Deception, Domination, and Dragons (Skyrim Self-Insert)

Chapter 31: The Departure

We were on the road again, and this time it was just me and Svanna, like at the very start before we got to Whiterun. Except, not quite like that at all. I was under no illusion that Svanna was in the thrall of my Illusion Magic this time around, and at the same time… we weren’t really roughing it like one might expect. With the Mark and Recall spells, we could spend every night in the College of Winterhold, and then just Recall back to where we’d reached on our previous day’s travels the next morning.
We didn’t do this too often as we began traveling, only because Svanna seemed to be enjoying having me to herself at the moment, and so we kept journeying back to the College via magic to one out of several of the days we spent slowly making our way through the Northern Province’s Most Northern Parts. The area around Winterhold was very… well, winter-y to be sure, but truth be told, with Svanna being a Nord and the Dragonborn, and me being me, the snow never bothered us anyways.
Lame jokes aside, we had fun just clearing out dungeons, even as we made our way in the direction of the Thalmor Embassy with no particular haste to it. But there was definitely a different air about everything now. This… for all that it involved me heavily, this was Svanna’s chosen quest, rather than anything I’d decided to do. For the first time, I was the Dragonborn’s Companion in Truth, rather than steering the ship. Svanna had taken the reins and decided that we were going to handle the First Emissary our on special way come hell or high water, and I actually found myself respecting that.
And so, where I would have just pushed us in that direction before, as we get closer to a very particular place that’s about halfway between Winterhold and Solitude, I sit Svanna down and bring it up.
“There’s a dungeon nearby. Dimhollow Crypt. It’s not like the others. In it, if we go all the way down to the bottom, we’ll find someone special.”
Blinking, Svanna cocks her head to the side cutely, regarding me silently for a moment before humming.
“Someone cute?”
I snicker at that and nod.
“She’s a beautiful, ancient ‘Pure-blood’ vampire and the daughter of a bonafide Vampire Lord. She’s one of the Daughters of Coldharbour, meaning that she gained her powers via a depraved ritual forced upon her involving Molag Bal, rather than being turned normally by another vampire. She’s quite powerful… but also currently in a deep, deep slumber in the bowels of Dimhollow Crypt.”
That gets another blink from Svanna, before the light of understanding hits and I can see, she’s picking up what I’m putting down. Just to make sure it’s entirely ambiguous and she knows I have no intention of replacing her or ever so much as equaling her with any other woman, I let a positively lecherous and wicked grin spread across my face.
“It would take some quick work on our parts, but I think we could definitely play with her… if we wanted to.”
Really, what I was asking is if Svanna wanted to. As far as Serana was concerned, I knew that she was the Main Waifu of a ton of Skyrim lovers, the female character that everyone latched onto, even more than some others. There was two things about that though. One, I’d spent so much time in my Skyrim playthroughs fucking around with sex mods that I’d only ever done the Dawnguard Expansion once.
Two, while I had completed the entirety of the Dawnguard Expansion, helping Serana free her mother and killing her father and getting Auriel’s Bow, I wasn’t the kind of person who played with companions to begin with. Regardless of whether it was Elder Scrolls or Fallout, I had never been that interested in Bethesda’s companions to tell the truth.
I blamed this on Bethesda itself, of course, and took no responsibility for my own actions. It was their fault! They made stealth too powerful in those games! By sneaking around with either a bow or a gun, I could just kill all the enemies before they even knew I was there! Why the fuck would I ever want to drag around the dead weight of some poorly constructed AI when I could just go solo Stealth Archer Build (or the Fallout equivalent, which was basically just Stealth Sniper)?
That meant that when I HAD played through Dawnguard on one of my Skyrim playthroughs, I’d avoided taking Serana with me as much as possible. If I recalled correctly, there might have been a few moments where I was forced to take her along, but outside of that, I did everything in my power to solo the entire expansion, because that was just how I played Bethesda RPGs and always had.
This was all to say… Serana wasn’t that important to me, outside of as a potential plaything for me and Svanna. And with Dream Geas freed up, I believed I had a way of putting her under our control. Dream Geas HAD no limits, and so even a Pureblood Vampire like Serana should be susceptible to it, if I could ‘activate’ her before she fully woke up from the centuries-long slumber she’d placed herself in.
… But that all came down to whether Svanna wanted to go and grab her, and to my mild surprise, the Dragonborn’s decision finally comes in the form of a head shake.
Raising one eyebrow, not all that upset but definitely curious, I just shrug and then ask the obvious.
“Why not?”
I make my tone purposefully casual, trying to convey that I was just inquisitive, rather than accusatory. The small smile Svanna flicks my way makes it clear that the Dragonborn understands that much, even as she shrugs.
“Don’t want to share right now. Maybe after.”
After we got to Elenwen and did… whatever we were going to do to her. Yeah, that made sense. Svanna wanted this adventure to just be the two of us, and the way I’d talked up Serana, I’d made it pretty clear that we would probably be dragging Serana along with us for a while, like Lydia or to a lesser extent Colette. For now, our party would be a party of two.
