Death March — Fixed

Vol 9 – Chapter 10 – Mountain Range Encounter

Tek here, they say that negligence is one’s greatest enemy, but I think it’s fine when you’re at least aware that you’re being careless. Recently, I’ve begun to think that the real scary thing may be self-conceit.


The next morning, I tell the girls that I am going ahead alone, and to wait for me.


The reason for this is because I want to look at how the Wyverns react to the air currents--so I can figure out the basics of the air flow, to prepare.


But from half way to the mountain, I have to utilize All Map Exploration, since it’s a new ‘map’ -- the Bornean Forest ‘map’


Actually, I went out last night, but the air current was different and the Monsters weren’t flying around. I went back because it was meaningless. Going back straight away would be a waste of time, so I cull the stronger Monsters around the perimeter of the camp. There were two Horned Snakes, so Lulu should be pleased--the meat tasted pretty good.


The tallest peak of this mountain range is around as high as Everest from my original world. There are so many 8,000+ meter tall mountains lined up like a wall, their tips covered in snow. Even the valley where I’m going isn’t less than 4,000 meters above the flat terrain.


The Wyverns are most numerous on the 6000m tall mountain, to the south-west. Several dozen, almost 100 were there.


There are no Wyverns along the course that I have chosen.


But, something catches my attention--in the shape of a fan, originating from one of the mountains along the way, there are no Wyverns. It seems that there’s something in or on that summit that attacks Wyverns who get too near--the Enemy Search on the map only works in the current mountain range I am in, so if there is something there, it’s beyond the range.


There are also several hidden villages scattered around on this mountain. They usually only have between 10 - 20 people--with various races like Humans, Fairykin, Bearmen, and such. But, they seem to be separated by quite a distance, so they don’t seem to have any exchanges.


I don’t really intend to get into contact with them, they are probably this far out for a reason--though, I saw a girl being chased by a pack of wolves, and I killed them using Remote Stun.


Since I was quite a distance away, I don’t think she saw me.



I was careful when choosing our course, one that won’t be close to any of the hidden villages. Because I was flying around 100m above the ground along the mountain, Wyverns and flying Beetle Monsters attack me in droves. I kill them whenever they attack, because the same would probably happen for the airship tomorrow.


There are Monsters called Land Urchins which shoot out lance-like needles from the ground. I take them out with Remote Arrow--there sure are a lot of Monsters, and variation between them.


I prepare to cast Magick Sword at the Wyvern that’s come flying out of a mountain recess, I’m feeling a little bit fed up with it, but the Wyvern ignores me and darts past.


Quickly checking my map, I understand that it’s being chased.


I see--no wonder it’s running.


While smashing through the rocky summit that the Wyvern detours around, it appears.


A Dragon.


A Black Dragon.


The jet-black Dragon flies calmly, and then, after it glares at me for a few seconds it catches the flying Wyvern. It’s a large Dragon, 100m in length, and around 150m including wingspan--It’s very close to a Western Dragon, not an Eastern Snake-With-A-Moustache, though it is slimmer than I would have thought.


So, they haven’t become extinct, huh?


I can’t help but feel relief that the ones I wiped in out in Dragon Valley weren’t the only ones.


The Black Dragon has really been glaring at me since a while ago.




>>Skill: Dragon Language Acquired.


For the time being, I guess I should try talking--I raise the Skill to level 5 and activate it.


“Little one, prostrate yourself--you’re before the King of the Sky.”


“Heya, nice to meet you, Black Dragon.” I wonder if I should refer to it as Mr/Mrs Black Dragon? Black Dragon just sounds like a try of Dildo…


In preparation, in case the Black Dragon is short-tempered, I adjust my position and put my back towards the mountains--away from the camp.


“Oh, you understand the Language of the Dragons, huh, little one?”


In reality, I couldn’t speak this language without the Ventriloquism Skill--since my throat is very different from that of a Dragon.


“Well then, you disrespectful one--Let’s fight!”


To start a battle without even introducing yourself--this Dragon seems to be like Karina, or the battle-maniac knight.


I successively put up Shield and Flexible Shield as Danger Sense kicks in.


A jet-black colour fills my view, and the mountains behind me now have a massive hole in them--followed by a thunderous roar that follows milliseconds later.


