Deception, Domination, and Dragons (Skyrim Self-Insert)

Chapter 45: The Betrayal

The next morning, having spent all night exhausting Irileth and Aela through copious amounts of rough sex, Svanna and I returned to Riften by way of Recall. Making our way back to Black-Briar Lodge, we’re just in time to find Maven having an early morning breakfast. The cold-hearted businesswoman seems shocked to see us, and even more shocked to see the letter I have for her.
“… You left two days ago. How did you possibly get to Whiterun and back in this time? No, more than that… how did you convince Sabjorn to subordinate himself to me?”
I smile, even as Svanna stealthily sneaks some breakfast from the frankly ludicrous amount of food on the table in front of Maven.
“I am the Arch-Mage of Winterhold, Lady Black-Briar. I must have my secrets.”
Perfectly understanding what I’m saying Maven’s nostrils flare.
“… I see. Please, let us adjourn to the sitting room.”
I wonder if she’s noticed Svanna stealing from her table, but no, Maven just wants us back where she can call upon her daughter to ‘attend to my needs’. Given that was precisely what Ingun and I were counting on, I had no problems with that. If Maven is surprised that her daughter is there within five minutes of her sending a servant to fetch her, she doesn’t comment.
Nor does she comment when Ingun prepares all of our tea, silent as a wallflower in the background as I continue my explanation.
“As for Sabjorn, it’s quite simple really. He knew that his mysterious benefactor had placed him on shifting sands. A house on pour foundations will never last. In the end, it was a doomed venture from the start. Once I explained that to him and let him know his backer was merely using him as a distraction, he was all too happy to accept a lifeline.”
Maven’s eyes narrow at that.
“And you offered him one. On my behalf.”
I just grin at that. In her feigned outrage at me making this deal for her without her input, knowing what she now knows about my ability to travel long distances rapidly, she’s completely missed the fact that I’m lying through my teeth. Oh sure, it was possible Sabjorn would have agreed if I’d sat him down and laid out all the facts, but that would have been so much effort, and involved me giving him more secrets than I really cared to, even if they were Karliah and Mercer and the Thieves Guild’s secrets and not my own.
So much easier to just Charm him there and back again and make him do my bidding. Truly, it was that simple. As Ingun finishes pouring our tea, Maven takes her cup and brings it to her lip, sipping from it as I and Svanna both do the same. Once we’ve all had a drink, I shrug and raise a single brow.
“I did. Is there something wrong with the deal I brokered for you, Lady Black-Briar.”
Jaw clenching, Maven looks down at Sabjorn’s letter, her eye twitching for half a beat before she scowls.
“… There is something very wrong with you not consulting me about making such decisions regarding my business.”
Before I can respond, she quickly continues with a harsh exhale.
“However… you have done me a great service, and while I do not accept that I am truly in your debt when you went about doing things in such an unorthodox manner, there is the simple truth of who you and your companion are. And I would be remiss to ignore how I will benefit from the way you will soon settle things with Frey and this Karliah woman. Once the Thieves Guild is put back in order, one of my better tools will finally be operational again.”
She says all of this, and then glances over to Ingun.
“… As such, on top of the gold I owe you, I leave my daughter once more in your tender care. Do with her as you like. I do not need her virginity intact, when she has made it clear she has no intention of accepting an arranged marriage for the family’s benefit.”
Ingun stiffens, and rightfully so given Maven has just said this right in front of the aspiring Alchemist. The younger Black-Briar’s lips thin out into a harsh line, and I see her mother in her suddenly cold, steely eyes. If she had any doubts about what she just did, they’re gone now. If Maven notices, she clearly doesn’t care, as she finishes off her tea cup and then sets it down.
However, before she can stand to leave us here with her daughter again, I put up a hand to stop her.
“A generous offer, Lady Black-Briar… but why should I settle for the daughter, when I can have the mother instead?”
Maven raises an eyebrow at that.
“And who is to say I am on the menu?”
I grin wickedly.
“The daughter, for one.”
I couldn’t have timed it better. In that moment, a shudder goes through Maven, and then she seizes up as the paralyzing poison in her tea takes full effect. As she slumps back on the couch, unable to so much as move, I chuckle and rise to my feet. Ingun had poisoned the kettle, not her mother’s tea cup, but a glance at Svanna shows she’s just as unaffected by the poison as I am. We’re both hardy folk, with stronger constitutions then that.
