Deception, Domination, and Dragons (Skyrim Self-Insert)

Chapter 8: The Foursome

“I-I’m sorry, we must have the wrong room!”
Blushing crimson, and yet, barely able to take her eyes off of me as I rest a hand atop Uthgerd’s head and the naked Nord warrior keeps on sucking as if nothing is amiss, Ysolda begins trying to back out… but of course, Svanna isn’t about to let that happen.
Twisting one arm behind her back in a classic armbar, Svanna halts Ysolda in her tracks, keeping the beautiful Nord in place.
“No, this is the right room. Didn’t I tell you… my friend has quite the Mammoth Tusk.”
I can’t help it, I let out a bark of laughter at that. Truly? That was how Svanna got Ysolda on board? Unable to help herself, the cute red head’s eyes dip down to my crotch, where Uthgerd’s head of blonde hair is currently hiding my ‘Mammoth Tusk’. She bites her lower lip, my basic auras both sparking fear in her and making her interested in me despite herself. But the auras themselves aren’t enough to do anything but make people think twice about fucking with me.
“T-That’s not what I meant. P-Please, I don’t…”
Before she can say anything more, or potentially start to get LOUD and attract the attention of those downstairs, I gesture with a hand and cast Pacify on her. Ysolda’s entire body goes slack immediately, and upon noticing this, my Dragonborn Accomplice lets go of her, stepping away to take in the sight of the poor Nord woman, swaying back and forth right there.
I was a Nord’s worst nightmare, truth be told. An Altmer (and Thalmor at that!) Mage with ‘dishonorable’ magic who could do whatever the fuck I wanted with them whenever the fuck I wanted. The Nords’ prejudice against magic might seem overblown and like they were jumping at shadows and treating everyone who could so much as cast a spell like boogeymen, but in truth… I was the monster under the bed. I WAS the boogeyman.
“Ysolda… be a dear and come here, please.”
My crooning, coaxing tone has the pacified woman walking over to me and Uthgerd, and sitting down on the bed beside me.
“That’s a good girl.”
Svanna, meanwhile, closes and locks the door to the room behind herself, before licking her lips as she leans back against it, her hands starting to wander up and down her body. The lithe Dragonborn starts undoing clasps and untying pieces of leather, slowly but surely exposing herself to me… and yet, she makes no move to join in the fun.
She truly meant it when she said she wanted to watch me fuck other women, didn’t she? She wasn’t even going to participate this time, from the look of things. Though to be fair, I had my hands full with two of Whiterun’s finest babes. Sliding my free arm around Ysolda’s waist, I pull her into my side and grin at the glazed, passive look on her face. Meanwhile, the hand in Uthgerd’s hair grips down tighter and then pulls back, bringing her off of my cock with a pop as she gasps for air.
Like Ysolda, Uthgerd’s eyes are glazed over with the telltale effects of Illusion Magic as well. Oh, I’d beaten her in that brawl downstairs fair and square. Couldn’t have her or anyone else calling me a cheater for using magic. No, I’d taken her to task, shown her that even her plated fists couldn’t so much as bruise my skin, and knocked her on her ass.
Needless to say, she’d been a lot more agreeable to sharing a drink with me up in mine and Svanna’s room after that… but she was still a bit too much of a top in the sex department for me to just rely on my having defeated her. No, I wanted to properly break her… and so the Charm Magic had come into play, she’d stripped naked and let me tie her up, and we’d been just starting in on the fun when Svanna had come back with Ysolda.
I could totally understand why my Dragonborn Accomplice had settled on Ysolda for our little game. Given the parameters I’d given her, she needed to find a willful young woman who was nevertheless willing to go somewhere alone with her. In that regard, Ysolda was actually perfect because the Nord Girl was indeed a bright, friendly type who was also quite the keen tradeswoman.
She was a go-getter, a real do it herself kind of gal, and she represented a softer, civilian side of the ‘strong and independent woman’ archetype. Meanwhile, Uthgerd represented the harder, warrior side of that same exact archetype. They were both absolutely perfect for my needs.
“Ysolda… meet Uthgerd. Uthgerd, meet Ysolda.”
They stare at one another rather blankly, and I chuckle.
“The two of you are tasked with pleasuring my cock tonight. I may or may not return the favor if you do a good enough job. My friend may or may not make use of either or both of you at some point as well. Now, get to work.”