Even though I immediately moved using Sky Drive and Ground Shrink, my Shield is obliterated, and so are two of my Flexible Shields.


I see, this is Dragon Breath.


Two mountains have been hollowed out with just one attack--it’s good I shifted my position, since while it may not have reached the mountain where the girls are, if a second attack hit the same spot…it would cause them issues.


“Oh? You managed to evade my Black Flame Breath, huh? As expected of a Hero.”


“Thanks, I don’t want to fight, if possible though.”


“This is inevitable. Dragons and Heroes, it’s fate for them to fight it they meet.”


Wait a minute--didn’t Dragons fight alongside Yamato?


This question is lost when a second Black Flame Breath coming again--this time I was too late to escape, but it seems that I can defend against one blow, if I use all eight Flexible Shields.


While I was making sure that I wasn’t injured, the Black Dragon had darted forwards and attacks from a blind spot with its long and sinuous tail.


It’s several times heavier than the Demon of Seryuu City, but lighter than the attack of the Golden Wild-Boar King--in other words, it’s not a strength that I can’t endure.


This time, when the Black Dragon has lost its momentum and stopped in the air, I counterattack. By combining Sky Drive and Ground Shrink, I kick towards its large, scaled, chest.


Many scales are broken by the impact, but it doesn’t do much more damage than that--because it was a blunt-force attack. Well, it’s good that I didn’t use my sword…I shouldn’t kill the Dragon.


However, there was something like glass breaking before I broke the scales. There seems to have been Magical barriers on the surface of its scales.


The Black Dragon, which has stopped talking so much, since I flung it into one of the mountains, pushes aside some debris and gets up.


Standing still, it raises its head and howls--it looks like it’s using Magic.


Black Lightning appears out of the air and slams into me.


>>Skill: Lightning Magic: Dragon Acquired.

>>Skill: Darkness Magic: Dragon Acquired.

>>Skill: Darkness Resistance Acquired.


It’s quite a strong attack, maybe because of being a compound Elemental Magic. It slips through the gaps of the dense cloud of Flexible Shields that float in front of me, and burns the Leather Armour that I am currently wearing--tearing it a bit.


I feel a tingle run through me, but it’s not much worse than when I touch one of the girls--and there isn’t any additional effects.


Now then, what should I do?


It seems that the Dragon will die if I shoot it with an Intermediate-Level Magic, and using Holy Swords with turn it into pieces. Of course, it still doesn’t seem like it is open to discussion yet.


As the Dragon tries to fly into the sky, I drop it back to the ground with Air Hammer. It produces a massive crater, but it suffers less damage than I expected--I randomly pound it with Air Hammer and Short Stun, to break its wish to fight me.


While making sure not to drop its health too low, I repeat the environmental destroying attacks.


I guard against the Black Flame Breath, that it shoots at me out of desperation, with Aqua Wall. Apparently, the Black Flame Breath’s strength is directly proportionate to the Black Dragon’s Stamina, it doesn’t have anywhere near as much power as the first few.


Flexible Shield should be able to deflect the attacks now.


Nevertheless, it isn’t stopping attacking me, even though it’s been cornered this much.


Just how much of a battle-junkie is it?


But all of its attacks are blocked by the Flexible Armour that I put up.


“Guhahaha, this is fun, Hero. This is the first time since my fights with the Heavenly Dragons that I have used this much power!” This Dragon seems to have troubled the Heavenly Dragons.


I don’t know if it deliberately uses this conversation as a distraction, but I notice that there are some strange sounds mixed in with the Dragon’s words, as it seems to cast Magic. Jet-black tentacles rise up from the shadows of the mountains surrounding me. They’re not only appearing from below, but the surrounding shadows as well, wrapping around me.


According to the log, it’s a Magic called Dark Tentacles--which seems to be the Darkness version of the Shadow Whip Spell. This might be an interesting Spell to learn, for ‘playing’ with the girls--but I should consider this at another time.


--At this time, I was careless.

The Dragon’s next attack isn’t Magic, it’s a simple bite.


It’s said in the picture book that I read for the Beastkin girls, and Nana--that the fangs of Dragons can penetrate everything.


The fangs of Dragons destroy even the Demon Lord, the ultimate blade.


The Black Dragon’s fangs easily penetrate my Flexible Shields, and tears through my Flexible Armour--fresh blood flows.

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