Maven though… as much of a cutthroat businesswoman as she is, she’s still… just a woman. Walking over to her, I lean over her carefully, peering down at her curiously.
“What… is… the… mean… ing… of… this…?”
I’m impressed that she’s managing words, but beyond the barest, faintest twitches of her fingers, that’s all she’s managing. As well, her lips can barely move, leaving the words to come out in a bare whisper, as she’s unable to raise her voice.
“I would think that obvious, Maven dear. Your daughter is an aspiring Alchemist. Did you think all they did was make potions and tonics? Did you think that they had no way of getting back at the people in their lives who might have wronged them? You let your very intelligent girl handle your tea. A foolish mistake, for such a powerful woman.”
Not that I needed to go through this whole song and dance if I wanted to fuck Maven Black-Briar… but it was better than same-old, same-old. I reach out and casually grope one of the paralyzed woman’s tits through her top, grinning when she glares daggers at me helplessly. Sure, I could have done so just as easily with Charm Magic, or even seduced Maven with offers of gold or the like and my incredible Speech Skills.
But setting this up? Having her own daughter betray her to me? That was so much fucking hotter.
“Master Vayral has promised me an Apprenticeship at the College of Winterhold, Mother. I will be learning not just Alchemy, but Magic as well, from the finest minds in the Province. And in return, all I had to do was give him… you.”
It’s clear from Ingun’s marveling voice that she considers this not just a good trade, but a trade wholly in her favor. A letter of recommendation from the Arch-Mage himself, and she also gets to stick it to her hardass of a mother? It’s a win-win, in her mind. Of course, the loathing glare that Maven sends Ingun’s way makes it clear she thinks less of her daughter by the moment.
“Won’t… get… away… with… this…”
For a moment, Ingun freezes under her mother’s gaze. Then, she looks to me and I give her an encouraging smile and a nod, firming up her resolve as she looks back to her paralyzed mother.
“Master Vayral assures me we will.”
Chuckling, I grip a bit more harshly at Maven’s top, and tear it away. Ingun sucks in a breath as I do this, while Maven does nothing at all, helpless to stop me from exposing her tits and playing with them to my heart’s content.
She’s completely unreactive, but not unresponsive. Her warm, soft titflesh feels good beneath my hands, and her nipples rapidly harden under my efforts. Not just because of my technique, I suspect, but because my suped up auras and incredibly high Speech Skill is always working in the background at her mind.
That doesn’t make her gaze at me with any less hatred in her eyes however, even as I roll her rock hard nipples between my fingers for a moment before sliding my hands… lower. Maven lays there, sprawled out like a sex doll, even as I strip her bare with those hands, taking her expensive clothes off piece by piece until she’s entirely nude.
Meanwhile, Svanna isn’t idle. My little Dragonborn loves to watch, but she also loves to play. That’s why we almost always have two girls… so she can do both. Ingun moans and I glance over to see the younger Black-Briar being molested by the red-haired Nord. She’s squirming, but not exactly fighting it as Svanna pulls her top down and begins to play with her breasts.
I can’t help myself. I grab Maven and lift her up, before flipping her onto her front. With her body completely unresponsive to the no doubt frantic, frenzied mental commands she’s trying to give it, manhandling her into an incredibly humiliating face down, ass up positions is easy. With her arms splayed on either side of her and her knees up under her to lift her hips and ass high into the air for me, I run my hand across her sex.
She’s sopping wet, of course, and I hear a strangled cry of what sounds like rage from the cold-hearted woman as I feel her arousal. Smirking, I chuckle.
“What? Upset that I’ve discovered just how badly you want this, Maven dear? Did you think I didn’t already know? Did you think I couldn’t tell how arousing and intoxicating you found my presence; from the moment you sicked your daughter on me and then left her to my tender mercies?”
“Kill… you…!”
Scoffing, I rear back a golden palm and bring it down HARD on her paralyzed buttocks.
As she lets out a muffled cry through still unresponsive lips, I settle in behind her, place my cock at her slit, and thrust in, groaning in enjoyment of her slick, wet, tight passage. As I do so, I lean over her and grab her by her hair, yanking her head back a few inches so I can whisper in her ear.
“You and what army, Maven?”
She can’t quite muster a response when I’m fucking her. It takes great force of will to speak through the paralyzing poison as it is, as well as a huge amount of concentration. The latter is the important part in this context, seeing as I’m disrupting her concentration with every thrust into her paralyzed cunt. Yes, her entire body is completely slack, including her pussy.
