Degenerate Masochist’s Reincarnation as A Goddess

Awkward Reunion

Our durlatex socks squeaked on cold tiles as we walked in a line between Slurp and DT-12, painfully aware of the slave brands glowing on butt cheeks.

Aside from the flickering arc-lamps, tubes and wires, the place was more gothic cathedral than you’d expect of a mad scientist’s laboratory. Walls were polished granite and decorated with random alcoves and pillars, which seemed to serve no other purpose than to look cool.

Though if the architecture had given us any doubts of the mad scientist bit, the distant moans and screams emanating through the floor and the walls dispelled them all.

“The breeding chambers are split off into three sections,” Slurp explained, gesturing to a branching hallway full of glass doors. With the sharp angle, I could only catch brief glimpses from the closest cells, where a terrifyingly monstrous centipede-girl was pumping something into a crying slave’s mouth.

“Dr. calls this the ‘pump and dump’, hilarious, I know…” She gave us a sympathetic eye-roll. “Humor isn’t her strong suit. Anyhow, that section is for quick visits. Next we have the ‘cum and cuddle’.”

In this section, I glimpsed a drae girl with large breasts bound by the bright vines of a very monstrous looking dryad, who was helping the slave drink nectar from her flowers. The drae’s eyes were lazy and her moans delirious, but she continued to gulp obediently, even as small yellow flowers started to grow from her hair.

“Wombs usually stay here from one day to a week. The last section is ‘ze black zection’. The monsters there keep the wombs from conception to birth, usually for multiple cycles, until we extract them by force.”

The closest room was dominated by a shadowy arachnid in the ceiling. Webbing stretched throughout the room’s length, and stuck on it were shapes of women and futa cocooned in skin-tight silk, their bellies distended by eggs. One particular cocoon set my pussy ablaze with horny dreams. In it, two girls of similar size were bound breast-to-breast, belly-to-belly. Despite neither having the advantage of their arms, a lot of squirming, moaning, thigh-humping, and kissing was going on between them.

Toujou’s breath hitched behind me.

A look backwards confirmed that I was among comrade perverts. Every slave in our little troupe was blushing with obvious want, shooting longing glances in the direction of the breeding chambers.

“Here we have the arcanosurgery chambers.” Slurp gestured at a corridor with locked doors. “You will all visit here sooner or later, when your bodies and minds are modified to further optimize them.”

The words sent a shudder through me. How soon, until I was modified into a drooling bimbo with no other thoughts than cock in her brain?

“And over here, between the main laboratories and such, we have the free-roaming spaces,” said Slurp, as she stepped on a grated metal floor that replaced the tiling.


The moan drew my gaze to a curvy figure beneath us. In the narrow-space between the grating and padded floor was a woman with heavy breasts and a large belly. Her arms and legs were folded up, restraining her into an awkward crawl.

She was panting heavily as she moved, moaning when her belly and nipples brushed the ground. Neither she nor us dared to establish eye-contact, when Slurp led us past her.

Scores of pregnant women and futa populated the crawl space beneath the floor grating, all of them hobbled onto their elbows and knees by the very same bitch-suits we were already wearing. Though they were only a year or two older than us, their bodies had swelled with maternity, gaining weight and curves, though never obscenely so. Their bodies were further marred by nose rings, piercings, brand-marks, and what looked like entire pages of experimental data tattooed onto their bodies.

In a spot located between a lab and a small cafeteria, the under-walk space widened to accommodate thirty something slaves with plenty of space in between. Their moaning, shuffling, gulping, and glugging were a constant cacophony, nearly as pervasive as the smell of sweat and arousal emanating from them.

“Here’s the main feeding area.” Slurp took a bowl from a table and reached down through a hole in the grating to put it in front of a phallic rubbery dispenser attached to the undercrawl wall. A couple quick jerks of her hand filled it up and she scooped it in her fingers, bringing the gray-brown porridge towards my face. “Aaaaa…”

Ears burning, I opened my mouth and let her smear the gruel on my tongue.

“Tasty isn’t it? Has all the nutrients a healthy womb needs,” Slurp said, moving onto force-feed Toujou. “The dispensers work intuitively, able to feed even the stupidest of you.”

I struggled to peel my eyes off of an ivory-pale elf with silver hair and ritual tattoos, which marked her as the highest of high-born highelfs. She was squished between two heavily pregnant human women, deep-throating herself on the nutrient dispenser, and gulping it like the stuff was going to run out yesterday.

