Deception, Domination, and Dragons (Skyrim Self-Insert)

Chapter 32: The Captain

With a tap on their heads, I send both Taarie and Endarie into a quick slumber. The two naked Altmer sisters collapse onto the bed, and I rise from between them, my cock glistening with their spit and certainly ready for some… fun. I can’t help but be a little amused. Once upon a time, I’d declared I would seek revenge on this Imperial Captain, hadn’t I?
And yet, I’d completely forgotten about her in the short time span that had gone by since. But not Svanna. Svanna remembered. Svanna hadn’t forgotten at all. Reaching down, the lithe Dragonborn yanks the Captain up by her shoulders, forcing her onto her feet as her head lolls to the side. She’s still very much unconscious, even as I stride forward, but Svanna makes no effort to hush her force.
“I know you told me that what happened in Helgen was always going to happen.”
I hesitate for a brief moment, before inclining my head in acknowledgment of her words. Svanna hums, as she looks down at our would-be executioner. Oh sure, the Captain wasn’t the one who was going to swing the headman’s axe, but she was the one who made the final call on whether we’d both go to the block or not. If not for her, Hadvar might have set us aside since we weren’t on the list. Because of her, we’d been sentenced to death for the crime of being in the wrong place at the wrong time.
And yet, at the same time… narrative dictated that everything had to happen as it happened. Oh sure, I could have fucked with things from the start, far earlier than I otherwise did, but if not for my presence… Svanna was always going to end up in that cart. This Imperial woman was always going to send her to the block, for Alduin to inadvertently save at the last second.
At the same time though… I look down at the Captain too.
“You know, I’m pretty sure, narratively speaking, she was supposed to die in Helgen. There was a crossroads at one point, where we had Hadvar beckoning us through one door into the Keep, while Ralof beckoned us towards the other. You chose Hadvar, and I followed. But if we’d gone with Ralof… this woman was supposed to be our first fight, on the path to freedom, instead of the Stormcloaks we ended up facing with Hadvar.”
Hah, I feel a bit like the exposition fairy. Still, Svanna takes my words in stride, soaking it all in, nodding along even as she continues to stare down at her captive. The fact that she was able to find this woman in Solitude… it made sense that this was where the Imperial Captain would be, narratively speaking. This city, and the area around it, were where most of the survivors of Helgen on the Imperial side could be found. General Tullius was here, and Ambassador Elenwen was up in the mountains, at the Thalmor Embassy.
But at the same time, this meant Ralof was likely dead. I didn’t really care about that, but it was interesting. What had changed the narrative? I was pretty sure he didn’t normally die if you picked Hadvar. Was it me? Did I have some minor influence on the narrative? Had Ralof died and this nameless Imperial Captain lived solely to make this moment possible later on? Because she was a woman that Svanna and I would enjoy slaking our perverse lusts on, and Ralof was not?
… Or maybe I was attributing too much importance to myself, heh.
“I found her at the garrison easily enough. But I wanted to be sure that she deserved this. So, I followed her around for a few hours.”
Svanna sniffs as she gazes down at the unconscious Captain.
“She’s a bitch. Not just to people like us, who she thinks are smaller than her and that she can treat like shit, but to everyone. She’s not someone anyone will ever miss. They’ll notice she’s gone, but even if they make an effort to find her, they’ll be relieved.”
I raise both eyebrows at that. Svanna and I had killed our fair share of people, but never sexually. That was definitely a new line, one I wasn’t entirely sure I was ready to cross. Though, if anyone could convince me to do so, it WOULD be Svanna. Regardless, I don’t ask for clarification in the moment, and Svanna doesn’t offer it.
Instead, she reaches down and yanks the Captain’s ostentatious helm off, exposing her black locks and dark skin, tossing it aside before slapping her hard across the face. Immediately, the woman begins to wake up, coming to. She’s not even restrained, but I’m not all that worried about any of that. As she comes around, I smile down at her, making sure my face is the first thing she sees. Svanna’s is the second, of course, and while she doesn’t recognize me at first, the two of us together are enough for her eyes to widen.
“The prisoners from Helgen!”
She makes an attempt to stand… and Svanna, with the power of two Dragon Souls backing her up perhaps, pushes down, forcing the Captain to remain kneeling. I just chuckle and nod.
“That’s right. It’s us. Vayral and Svanna, if you were wondering. You certainly didn’t care before, despite our names not being on the list. You were eager to see us put to death, despite our lack of crimes.”
