Degenerate Masochist’s Reincarnation as A Goddess

Void Bee’s Prey

“Ah, here we are. ‘Cum and cuddle’ wing. Hold still now, womb. I don’t want to make you suffer more than necessary.”

I felt Slurp’s hands on my back as she began to loosen my bondage. My arms came free.


“Hold still…”

In swift motions, she yanked the skintight hood off my face, removed my blindfold, and released the ball-gag from my lips. Darkness of the durlatex hood was replaced by another darkness, as Slurp’s foot pushed my back, sending me into a forward stumble straight through an open glass door.

Thick sweet scent full of strange floral aromas attacked my senses, throwing me into a sneezing fit. Behind me, the thick glass door locked with a slam, followed by the humm of an arcane force-field.

I sat up on my knees, my eyes still watering from the rapid sneezes, even as the tickling inside my nose started to recede. Something soft and coated the floor. A purple wax-like substance, which had gently conformed to the shape of my legs as I sat.

The fact that I was sealed in a breeding chamber set a fire in my slit.

My eyes scanned the alien comb-structures and pillars on the walls, searching for the creature that was about to breed me.

“Ah, there it is.” The glass and force-field distorted Slurp’s voice. “Void Bees are one of the apex predators of their region. Bane of the wizards foolish enough to use hallways of the Outer Void as shortcuts between planes.”

Where is it?

Frantically scanning the waxy alcoves, I pulled into myself, crawling backwards until my back smacked against the glass. Somewhere, far and near, danced a melodic buzzing sound. 

Steps clicked on glass, but when I glanced up, nobody was there.

Wings fluttered my hair, but when I turned left, it was gone.

Air thickened with purple fumes, my every breath dragging sickly sweetness back and forth over my tongue. Despite my brain and soul aching to be monster raped and bred, my body refused to cooperate, pumping my veins full of adrenaline and horror. Every nerve in my body screamed helplessness.

I was prey.

I am prey.



An object.

“I love this part!” Slurp’s voice grew excited. I turned around, pressing my hands to the glass, searching the frightened expressions of my fellow wombs for support, searching Slurp’s for mercy.

Warm breath licked my lower back.

Buzzing grew.

It’s behind me!

The irrational fear possessed me with a screaming need to run.

“Help!” I pounded the glass. “HELP LET ME OUT PLEASE!”

“The toxic pollen induces horror in the victim, in order to subdue them. A rather nasty poison. Usually leaves the wombs with anything between twenty to thirty percent increased submissiveness and a heightened aversion to all conflict. Some of Dr’s best products use it as an ingredient.”


A tongue as cold as ice licked my neck, freezing me in place. It lingered, drawing circles of ice over the durlatex, slowly making its way up to my hairline, where the collar of my bolero ended. I knew instinctively that something very bad was about to happen the moment it reached naked skin. I’d have soiled myself if my bladder wasn’t empty.

“Pleasepleasepleaseplase get me out, I promise I’ll be good. I’ll be quiet, I’ll do anything…”

Slurp spoke over my begging, gesturing to the beast behind me. “The fangs carry a quite potent venom as well. Effects are similar to…”


I let out a scared whine.

Two piercing needles chomped onto my upper neck, faster than I could perceive pain. 


A confusing warmth rolled into my bloodstream, mixing with the toxin induced horror. It didn’t mask the fear nor calm my heartbeat. It did nothing to ease the dread, and yet, I started to feel good.

I liked being afraid.

I liked helpless inside my own head.

I loved being afraid of my mating partner.

“...and quite addictive. A few doses are enough to induce a lifetime kink for fear. The Void Bee usually give their victims ten times the amount, usually causing a rape addiction, specifically a need to be violated by creatures that could easily kill you, or...”

Her voice was lost beneath a buzzing drone. I gasped as fangs withdrew from my neck, shivering when the freezing tongue licked my wounds.

A black chitinous arm terminating in claw-tipped fingers reached around me, grasping my breast. I tensed, afraid of the worst. Instead, the fingers sank gently into my small breasts, massaging in a circling motion, which slowly wandered into an idle pinch of my nipple.

