Deception, Domination, and Dragons (Skyrim Self-Insert)

Chapter 30: The Clean-Up

Back on Earth, there was this web serial called Worm. More importantly, there was a metric fuck load of fanfiction written after the fact for that web serial. A common meme that had cropped up within that fanfiction came about because authors wanted to stick the main character, Taylor Hebert, into the ABB. Except Taylor was a white girl, and the ABB stood for the Azn Bad Boys, an all Asian Gang.
The solution that fanfiction writers came up with was a simple one. The ABB’s leader, Lung, had the parahuman ability to turn into a big fuck off dragon. And so, in those fanfics were they wanted Taylor to join the ABB, sometimes by force, sometimes by other means, they would have Lung step in and lay down the law, so to speak.
“I am a Dragon. Therefore, you are Asian.”
And because no one wanted to argue with the big fuck off dragon, it actually worked and was a somewhat cohesive plot point, albeit a rather humorous one bordering on parody, if it wasn’t outright comedy.
All of this was to say, when Svanna laid down the law and made it clear to me that she wasn’t going to let me go, I thought back to that fanfiction meme. She might not have outright said it, but I could practically see her with her adorable way of things looking me right in the eye and speaking the words.
“I am a Dragon. Therefore, you are mine.”
In the end, that was the essence of our conversation about my… involvement with the Thalmor. It wasn’t that she didn’t care, she was definitely angry that I’d kept something like that from her, but it was more that she wasn’t going to let it tear us apart. It wasn’t going to keep her from possessing me… from owning me.
I was under no misconceptions at this point. Svanna had made herself abundantly clear. She was not going to leave me, nor was she willing to so much allow for the possibility of me leaving her. We were in this together, and the Dragonborn had latched on most vigorously and refused to let go. As for those who thought to take me from her… well, she was showing quite the vicious streak.
My lithe little Nord Dragonborn was a bit of a yandere, ultimately. And… I didn’t mind it, all that much. Nope, not even my Thalmor side minded it, all that much. I was beginning to think there was something fucked in my head. Something… off about my thinking. Because the Thalmor half of me was actually somewhat content with following Svanna’s lead.
What did that mean? Did her slaughter of Estormo somehow equate to her taking control or something? The Thalmor part of me was beginning to feel like a collared hunting hound, sent ahead of its owners to flush out the prey from the brush. And yet, having the human half of my grafted onto the Thalmor half had ultimately resulted in the collar fraying, the hound no longer listening for its owner’s calls, all but going wild.
I’d been fighting with myself for so long, only to have Svanna turn around and tell me how things were going to be and it… just worked? I wasn’t honestly sure how to feel about that. I wasn’t sure what to feel about anything, in truth. But one thing was for certain… Svanna wasn’t going to let this go. She was mad, madder than I’d ever seen her, and only a fraction of the Dragonborn’s anger was directed at me.
The rest was all focused on one woman and one woman in particular at the moment. First Emissary Elenwen might not know it yet, but she’d declared war on the Dragonborn. A war where I was the battlefield. Heh, I imagine if she HAD known, Elenwen might have been prepared to just cut her losses and leave me to the Dragonborn’s tender mercies. If she had all of the pertinent facts at her beck and call, she probably wouldn’t have minded just leaving me in the Dragonborn’s hands permanently.
After all, Svanna truly had no desire to get involved in Skyrim’s Civil War. And narratively speaking, so long as she didn’t, Skyrim’s Civil War was supposed to go nowhere.
… Of course, narratively speaking, Savos was supposed to die to Ancano in the Hall of Elements, Mirabelle was supposed to die helping contain the Eye of Magnus while the rest of the College evacuated, and Estormo was only supposed to show up at the end of Labyrinthian at Ancano’s behest, NOT Elenwen’s.
My time in Winterhold and its College had shown me that narrative could change. The world was following the Dragonborn’s story, and so long as I didn’t fuck around too much, that story remained mostly the same as the one I remembered. Little things could happen, like me becoming Thane of Whiterun instead of Svanna, but for big changes… well, I had to kill the main antagonist of the entire questline.
And even with Ancano’s early death, Estormo still showed up in the end. Savos still died. Thankfully, it seemed I’d gotten out with Mirabelle alive. All things considered; I’d take that as the win it was.
As such, it was possible that even if I kept Svanna away from Skyrim’s Civil War for years, the narrative would eventually force something to happen anyways. Still, if Elenwen knew what I knew about how the world worked, she definitely would have sacrificed one measly undercover agent in the form of yours truly in order to buy those years of additional bloodshed between the Empire and the Stormcloaks.
But that was neither here nor there. The Ambassador did not have all of the pertinent information. She was operating off of incomplete, faulty intel. She had no way of knowing the truth of things, and because of that, she’d stepped in a big pile of shit. She was fucked, there was no doubt about it. And yet… still, my Thalmor half was content? Satisfied? No longer acting like a fragile little bitch at the very thought of turning on the Thalmor?
