Death March — Fixed

Vol 9 – Chapter 9 – Fisherman’s Profit

Tek here, Fisherman’s profit is a Japanese story, or proverb. It basically means that when two people or things are fighting, a third comes in and takes the profit.


The thing that comes bursting out of the trees and into the air is a Wyvern.


Its aim, is not us, but the Horned Snake. It swoops down on the defenseless body of the Horned Snake, while completely ignoring us. The Snake which was obstinately attacking Nana seem to notice it as well, stopping it’s attack, it turns its sickle-like neck and head towards the incoming Wyvern.


“Liza, leave this to me.”


“Yes! Pochi, Tama, take some distance. Arisa, Mia! Use attack Magic while the Horned Snake stops moving!” Liza is a very good commander.


I place my Magic Pistol back into storage and hit the Wyvern with Remote Stun, which I haven’t used in a while. It didn’t seem to think that we would attack it--the Magic hit it directly, and it crashed into the forest, mowing down several trees along the way.


The wing span of this Wyvern is about 10 meters. It looks like a Dragon without arms, and wings instead, as well as a tail with a spike--from which poison of some sort drips, leaving smoking pools on the ground.


The Horned Snake gets a large slash taken out of it’s body by Arisa’s Rip, and its blood scatters through the air. Mia also attacked with Water Blade, but it seems that the snake resisted it, a small scratch was left on its scales.


It seems that the Monster didn’t expect to suffer this much damage, it begins to try and escape.


Of course, Liza and the others won’t allow this.


“Nana, we can’t let the Horned Snake run away.”


“Understood. You snake, the preparations for making you into shoes are complete!”


Thanks to Nana’s strange provocation, and the barrier that Arisa had placed in its path of retreat--the Horned Snake stopped trying to escape.


Liza’s Magic Spear, Pochi’s and Tama’s Shortsword alternately attack the wound that Arisa has opened. When its movements begin to dull due to the blood loss, Nana pierces through its mouth with the Sharp Edge strengthened sword--and it finally stops moving.


“Ey, ey!”, “Yay!”


Pochi and Tama stand on top of the corpse of the Horned Snake, but it’s still too early.


“Pochi, Tama, you must not lower your guard. Nana, use your Reinforcement Magic again. Arisa, Mia, do you still have enough Magic?” Liza gives instructions, the preparations for the next battle begins.


She really is quite reliable.


Since Nana, who’s in charge of the front line is slightly hurt, I heal her with Water Heal.



Slightly after they get ready, a roar comes out from deep in the forest. Apparently, the Wyvern has finally awoken. I was caution as to whether it could use Magic by roaring, like Demons--but it seemed to just be a normal cry.


The advantage of Wyverns is their flight ability.


Thus, I thought that it would rush out to the lake shore to accelerate in order to fly, but--


“Wait, that’s a Wyvern, right?”



“It’s bouncing around.”


The Wyvern ran up two trees by kicking alternately between them, and flew up into the sky like that. It seems that it used its talons to gain speed while running up the trees.


I pass some crossbows to Pochi, Tama and Lulu.


The Wyvern is circling in the sky to build up speed, then rapidly lowers its altitude and come swooping in from the other side of the lake. Gliding along, its back feet gently grazing the surface of the lake.


“Mia, strike the Wyvern with Balloon when it reaches that bush over there. The three of you attack the wing--yes, aim at the right wing. Arisa, use that cutting Magic from before on its wing. I don’t mind if you can cut it off completely if you can.” Liza gives instructions--she glances over to me, making sure that I don’t disagree with her strategy.


I also get ready with Magic Hand.


Usually, I won’t interfere unless it looks like the girls will be in danger, but since the this Wyvern is level 33 and the Horned Snake earlier was level 24, I was ready to support them at any time.


When the Wyvern was nearing the bush, water vapor that suddenly erupted broke its posture.The timing was a little bit late, so it didn’t work as well as it could have.




I gently stroke Mia’s head, as she pouts slightly, she looks up at me and a small smile tugs at the corner of her mouth as she pushes back against my hand.


Following her, Arisa’s Rip hit the Wyvern--but it only scratched its shoulder, either because her level was too low, or because its scales were too hard.


The bolts fire by Pochi and Tama only shallowly injure the tip of the Wyvern’s nose. Lulu’s bolt seems to have flown off toward the day after tomorrow, since it’s surprisingly difficult to hit an object if it’s coming straight at you.


Looking at this, I guess the opponent is a bit too much?


Nana blocks the Wyvern’s attack with the Shield that she’s put in front of her, and her own big shield. The Wyvern is probably accustomed to combat, as it’s not attacking with a head-butt, but it swipes with its talons from the side.


Since Nana’s health gauge is rapidly decreasing, I quickly put a Flexible Shield between them. Mia has begun chanting to heal Nana, and I cast a quick Water Heal on her as well.


The Wyvern kicks Nana once again, bouncing off my Flexible Shield and using that to launch back into the sky. Liza’s thrust seems to have grazed it’s food, but it doesn’t seem to give much damage.


I used Ground Shrink to catch Nana, who was hurled away. There’s not enough softness…damn you, armour. I quickly heal her again.


Lulu’s second bolt seems to have hit, though it bounces off, she’s taking a triumphant pose beside me. So with my free hand, I stroke her hair and praise her.


It seems to have recognized us as formidable foes, so it begins to aim for the weakest individual. It’s coming for Arisa, not even slowing when Nana tries to Provoke it.


As expected, I can’t call this training if a victim were to appear--I Ground Shrink in front of Arisa and kick the Wyvern. As it was about to be knocked away, I quickly grabbed its tail and slapped it into the ground.


I quickly approach and cut the Wyvern’s neck with Magick Sword, the spell, not a Magic Sword. The Magick sword look like a Shield, being transparent like glass. I can freely change the blade from the size of a dagger to a two-meter long great-sword. It can become incredibly sharp, but in exchange, it will become thin and brittle--so it’s hard to use correctly without the Sword Skill, Single-Hand, or Two-Hand, depending on the size of the Magick Sword.


Since I was troubled during the extermination of the Monstrous Great Fish back then, I’ve improved the Magick Sword spell so that it can extend to 20 meters long. But it was basically like sugar-glass, the blade was incredibly sharp, but like Katanas--if the angle is only a millimeter off, the blade would shatter.


Arisa and Lulu leveled up from this Battle. Lulu didn’t seem to have gained any new Skills, though I let her read Magic Books recently. But I wonder if her training isn’t enough, it’s unfortunate.


“It’s just one point, just one more point…”


I ask Arisa, who’s stamping the ground, what’s wrong. It seems like she’s one Skill Point short of raising her Space Magic Skill level.



The grilled Wyvern is too bitter, but the Horned Snake tastes surprisingly good.


Since the Wyvern’s innards contain poison, I buried them in a hole--quite a distance from the water of the lake.


Shortly after we finish dinner, we all wash our sweat and bathe in the lake. An open air bath under the night sky, full of stars, is nice--especially when bathing with a lot of beautiful girls, all of which want to help wash you, and don’t mind you washing them.


I always end up drying their hair in turns, they like it better than using the hairdryer I made, or the Life Magic Spell.


I plan to take the airship on a course that’s far away from the mass of Wyverns that nest on the summit of one of the mountain. I do intend to take a look at it once, since I’m worried about the air currents near the summit.


If anything unreasonable happens to the airship, I will store the blimp and use Magic Hand to carry the airship.


While thinking about Bornean Forest, which is on the other side of the mountain range, I set off from the campground alone.

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