Degenerate Masochist’s Reincarnation as A Goddess

Self Bound Into Public Use

So I had two sexy cute apostles leading my well bound ass on a leash through a humid jungle full of tentacle things. They took turns tying each each other with me into girl-on-girl quality bonding time and kept me fed and fucked. My head was constantly abuzz with a mix of afterglow and horny and my naughty bits either pulsing with need or drooling from use. Snaps was totally buddy-buddy with us and actually in on this religion thing, to the point I could feel the worship from her.

The tiny trickle of divine power felt like a denied orgasm in full durlatex bondage. It shivered through my bound body. Having been a goddess for centuries, I could sense its nuances, how it granted me a weird sense of authority over my helpless state and bindings. A way to tighten them… to bind them to my will. To create submissive miracles. 

There wasn’t enough divinity yet that I dared to experiment, let alone goof with just for funzies. Every droplet had to be spent smartly in a way that would lead to me gaining more divinity.

Thankfully, the chance to do just so was coming up.

We’d managed to somehow climb up on that mountain top, and glimpsed a bird’s eye view of the Perilmuda archipelago. Jungle dotted islands hugging each other like puzzle pieces as far as the eye could see. Some were purple and tentacly, others looked like former coral reefs the size of mountains, and one was a crater with a massive purple goo pit of some kind descending deep beneath the sea level. The place was gorgeous.

And inhabited. 

Little plumes of smoke rose up from a village made up of clustered round reed roofs just a day’s walk downhill. 

So, after three days of fucking each other and ‘accidentally’ tripping into hot little jungle perils, our sub squad finally spotted the first of the many tree houses we’d spied from afar. Rope bridges, lians, and web walkways connected it to a canopy city inhabited by the island’s native geckofolk.

They had mostly humanoid bodies, but also large curly tails and yellow lizard eyes. Parts of their bodies had light skin tones, but their backs were covered by emerald-green patterns of smooth scale. Many also had purple squiggles or freckles on their bodies. Some had soft horns or gills sprouting through their hair. Almost all of them were naked or covered in shimmering illusory patterns, skin-tight glamorous of impossible and strangely alluring garments. A very neat racial ability.

My first impression of them was ‘oh my gorgeous geckofolk, I wonder if they can choke me with that tail’.

My second was joy when I spotted one with a tiny girl dick tucked cutely into a smooth pussy. 

“Perfect! They will do fantastically,” I said to my apostles while we hid in a bush. “Okay my sisters in bondage, this is where I will perform my first miracle.”

“Already? Way to go Ion,” said Shadada.

“And what kind of miracle were you planning?” asked Snaps, slightly more sceptical.

“Okay, so first…” I would have raised my finger if my arms hadn’t been bound behind my back. “Maybe I need to be free at the start. Yep, can you guys…”

They untied me.

“So. I’ve thought this through. To establish my divinity, we will begin by voluntarily performing miraculously difficult submissive deeds for the good of others.”

Shadada was nodding sagely, totes in sync with my idea.

Snaps gave me a sus eye with crossed arms. “Miraculously difficult… how difficult are we talking about, exactly?”

“Well, take that town for example. How many people do you think live there?”

“Hmm, thousands?” estimated Shadada.

“Thousands,” agreed Snaps. “I’d say thousands.”

“And how many cocks?”

“Around one in ten are intersex,” said Shadada, elf eyes narrowing. “With very small girldicks.”

“And what manner of girldick miracle will we be performing here?” asked Snaps.

“Heh! First impressions matter. This will be my first divine act as a reborn goddess, so it should be something that future generations of priestesses will seek to emulate. A basic act of subby kindness and horniness. Something that any sexy priestess can submit to in order to enjoy their new faith. It will be, of course, voluntary cumpump slavery.”


“Cum dump…” Shadada’s finger slipped between her lips. She bit on it. “I see what you mean, goddess.”

“yes…” Snaps glanced at the closest tree-climbing girldick, her cheeks heating. “I suppose I can see it, though the details elude me.”

“Trust your goddess,” I said solemnly, hand on my chest. “I shall lead you to glorious freedom from choice and suffering.”

“What if the natives take us captive by themselves?” asked Snaps.

“Pfft, look at them!” I pointed at a cutie with big lizard eyes and a lithe body. A butterfly had landed on her nose and delighted her. The other natives were smiling with her, all wholesome-like. “They’re obviously an enlightened peace loving tribe–”

“How can you be–”

“I just know these things,” I said, cutting her off. “Call it an instinct.”

“She once spent like a decade scrying at every native tribe on the world, while searching for a place that had the, and I quote, ‘a nice culture of enslaving foreigners into humiliating pet play’.”