Struggling to no avail in Svanna’s grasp, her hands going to her waist but finding no sword there since Svanna had disarmed her before bringing her here, the Imperial sneers.
“I was under orders! Ulfrida and her allies had escaped often enough that there were no chances to be taken that day! You both were necessary collateral damage.”
I just chuckle.
“So, you admit that you knew we had nothing to do with Ulfrida or her Stormcloaks, and that we were innocents in your little Civil War. Tsk, tsk. For shame. Do you realize who this is? This is the Dragonborn. On her, the entirety of the Civil War hinges. You might have successfully turned her against the Empire with your act, you know? She might have joined up with the Stormcloaks anyways, if I hadn’t steered her clear of both sides of your petty little conflict.”
Probably not, but it was fun to say it. Of course, the Captain just looks incredulous, glaring at both of us as we gaze down at her with no small amount of malicious intent on our grinning faces. Once more, she tries to struggle to her feet. Once more, Svanna holds her in place.
“Y-You both are guilty of kidnapping an Imperial Captain! If you were innocent before, you aren’t now! The Empire will not take this lying down!”
“Oh, come on. The Empire doesn’t give two shits about you. You were lucky to even get out of Helgen alive. Heh, I don’t even know your name.”
Still kneeling, the Captain straightens her spine as best she can anyways, jutting out her chin in defiance as she glares at me, her eyes blazing with anger.
“I am Captain-!”
I backhand her across the face, startling Svanna for half a beat before she grins savagely. Her grin only grows, as I speak.
“Oh, I don’t care to hear it now. In fact, you don’t deserve a name. From now on, you’ll be Bitch. And as you know, bitches don’t talk. They bark.”
Snarling, Captain Bitch goes to open her mouth and…
“Arf! A-Arf?! Arf, arf, arf!”
Her eyes begin to widen in panic as a dog’s barking comes from her throat instead of actual words. I hadn’t just backhanded her after all, I’d used Illusion Magic to alter her in that moment, turning her voice against her. Still, her yapping was starting to grate. And so, I slap her again, this time with the palm of my hand.
She falls quiet, not because I’ve removed her ability to speak, but because I’ve put myself above her in hierarchy. As far as she now understands the world, I can give her orders as if I was General Tullius himself, and she feels obliged to follow them, as she would his. That doesn’t make her any less disgusted, of course, when I slap her across the face with my golden cock a moment later.
It’s clear she’d been ignoring the fact that my dick was inches from her face the entire conversation, and also ignoring what it meant for her. She can’t any longer, as I smear my spit-polished member back and forth across her dark-skinned cheeks and she squirms, trying to pull her head away.
“Open. Suck.”
Two commands that she follows reluctantly, and she’s sucking my cock like a good little bitch. I grin at her for a moment, before looking up at Svanna to see how she’s doing. She’s still smiling too, and when we make eye contact, she doesn’t hesitate to lean forward and take my lips with her own, practically doing her level best to suck my soul out of her body as she sticks her tongue down the back of my throat.
Of course, given how we’re positioned, this involves her pushing Bitch down my cock with her body weight, in a move similar to something we once did to Aela, our other doggy, if I recalled correctly. Of course, Aela was a much better bitch than Bitch, by the time we were done with her. She was also a lot more… permanent.
As Svanna and I hug, Captain Bitch chokes on my cock. She can’t do anything else, with Svanna’s full body weight and enhanced dragon strength pushing her into me. My cock is fully lodged down Bitch’s throat as a result, her face buried in my crotch. Her nose is tickled by my crotch hairs, and my balls are resting against her chin as drool and saliva coat them, her choking noises getting more and more… frantic.
Hearing her asphyxiate on my cock is actually rather arousing. For a moment, I wonder if Svanna means for this to be the Captain’s death. Is this how Bitch dies? Trapped between the Last Dragonborn and her Paramour? Well, considering she intended for us to die, before fate itself saved our lives, it would be no less than she deserved…
But no, in the end Svanna didn’t seem inclined to cross that line. Just as Bitch’s struggles are beginning to slow, she pulls back from me, the kiss lingering a bit longer, but the tight hug loosening enough that Bitch comes back off of my cock far enough to breath, coughing and hacking as she takes in lungfuls of air through flaring nostrils, spit and saliva and drool coating her lips and chin, tears streaking down her cheeks.
