Deception, Domination, and Dragons (Skyrim Self-Insert)

Chapter 7: The Majesty

The first two hundred and fifty levels fly by, in a sense. On the one hand, its incredibly easy to level up Sneak and then just prestige it in order to do it again and again. And once hide and seek gets boring, Svanna and I have a little spar instead. Every single time our swords clash, I hit One Hundred Skill on One-Handed Weapons.
Its pure, unadulterated bullshit. The kind of bullshit that would actually probably make me quit the game, if this weren’t suddenly real life. As I’d mentioned previously, I preferred to keep my cheating to a somewhat manageable level. Easier leveling is all I wanted, really. A level every second? That wasn’t just bullshit, it was annoying to manage.
And in all fairness, it was annoying here and now too. I was lucky that the world froze around me every time I entered my menu, because otherwise I would be constantly telling Svanna to stop and wait for me. As is, I could swing my sword against the shield she was holding up, open my menu, level up, prestige the One-Handed skill, and do it all over again in between seconds like it was no one’s business but my own.
Still, it was certainly tedious… but also incredibly important. I didn’t know how this world truly worked just yet, but one thing was for certain, I wasn’t planning on going anywhere even remotely dangerous until I felt damn near god-like. I’d always been something of a coward, in my human life. The Thalmor half of me wasn’t what I would call conventionally courageous either. The thought of unlimited power pleased BOTH sides of me, and so I was decidedly of one mind on the subject.
Every time I hit a level up, not only did I get a perk point, but I also got to add ten more ‘points’ to either my Magicka, my Health, or my Stamina. Normally, I would say Magicka, and Stamina were the most important, depending on my build. As a Stealth Archer, Stamina was King. Not just because I needed a big bar to be able to breathe in and line up my shots, but because of Stamina’s non-combat ability… that is, the fact that it was directly tied to inventory space.
Having to manage your inventory at the start of the game was decidedly annoying. Having to pick and choose what to drop when you were only halfway through a dungeon and suddenly found yourself encumbered was just the worst. Especially since it heralded you having to do so every ten feet for the rest of that dungeon before you could head back to town and vendor your shit.
Meanwhile, if I wanted to play a caster, a huge Magicka Pool was necessary, especially since I didn’t have any bullshit gear yet to increase my Magicka Regen and what not.
But in this moment, in this time and place where I found myself literally living in the world of Tamriel, existing in the Province of Skyrim… Health was undeniably the most critical and crucial of the three attributes I could increase with every level up. Because yeah, I was a huge coward who didn’t want to die. Hell, even my Thalmor half agreed with me, considering my human memories. Skyrim was a lot more dangerous than Thalmor me ever thought possible. The thought of Draugr Death Overlords, Nightmaster Vampires, and huge fuck off Legendary Dragons… it scared even that part of me.
Which was good, because while I didn’t necessarily THINK we’d be running into one of those around every corner, the point was to be prepared in case we did. I was pretty sure that the story was focused on Svanna, for all that I’d tagged along so far. Which meant, there should be no level scaling bullshit. But if there was, then the max level for most creatures in Skyrim was like… Seventy-Five, I think?
And so, I spent that first day in Whiterun leveling the fuck up. I was excited to be hitting Two-Hundred and Fifty, because there were only Two-Hundred and Fifty One Perks total in the entire game. Any levels after that were just to pad my Health, Stamina, and Magicka some more.
Except, as I found out when I actually DID hit Two-Hundred and Fifty, that wasn’t quite true.
Congratulations! For hitting Level Two-Hundred and Fifty, you have unlocked the Ordinator – Perks of Skyrim Mod! Please wait. Perk Refund in Progress.
If my eyes could have widened, they would have. As it is, I was trapped in the menu for a thankfully small amount of time as the small amount of Perks that I’d already spent. It wasn’t too many, despite having two hundred and fifty to spend at this point. Since most of my skills weren’t One Hundred on account of me automatically prestiging anything that hit that point, I hadn’t invested any Perks yet.
