Deception, Domination, and Dragons (Skyrim Self-Insert)

Chapter 44: The Nightblade

It took us two days to reach Whiterun, mostly because I insisted on us stopping at every point of interest on my map on our way there. It was still an insane, completely unnatural pace to be fair, and given I was with the Dragonborn, I still wasn’t expecting us to ever be late to anywhere, even with the world seeming topsy turvy.
It wasn’t like Svanna, or I needed the loot anymore, but we did it all the same because… well, I was curious what would happen when I hit level two-thousand. It wasn’t exactly difficult to do so, and maybe that was why… nothing happened. I was probably acting a little entitled, but part of me had expected there to be another unlock at level two-thousand.
After all, I had doubled my level total in two days! Wasn’t that incredible? Wasn’t that amazing? Alas… it was not, when you really thought about it. Level two-thousand was the new level two-hundred, and I certainly hadn’t gotten anything for that, way back then. Sure, I’d unlocked the Ordinator Perk System at level two-hundred and fifty, but that was probably because there were only two-hundred and fifty-one perks in all of Vanilla Skyrim.
With all of my skills able to reach level one thousand, and the XP Spells still hard at work enhancing my XP gains by a thousand percent regardless of what I was doing, getting to level two-thousand was child’s play. I still couldn’t help feeling a little annoyed though. While it felt amazing, having my skills settle in at their ‘new normal’ of a thousand, while still leveling up in the background via Heavy and Light Armor perks, it also didn’t feel like quite enough.
I was more than I was before, there was no denying that. I was more than all of the simple mortal beings who Svanna and I surrounded ourselves with. But I wasn’t enough yet. Not enough to face down a Daedric Prince, I didn’t think. Nor enough to puzzle out what the fuck was going on in this strange hyper-realistic, narrative-driven world of Skyrim that not only I, but also Svanna, had found ourselves dumped in.
Knowing that I wasn’t the only stranger to this world, even if for Svanna it was merely a matter of timeline or alternate dimension, left me wondering what more there was to it. But until we could get that chat with Nocturnal, or I could have another breakthrough, or maybe even both, I had a feeling that I wasn’t going to be able to discern what was wrong with this world.
In the end, all Svanna and I could do was push ever onward. And that meant doing Maven Black-Briar’s bidding, in order to put Karliah further on the backfoot, lull Mercer into a false sense of security, and ultimately secure that meeting with Nocturnal. To that end, Svanna and I had a mission in Whiterun to handle.
It’s not as if it was ever going to be particularly difficult, but I couldn’t help but find the plan to be… intolerably stupid. Yes, I knew that it all worked out perfectly in the game, but that didn’t stop it from just being really, really dumb.
You were supposed to dump the equivalent of rat poison in the Meadery’s Vats. This then somehow resulted in Sabjorn being arrested by a Whiterun Commander and dragged off to Dragonsreach Dungeon. It was just… there were multiple points of failure. For one, you were sent into the Meadery BY Sabjorn with the poison in order to clear our pests.
And what, he’s just supposed to forget about you when he suddenly gets fingered for poisoning his own mead? Not to mention, what’s even supposed to be his motive? Why would he ruin his own tasting ceremony, on the eve of his Meadery’s opening? How is he possibly the bad guy? It seems almost too obvious that he’s being attacked or set up or something.
Quite frankly, I just don’t like the whole thing. And since Svanna and I arrive at Whiterun in the middle of the night, we can stop in at the Meadery on our way to the city proper and I can Dream Charm Sabjorn while he sleeps in his bed. Then, for good measure, I wake him up and actually Charm him as well. I haven’t used direct Charm Magic on too many men since waking up in Skyrim, mostly because I just don’t swing that way, but in this case, I’m not trying to fuck Sabjorn… not physically, at least.
Once the Owner of Honningbrew Meadery is fully under my control, I tell him that he works for Maven now, and he’s all too happy to just accept that. Maven can run both businesses if she wants, pitting them against one another to make as much coin as possible, or she can have Sabjorn shut down and move all of his equipment and what not over to her so she can double the size of her existing operation.
I don’t care which it is, in the end, all that matters is the job done. And the only one unhappy about the situation is one Mallus Maccius, the guy who Svanna and I were supposed to talk to before doing anything once we arrived in Whiterun.
“Wait, he’s just… decided to subordinate himself to Maven Black-Briar?”
Not only is he unhappy, but he’s also dumbfounded. Mallus looks down at the letter I’ve handed him again, completely flabbergasted. I have another letter that’s still sealed, meant for Maven’s eyes only. The letter Mallus got is from Sabjorn directly to him and outlines how the Honningbrew Meadery will be sold to Maven Black-Briar for a penny and a song, though not in exactly those words.
Smiling, I let my eyes flash as I shrug my shoulders, uncaringly.