She’s still glaring at us defiantly though, but there’s something arousing to be found there, even as I let Svanna pull her off my cock and manhandle her down to the ground, spinning her around and into position. Face down, ass up of course. There was no other position acceptable for a bitch like Bitch.
Kneeling down behind her, I fit my cock against Bitch’s cunt and spear into her. She squeals, and then barks some more, trying to speak, whether to decry me or to beg for mercy, it doesn’t matter. All I hear is more ‘arfing’ from the dumb bitch, right up until Svanna wraps her thighs around her head, crossing her legs behind her neck and shoves her face into her crotch.
What follows is a whole lot of the lithe Dragonborn proving that she has a LOT of power packed into that tight body of hers. Dragon Souls are nothing to scoff at, as far as I can tell, but also Svanna has a heck of a lot of control. She chokes Bitch out more than once, squeezing her head between those thighs of hers hard enough that it might just be a bit more force from popping off.
I know, because I can feel the way Captain Bitch’s pussy tightens up as death approaches, again and again. Her cunt clenches down around my cock, not because she’s enjoying any of this, but in anticipation of her own demise, the lack of oxygen causing her body to spasm all over the place.
But Svanna never delivers the killing blow. Part of me is a little relieved that we don’t cross that line. As I pump in and out of Captain Bitch again and again, enjoying her muscled, soldier’s body for what it is, Svanna gets her own pleasure out of the woman. It all seems a little trite, but in the end, it is what it is. We take our revenge in our own sick, twisted way, perhaps a prelude for what’s to come with Elenwen. She too, had left us to die in Helgen. She too, had tried to destroy us, or control us, or contain us.
I was looking forward to putting the First Emissary in her place, I found myself realizing as I painted Bitch’s insides white with my seed. Before, a part of me, the Thalmor part, would have said Ambassador Elenwen’s place was above me. She was my superior, after all. But that wasn’t true. She wasn’t my superior… and hadn’t been since I’d come into this power. I was above her. Svanna was above her. And together… we’d make sure she knew that.
We leave Radiant Raiment’s the next morning arm in arm. And we even clean up after ourselves as well. None of the three women who’s lives we usurped and played with yesterday remember a thing. I’d locked their memories away, and ultimately reverted them back to their previous selves.
For Taarie and Endarie, this meant that they would continue on as they had been. Taarie would remain the haughty voice of the business, capable of speaking reasonably, but also rather egotistical. And Endarie would remain the hateful bitch she was, eager to act like a caustic cunt to anyone, even the best paying customer.
I knew this, because I’d gone ahead and invested in their business, once we’d set their minds to right. It made them a little bit happier with me, but not by much. Still, that didn’t matter in the end. If I ever wanted to, all I had to do was say the pass phrase and I could make both Altmer women into my happy little fuck slaves all over again.
Captain Bitch was a little different. I removed her memories of what we’d done to her and the fact that Svanna had captured her in the first place, reverting her back to her original shitty personality… but with a couple caveats. For one, she’d go back to her posting… for all of a couple of days, before she would desert from the Empire and strike out on her own.
Turning bandit was not something that the original Imperial Captain would ever have done of her own accord, but neither Svanna nor I cared about that. Nor did we care if her desertion and sudden turn to banditry got her killed. I’d left her with specific instructions in her mind to seek out a certain group of bandits we’d let live a while back, but whether she would make it to them or not… well, we’d just have to wait and see.
Like Taarie and Endarie, she could be turned back into Bitch with a simple pass phrase, and would remember everything if I used it, but for now, she had no recollection of neither Svanna nor I, whatsoever.
And so, we left Solitude the same way we came into it, as just two more people. Sure, there was plenty more that COULD be done in the City, but neither Svanna nor I cared to do it. We had bigger fish to fry.
Arriving at the Thalmor Embassy took another half a day, as even though it was comparatively within spitting distance of Solitude, it was still halfway up the mountain. Regardless as we got closer, I could see Thalmor Guards stepping up to meet us, their weapons drawn and at the ready. I just kept smiling, even as we approached.
“Greetings. I am Vayral and this is Svanna, confirmed to be the Last Dragonborn. We have it on good authority that First Emissary Elenwen is VERY interested in speaking with us.”
The two Thalmor guards exchange a look at that, even as I continue smiling. Some small part of me was still worried about what came next… but the far greater whole of me couldn’t help but be excited.


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