Death March — Fixed

Vol 8 – Chapter 21 – The Hero And I (Part 2)

Tek here, when I played fighting games, at first I was having fun with special attacks--but then I kept constantly losing to people who used combos. I didn’t think that they day would come where I would move like a Fighting Game character would come.


“I’m coming for you, my honey!” Hayato slams the door open walks in.


Tama, who’s curled up on my lap is surprised and ends up thrusting her claws into my legs and jerks forwards--it’s a bit painful.


Pochi and Mai, who are at my sides, twitch.


Intruding on us when reading a book isn’t good, Hero.


“What--the hell?” Hayato looks shocked for some reason.


I had made it a habit to read more complex books in the afternoon to the girls who were learning to read. Mostly we read books about myths and history, and when Liza picked, ones about wars. I expected Arisa to choose romance books, but strangely, so did Lulu.


This time it was a book on mythology.


I’m sitting down on a large sofa, and enjoying a carefree afternoon after quite a while. Tama was curled up on my lap, as I rested the book on the purring ball of Catkin. Pochi and Mia were leaning against me, and Mia was playing with the edge of my shirt.


Lulu, and Nana are relaxing on the carpet below, wearing a thin one-piece. Unfortunately, the one-piece dresses may have been thin, but their bodies weren’t exposed.


Liza was standing in front of me with her eyes closed, almost as though she was meditating--her swaying tail showed that she wasn’t asleep. But when her eyes snapped open, I could see anger in her eyes--for some reason, she loves to listen to me read books.


The only one who would make the Hero surprised is probably Arisa, who is hugging one of my legs--and stroking it with a pleased grin--while listening.


“Oh my, Hero, entering a room without even knocking. That’s bad manners, you know?”


Hayato’s eyes are glued on Arisa, who has begun exaggerating the movements of her small hands, now rubbing my thigh, with a mischievous grin.


Tama begins poking the hand that is approaching her with her claws out, she has a playful look, chasing Arisa’s hand around my thighs with one sharp claw. Every time she pokes it, Arisa looks at her with slightly teary eyes.


“Let’s fight, Tek! You have angered me!” The Hero screams, his hand managing to make it part way to his sword before being pinned down by Ringrande and the rest of his party from behind.


I roll my eyes at Arisa, who giggles at me.



I change my clothes to easy-to-move-in clothing, a sleeveless linen shirt, and long pants--choosing expensive-looking clothing so as to not be impolite to Ringrande and Princess Maryest--and go out. I don’t really want to fight the Hero, but I cannot not go to where the Hero and his party is waiting.


“Are you really going to fight?” Lulu asked with a slightly worried expression.


“They will probably find a way to apply political pressure and force me, but I won’t lose.” I stroke her hair with a reassuring smile.


“You’ve come at last, Tek!” The Hero is being surrounded by the women of his party, and Ringrande. He is shouldering Arondight, and standing in the courtyard, “Let’s have a fair fight!”


“I refuse.” I wanted to see what would happen if I tried saying ‘no’.


It seems that the Hero didn’t expect that I would refuse him, he looked strangely befuddled. Now I’m curious as to why he thought that I wouldn’t refuse.


“Let’s hear your reason for declining.” The Hero asked


“There’s nothing to gain if I fight you.”


“Heh, you didn’t refuse because you can’t win, huh?” Princess Maryest retorted.


“Of course, there’s also the fact that I cannot win--but even if by any chance, I win, there is no benefit for me. It’s useless to fight, right?”


“To cross swords with the hero, it’s a very rare honour, even in the Empire, you know?” Princess Maryest replied in the hero’s stead.


You really want me to fight the Hero, don’t you?


“Please, pass that honour on to knights and nobles of the Empire, and the people who fight in the Martial Tournament, instead.”


“You don’t think that you will lose to Hayato either, right?”


“Maryest, that’s an unreasonable thing to say. He’s the Hero, see? There is no way I can win against an existence that can match the Demon Lord.” I say.