“Fine by me.”
And it really was. While a part of me was still a little nervous about what the immediate future would hold and what confronting the First Emissary would even look like, I was happy enough with the current state of things.
We got close enough to Dawnstar and Morthal for me to put a couple of Mark’s down outside of both towns in case we ever wanted to go to either of them quickly, but they weren’t exactly what one would call major Holds. They were both bigger than Winterhold, but nowhere near as large as Whiterun… or Solitude, which is the place we eventually reached.
However, instead of just dropping another Mark down just outside of Solitude and continuing on into the mountains straight away, Svanna wanted to stop in the city. When she voiced this desire, I couldn’t help but be surprised.
“What for?”
Her succinct answer left me with more questions if I was being honest. I thought her revenge was waiting for her back in Riften, and that we were going to the Embassy to get something akin to revenge for me… so what sort of revenge was she looking for in Solitude? Still, I wasn’t going to argue the point. That said, I knew enough to warn her, at least.
“Be advised, there’s almost certainly going to be an execution happening the moment we step inside of the city.”
Svanna blinks at that, but ultimately nods, and together we walk into Solitude. As I’d prophesized, the execution of Roggvir is already underway when we walk inside, taking place at the execution block to our right.
Any worry I might have about Svanna seeing the execution and having some sort of flashback to her own near-death experience in Helgen appears to be unfounded. She and I watch the entire debacle in silence near the back without reaction, and when it’s over and everyone disperses, Svanna turns to me, a smile on her lips.
“I’m going to go do some reconnaissance. Is there a place in the city that you can turn into our base of operations? We only need it for a day or two.”
I raise an eyebrow at that. I’m incredibly curious at what Svanna is going for, but at the same time, it’s clear she’s aiming to make it something of a surprise. Whatever she’s on about, I’m sure I’ll find out about it eventually. In the meanwhile, all I can do is trust her… and the gear I’d made for her, of course. With the broken enchants on her new set of armor, I knew for a fact that there was absolutely no way she could be caught doing anything, unless she wanted to be caught. And even if she wanted to be caught, not even the entire Imperial Army could kill her now.
With that said, I think for a moment… before deciding on the perfect place to set up.
“There’s a shop called Radiant Raiment that’s just down this street. It’s run by two Altmer sisters.”
Svanna’s eyes light up at that, and her smile becomes positively wicked.
“Go there then. I’ll be by later… and don’t feel like you have to hold back. Have fun.”
Well now, with permission like that, how could I resist? I give Svanna a smile back, and impulsively lean forward to kiss her deeply. She kisses me back for a moment, even hugging me, before we pull apart and a second later, she’s gone, having clearly gone stealth. Heh, if I couldn’t locate her before, with the hastily made set of gear I’d crafted back in Whiterun, I certainly wasn’t going to be able to find her now that she had what I considered a perfected set.
With a smile on my lips, I make my way over to Radiant Raiment, locating the shop right where I expected to find it. Stepping inside, I’m immediately greeted by caustic words from behind the shop’s counter.
“Oh, what delight. Another charming customer…”
Raising an eyebrow, I smile at the Altmer woman behind the counter.
“And you must be either the lovely Taarie or Endarie. May I inquire as to which sister I’m speaking to?”
Crossing her arms over her chest, the Altmer sniffs haughtily.
“Endarie. Don’t think that asking around about us will get you any sort of favor. Really, I can help with purchases, but if you’ve come to talk, see my sister. She’s the one who gets on with people. It’s her one virtue, really.”
Glancing around, I don’t actually see another person in the store. It would appear to just be Endarie here right now… perfect.
“Oh, I’m sure you and I can get along if we just try. Besides, your sister doesn’t appear to be around right now.”
Rolling her eyes, Endarie sniffs haughtily.
“Sure. Let me just drop everything to help you out. I don’t mind. Really.”
She’s such an utter bitch… which makes it all the more satisfying to just cast an overly powerful Charm Spell at her, right then and right there. Her eyes widen, and then her face goes slack for a moment before clearing up. Now, when she looks at me, she smiles. All of her previous disdain and anger is wiped away as she gazes upon me with a grin that makes it clear she’s suddenly very happy to see me.
“Hello, Master. I’m sorry, I didn’t recognize you at first.”
Chuckling, I step forward, moving around to behind the counter.
“Sorry isn’t going to cut it, sweetheart. But I’m sure we can find a way for you to properly apologize.”
Endarie looks at me with nothing but love and adoration in her eyes, clearly obsessed with me and determined to satisfy my every desire and fulfill my every whim. No trace of the caustic bitch from before remains.
“Tits out. Get that dress off and get down on your knees.”
“Yes Master. Tits out~”
As Endarie strips naked and sinks down to her knees, pulling my cock out of its confines, I pause for a moment before reaching out and locking the door with magic. For now, Radiant Raiment was closed. And as far as I was aware, only one person would eventually be coming by with the key.