It’s an incredibly interesting experience. I’m inclined to think that Maven’s cunt MIGHT have actually been in the process of clenching when she’d fallen under the effects of the paralysis potion, because its not like her pussy is loose or anything. In fact, while it’s not actively squeezing and rippling up and down my shaft like a more responsive woman’s genitals would be, it’s still quite tight as I thrust in and out of her helpless, defenseless body.
Fucking her is quite the unique treat. Not something I’d care to repeat again and again I don’t think, but as far as one-offs go, I’m enjoying myself immensely. So much so, that I soon spill my seed inside of Maven, much to her angry tight-lipped exclamations of outrage and horror.
I just laugh and give her fat, noblewoman ass another hefty smack, before nodding to Svanna. My little Dragonborn has stripped Ingun down to nothing in the time I’ve been toying with her mother and has prepared the younger Black-Briar for me. I grin as she lifts Ingun up, causing the black-haired girl to yelp in surprise at Svanna’s display of strength.
Walking Ingun over, she places the younger Black-Briar right atop her mother’s ass, perching her there for me in a way that’s incredibly disrespectful to Maven Black-Briar. Not that we’re done just yet. Ingun spreads her legs willingly, and a moment later I’m fucking her atop her mother, pounding into her much more responsive, nubile young cunny, even as her mother’s snatch oozes seed right below her.
Svanna, meanwhile, plants her hands on Ingun’s back to hold her up, while at the same time sitting down right in front of Maven’s face and literally rubbing the paralyzed woman’s nose in it… it being Svanna’s juicy wet quim, of course.
Taking hold of Ingun, I take over the task of holding her up, even as feeling slowly but surely begins to return to Maven’s body. As the paralysis potion wears off, Maven’s nightmare is just beginning… because now she finds herself at the nonexistent mercy of the Dragonborn, who grips tightly at Maven’s hair and grinds the noblewoman’s face into her cunt. Maven has no choice but to each out my savage, lithe red-head, and Svanna takes great satisfaction in debasing Maven even further.
We fuck the two Black-Briar women together, as we’ve done with so many, with an entirely unwilling Maven trapped beneath her much more willing daughter. Ingun cums around my cock multiple times before I seed her as well, and Maven finds herself receiving more than one squirting orgasm from Svanna across her outraged face.
As I finish up and lift Ingun off of her mother however, Maven immediately tries to yank herself free of Svanna’s grasp in order to either escape or call for the guards. Svanna, of course, is ready for the escape attempt, and has her legs wrapped around Maven’s head in short order.
I watch as my Dragonborn uses her powerful thighs to choke out Maven Black-Briar while still grinding the cold-hearted woman’s face down into her cunt. I smile as Maven struggles and resists with all her might… but it’s not enough. In the end, her resistance fades and she collapses into unconsciousness. Svanna waits a beat longer, before unwinding her legs.
Immediately, I reach out and ‘activate’ Maven, using Dream Charm on her. With my Illusion Skill at One-Thousand now, the chance of Dream Charm failing has gone from one in one hundred, or one percent, to one in a thousand, or zero point one percent. Needless to say, Maven isn’t that lucky. The Dream Charm takes hold, and once it does, I use more direct Charm Magic to fully and properly enthrall Maven Black-Briar.
She’s been a fun little diversion, an amusing distraction… but while it was hilarious to play this political game with her for a day, to act like she was a peer or even an equal, rather than just another bitch to be tamed by Svanna and me, all good things come to an end, all stories have their conclusions.
Maven’s story concluded with everything she’d ever accomplished in life being entirely meaningless as she was forced to accept her new lot as mine and Svanna’s slave and fuck toy. After making this Maven’s new reality, we wake her up, and I watch with a smile as glazed over eyes that had been filled with such hatred just minutes before, stare up at me emptily while Maven Black-Briar immediately turns and goes to work cleaning my cock of her and her daughter’s juices.
Dropping Ingun off at Winterhold for Mirabelle to look after is the work of a few minutes. Leaving Maven behind to continue being Maven, but of course with the new understanding that all she did and everything she was, was in pursuit of mine and Svanna’s happiness and goals, was also not something that took all that long.
With that done, it’s time to head back to the Cistern. Maven is taken care of, her part in the Thieves Guild Questline done and dealt with. Now it’s time to get back to setting Mercer and Karliah up for their fateful, final confrontation…


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