This… this was… well, I wanted to say it changed everything. In truth, it changed almost nothing. Ordinator was a Perk Mod I’d used on my second to last playthrough of Skyrim, before they came out with the Anniversary Edition that I’d used for my latest playthrough. Technically, Ordinator had still been in my mod library from then, it’d just been removed like everything else to keep from breaking the Anniversary Edition or whatever. When I’d grabbed a few mods for this new playthrough, I hadn’t picked it up right off the bat.
… But I might have? Given a couple more days in my old world, a couple more days with that playthrough, and I might have thought to turn on Ordinator?
Apparently, whatever had brought me here had decided to give it to me anyways. Whether that had always been the plan or was based off of my internal decision to get to level One Thousand before doing anything in this dangerous frozen hellscape of a Province was… well, neither here nor there. Fact of the matter was, I had Ordinator now… and that meant I had Four-Hundred and Sixty-Nine perks to get.
To be fair, a lot of them were powers that could only be used once a day and weren’t all that applicable to my interests. Still more just didn’t really fit my playstyle. In the end, there were probably only three hundred to four hundred Perks I would actually take.
Still, it was nice… and especially nice when I looked under the Illusion Tree. The Vanilla Skyrim Illusion Tree had some Perks that made Illusion Magic stronger… but the Ordinator Illusion Tree took that up a notch.
Assigning perks to most of the Illusion Tree, given it was the one skill I still had at Level One Hundred and hadn’t prestiged even a single time, I smile as I put one perk in every other Skill as well. No reason not to, really. Finally, I come out of my menu, curious to see how this will change things.
The reaction from Svanna is immediate. Her eyes widen and her pupils shrink to pinpricks as she gapes at me. Her mouth drops open… but the sword in her hand doesn’t drop from her grasp. Rather, instead the system still seems to consider her my ally, which means she actually gets bolstered by my presence, a shiver running through her as her muscles all flex with invigored strength and her hold on her weapon tightens.
I grin and give her a nod, spreading my arms wide and doing a small twirl.
“You like?”
“W-What… what did you do?!”
I chuckle a little. It’s completely fair that she’s shocked. The Ordinator Illusion Tree has some very fun perks. One of them, Commanding Presence, causes me to radiate an aura of mystical nobility that gives a buff to all of my allies within forty feet of me. Another, Imposing Presence, causes me to radiate an aura of mystical charisma that touches all within forty feet and makes my Illusion Magic more powerful and last longer on them.
Crown of the False King made Commanding Presence give me an armor increase and magic resistance as well. And finally, Imperious Splendor made the effects of both Commanding Presence and Crown of the False King twice as powerful so long as I was above Seventy-Five Percent Health.
And that wasn’t even getting into the Dream Perks that my Illusion Skill Tree now had.
All of this was to say, if one were to try and put things into a more standard Gamer System… I’d basically just tripled my Charisma Score. I’d gone from a striking Altmer Mage to someone no one could help but stop and pay attention to. Indeed, Svanna couldn’t keep her eyes off of me. In fact, she was… oh my.
Finally dropping her sword, the Dragonborn lunges at me, taking me to the ground. But I can tell its not an attack (even if the resulting clawing does end up maxing out my Light Armor Skill again) and just laugh as the cute little Nord hurriedly draws my cock from the confines of my pants and just as quickly stuffs it up into her quim as fast as she possibly can.
We’ll probably get in trouble if we’re caught having sex, but hey, we’re currently behind Arcadia’s Cauldron, out of view of most people. And if a Guard does come by and try to raise a fuss, I suppose I’ll be able to raise my Speech Skill, if nothing else…
After the quickie, Svanna and I pull apart and I can’t help but grin at her.
“So then, I suppose that’s a yes.”
When she gives me a confused look, I just chuckle.
“That you do in fact like what you see.”
Blushing, the Dragonborn nods, reaching out to caress my golden cheek again. She seems even more enamored with me than before.
“… I want to bring you someone tonight. What should I look for in a woman?”
The words come out of left field for me, but perhaps they shouldn’t be that surprising. Still, I reel for a moment.
“You want to bring me someone? For me to fuck?”
Svanna nods at my request for clarification, licking her lips as she stares almost hungrily at my face.
“I want to see you pin another down, like that Imperial. I want to see you have your way with them.”
Well then…
“Well, eventually I know we want to get around to Aela… but lets hold off on her for now, shall we? We’ll handle her and the Companions before the week is out, alright?”
