Death March — Fixed

Vol 8 – Chapter 22 – The Hero And I (Part 3)

Tek here, a wedding is usually a joyous moment. Unless the one getting married is someone you have loved since childhood. In most cases they are joyous for everyone other than my wallet, which dies because of congratulatory gifts--that’s why, please, spare me three weddings, or more, in one month.


“Even if I didn’t use active Skill, I didn’t think that I would lose five times in a row.” Hayato says, slumped over on the ground, on all fours.


“You were able to win one in the end, weren’t you?”


“That’s because I wouldn’t be able to show my face in front of my companions if it was a complete defeat.”


The fight was supposed to end after the first two, but we got too absorbed--we fought many times in a row.


Thanks to the Foreseeing Skill, but I might have gone overboard. Maybe because he couldn’t use his usual battle-related Skills, the Hero was full of subtle openings during the battle, so it was much too easy.


Arisa has been wrapped around me, while I sat on the floor, and she kissed my neck a few times, before repeatedly poking my cheek, “Ehehe, you didn’t want to let go of me, so much that you forgot yourself” She spoke with a giggle.


I peeled her off and stood up.


The Hero is talking to Princess Maryest about something for a few seconds, before going back ahead of us towards the underground passage. Since the white crocodile has become a landmark, she probably won’t get lost.


“Jeez, even though you didn’t move as quickly as I did, you seemed to be able to foresee all of my attacks--so, are you a transported or reincarnated person? You used a Unique Skill of Continuous Movement earlier, right?” There is confidence in Hayato’s tone as he asks.




“Ah, it’s not like the matches’ result is annulled, y’know.”


Well, there is no one else, other than Arisa here anyway, I guess I can exchange some information with him. The reason that Princess Maryest left first was probably so he could talk to me in private.


I told him I wasn’t sure if I was a transported or a reincarnated person myself, the possibility that the memories of just before and after I got transported to this world are missing. And a few of the details about how I met Arisa and the others.


Of course I didn’t talk about my Unique Skills, the Meteor Shower--or my level.


“Tek, do you know about a Kingdom called Rumooku?”


“Yes, I have an acquaintance from that Kingdom.”


“Is that so? You might have been summoned by that Kingdom.”


From what the Hero told me, the Empire sent a spy, who infiltrated the Rumooku Kingdom. The spy had confirmed that the Kingdom had summoned 7 - 8 Otherworlders--the third person, who should have died, is under the spy’s care.


After he was saved, he did intelligence work with the spy for several months, but when the spy was going to take him along to the Saga Empire--he went missing. They’ve confirmed that he didn’t have any special power while they were together, so the Empire didn’t waste resources on pursuit. He also ran away right after he was summoned--this guy is likely to try and disappear whenever people ask him to do anything he doesn’t want to.


We exchanged various pieces of information, but excluding trivial things, most of it is what I said earlier. Of course, it’s not like this has no benefit for us. After Arisa pesters the hero slightly, he’s going to give us Advanced-Grade Magic books--with the exception of Forbidden and Tactical-Grade Magic, which are matters of National Defense.


Since they’re manually written, it’ll take at least half a year at the soonest.


Moreover, he’s also going to arrange a pass to the Saga Empire, and a written guarantee of the Saga Empire Embassy for us.


Oh right, I make him promise with a ‘Hero’s Vow’ to keep the matter about me being an Otherworlder a secret. I don’t know how much I can trust him, but since the other Otherworlders I have met are seemingly decent enough, it probably won’t become a big problem.


Also, the Hero seems to be convinced from my stories that I am the eighth person from the Rumooku Kingdom.


“I saw an absurdly beautiful girl before, and then there’s you, it makes me realize that there are still strong people out there--just level isn’t everything, huh?” The Hero says.


“Beautiful girl?” I ask him--I have a suspicion, one that causes worry to flood through me.


“Yeah, it was a monstrous fellow who mowed down the Great Fish, that appeared in the Duchy Capital’s sky, with a single beam--then toyed around with an Upper Demon like it was a child. Since she had a violet hair, she was probably a reincarnated person.” There was awe in Hayato’s tone and expression.


“Oh my, that’s amazing, huh.” Arisa said, her voice shaking a little with suppressed laughter as her eyes subtly met mine--I told the girls when I got the chance.


Apparently, the Hero suspects that the masked hero is Arisa. The violet hair certainly matches, and Arisa is hiding her Unique Skill from the Hero. So it wouldn’t be strange if he thinks that she has a Unique Skill that fires off a super-laser or something.


Luckily though, it seems that he doesn’t think that I’m Sine Nomine at all--I’m really glad that I changed my way of talking.


Just in case, I try confirming something with the Hero--it seems that a reincarnated person doesn’t always have violet hair, but a reincarnated person with violet hair is sure to have Unique Skills.


“Was it, by any chance, your favourite type?”


“I couldn’t see her face, but she seemed to be 15 years old--if she was just 5 years younger, it might’ve been dangerous.”