I gasped. “Shadada! Traitor!”

“Huh? I thought you liked being known as a degenerate.”

“I do, but I hadn’t officially visited that tribe yet! My divine blog readers will know about it now and it’s all spoiled!”

“Uh… this is all going online?”

“This is all going to be spread throughout the Lesser Deity Afternoon Club and all the places where my divinity can reach! Of course it is! I get off on people seeing my sluttiness, and it’s low-key kinda neat secondary source of divinity.”

“But, you don’t have your sanctum so how…”

“Easy.” I tapped my head. “Everything I experience, I can project later.”

“Right. Okay. Sorry about that then.”

“Nah, it’s fine. I’ll find something else as lewd.”

Snaps let out a shuddering breath of confusion. “Seas take me, so, voluntary cum dumps?”

“Yess! Okay, first off, both of you take off all clothes and gather our rope. We’ll need it just in case they have no restraints to lend.”

They began peeling off the salvaged clothes together with me. Soon we were all nude.

“So how is this gonna work?” asked Snaps again.

“Trust in your deity.”




The geckofolk of Nararu welcomed us with open arms as we walked down the forest floor beneath their town. Many flowers and fruits were offered and curious individuals approached with questions.

“Where from? they asked.

“What names? Me I’m Pepepem of Nararu, she Hapam of Nararu, and she Tatam of Nararu, and she Tutum of Nararu!”

“Nice to meet you all, I’m Ion!”

“I’m Shadada.”

“Snaps. Captain Snaps.”

“Captainnn! Ships! We know of ships, human ships, they sail the vast waves.”

“We’re Nararu by the way, everyone in Nararu is from Nararu. It’s Nararu village of Nararu.”

“Pretty purple skin,” purred one, fascinated by my body. “You have tail like Nararu!”

“I think yours is cute too,” I said.

Her own skintone shifted to match mine. She smiled and flexed her nubile body. “You like now?”

“Very cute!”

“No dicks,” observed one, face close to our crotches as she ‘walked’ deftly on all fours. “They no dicks. All girls.”

“Yup, we’re all girls. Some of you seem to have cocks though. Your is very cute,” I said to the curious one.

She twirled away, cock hidden between legs. “It’s small! Almost can’t notice. So small!”

“Yeah, I don’t mind. Big or small, I think all girldicks are cute.”

The Nararu’s tail twirled. Her eyes blinked and she made a weirdly lizard excitement sound. I think she was happy to get complimented. How cute!

Our naked gecko girl entourage grew as we approached what looked like a great spot for my miracle. A small slab of stone ruins peeked through the jungle foliage. A small stone obelisk stood from the center and off to the side was an abandoned little reed hut. A couple gecko girls were lounging on the opening, making weird noises and flashing various glamoured outfits at each other. It didn’t seemed more like a random ruin than something important to Nararu culture, a hangout spot. 

“Nararu friends,” I addressed the gathered gecko girls. Their attention turned to me. Whisper-chatter intensified. “I am Ion the bound, and I am here to show a miracle to your people, if you allow it. Can you ask your leader to come forth so I may ask permission here?”


“No chieftain.”

“No leader.”


“Yes but shaman not leader.”

“Shaman not leader,” agreed another.

“Shaman boring!”

“Shaman keep memories and tradition. Shaman important.”

“But shaman not leader!”

“Nararu decide together.”

“Okay, um, then I have a request to all of Nararu! Me and my followers wish to provide you with a divine miracle.”



The skins of Nararu around us began pulsing and flashing with glamour magics. The entire forest around us shifted in mezmerizing patterns.

“Yes,” came a hiss, followed by hundreds of others.

“Nararu agree.”

“Miracle!” cheered the girl who’d copied my purple skin again.

Perfect. I rubbed my hands together, feeling my nethers heat at the thought of what all those cute little girldicks were going to be doing to us in a hot minute. How long should I make it last? A day… Nah, miracles were supposed to be like three or seven days. Three days would be great, I decided. 

“Hear me, Nararu,” I spread my arms. “I am Ion, and I shall bring you a miracle of relief. You’re a free and wise people, but sometimes even the free-est people have stresses they would not rather share with their friends. Sometimes, even the free lovers need a nameless hole to relieve their desires. We shall be those nameless holes. Do you have any shackles or restraints? Oh and a couple of bowls?”

A few moments later, several Nararu dropped half a ton of salvaged shackles and bindings before me. My expert eye instantly spotted three thick and tall iron collars perfect for our necks, heavy chains, and large wrist shackles.

“Yes, these will do nicely.”

“Be warned Ion-friend. Nararu have no smith! Can’t open again if they lock by accident. Once, Hapam had to go all the way to human town with boats and wizards to find smith to open. Expensive and dangerous journey.”