Svanna just nods, seeming unbothered by the idea of waiting. She leans forward, eager to hear what I want. In the end… I know exactly what I want. I have a fetish, a very specific fetish, and now that I’m here in Skyrim, well… it needs to be satisfied, doesn’t it?
Cocking my head to the side, I ultimately shrug.
“I like strong women that I can bring low. That’s why the idea of putting Aela in her place eventually entices me as much as it might entice you. A strong-willed woman, with ambitions and plans… submitting to me, perhaps even giving up on her dreams in order to serve me… that’s what I find most attractive. In comparison, looks are a secondary thing.”
Of course, it helped that every woman in this world was fine as fuck. I had yet to see a single person that was overweight, and every female I came across was easily a Nine or Ten on the attractiveness scale. So ultimately, looks were irrelevant when everyone was insanely beautiful. It became a matter of their minds and personalities… and just how fun it would be to subvert and corrupt them.
Nodding, seemingly taking this very seriously, Svanna gets to her feet.
“Then that’s what I’ll look for. Meet you back at our room?”
I grin and nod. We were probably getting a little too loud for the Bannered Mare, but interestingly enough, we hadn’t received any complaints yet. Sooo…
As Svanna walks off, I stand as well and pat myself down. Its odd, because this is the first time since I arrived in this world that she hasn’t been at my side. But if she truly wants to split off so she can bring me someone… well, who am I to deny her the opportunity? Instead, stretching for a moment, I decide to do some more power leveling, just a little bit. Another fifty levels at most, and then I would return to our room to await Svanna, regardless of if she succeeded or failed.
But first, how exactly to go about leveling? Hmm, perhaps it was time to do a little Blacksmith Training?
A couple hours later, leaving an amazed and awed Adrianne Avenicci behind me (whom I WOULD be fucking at some point) I head back to the Bannered Mare. I have every intention of getting some food and heading up to my room to await Svanna. Truly I do. But maybe I catch her eye, or she catches mine. Maybe my new Illusion Perks simply trigger her fight or flight response, and she chooses fight.
Either way, as I’m passing her by, Uthgerd the Unbroken has the temerity to call out to me with a scoff.
“Keep walking, soft-gut. I’m more woman than you can handle.”
Well now, I can’t abide by that. Not when I’m here sitting at just over level three hundred and feeling like a million fucking bucks. Turning to regard Uthgerd, I grin.
“That so? You think you can take me?”
Uthgerd’s eyes widen at my audacity, as if she’s legitimately surprised, I decided to respond. Rising from her seat, she doesn’t quite reach for her weapon… but she does look downright aggressive. Out of the corner of my eye, I see Hulda, the owner of the Bannered Mare, groan and rub her forehead. Apparently, this was not uncommon.
“Wanna hear a bit of Nord wisdom? You don’t really know a woman until you’ve had a strong drink and a fistfight with her.”
… Was she coming onto me, now that I’d stood up to her? Squaring off with the armored Nord, I keep my head held high. After all, it would take one punch for my One-Handed Skill to hit One Hundred again, and a moment between seconds for me to pack it full of Perks. I could be an Unarmed God in an instant… so why not, right?
“If you want to fight, then say so. If you want to fuck, then say so as well. But enough hiding behind flowery words. What is this, the College of Bards?”

That gets her. While it’s obvious my auras are fucking with her head a fair bit and she’s not entirely sure whether she wants to bed me or brawl with me, my antagonistic words choose her path for her. Her eyes narrow, and she raises gauntleted fists as she makes her decision very clear with one word, bitten out through clenched teeth.
I just grin and raise my own fists.
“Fuck after, then.”
She howls at my presumptuous attitude and lunges for me and feeling QUITE secure in my over a thousand hit points, I lunge forward to meet her.
Fifteen minutes later, the door to mine and Svanna’s rented room opens and Svanna steps inside with another Nord woman at her back to find me sat at the end of our bed, with Uthgerd the Broken knelt between my legs, naked and with her arms tied behind her back as she willingly fellates me to the best of her rather low ability.
As Svanna and Ysolda just stop and stare, I give them both my best roguish grin.


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