“P-please…” I looked up to Slurp, whispering, “P-please let me out.”

Another chitinous hand covered my mouth as gentle buzz vibrated beside my ear. I hickuped, sucking fearful breaths through my nose, as the creature brought its face beside mine.

She was eerie in the most alien way possible. Hauntingly beautiful with short black fur, a fuzzy mane that gleamed with a purple sheen, and huge black eyes. Yet in all her features was a touch of uncanny. Her nose and mouth had lines where they could split open into a maw big enough to consume my face. Her expression never flinched from the frozen half-smile painted on her chitin.


Something hard vibrated against my thigh. Two immensely soft globes, tits way larger than my head pressed against my back. This monster was huge!

Another arm reached out to my crotch, fumbling, it unzipped my panties. A fourth arm took my wrists and led them behind me. The Void Bee’s weight forced me forward, pressing my face and breasts against the glass.

“Nghuh. Hewp pheew,” I mumbled into the hand on my mouth.

Behind me, the Void Bee knelt. It folded my hands into balled fists and spat gooey softness on my wrists and hands. A freezing lick hardened the wax. I tugged my arms, but the wax held them stiffly locked. I couldn’t even open my hands.

The Void Bee moved a hand around my neck. Four arms lifted me up, still holding me pinned to the glass, with Slurp and rest of the slaves watching my rape with rapt attention. I felt her shift her weight behind me.

A sharp tip went past my pussy lips, followed by a swiftly widening appendage.

It went straight in for the price.

Thank gods I’m a horny masochist. If my pussy hadn’t been ready and wanting, her cock would’ve probably split open.

It felt almost like a punch. The pain was nauseating, drawing tears from my eyes, and whines from my throat. Uncaring, the Void Bee withdrew her cock, and slammed in again. My cheek and tits chafed against the glass. My legs wobbled with the rhythm of the fucking, kicking helplessly for foothold.

And then she started to buzz.

Vibrations ran through the length of her cock, radiating everywhere between thighs and waist. I hit the peak and punched through it, my toes curling when the buzzing cock pushed my little maso bitch of a g-spot down the way its owner pushed me against the window.

I struggled to breathe.

My vision swam with images of horror and pleasure.

And I came again. The damned beast wouldn’t stop her raw, violent rut. My pussy started to hurt. My clit began to feel funny from the vibrations.

There was nothing I could do to stop this.

Absolutely nothing.

I kicked and screamed but I had no strength. I cried and pleaded, but I got no help. There, before the shocked eyes of Toujou and other innocent young wombs to be, I was violated, until my captor finally chose to cum.

Hot liquid filled me up, bubbling its way into my womb, coating the walls of my vagina, and sliding to make a mess of our groins. The Void Bee lifted me off her cock, knelt down, and sealed my oozing pussy with a warm wax plug. Another plug filled my asshole, solidifying into a gentle firmness.

Fear and adoration filled my head, as I watched the sexy void-black giant hover above me, folding my limbs this way and that.

“...the reason she’s classified as ‘cum and cuddle’. Once the Void Bee is done with her breeding attempt, its partner will be entombed, until it confirms the breeding to be successful.”


I barely remembered what the word meant.

Soft gooey substance coated my legs and waist. The Void Bee continued, diligently coating my tummy and back in an inch layer. Skipping over my breasts and neck, it moved to my shoulders and arms, not yet solidifying anything. The horrifyingly beautiful face came to hover above my face.


I nodded.

Its face opened up over my head. I closed my eyes. And felt gooey wax dribble over my eyelids, hair, and ears. Only my breasts and mouth were left bare.

Before the aftershocks of repeated hard orgasms and venom lulled me into rest, I remember being carried and paced with my back against a wax wall, and the cold breath hardening my waxy prison around me, turning me into a bust on the wall.

I dreamt of buzzing predators, grasping hands, hard ridged cocks, and an all consuming helplessness.

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