Of course, the Hero would die in an instant if he fought the Demon Lord--that guy had Instant Death, and Petrification, attacks.


I don’t think that I could win for sure against a veteran warrior in a fight of pure swordsmanship--of course, it would be a different story if I used my Skills and Magic. In fact, it would probably be like my fight with Dohar, which was technically a loss.


“Really? You’re not harbouring admiration, envy, jealousy, and also fear even when you’re in front of an absolutely strong being. Am I wrong?” Maryest seems to have stopped trying to goad me, and started having an intrigued look appear in her eyes.


“Oy Mary, don’t hinder my fight with difficult talk.” Hayato looked at Princess Maryest and rolled his eyes.


“Oh my, I’m sorry. This child’s reaction is quite unusual, so I inadvertently found myself interested.”


Come to think of it, Arisa sure is quiet.


“Fufufu, ‘please don’t fight for me’…what a delicious situation.”


I wonder if she is quoting something, or if she has fallen into a strange delusion.


“Alright, then let’s do it like this. You’re betting Princess Arisa. As for me, I will grant you anything I can do.” Hayato says, as though he thinks that I would be willing to bet one of my girls.


“The Dimensional Warship, his Holy Sword, and Holy Armour are the property of the Empire, so those are off-limits.” Princess Maryest speaks firmly.


“Since there are two nobles here, you cannot decline the Hero’s challenge. Ringrande and I will stand as witnesses--if you try to decline, the collateral will be seized by force.” Maryest says in a strict tone, and looked at Ringrande.


Ringrande looks troubled.


I look to Arisa, who nods, after rolling her eyes, “I trust Master!” She winks at me.


“Fine, I accept.”


Of course, if I lose for some reason--read cheating, or the Hero’s party refusing to believe he lost--I will not let them get Arisa.


“If they lie and say I lose, or do any other political maneuvering, immediately teleport to the underground. I will try to get the Head Priestess, Viscount Shimen, the Viceroy, and Duke to settle it--but we may have to go on a tour to other continents sooner than expected.” I whisper to Arisa.


“Yes Master.” She nods to me, but her cheeks are flushed for some reason.



In the end, it’s going to be with the Hero and observers.


There were two conditions that I gave him.


First, we are going to have a duel in a place where no one is watching.


Second, the Hero is not going to use Unique Skills, or active Battle Skills.


However, since both Maryest and Ringrande disagreed with the no observers, one person from each side is given permission to observe--Ringrande wanted to come along too, but since I didn’t know if she would cause problems if she saw the fight, since she belonged to this Kingdom; she was prevented.


I would also have followed the Second condition, of not using Battle Skills, but Arisa insists that it’s not fair, she convinces them to ‘allow me to’. Of course, I won’t use my combat Magic, or 90% of my skills or he would lose in 0.001 seconds…



The four of us have come to an abandoned arena under the Duchy Capital.


I know of this place from an acquaintance who lives in the underground passages--it seems that this is a place where there was a ‘Dark’ Martial Arts Tournament that was being held every three years until 100 years ago.


Princess Maryest uses Light Magic to illuminate the room.


It’s 10 meters high, and 20 meters in diameter. Since this size also includes audience seating--the actual combat ring is smaller.


While we were on our way here, I asked Arisa about her plans, so I won’t accidentally go against them, before we got here, and she said that I should deepen my friendship with the Hero without going overboard.


The ‘don’t go overboard’ part is difficult since the opponent is the Hero, but since it’s not a fight to the death, it should be fine as long as I don’t use weapons from my storage. I also must remember to not hit him with Intermediate-Grade Magic, and don’t use my bare hands to block his sword.


“It looks like it should be fine to have a somewhat showy fight here.” I look around. I’ve changed into white leather armour before we came here.


“I’ll properly stop before I hit you, so don’t worry.” The Hero says.