“He came to see the error of his ways. Maven will be pleased, when we return to her on the morrow with the good news. For now, however… my friend and I are going to go see the sights. Not every day you get to visit Whiterun, now, is it?”
Mallus just looks between me and the letter from Sabjorn again, his face screaming helpless confusion.
“But… this wasn’t how it was supposed to go. I was supposed to be placed in charge. I was… there was a plan!”
I just raise an eyebrow at him, smiling thinly.
“This plan was better, which given the rapid results, I don’t think you can argue with. If you have any complaints, take them up with Maven.”
Mallus blanches at that, and I resist the urge to snort derisively. Of course, he’s more afraid of Maven Black-Briar than me. Unlike Maven, he doesn’t even understand who I am. Not that I really care if this pissant knows who I am or not. He just needs to follow orders, and since he thinks they’re Maven’s orders, he will.
“N-No, no… that’s not necessary. Ah… I will await further instruction from Lady Black-Briar…”
As he bows out of the conversation, I watch him go with a smirk before looking to Svanna.
“Well, my dear? Shall we… ‘see the sights’?”
Svanna grins right back at me and nods.
The Thane of Whiterun had returned, and the Dragonborn too. Irileth was not surprised by this, she’d assumed they would show up again eventually. Still, part of her had to admit, she had been glad to see the back of them. Not just because someone like the Dragonborn was a dark portent that brought grave tidings with her wherever she went, but also because of the Altmer that the Jarl had named Thane.
Irileth had served Jarl Balgruuf the Greater as his housecarl for many, many long years. A Dunmer Nightblade, she had done a lot of things she wasn’t proud of… but felt she had redeemed herself in a number of ways over the course of her service to the Jarl. Nothing had ever made her question her loyalty before, not once.
Not until that Altmer that had been traveling with the Dragonborn. When she’d first laid eyes on him, her heart had thumped in an odd fashion for the first time in… well, decades. It wasn’t just that he was handsome, or self-driven, or capable. He was all of those things. But there was just something about him that Irileth couldn’t put her finger on.
The Nightblade hadn’t let it keep her from her duties, however. She hadn’t even allowed herself to indulge before he and the Dragonborn had left Whiterun behind. Mostly because she could see how close the two already were to one another and had had no interest in managing a threesome at the time.
It was best that Vayral and Svanna left, and that she be able to put him out of her mind and focus on her duties, such as guarding the Jarl and helping him prepare for the possible return of dragons all across Skyrim. Her place was at Jarl Balgruuf’s side, as his housecarl, and she could not afford distraction, not at a time like this.
But then the Altmer, or rather, Thane Vayral, had come back. And Irileth… Irileth had to admit, he’d only grown MORE appealing in the time they’d been apart. Worse still, he came to Dragonsreach with a smile on his face and an offer on his lips. Not even one he’d delivered straight to her, but instead one he’d given Jarl Balgruuf, as if the Nord man was her father, to be asked for her hand in marriage.
Though Vayral hadn’t asked for anything so much as that. He’d simply asked if he could take her out for a night on the town, since she seemed like she could use a break from her duties for just one night. And in her moment of stunned silence at his incredible boldness… Irileth had remained quiet long enough for Balgruuf to, rightfully so, decide that she wanted such a thing, and that it would do her good.
Irileth’s protests had come too late and too faintly to stop it, and the beautiful Dunmer had found herself discharged from her duties for the evening and passed off to Vayral like a… like a favor to a friend. And yet, she couldn’t even bring herself to mind all that much. She’d gone with him, and they’d gotten some drinks… and he’d gotten more and more forward as time went on.
His hand on her shoulder, and then on her leg… and then places that Irileth would have cut a lesser man’s hand off for, especially in such a public venue as the Bannered Mare. And yet, for him she’d blushed and spread her legs wider, allowing him to touch her in a way few could say they had, especially in the last decades as she’d served the Jarl.
Finally, they’d retired to another place entirely, a place that Irileth recognized as Uthgerd’s home. However, the Nord Warrior was nowhere to be seen. Instead, it was the Dragonborn… and Aela the Huntress, from the Companions.
Irileth had frozen up at first, at the sight of Aela on her hands and knees, barking as Svanna plunged a fake stone phallus into Aela from behind. The collared Companion looked like she was enjoying being treated like a bitch in heat. In turn, Irileth found she couldn’t seem to look away. At least, not until Vayral turned her head with a gentle palm and kisses her clean on the mouth, his tongue pushing past her lips and dominating her own tongue within a few moments.
The powerful femme fatale finds herself melting into his kiss, melting into his arms… and when he puts his hands on her shoulders and slowly begins to push her towards the floor, she finds herself melting to her knees and accepting her place before him, even as she opens wide and lets him slip his cock into her warm, wet, waiting mouth.