Pushing more Charm Magic into both women, I just smile across the room to Svanna as Ysolda leans down on the bed next to me and begins lapping at the top of my dick, while Uthgerd returns her own task, now slurping at the underside of my shaft. Svanna, meanwhile, has one hand on a breast at this point, and the other down between her legs.
Its clear to me that she’s enjoying herself immensely, her face flushed and her breath coming out in cute little pants from betwixt her lips. To be fair, I’m enjoying myself as well. Once more, my two halves are of the same mind on this. Indulging in the lesser, inferior races is just… its only fitting. After all, my Thalmor Half was sent to Skyrim with the incredibly vague and thoroughly unquantifiable mission of prolonging the Civil War in the Province by any way possible.
The great thing about that, was that the Civil War continued on in a stalemate so long as the Dragonborn didn’t get involved. Which meant… we’d already succeeded in our task. Of course eventually I needed to get in touch with Elenwen. The First Emissary might have further orders for me. Even if I was still pissed about her leaving me to die.
No… no, I was more than pissed. And to be frank, Elenwen shouldn’t be trusted with a paper bag! She completely fucked up in the game, numerous times! She was a display of Thalmor incompetence, and she deserved nothing more than to be ground beneath my boot!
Except there was supposed to be a chain of command. There was-
“Vayral? Are you alright?”
Torn from my inner thoughts, I blink as I realize Svanna is suddenly right beside me. Charmed and utterly helpless, Ysolda and Uthgerd have continued licking and lapping at my cock uninterrupted. But Svanna was under no such magic… and had likely just watched as my face twitched and contorted into a dozen different expressions in the span of just as many seconds while my two halves fought over one of the few things they didn’t fully agree on yet.
My human memories told me that the Thalmor, at least those assigned to Skyrim, were completely incompetent. Fuck, in the game, whoever I was didn’t exist, at least as far as I was aware. There was no Thalmor Agent named Vayral. And while my mere existence changed things, the facts remained the same. Shit had almost gone tits up at Helgen, for the Thalmor specifically. If Ulfrida had died there, the Thalmor’s plans would have been set back. And Elenwen, who had been in attendance… did NOTHING.
Meanwhile, there was another Thalmor up at the College of Winterhold. And left to his own devices, Ancano would fuck shit up so severely that the Psijiic fucking Order had to step in and deal with the Eye of Magnus. Man, what would even happen if I interfered in that directly? What would happen if I kept Ancano from fucking with the Eye?
Ah, but Ancano was, while not my direct superior, also of higher rank than me. So I really shouldn’t be considering-
My eyes widen and my nostrils flare as Svanna literally has to grab me by my hair and yank my head back to pull me out of it this time. I stare up at her, almost ready to attack her for having the temerity to do so… but the worry in her eyes stops me.
Fuck. Fuck, it’d only been three days, hadn’t it? And a lot of that time had been spent in a sheer panic as I’d first been trying to survive a dragon, and then trying to get to Whiterun to get to the XP Spells Barrel while attempting to maintain my hold on the Dragonborn, only to find out she was sticking with me of my own volition.
Now, when I was finally able to relax and just think for a moment… my two sets of memories were starting to realize their differences, and it was fucking with my head something fierce.
“I’m… I’m f-fine…”
I was not fine, and I could tell that Svanna saw that. She pays no attention to Ysolda or Uthgerd, both of whom are still slurping away at my cock like it’s the only thing that matters… which to be fair, in that moment for them, it is.
She frowns at me, furrowing her brow and shaking her head. When she opens her mouth to speak, I cut her off with a kiss, taking my hand from Ysolda’s waist and grabbing Svanna by the hair, pulling her into a savage tongue lock. It’s at least partially a deflection by my Thalmor half, designed to keep her off balance and stop her from asking questions. But at the same time, my human half won’t stand for that, and when we finally pull apart for air, I admit the truth to her, solemnly.
“I am not fine. But… I’m not sure it’s anything you can do for me. It’s something I have to work through myself.”
Human me was convinced that, shown more examples of the Thalmor’s incompetence in Skyrim, Thalmor me would come around. Meanwhile, Thalmor me, while grateful for the immense power he’d gained in a very short amount of time, wasn’t about to betray his people for… for some selfish, undisclosed goals.