Who would believe you when you have such a predatory look in your eyes?


“This is not a serious battle, you know. You lose if your opponent dies--I will go after Tek if that happens.” Arisa gives him a stern warning, though I don’t know if he really understands, with the way he is fawning over her.


Aww, she will follow me if I die--I don’t think that’s a very healthy sentiment--but it does give me a warm feeling inside.


“Mhm, I’m good at holding back, leave it to me!” The Hero says, staring at her.


“There will be three matches, winning two matches means victory.” Princess Maryest tells us the victory condition.


“It’s forbidden to lose on purpose, alright!” Arisa says in a serious tone--she’s probably warning me, but the Hero responds instead.


“But, of course, my honey. Let’s build a white house in the Imperial Capital when we get married--we’ll keep a big dog in the garden.”


Arisa, Maryest, and I all seem to be in coordination--rolling our eyes at him.


“You really must not hold back, okay! Please remember that not only me, but Lulu would also be gone!” Arisa reminds me again in a low voice.


“I already told you: We will all be together, forever--you can’t run now.” I grin at her, and stroke her hair--ignoring the way the Hero starts growling.


Arisa nods rapidly, with a flushed face.


She already knew that I wouldn’t hand her over…I wonder if she got nervous and forgot, or if she just wanted me to say that again.



Since the Hero can’t use either his Unique or Active Skills. I guess, I will make it more fair by turning off the Menu--I’m fine with fairness, and I will not keep it off if it causes me to lose the first match.


I turn off the Heads-Up-Display after quite a long while.


My field of view seems to almost triple in size, without all the semi-transparent windows I got used to seeing around.


I’m using the Fairy Sword, Hayato is using a Holy Sword. I try to tell him that he should probably restrain himself a little more in friendly matches, but he replies back that it’s easier to stop before contact if it’s with a sword that he’s used to.


“On your positions, the match begins when the coin touches the ground!” Maryest shouts as Arisa flips a coin.


I’ve learned various things from Ringrande, such as: reading and controlling eye movement and lines of sight; the position of my center of gravity; how the slight change in someone’s outline from the movement of their muscles; and also how to control my breathing.


I dive under Arondight’s tip, and thrust the Fairy Sword towards his heart.


The match is concluded before the sound, from the coin hitting the ground, stops.


“First match, Tek’s victory~!” Arisa cheers with a grin.


“What are you doing, Hayato? Even though he didn’t move that quickly, you let him win on purpose. You’re being rude to your opponent.” Princess Maryest is scolding Hayato a distance away, but it seems that he isn’t listening.


“This is surprising, those were very good movements for a level 50”


I’m even more surprised by the movements than the Hero was--my body feels strangle lighter than usual. It’s almost as if when I turned off my Skill, I turned something on--something other than Arisa, who seems to almost be drooling as she is looking at me--I can feel information entering my brain, vividly.


The trajectory and timing of the Hero’s blow were strangely in accordance to what my Skill was telling me. After seeing Hayato’s fight with the yellow-skinned Demon, I have partially deciphered his habits. But, for some reason I can predict his movements almost as though I’m reading the future.


In order to confirm the strange sensations, I will fight normally in the second match.


Hayato begins with a horizontal slash, which I sway back from--I feel the edge of the predicted, and move back the minimum distance that doesn’t put my armour at risk.


His sword swings back at an abnormal speed, and I twist my sword and block it with crossguard.Then I deliberately show an opening; Hayato takes the chance and kicks towards the side of my abdomen.


I twist slightly and catch his foot between my free arm and side, pulling on him, breaking his balance. Before releasing him and stepping back.


The tip of the sword shifting slightly just before it’s swung, the subtle changes in how the sword’s handle is gripped--there is information everywhere.


Unfortunately, this strange state only lasts a short time before the log pops up and displays two messages.


>>Anti-Personnel Skill: Foreseeing Acquired.

>>Title: Sword Dancer Acquired.

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