After doing her usual rounds through Solitude, advertising her and her sister’s shop to everyone she thought might be able to afford their beautifully crafted merchandise, Taarie makes her way back to Radiant Remnant for a quick lunch… only to find the place locked up! It was the middle of the day! What could possibly have led to her sister locking up the shop at this time?!
Taking out her key, Taarie quickly unlocks the door and slips inside, only to gape as she finds not her sister behind the counter, but… an Altmer male in armor?
“Who the fuck are you?!”
“Glughk! Glughk! Glughk!”
Rather than answer her, the man just smiles, one hand resting on the counter that he’s stood on the wrong side of, and the other hand below it, where the noises she doesn’t quite understand are coming from. Blinking owlishly, Taarie steps forward, so that she can see what lies on the other side of the counter… and her jaw drops open, as she finds herself staring down at her nude, kneeling sister, naked and sucking on this stranger’s cock with reckless abandon, choking herself on his dick and feeling up her own tits as she does so.
“W-What… Endarie?! What the hell did you do to her?!”
But even as Taarie raises her eyes to gaze at the Altmer in anger and accusation, it’s too late. He’s casting a spell… and a moment later, she doesn’t even remember why she was mad at him in the first place. After all, this is her Master, the single most important person in her and her sister’s life. She and Endarie serve him willingly, happily, and lovingly. He is the only one that matters, and she loves him with all her heart, as does Endarie.
The anger falls away in a moment, and Taarie just smiles at her Master, even as he grins back at her.
“Lock the door, pet. And then strip down to nothing, just like your sister here.”
“Of course, Master.”
Turning, Taarie walks back over to the door, her only route to escape, and happily locks it so that no one can interrupt them. If her Master doesn’t want to be interrupted, then of course she’s not going to let then be interrupted. Radiant Raiment, her and her sister’s business, is secondary to her Master’s desires.
Stripping naked, the Altmer female makes her way back over to the counter, leaning on it and looking down at where Endarie is choking on their Master’s cock. Biting her lower lip, Taarie can’t help but imagine herself in Endarie’s place.
“Gagkh! Gagkh! Gagkh!”
“You were very rude, when you first came in here.”
“… Yes Master. I’m sorry, Master.”
“Punish yourself. Spanking will do.”
“Of course, Master.”
Leaning forward further on the counter, Taarie braces herself with one hand and then brings the other back around, beginning to spank her own golden ass silly. It’s utterly ridiculous, but those are her Master’s orders, and she always obeys her Master’s orders. Meanwhile, her Master continues to use Endarie’s throat to his heart’s content, though he does reach out and feel one of Taarie’s tits after a few moments, fondling her breasts and toying with her nipples one after the other for a time as the sound of her palm impacting with her own backside fills the shop, vying for supremacy with Endarie’s choking.
That is, until their Master pulls out and with a groan, cums all over Endarie’s face. Endarie takes it with a smile, a rare thing for the Altmer woman. Endarie wasn’t a people person and would never lower herself to sucking a man’s cock normally, let alone taking his seed all over her face and tits. But this isn’t any man, this is their Master, and his desires are above their own.
Still spanking herself, Taarie can only watch as Endarie is lifted up by her hair and subsequently bent over the opposite side of the counter. The two sisters find themselves face to face, staring into each other’s eyes as their Master drills Endarie from behind. The cum-covered woman moans wantonly, even as Taarie bites her lower lip even harder, still spanking her poor backside, turning her golden skin a bright red from the repeated impacts.
It's alright though, because once he’s done fucking Endarie into a drooling, creampied mess, he comes around the counter and does the same to Taarie, not stopping until he’s filled her womb with his seed as well. And so, the two sisters both receive their Master’s love and grace, his loads pumped into their most sacred of places.
The thought crosses Taarie’s mind that he might have gotten her and her sister pregnant… and that simple thought makes her cum all the harder around his cock, the idea quite a happy one as she succumbs to the pleasure and bliss of just… being her Master’s cum dump.
I don’t unlock the door in preparation for Svanna or anything like that. I know my little Nord can get passed one locked door easily enough. And indeed, she does. Later that night, when she finally shows up in the doorway to Radiant Raiment’s back bedroom, I smile as I look up at her from where Taarie and Endarie are both laid out on the bed on either side of my legs, their tongues working over my cock and cleaning up my length.
I’m expecting Svanna… I’m not expecting her to be lugging a body over her shoulder, however. At first glance, I blink owlishly, wondering why the fuck Svanna would kidnap Legate Rikke, of all people, and what sort of revenge she would want on the Imperial Nord woman.
But then Svanna lays the unconscious body down at her feet and I get a better look at the face, finally realizing… it’s not Rikke. It’s the Imperial Captain from Helgen, who I’d pretty much completely forgotten about until now. But apparently, Svanna had not, and she’d finally decided it was time to seek out the bitch and get revenge for the part she almost played in our deaths.
Well now… this promised to be fun.


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