Uh, spare me from that…


And 10 is his optimal range, I am starting to get a little worried for the girls that this Hero interacts with. I may have been considered a Lolicon on Earth, since I like girls that are 14+ -- Luckily, here, they are adults.


Let’s be a little more careful around him if I have to use that form.


Arisa is shaking a little--she is enduring her laughter very well.


For revenge, I position myself near her and subtly touch her ass, and between her thighs from behind, where the hero can’t see--now she is shaking for another reason. She looks back at me with slightly teary, up-turned eyes. I poke my tongue out at her. Judging from her expression, and the scheming glint in her eyes, she will probably join me tonight--even though it’s Nana’s turn, but she doesn’t mind if the others choose to join in.


“Putting love things aside, I want to meet her once again. I forgot to thank her for saving my life--and for protecting the reputation of the Hero. My principle is to return a debt as soon as possible.”




Didn’t he say, ‘I won’t say thanks’, though? Or was that about me reducing the Demon’s health?


He also wanted to apologize for his companion’s rudeness. Did his companions do anything rude--I don’t remember anything, but I can ask about it when I’m back in my masked hero mode.


Since the hero’s party is going to stay until the Duke’s Grandson’s marriage, I guess I will go visit once before then.



After the wedding of of the Duke’s Grandson, Lady Ringrande’s little brother, is over--and they’re now debuting to the commoners in a parade.


Since the parade is going to pass down the road in front of the mansion we’re staying, everyone is lined up while watching the parade--other than Mara, who is working on more armour.


Karina isn’t here, since she is attending her little brother’s little brother. I feel that the little brother has been accompanying Karina quite often recently.





“White Dress.”


“White wedding dresses look wonderful.”


“Master, I wish to reproduce the flower decorations that are on the bride.”


“This is quite a gorgeous parade.”


“She looks very happy--I want to be that bride.”


Tama and Pochi are excited, I guess that they’re charmed by the wedding dress. Tama has scrambled part way up my back and is clinging tightly to me, Pochi is waving one of her arms around, the other is grasping my sleeve. Mia is clinging to my other sleeve. Arisa is standing next to her sister, both of whom have their hands over their mouths, staring intently at the bride.


Nana is staring at the flowers with more fascination than she looks at anything else in the parade.


Liza seems to be the calmest, but she is watching the bride with intensity, so it’s not like she’s not interested--The tip of her tail is brushing the back of my right leg.



“Chevalier, a messenger of Viscount Shimen has come.”


“Ah, I’ll go soon.”


I’m guided by the Maid to meet the visitor--I’ve checked the map earlier, the visitor is Natalina from the Scroll workshop. It’s most likely that they have completed the specially ordered Scrolls.


“Then, these are the requested items.” Natalina said as she produced a bunch of Scrolls, and a bill--which I paid.


“Right, the variation of Magic Sword that we talked about is complete.” I say, handing her a design.


“Is that true? It hasn’t even been three days since we talked, you know?” She asks incredulously, staring at the modified Spell.


The final component for the completion of my modified Magic was watching Claiomh Solais’ movements. Fighting normally while Magic Swords are flying independently.


Apparently, it will be easier to make than expected, since there’s already an auto-moving Magic: ‘Nature Magic: Dancing Blade’.


I ordered several more original Magics, and Magics that aren’t available in normal Scrolls for sale--Of course, I pay in advance in gold.


She tells me that they can usually only make between 3 - 5 Scrolls in a month, so it’s going to be close to when I plan to return from Bornean Forest--so we are going to hire a trusted trading company to transport.


But, I can also visit them at any time with Sky Drive.



Lulu and Liza are working on preparing the dishes for the wedding reception tonight, Arisa, Nana and I are working on serving. Liza, Tama and Pochi are using Illusion Magic Tools to look Human, with the two younger ones standing near the table.


Because of this, I was able to talk freely with relatively upper-ranked nobles--while I don’t intend to be successful as a noble, but it’s a good thing to have someone to rely on if anything happens.


Several nobles show their consent to invest in and send exchange students to Muno City, so Consul Nina can probably feel relieved.


How is it that even though I refused Nina’s letter, I end up going by her plan--it’s mysterious.


As I am mingling, the wedding cake is served--it is Lulu and Liza’s best creation, based off a sponge cake, and all the nobles cluster around the table.


Fireworks colour the sky, while the couple cut the cake--it’s a grand Fireworks Magic by Fire and Light Mage groups lead by Viscount Shimen.


Not only the newlyweds, couples that are in this wedding hall are holding hands or pressing their shoulders together, while gazing in awe at the fleeting lights of the large flowers that illuminate the sky.


Somehow, all the girls find me and come over, surrounding me, and pressing against me--though Tama and Pochi are bouncing in place, and Nana is muttering something about ‘cute’ and almost drooling as she looks at the sky.


After the wedding, Pochi and Tama approach me and beg me to use my Fireworks Skill--I end up giving the girls a second fireworks show in the backyard of the mansion.


Not long after that, I make Magic Tools that replicate the glowing and sparkling effect, which aren’t dangerous.

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