The worst part was, I was both of these people. I could no more divorce myself from one of them then I could the other. Hopefully, with time… some sort of meld would finish settling into place, but for now, this amalgamation that I had been made into was only three days old. I was only three days old. Bit of a strange feeling, to be sure, but it was what it was.
Setting aside the future… the only thing I could really do was live in the moment. I could fight with myself over what to do next later. For now, I focus on what’s happening. Svanna is close enough to kiss, and so I kiss her. Meanwhile, Uthgerd and Ysolda’s efforts down below are finally yielding results. Groaning into the Dragonborn’s mouth, I proceed to blow my load all over the beautiful Nord women that she and I have picked up and enthralled.
Uthgerd and Ysolda moan throatily as they take my seed, and with a twist of my Charm Magic, I smile down at them both and give an order.
“Clean one another off now, please.”
They do so, the soft, buxom tradeswoman and hard, muscled warrior turning and beginning to lick each other’s faces clean, rubbing my seed into their tits as they pant heavily all the while.
Svanna, meanwhile, is squirming in my grasp, and so I release her, curious to see what she’s going to do next. While the lithe Dragonborn does give me one last concerned look for a second, as if checking to make sure I’m actually fine, she just nods once I smile at her, before reaching over and grabbing Ysolda by her hair.
Yanking the enthralled woman up onto the bed, she proceeds to strip Ysolda down, cutting her dress off of her with a dagger and exposing her just as Uthgerd is exposed. In the meantime, I set Uthgerd to the task of cleaning off my cock as well, but it’s only a short while before Svanna and Ysolda are ready. Sitting herself down on Ysolda’s face, Svanna reaches forward and spreads the other Nord’s legs wide, showing off Ysolda’s soft, creamy thighs and gloriously exposed and utterly helpless pussy.
Chuckling, I turn around to get into position, using my grip on Uthgerd’s head to force her down to my balls betwixt my legs, where she begins to lick and slurp at my nut sack as I place my cock against Ysolda’s slit.
A moment later, and I’m buried deep inside of her. Her muffled cries sound out from underneath Svanna, who lets out a gasp of her own and blushes. Its clearly the young Nord’s first time getting eaten out by another woman, but she takes to it (and dominating her catch of the day) like a pro. Bouncing up and down on Ysolda’s face, gyrating and undulating her hips as she rides the other woman’s mouth, Svanna looks at me with her face contorting in pleasure.
I just grin and lean forward, grasping her by one of her supple tits and bringing it to my mouth so I can suckle at her teat. That gets her to toss her had back and moan, even as she shakes and shudders in ecstasy upon my prick.
Eventually, I blow my load inside of Ysolda… at which point, we all but toss the Charmed Nordish woman aside and do the same to Uthgerd. With the Nord warrior however, we take her on her hands and knees, with Svanna wrapping her legs around Uthgerd’s head and me gripping her harshly by her toned hips, pounding into her cunt from behind. Ysolda was decidedly softer and more ‘pillowy’ when it came to fucking, but Uthgerd is tighter, and with another order, she consciously flexes and massages her cunt muscles along my cock in a way that has me blowing my load in no time.
Of course, it’s around that point that our chickens finally come home to roost. The volume of me and Svanna going at it might not have been too much, but me, Svanna, Uthgerd, and Ysolda? Honestly, I would probably have done something about us getting kicked out of The Bannered Mare in the middle of the night… if not for the fact that Uthgerd had her own home in the Wind District.
And so, with all sorts of rumors following us, me and the three women made our way over to Uthgerd’s House, where we could continue to fuck the night away for some time to come…
A day later, and Svanna and I stand outside of Jorrvaskr. The Companions’ Mead Hall is certainly one of the more unique buildings in all of Skyrim, from what I recall. Certainly, it’s the most unique building in Whiterun. As we stand there, I glance over to Svanna and grin at her.
“Ready to ‘join’ the Companions, darling?”
Svanna looks back at me and her grin is even more savage than my own, I’m pretty sure.
“… I want to make them pay for underestimating you.”
I just laugh. Rather secure in myself at a current level that sits over three hundred, I’m feeling pretty good about what’s about to happen.
“I’m sure, no matter what… we’ll make QUITE the impact.”
Svanna just nods, and together, we walk forward into the mead hall.


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