A loud moan drew my gaze to the left of her, where a futa dragonoid’s face was stuck between the ass-cheeks of a goblin. She’d unzipped the panties with her teeth and was in the process of eating the gobbo’s ass.

The further we walked, the more uncomfortable my arousal grew. The bathrooms were communal places, where you crawled backwards and impaled your anus on a massive tentacle, which then cleaned you up. And the washing area was a vast shallow pool, where non-sentient slimes infested the waters. Going by the screams of pleasure, getting your cootie washed by them was a lot more fun than it had been to get measured by Slurp.

By the time we reached the milking hall, I could feel the zipper chafing against my clit.

On the other side of a chest-high fence, rows of large heavy metal frames filled the room. Each of them was fitted with several arcanic servo arms, thick metal shackles for neck, waist, and limbs, and a collection of pumps.

“Here’s the milking hall. You’re expected to be here on time, or there will be punishments. Ah, perfect timing. Here’s one. Watch her and see how it is done.”

Slurp pointed at an open trapdoor, through which crawled a woman in late stages of pregnancy.

My heart got caught in my throat.

I wasn’t the first to have this idea?!

Weariness and lust weighed her regal features into a frustrated frown. Brands and degrading tattoos filled her one pristine dark skin. Her silky onyx hair hung almost to her elbows. Pregnancy had bloated her once elegant body, filling her breasts into cumbersome melons, stuffing her butt and thighs to the point where the panties started to look small, and growing her stomach to the point where it actually dragged against the ground.

She huffed and panted, crawling her way to the nearest milking machine, leaving a trail of pre-cum on the ground from her erect cock. I watched transfixed as she pushed her hobbled arms and neck into automatically tightening shackles, submitting herself into the thick metal stocks. Servo arms whirred, lifting her front off the ground as further shackles fixed her legs in place.

“Come on… come on… hurry up…” she muttered, as an arm holding a soft fleshlight attached to a tube approached her cock. It locked in space, letting her struggle with inserting her cock in the hole, and leaving the task of humping entirely to her.

She cried as she moaned, and nearly screamed when two fleshy suction cups attached themselves to her leaking nipples. They started massaging her breasts, easing out a steady stream of thick purple liquid.


She froze. Lust-haze faded from her golden eyes as they locked on me, widening in panic.

“Nhaaahhh? Haahh?? AaaaAAA!” Her cock pulsed. Cum flooded to fill the transparent tube. “NOOO Don’t! Don’t look! Dynja struggled to escape my gaze, but the stockade held her in place. Another servo arm rose up behind her, aligned two large and pre-lubed dildos with her holes, and plunged them hilt-deep.

“Guuuh?” Dynja’s drool flew on my breasts.

Her body continued to shake as the servo arm pistoned in and out. More purple milk and cum poured out, while the disguised demi-goddess struggled weakly, sobbing from sheer shame.

Gods, I can barely imagine that shame of having your darkest kink discovered by your enemy.

My pussy couldn’t stop throbbing.

My heart couldn’t stop pounding.

I was beyond jealous.

“As you can see we have a double pleasure loop to encourage milk and cum production. But what a happy coincidence that you know each other, little womb. You’ll even be bred by the same monster as her. One of Mistress’ most precious specimen: A lesser spawn of an Outer Deity known as Tlippoth of the Gaping Void. We can start with you, since this pregnancy won’t be requiring any extra body modification.”

The coincidence was too much.

I laughed.

Not a great move, ‘cos the next second my slave brand activated and collapsed me into a crying mess, begging for mercy.

To make an example of me, Slurp gagged, blindfolded, and hooded my head for the rest of the journey, all the way up till the breeding chamber of Tlippoth’s lesser spawn.

But come on, this was a little too much of a coincidence.




Hello, this transcription and extra bit is brought to you by the other half of my mind that gets separated from me by the divslab spell. So, I gotta ask. How many of you got here before me, ‘cos Tilippoth I can maybe forgive because Tlippoth is Tlippoth, but if the rest of you horny sluts knew of this place and didn’t tell me… Well, I’ll be pouting or doing something equally terrifying to punish you.

Although, if any of ya’all wanna join the part of me that’s down there… Feel free to go down. From the emotions I’m feeling from my mortal half, it’s a pretty great ride.

Anyhow, I’m not supposed to be writing things without the main mind’s approval, just thought she wouldn’t mind that bit, so toodles. Might delete this bit later if I feel like she’d get angry.

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