. You’re also a Japanese--no, with that hair, a reincarnated person, huh. You’re a former Japanese, right?”


“Japanese or not, you already know from seeing me, don’t you? I’m the ‘Hero Without A Name’, Sine Nomine. We might meet again in a battlefield someday.” I say to the Hero, who seems to be acting more friendly.


“Wait! Won’t you fight with me together? I want you for the battle with the Demon Lord.”


Uhh, phrasing?


“Is that a proposal? Thanks for the invitation, but no thanks--the bunch of scary women behind you seem to want to attack me. Bye then, ladykiller.”


Poor Hero, he not only has to face the Demon Lord, but he needs to face a much worse threat--jealous, monopolizing women. He will be like many I have known--begging for the sweet release of death.


Ever wonder why anyone summoned to a world like this would want to go home?


Women like power->Many Jealous/Monopolizing Women will approach, to get their hands on as much as possible->The man will suffer worse than that world did under the hands of the Demon King->He will ‘accidentally’ die from poison, and one of the women will get their hands on everything he owned, and the others will all mysteriously disappear/die off.


Well, it seems that I’ve cleared the objective of becoming a character that won’t be associated with me, but it feels so wrong.



The scout unit that have checked out the audience seating begin to call out ‘Yamato’ when they see me.




After taking a look at myself, I understand. 13 Claiomh Solais split-bodies floating around me.


They probably see it like the picture of Yamato in the museum.


However, wasn’t Yamato a big man who wielded a two-meter long great sword?


My current gender-neutral look can’t possibly be likened to him, I think. Well, the soldiers are pretty far away from me, so they probably can’t measure my height.


Now then, let’s heal the prince and his cohort before leaving the stage--If I leave them alone to die, well, they will find a way to blame me for it. And he possibly isn’t involved with Wings of Liberty, so I have no real reason to kill him.


Since it’s troublesome to get to the prince and his cohorts, who are buried in the pile of dead Monsters, I put the corpses into my storage, and then heal the prince and his cohort with Water Magic.


I only intended to heal them a bit, but they completely recovered instead. Well, I wasn’t able to heal his white hair and aging, but I don’t have the interest to try and heal that as well--he should have a temple look at it later.


It looks that their destroyed equipment have been stored inside the Monster corpses, they’re half-naked. I feel like it’s probably pointless, but I don’t like looking at half-naked old men, so I take some mantles out of storage and dump them onto the prince and his cohort.


“See you later, Hero.”


“Ah, let’s meet again in the battlefield with the Demon Lord, next time!”


Oops, I forgot to tell him that I’ve already defeated the Demon Lord--and it was at least 2x his level, and he couldn’t defeat a level 71 normal Demon, at his level of 69…I can’t help but worry about this world a bit. It is the home of my girls, and others who I care about.


Well, there’s going to be an Oracle from the god before long anyway, so I guess it’s fine.


I climb several hundred meters into the sky with Sky Drive and Ground Shrink, before using the Wind Magic Spell Air Cannon to shoot off away from the people watching below.



When I’m up in the sky on top of the Duchy Capital, I make sure that Arisa and the others have properly evacuated into the basement of the mansion. Sera seems to have been safely rescued too--she’s in the same room with Arisa and the others.


I’m glad that Karina, and her little brother, are also safe in the Scroll workshop.


I land in a suitable-looking forest.


It looks like I’m being watched by monitoring Magic, though I don’t know if it’s from the Hero’s companion, or the Duke’s subordinate. Once I had landed in the dense forest, I used Break Magic on myself, and the monitoring got canceled.


I though that it’d be troublesome if the Sky Drive got canceled, so I landed--but it seems that the Break Magic only affects the designated targeted Magic.


I go back to the Duchy Capital while flying very close to the top of the trees. When I get close enough to see the Capital, I descend to the ground and continue moving.


Using the same route as I used last time, I infiltrated the Duke’s Castle. According to the map, it seems that the Duke and the King’s body-double are in the same room. Looks like the Hero, followed by Ringrande, and the Imperial Princess Maryest, are coming to the castle to have an audience with them. Since I can’t find the other companions of the Hero, and his ship, they’ve probably gone back to Sub-Space.


“Please forgive me for the sudden visit.” I brazenly enter the room, but it seems that none of the guards notice me until after I opened my mouth.


The guards are coming breaking through the roof, and from the hidden room.


I use Magic Hand to make them unable to come any closer.


“Who are you?” The Duke asks me.


“I’m called Sine Nomine.” I answer him.