I don’t waste too long on having Irileth suck my cock. I’m too excited to plow the Dunmer Nightblade silly to do that. Still, I luxuriate in the feel of her mouth wrapped around my golden member for at least a little bit. Fuck, it’s good being this overpowered. Once again, I hadn’t had to use any direct application of Charm Magic to get what I wanted. With both Illusion and Speech at One-Thousand each, it would seem I now had a passive charisma on the same level as what the direct Charm Magic I could cast could get me.
Well, not quite there. I couldn’t make Irileth forswear her oaths to the Jarl or make her call me Master off of just this, I was pretty sure. I would still have to do some major reorganization of her personality if I wanted to do that… and I might still, but for the moment at least, I was enjoying this much. Watching Svanna play with our pet bitch, Aela, while at the same time enjoying Irileth’s mouth wrapped around my cock.
… There were lots of women left in Whiterun that I hadn’t gotten around to yet, and I was somewhat aware of that fact. And yet, in a Skyrim where everyone was absurdly beautiful, most of them simply didn’t appeal to me, on a second glance. For instance, I’d originally promised myself I’d be fucking Adrianne Avenicci at some point, and maybe I still would, but not on this trip. Not when I could focus all of my energy on Irileth instead.
Heh, I hadn’t been completely sure I could get her to agree to a ‘date’ without Charm Magic, so I’d done the next best thing… I’d gotten Jarl Balgruuf to agree on her behalf. After all, the man had already seen fit to name me Thane, and as Irileth’s superior, he had ever right to release his housecarl into my custody for a night of… relaxation.
My auras and my Speech Skill made sure that Irileth was too speechless and completely caught off guard to try and fight it until it was too late, and by that point, her protests sounded weak to the ears of everyone in Dragonsreach. Even Proventus had teased her about it a bit on our way out. Now THAT was funny.
Even now, the beautiful woman can’t seem to muster up anything in the way of resistance. As she sucks my cock, I enjoy it for a moment… but only for a moment before dragging her back, pulling her away from my dick and dragging her back to her feet. She gasps, clearly unused to being manhandled in such a way, but still not fighting me as I spin her around and bend her over.
Taking her armor off is quite the treat. Stripping her down and then thrusting into her from behind as I pull her arms back behind her and we watch Svanna take Aela… is even better. Irileth’s cunt is hot and wet and tight, as I plow into her. Meanwhile, she’s trying her best not to speak, trying her best to keep her voice from spilling forth. Ultimately, she’s having a tough time of it in the long run. The more I fuck her, the more she wants to cry out, the more she whimpers through clenched teeth, before finally moaning wantonly as her inner walls clench down hard around my cock and she experiences an orgasm upon my member.
In a way, she’s a test run. In another, she’s truly her own woman, a conquest in her own right. Still, there’s no denying that I’ll soon be fucking another Dunmer if all goes to plan. Karliah will be ferreted out, and for helping her deal with Mercer, I have no doubt in my mind that Svanna and I will have our due from the hunted Dunmer thief. And if she doesn’t submit, why, I know for a fact that my Dragonborn and I will MAKE her submit.
It doesn’t matter what her pedigree is. She’s the granddaughter of Queen Barenziah herself if I recall correctly. Barenziah and Drayven Indoril, rumored to be the descendant of the Dunmer saint Indoril Nerevar. That’s all well and good, but in the end, she WILL submit. She will join every other woman that has struck Svanna and I’s fancy, on her knees before us.
But first… Maven Black-Briar. With the woman’s mission completed, Svanna and I can Recall to Riften in the morning, after we’re done here with Irileth and Aela. I’ve got a Mark in Whiterun now, so we won’t ever have to worry about making the journey again. Meanwhile, once we get back to Maven, we’ll see just how grateful she is for our assistance… and we’ll see if young Ingun Black-Briar is prepared to take her pride back.
Oh yes, I was excited for our return to Riften. Excited to see what might play out between mother and daughter. The Black-Briar women were a twisted pair to be sure, with Maven the worst of the two of them. But that didn’t mean Ingun was completely hopeless. I’d planted the seeds in the young woman’s mind… and now it was almost time to see if they would bear fruit.
For now, though, as I cum inside of Irileth without hesitation, the Dunmer Nightblade moaning throatily in response, I focus on the matter at hand. With my seed stuffing Irileth’s womb, I pass her over to Svanna, who trades me for Aela.
Getting behind our good little wolf bitch, I plunge into Aela’s sopping wet depths from behind, grabbing and squeezing her tits harshly as I do so. Hm, were her breasts feeling a bit fuller, a bit softer? Was she a bit more responsive as I fucked her? Eh, no matter. Continuing to maul her chest and fuck her, I luxuriate in my pet wolf. Tomorrow, Riften. For now, Whiterun still had sights to be ‘seen’.


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