How did that work? I honestly didn’t know, all I knew was, Svanna had made the call and I would follow her to the Thalmor Embassy, to take care of Elenwen once and for all. Once that was done, whatever form Elenwen’s comeuppance ended up taking, we would probably go to Riften, unless Svanna wanted to go somewhere else. This was the Dragonborn’s ride after all, and I’d done enough backseat driving for a little while. I’d let her steer, for the time being.
Of course, that didn’t mean I was just going to rest on my laurels. And it certainly didn’t mean I wasn’t going to wrap up things here at Winterhold. The College was mine after all, and all that was left was to finalize the transfer of power.
And so, in the morning, Svanna, Mirabelle and I made our way over to the College, where we arrive with the Staff of Magnus in my hands… but no Arch-Mage. I’ve already decided we aren’t going to mention Estormo or how Savos really died. Instead, in our retelling of the adventure, Savos goes out exactly as I’d originally intended, dying with his final defiant breath to Morokei and making sure the Dragon Priest didn’t get the last laugh.
A clean slate and a hero’s death for everyone to remember him by. It was the most I could give Savos Aren at this point, and I liked to think it was better than the alternative. In the main story, he’d kind of died like a chump, crumpled up and folded over out in the courtyard, tossed clear by the explosion of energy Ancano unleashed when he tried unsuccessfully to tame the Eye of Magnus.
At least this way, Savos would be remembered fondly. Regardless, that did mean they needed a new Arch-Mage… and of course, my thrall was ready to surprise everyone by nominating me for the position instead. While all of the College’s Masters were surprised by this, most of them were quite happy to agree all the same. I had, after all, become a Master myself in most of their fields of magic. The only quest I hadn’t bothered to do was Tolfdir’s and even he was under the effect of the Dream Charm.
Tolfdir did raise the question of whether Mirabelle truly didn’t want to be Arch-Mage instead, but no, she made it abundantly clear that she wasn’t interested in that sort of thing. She was perfectly happy as Master Wizard… and besides, the Arch-Mage needed to be the most capable mage among them, and she’d seen firsthand just how capable I was in the fight against Morokei.
Convinced by both Mirabelle’s support and their magically induced love for me, the Masters ultimately agree unanimously to make me the new Arch-Mage. And like that, I’m in charge of the College of Winterhold. But also, just like that, I begin making my plans to leave the College behind.
Oh, I’m not going to abandon it completely. With the Mark and Recall spells at my beck and call, I can always return at the drop of a hat. The first thing I do after the title of Arch-Mage is bestowed upon me is set up a Mark in the Arch-Mage’s Quarters so that Svanna and I can return any time we want to. After all, the whole point of coming to the College was to make it a base of operations.
Admittedly, I hadn’t considered at the time how decentral and annoying to get to the College would be, if not for the Mark and Recall spells that I’d only been introduced to after the fact. If not for them, I would probably not have been quite as eager to make the College of Winterhold my primary home, by the time we got to the end of this all.
But with teleportation, all things were possible, and the College could become my seat of power. Not just as Arch-Mage, but as the most popular person among the most powerful collective of mages in all of Skyrim. The individuals who called the College home absolutely adored me and always would, thanks to Dream Charm.
That said, I needed to do a few more things, before Svanna and I left for the Embassy. Number One, new gear.
Having acquired the necessary ingredients for the potions, the soul gems for the enchants, and the gear from my crafting at the mine down the road, I was ready to go as soon as I had access to the Arch-Mage’s Quarters. The result? Svanna and I soon have new sets of gear. What I’d made her was the work of a few moments before we went to fight our first dragon.
What I made us now? It was designed to last us forever. Each piece of gear could have two enchants on it thanks to my Ordinator Enchanting Perks. By the time I was done, we were fully kitted up. I kept the enchants to our weapons reasonable, however, and did not apply Fortify Archery to any of our gear. I was still leery of making any sort of Weapon of Mass Destruction. A bow capable of firing an arrow that did a billion hit points of damage, or a pair of gloves that could make any bow in the hands of any person do that much? No thank you.
It wasn’t like I thought anyone could possibly take our gear from us, but I still wanted to be careful. The end result is the same anyways… we’re both unstoppable and unkillable, just as intended.
One might wonder then, why I didn’t bother making a set for Lydia… the simple truth was, I wasn’t bringing her with me.
That was the second of three things I had to take care of, because it wasn’t as simple as just leaving her behind. Luckily, by helping her, I was also getting some extra practice for the third thing. See, when I’d initially used Charm Magic to manipulate Lydia’s personality into a masochistic slut who got off on pain, I’d made it so she only got off on pain she received from ME.