The Duke instructs the guards with a gesture, and they go back to their hiding places. The Head Priestess might have told him about me, but to be in the same room as a suspicious person without guards, he is quite a brave man.


Only the Duke’s butler remains.


“I’ll listen to your business.”


“It’s nothing much--I just came to return this.” I unwrap the cloth while speaking, and hand over the Holy Sword Claiomh Solais.


Since they asked me how I got it, I told them about the events that occurred. For some reason, they were surprised when I talked about how the Holy Sword split into 13 when I recited the Holy Verse.


“This is too abrupt, I cannot believe you.” There was suspicion on the Duke’s face.


“There have been several people who can make the sword ‘Dance’ by reciting the Holy Verse, but there were none who could release the true form of the Holy Sword.”


They asked me to demonstrate if I really could do it, but isn’t it bad to draw a sword before the King, regardless of if he’s a double-body?


“You don’t need to worry, I’ve heard the story from the Head Priestess--if the story about you defeating the Demon Lord is true, then you can kill us even without drawing a sword.” The Duke said with a smile.


Since I’ve already transferred all the Magic that I put into Claiomh Solais to other Holy Swords, I put Magic into it once again--it’s fine with 500MP right.


Not only the Duke, the King, even the hiding guards are also surprised to see the Holy Sword growing.




Just like before, Claiomh Solais splits into 13 swords and floats around my body.


“Ooh, the legend is true after all!”

“Beautiful, that painting truly wasn’t an imaginary work.”


They’re too surprised.


Even the body-double looks like he’s going to go into spasms anytime, scary. Even getting getting excited should be done in moderation, okay.


Since it looks like they’ve admired enough, I release the excited state of the sword, and it becomes one again. I retrieve the MP that I’ve put into the sword, wrap it with a cloth and pass it to the double-body.


“You can keep holding it.”


“Is it fine to do so without getting permission from the Royal Capital?” I ask the body-double.


Shouldn’t he get permission from the real king--the Duke also nods when I glance at him, “It is the spirit of the Ancestor King Yamato.”


I don’t really understand, but maybe there’s some kind of will left behind?


It’s a convenient sword, but it’s not like I’m in trouble even without it.


“Don’t you need it for the defense of the Royal Capital?”


“I don’t mind, there is another Holy Sword in the Royal Capital.”


Well, I already have swords, so I don’t really need this one--but it seems that once the sword has decided on its master, it will go back to its master if anyone draws it out--normally, the master is decided with some kind of dedicated ceremony, but it seems like the case this time is extremely unusual.


When I accept the Holy Sword, they begin to talk about service, Peerage, and such. Of course I don’t have any intention of accepting annoying things like those--I gently refuse it. Though my interest was piqued when there was talk about marrying the princess, but then they said she was only 9 years old, so I lost interest and declined. Though they should give the offer to Hayato instead.


Since they gave me a good Holy Sword, I decided to give them the famous, in the Shiga Kingdom, Holy Sword Gjallarhorn.


“T-This is, the Holy Sword Gjallarhorn that was stolen by that Demonic man 17 years ago!”


“Ooh! God! The Holy Sword tempered by the Ancestor King Yamato has returned once again to the Shiga Kingdom!”


I don’t think that they would be this delighted--it may have been better if I returned it earlier. By Demonic man, it must be Zen, huh.


Since the Hero and his party have arrived in the castle, I decided to bid them farewell.


The Arena is ruined, so the final is postponed for one month, but a banquet ceremony is going to be held under the pretext of ‘The Subjugation Of An Upper Demon.’ It seems that they decided that the Great Monstrous Fish were just Illusions cast by the Demon.


Late at night, after ‘comforting’ Tama and Pochi since they had been uncomfortable all day, I took Mara to the underground labyrinth--where we made a cast Holy Sword the size of the one-handed form of Claiomh Solais. The sheathe for Claiomh Solais is among the garbage that I put into storage, so we also reproduced it with the exact same look.


>>Skill: Counterfeit Acquired.


Mara apparently got the title of ‘Blacksmith of Holy Swords’. She wants to stay down there for a while to do more smithing, so I left her with a lot of ore, and said I would be back by morning.


At dawn, I snuck into the body-double’s bedroom and leave the replica at the bedside.


I put a note that reads: “I’ve prepared the replica, please use it as you see fit.”, together with the replica. With this, even the nitpicking nobles of pedigree can probably be deceived. If the Kingdom Protector, the Holy Sword, went missing--they would find someone to blame even if the Duke and King had given their permission.


I picked up Mara and returned to the mansion.

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