“That is actually perfect.” Walking back into wizard civilization in shackles would mean instant capture for me. They would notice my brand, enslave me, and ship my ass to be auctioned off to a bad end as some demon’s plaything or a wizard’s living bondage decoration. That danger tickled my girly bits and added a nice sense of weight to my miracle.

I handed Snaps and Shadada their pairs. “People of Nararu, witness the miracle of Ion!” I slapped the obelisk beside me and let what little divine power I possessed empower me. My body trembled and my words gained weight. “For three days we shall accept every drop of your cum. For three days we shall clean ourselves and our begging bowls of your seed.”

I took one of the low clay bowls and laid it on the ground near the pillar. My acolytes followed behind me.

I then picked up one of the collars, a heavy thing of smooth metal and knelt. With ceremonious motions, I brought it to my neck and closed it. It encased almost my entire neck, leaving very little bending or wiggle room, like a harsh lover’s choking grip. Already, my slut holes started drooling. Two other collars clicked beside me.

Nararu chattered, curious. Tails and limbs were wiggling, as their wide lizard eyes took obvious glances of our bodies. 

I continued my self binding, clipping a big chain to the front of the collar. I then placed it on top of the obelisk, before picking up the wrist shackles. Still kneeling, I brought my arms behind my back. One wrist slipped into the shackle, then the next. A short link of chain connected the two with some slack. 

Ahh, their gazes.

Hundreds of eyes were on my naked bound body. I tested the wrist shackles and they held cruelly firm, though since they didn’t have a lock I could still open them. Lust rushed through me, flushing my slit and cheeks hot with arousal. 

I raised my voice again, channeling that divine promise I had been weaving. “Nararu, we shall bind ourselves to this stone to serve you and relieve those who wish to be relieved. And until our promise of relief is fulfilled for three days, we shall be your servants in chains.”

A pulse of golden divine power breathed through the metal around my neck. I felt the seam at the back of my neck seal shut. Our chain leashes atop the obelisk melted into the stone. Another breath of power swept through our arms and welded shut our wrist shackles.

Two hot shuddering breaths exhaled behind me.

I didn’t need to turn to know Snaps and Shadada were smoldering with the same pathetic subby lust as me. Any normal slut would sploosh love to become a helpless public cum dump to a town of cute-sexy lizard girls. 

While they were still shivering with arousal and feeling out their restraints, I made my move. I pushed the cum begging towards the towering crowd above me with my knees and spread them open, revealing a glimpse of my dripping heat to the hungry crowd. I bent my head in a bow, keeping my back arched to look as pretty and fuckable as I could.

“Please, good mistresses of Nararu, allow me to drink up your cum. Use us to relieve yourselves and dump it anywhere you like. In my mouth.” I opened my bitch hole and let my tongue loll. Keeping it open, I continued speaking. “Assh ohh puhhy oh bohy. Anywhehe huu lhike.”

The self humiliation hit my brain with a dizzy storm of subby thoughts and shame. I imagined, how pathetic I had to look, a dumb foreigner who just waltzed in, chained herself, and started begging cum like a dog. And nnnngggh, their eyes!

Those hundreds of pairs of glowing lizard eyes, all boring straight through my nude body and into my soul. I felt weak. Woozy. I begged for them to start using me already. I needed a couple of cutie tiny girldicks stepped up and began fucking my face or bent me over. 

“Please,” I begged. Drool slipped past my chin and onto my breasts. It trickled a lewd line down my belly. “Any hole, I’ll drink it all. Use us.”

“Is fine?” asked one.

“They tied themselves! Crazy!”

“Crazy horny. They had to tie themselves.”

“But it’s fine?”

“It’s fine, they asked.”

“It’s a mmmmmiracle!”



The dome of Nararu covering the trees and canopy around us shimmered. Veils of glamor fell away, revealing their naturally emerald green swirls and purple patterns. Illusions vanished on their groins, revealing that everyone had a girldick.

“E-everyone?” Shadada whimpered.

I swallowed. “It’s fine. They’re small.”

They hardened, stiffening to a length of two to three inches, then kept on growing. Thicker. Longer. Harder. Huge. Fuck, when the reveal was done we were surrounded by hundreds of hard slut breakers, big enough to make helpless little goddesses scream mercy. My slit and anus clenched in anticpiation and I licked my lips, as a subby rush dumbed my thoughts. Hot chameleon girldicks. 

I opened my mouth, aahning seductively, pleading the nearest Nararu to fill me up with my gaze. Fuck it, I didn’t care. I wanted them to break me like a toy and drown me in cum.

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