That way, she wouldn’t become a total idiot in battle like Darkness from Konosuba, or just start hurting herself to feel good when I wasn’t around. No, I’d tied it to me and that had forced her to come crawling to me for more, until ultimately, she’d simply come to feel like it was too good to stop and had become conditioned to love me and my presence.
Well now I wanted it to be just me and Svanna again for a little while, and I got the impression Svanna wanted that as well. So, taking Lydia aside on the day after I’d made Svanna and my new enchanted gear sets, I went about manipulating Lydia’s mind into something more… reasonable. Relaxing her fixation on me and making her more of a general purpose masochistic pig, but still keeping her loyalty to me and only me, I’d then gone ahead and told her that Mirabelle was her new Mistress for purpose of everyday pleasure and orders.
Of course, Nirya would be more than happy to help Mirabelle with any… discipline that Lydia required. The end result was the same though, ultimately. Lydia would be staying behind to protect Mirabelle and my interests in the College of Winterhold. This was well within her duties as Housecarl, even if she wasn’t entirely happy about it.
That brought me to the third and final thing I needed to do before Svanna, and I could depart from Winterhold. Handling Mirabelle Ervine, Master Wizard of the College.
I had no intention of leaving my one and only Dream Geass on the Master Wizard, especially when I would be spending quite a lot of time outside of Winterhold in the coming days. Similar to Lydia, I wasn’t sure how well that would translate for Mirabelle, or how her mind might suffer under the effects of being my thrall, but not being able to be close to me on the daily.
And so, we were meeting in the Arch-Mage’s Quarters, with only Svanna as witness. Tomorrow, Svanna and I would leave for the Embassy. Today though… Today was about freeing Mirabelle’s mind… only to enslave it all over again.
“Relax Mirabelle. Let those eyes drift shut. Focus only on my voice.”
“Yes Master…”
The Master Wizard of the College kneels before me, hands on top of her legs as she all but moans from the way I’m caressing her skull. My fingers slide under her hair as I send pulses of magic into her mind. Not just her mind, but her very soul. Smiling, I think I’ve just about got it… but of course, there’s always the possibility that something will go wrong.
The Dragonborn is behind Mirabelle, with a dagger to the woman’s throat, in a second. Mirabelle doesn’t tense up or so much as whimper at the sudden danger to her life. Instead, she just continues to gaze at me with a blissful smile on her face, ready for whatever fate I or Svanna decide to visit upon her.
It’s now or never. Either it worked or it didn’t. Once Mirabelle was under the effects of Dream Geas, I had of course gone back and eventually Dream Charmed her as well. But that alone might not be enough to make her happy once I took the Geas off, so I’d done some… extra modifications to her mind on top of it. Now, it was time to see if it would all pay off.
Reaching in, I flick the switch that marks Mirabelle as my Thrall, freeing up Dream Geass to be used on someone else. The change isn’t quite immediate, which I take to be a good sign. Still, there is a change, as right before my eyes, Mirabelle’s smile slowly flickers and she blinks, her eyes unclouded for the first time since I’d made her call me Master.
She looks at me clearly, as if seeing me for real now… and then smiles even more broadly.
“That was so much fun, Master Vayral. Being your mind controlled slave… I hope you’ll let me experience it again, some day.”
I valiantly resist the urge to laugh, even as Svanna’s shoulders shake with silent laughter, the Dragonborn removing her dagger from Mirabelle’s neck before an accident can take place. Grinning down at Mirabelle Ervine, I nod.
“But of course, pet. The magic word, for now, is Submit.”
Immediately, Mirabelle’s eyes glaze over again as she enters a state of hypnosis. She sways back and forth on her knees, panting noisily, her face bright red. After a moment, I snap my fingers and her gaze clears up, just like that.
The solution to how to handle the fact that I couldn’t keep Mirabelle under the Geas permanently if I wanted to use it on someone else was simple. Just give her a massive fetish for being mind controlled in every way under the sun, so that when she came out of the Geas’ control, she would be happy, rather than mad. And indeed, Mirabelle is quite happy as she moans and touches herself to the effects of my hypnosis.
“You’ve got your claws dug so deep into my mind, Master Vayral. Please… please feel free to use me, be it my mind, body, or soul, whenever you like.”
Grinning over Mirabelle’s head at Svanna, I chuckle darkly.
“Oh, don’t worry my dear… I’m sure we will. I’m sure we will.”
Functionally, nothing has changed between me and Mirabelle. But more importantly, I now have access to Dream Geas again. All according to plan.
As Svanna and I settle in to make this one last night before we head off one to remember, using Mirabelle as our toy, I reflect that I’ve been in Skyrim for a while now, and hadn’t stopped to think about my previous human life, or any of that, since I’d got here.
I was happy here. And so long as I had Svanna at my side… or more accurately, had a place at Svanna’s side, happy I would remain.


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